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  • Report:  #519787

Complaint Review: Las Vegas Guitars & Parts

Las Vegas Guitars & Parts brian j. bailey shoddy product, slow delivery, insulting service, overpriced nightmare Las vegas, Nevada

  • Reported By:
    acey riot — United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 05, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 18, 2011

Upon payment i expected the purchase to go smoothly like many GREAT parts shops ive used online. this purchase should have only been the exception because of the elusive nature of the part in question. an aftermarket ibanez edge style tremolo by overlord of music. Allow me to adress the brass tacks.

1.ordered by credit card: NEVER received a tracking number, or purchase confirmation, or  even a response from the "company" after calling and emailing several dozen times!
            when i called after waiting for 2 whole weeks for a simple confirmation number i NEVER got a response! in fact i thought i had the wrong number because the answering machine had a domestic "you have reached the home of..." message. eventually i recieved an email with essentially "HERE!!!!...." and a confirmation number written in it. the confirmation number said that the seller had placed the package in the mail THAT DAY! the nutty thing is that the seller sells tons of parts on ebay daily with not ONE complaint!

2 when i FINALLY recieved the part(about two days after i got the tracking number...two and a half weeks after ordering it) the right knife edge [the point where the tremolo meets the fulcrum studs] was filed in FLAT! it was supposed to be shaped like this ( > ) when i received it it was shaped like this( ] ) in fact it looked RECENT as if it was done out of animosity over my attempt to track down the item i PAID GOOD MONEY FOR! but then on further inspection i would have not been pleased with the product even without the wonton destruction. it was covered with dust the finish had been chipped off and it had wear marks everywhere....i paid for a NEW product. also notable was the screws to hold the back plate for the saddles were stripped and one was even missing. the whole shebang was packed in a double bariered ziplock baggie that looked like it was worth more than the part...also worth more than the part was the postage the price of the box and the torrential downpour of styrophome peanuts.
so you think that would have been the insult to injury part...nuh-uh!

3. i called the seller and finally got an answer...instead of "las vegas guitars" i got "h'lo?"...i checked the number before saying "hi. i ordered a part from you an overlord tremolo?" we discussed  the finer points of the peice of junk i was issued. he asked me if i bought it from the ebay page or the website. i told him i paid more for the security of the website...i should have bought from somewhere else. He offered to send me a new one. he would take pictures to show me it was in great condition and rush me it first thing in the morning. all i would havce to do is send him the old one back, naturally i was NOT under the impression that his word should be trusted so i waited....and waited....and waited.... and i gave up, figuring that i was out 80 bucks i chalked it up as a loss....until about another 2 weeks later i got a surprising delivery (fyi: it should take ONE day to send a package via standard mail from las vegas to my city, its the same desert!) i unwrapped it half expecting a severed foot... but no it was another the exact same joke, no exageration, same spots with the chips in the finish, same dust, same gunk same stripped screws all the way down to the exact same screw missing and the one most shocking detail...same filed down knife edge... this time it was more brutal it looked like someone was really going at it with a high speed drill or a plasma torch. it was a floating point F-U!...

there you go. i will be sending these back in the same box and asking for my money back expecting to have my money somehow returned to my account with a whole drilled in it! if i even get it at all. WORST SHOPPING EXPERIENCE EVER! and i used to live in Arizona!

8 Updates & Rebuttals



Here's my experience with LVPGP.

#9General Comment

Sat, June 18, 2011

I've bought bodies, tremolos, necks and assembled them with no problem in the parts sent to me. Brian has treated me well and sent me some perfectly fit gear.

I don't know what to say about your situation, it sounds strange to me, since Brian sold me some great guitar parts. The Blue guitar on the right (Neck and Body) is the one I bought from Las Vegas Professional Guitar Parts, it's a great guitar, in fact it surpassed my Jackson and Kramer bolt on guitars .... then again I've been assembling guitars for over 21 years.

Las Vegas Guitars and Parts


Can't We All Just Get Along... 10th refund offer from Vegas Guitars

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 30, 2009

  O.K. man here's the deal. I am truly sorry you hated the tremolo and a simple return would have sufficed. Yes, it took 10 days to get it, but it shouldn't take 6 weeks to return it. That's just plain dumb and hot-headed. We discussed me sending out a replacement because the edge part was messed up, so I sent out the 2nd one. I didn't just randomly send it, we talkded on the phone, remember, but whatever. Now that weeks and weeks have gone by your at crunch time. You can yell about the $39.95 tremolo being not-well made, but it's $39.95 for one and for two you are the only complaint I've had in over 100 sales. Plus the d**n satisfaction guarantee is listed in my logo on the front page of my website! Let's be honest, you never intended to send anything back cause Grandma paid for it! If not for you using her card you probably wouldn't return the items now! Either get your butt to the post office and send back the item or I'll charge your grandmas credit card for it! It's been weeks now, your vengence is complete!
 I've done over 3000 sales and have made mistakes, fixed mistakes, been ripped off, had angry unapeasable customers and had the nicest customers all over the world! I maintain an excellent feedback ratio and if I treated every person as you describe your experiance I would not have the feedback ratio I currently have. We've traded e-mails and talked on the phone, yet you only represent the once or twice you couldn't get ahold of the internet company on the phone. You complain I took 10 days to send your item and weeks later you haven't had the integrity to send it back and get a full refund. You even say hey I didn't ask for a replacement so I shouldn't have to pay for it when we discussed refunding you back the $5 return postage when we spoke about a replacement item on the phone. Your mind is wandering to creative places with your online rants when the simple fact is you could have said I want a better tremolo that the $39.95 one so I'm sending it back for a refund. You would have basically wasted 10 days trying to save a few bucks and as far a life's problems go that ain't so tough!
 SInce at this point we're just gonna keep calling eachother d*cks via e-mail lets just call a truce, you send back the "shoddy $39.95 tremolo" and I'll refund your Grandma and were done.
 I would have happily done the same weeks ago without any name-calling or harsh words, as my 3000 positive transactions will attest to... you have until the end of the week to send me tracking and I expect the item to be returned in as-sent condition. Failure to meet those two requirments will result in me charging the credit card for the unreturned item and grandma can fight with the credit card companies (who will require you to provide a tracking number for a return before sending you back any money... and that process takes about 10 phone calls and 3 months... so let's not put grandma thru that just because we're mad at eachother) Send it back tomorrow and have a refund and this behind you in less that 5 days from todays date, we can agree to disagree and move on with our lives!
Thanks - Brian

Las Vegas Guitars and Parts


My earned 9 year feedback ratio as a Powerseller on eBay is 98.2%

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 30, 2009

I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, you called me and asked for a replacement and we discussed the return. This long-winded complaint is also getting pretty colorful and creative... by the end of all of this I will have sunk the Titanic, and sold you a bad used car too! Instead of wasting your time why don't you take your butt to the post office, send the items back and get a refund like you could have done 6 weeks ago. I have always offered a refund if you send the item back, but your busy blogging and 6 weeks later I have a bible sized online complaint, and you still haven't simply sent back the item!?! I sold over 100 of these tremolos and your the only complaint... please view my 3000 positive feedbacks on eBay if you want the REAL STORY!!!

Las Vegas Guitars and Parts


I stand by my polite and direct letter! This guy is toooo much :)

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 30, 2009

So when I politely try to evaluate the situation and request my return 6 weeks later this guys repsonse is shoddy product is shoddy product. Well a 100% satisfaction guarantee is also a 100% satisfaction guarantee and a $39.95 tremolo is a $39.95 tremolo too! A thief is also a thief and just because your pissed it took 10 days to receive the item doesn't mean you can take over 6 WEEKS to return it. Fn man-child here!

Las Vegas Guitars and Parts


I think I must have killed his dog too!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 30, 2009

Dude I took 10 days to get you an item via the internet... touche'... and you have had the item you were supposed to return now for over 6 weeks... gimme a break! You can send anything back to me for a 100% satisfaction guatanree and you chose to keep both items and bash me online instead of simply saying the item wasn't up to my standard (the $39.95 tremolo) and I'd like a return. This nonscense with all the online complaints is laughable at this point. What are you a 26 year old man still living with your grandmother! Send the item back for a refund and get on with your life buddy... please!

acey riot

United States of America


#9Author of original report

Mon, November 30, 2009

i forgot a few things

brian said:

'i will send you photos of the product before i send it out to see if it meets your approval'
10 days after that tracking number...nothing...

but then a package arrived...same issues with the part!

i didnt approve anything!!! i didnt give him permission to just SEND me a replacement part on good faith.

i expected something to make up for the thrown together mess i got, not another thrown together mess

perhaps its not brians fault the part was a peice of crap but he was SUPPOSED TO MAKE SURE I WAS OK WITH THE PARTS HE SENT ME BEFORE SENDING THEM. otherwise he could have just offered me my money back! and that is his fault!

the way i see it he sent me another pile of crap to add insult to injury, or he doesnt respect his non-ebay customers enough to follow through with instructions HE LAID OUT FOR HIMSELF! of course i could be wrong he could disrespect his ebay customers just the same but that is a matter of opinion im sure photos, no tracking number

i am NOT responsible for the mailing of a part that I DIDNT ASK HIM TO MAIL!

acey riot

United States of America

how convenient!

#9Author of original report

Mon, November 30, 2009

it seems this is the fastest response i could get from the company...and they STILL didnt reply to ME!

heres what brian wrote to my girlfriend who i SHARE the ACCOUNT with:

It has come to our attention that an item purchased by Mr. Riot using your credit card has not been returned. We sent out two items, one as a replacement and the original item was never sent back. It appears Acey has taken a lot of time bashing this transaction on the net and insulting our company. I understand there may be a few instances that customers end up hating us for whatever reason, but my x9 year averaged  98.2% feedback and Powerseller rating help us sort out the confusion. What I will not stand for is a bashing of my company when all a customer has to do is return an item for a full refund. Since we have sent out the original item, and a replacement without receiving any return, as well as receiving an online bashing, I feel it is only fair to ask for the original item to be returned. If not I will charge the credit card on file for both items sent out!  In the 1000's of transactions I do I make mistakes, I have customers buy things they don't understand and I get a few hot-heads that can not be satisfied... I do not wish to pass judgement as to why this transaction ended up being one of the very few bad ones, but you can't keep merchandise that is not paid for reguardless of how you may feel about the transaction. Please inform Acey a return is expected within 14 days or the credit card will be charges for the unreturned item. I will gladly accept a tracking number as proof the return is one the way...

Thank you for your time -
Brian  702-647-5343

I am not pleased at the tone of this letter because a shoddy product is a shoddy product, and poor service is poor service
and a denial....has to be backed up with a meaningful claim...i showed picture proof!
 what did brian show?...his eBay rating? 98.2% that means that if over the course of 9 years if brian sold 1000 parts a year...162 people would have been pissed and had the balls to REPORT being pissed....but thats only for EBAY!!!! i bought it from his WEBSITE! where the only people that can call you out on it the BBB!

 so now im going to explain my part in this:

number one: he charged me 60 dollars(yes not forty, but SIXTY)...for a part not worth 5 dollars! without a knife edge on the fulcrum points its an ugly paperweight! if it cost forty i still would have been 'fired-up' but it took WAY too long to get here in its shoddy condition (read:"new") it took 10 days to get him ON THE PHONE not to get my part!!

it doesnt take 10 days to send something priority mail from las vegas IT DOESNT EVEN TAKE 10 DAYS TO WALK TO LAS VEGAS!

since brian decided to take his-sweet a*s time sending me out ANOTHER messed up replacement i decided to take my sweet a*s time returning them...tell you what buddy you better not try to touch that debit card  unless you're providing return postage price! or i will call fraud on your a*s! there are laws against doing that without the purchasers permission. we havent settled this yet so unless you want lvpd knocking down your door...back the f off!

so here is the deal as all of you can see brian decided to contact NOT ME only after he read about his half-assed service on the internet being bashed!

Sorry brian but it doesnt take an ebay whiz to realize that you ripped me off...and you just shot yourself in the foot trying to stand up for it instead of owning up to it like a man.

Las Vegas Guitars and Parts

United States of America

Las Vegas Guitars and Parts eBay Powerseller for years!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 29, 2009

 This is a complete pile of B.S. I can begin to cover every point in this bible sized complaint... but here's an overview...

  Original part took about 10 business days to arrive. Customer (really fired up) wanted a replacement (tremolo cost $39.95) I do not believe this customer understood what he purchased and an original Ibanez Edge tremolo is about $200 retail cost... but none-the-less I have sold 100 of these $39.95 tremolos with this single complaint.

 My Powersellers eBay feedback:  98.2% currently after x9 years of business

 The customer received the 2nd tremolo (without sending back the 1st one) a handful of days after requesting a replacement and I never heard anything more about it. I also NEVER received a return of the original tremolo, so the guy who was a victim of theft here was actually me. In good faith I sent a replacement!!!

 I have a lot of business competition and since this customer doesn't state any contact information it is my belief that he is a compeditor that purchased the cheapest item he could find to harrass my business online. The fact that he also kept the original AND replacement parts probably means he resold both at a profit!

 I am a Powerseller and I have been in continued business on eBay since 2001. My feedback reputation is a 9 year averaged 98.2%

 If looking for great guitar parts, incredible prices and reviews from 1000's of happy customers please visit

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