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  • Report:  #1433539

Complaint Review: Lashly & Baer

Lashly & Baer Matthew McBride of Lashly & Baer Abused the legal process to harass me into bankruptcy because I wrote a Rip Off Report on his Friend and a Bar complaint against him St Louis Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Patrick Branson — Saint Louis Missouri United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 10, 2018
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 08, 2018

I am writing this in regards to attorney and Board Member Matthew McBride and his involvement with Bill Streeter and the 2016 LoFi Cherokee Event where I was screwed out of over 400 hours of professional labor making a nearly finished feature film, my 2nd music documentary after my first one was Nominated for an International Award, is licensed in multiple foreign tv networks and in dozens of Universities. There is already a Rip Off Report written on Bill Streeter.

I was sent to McBride after I was forced to write a Rip Off Report on Bill Streeter when he refused multiple times to resolve the situation. During our conversation, which I recorded, Matthew was overly harassing. He acted in a manner as if he were trying to scare me away or something. It seemed very shady, so I published the conversations and wrote a bar complaint, which I sent to a Mr Arnold, I believe, as well as the President of the firm. Mr Arnold responded and told me that Matthew would handle this how he sees fit

Several weeks later, a guy that had already been documented with the Police as harassing my wife, and who had a frivolous libel suit against me for an honest Google review that he was Pro Se on, presumably because no one would say the verifiable truth is libel in court. So he tells me that Matthew is now representing him. They didn't know each other before finding this guy on Case Net. Bill Streeter sent me an email previously telling me they were going to "share information" with the guy. I asked Mr McBride to advise his client to stop harassing me. He told me he would decide the manner in which he advises his client. During trial, I had an attorney (whom I would not recommend) and McBride tries to get ME sanctioned for the legally recorded conversations of him that I had posted and had already been taken down from YouTube at this point along with an email I sent to the President of this Firm warning him, as I had done in previous emails, of Matthew McBride's shady dealings. The legally recorded conversations that I owned the copyrights to happened BEFORE McBride even knew the client whose case he was trying to get me sanctioned on! I saw what was happening and because my wife had just started our now successful Massage studio and I felt my attorney had already wasted my money, I couldn't play that game so I was forced to file Bankruptcy. Almost right after I filed, McBride's client, who he was still representing and had an open case with because our case hadn't been dismissed, starts harassing my wife and our business again. My wife had to get an Ex Parte Order of Protection against this guy because he continued harassing us to the point that a judge thought he was an immediate threat.

This entire situation cost me and my family dearly and all I ever did was make a really good feature film honoring an event and it's host who told me after I was almost finished that he didn't consider our agreement real. Over 400 hours of professional labor.

I had sent numerous emails to several partners of this firm warning them of Matthews unethical behavior and the only response I got was that "Matthew would handle this how he sees fit".  The next thing I know he is representing this guy who we had already been to the police for harassment once. I would never allow someone that represents my Professional company to be involved in something like this!

The papers that Matthew McBride handed to my attorney to try and get me sanctioned Violated either Rule 4-4.4 or 4-4.1 for Misrepresentation because he used evidence from an unrelated matter involving a potential act of DECEIT and Rip Off Report that is dated prior to him knowing the client!

This review is my 1st amendment right. People have the right to know when attorneys are violating people's rights and abusing the legal system!

Now that this review is Public and because I sent the PROOF of Matthew's blatant violation of the rules to the President, Kenneth Brostron, it is a violation of the same rules for them NOT to report Matthew themselves.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Saint Louis,
United States

Phone Hack Death Threats

#5Author of original report

Fri, June 08, 2018

Shortly after my last update on this Rip Off Report, someone hacked my phone so that when I open my facebook I see my name with a gun target around it.  My wife and I have no other enemies. We own a popular massage studio. This hack threat has happened twice now. I have captured pictures of it both times and have it side by side next to a picture of what it is supposed to look like without a gun target painted around it. I am 100% certain that it is related to this Rip Off Report. I am most certainly not afraid of any death threats. Especially since nothing happened the first time they did it.  This isn't the only hack that I have received since writing these 2 Rip Off Reports either. Someone, for some odd reason, hacked my favorites playlist on youtube and changed teh OG title to say MGA Paborito. I did a facebook scrub to verify. It is supposed to say "Favorites" and instead it showed "MGA Paborito". I did a search for MGA Paborito on Youtube and found this 6 song playlist that references the "Inner Circle" (Cherokee) and also "Statue" since I am making a feature-length film on a famous sculptor. The other songs in the playlist could be interpreted as a threat. This immature and rather amateur hack was used on my youtube favorites playlist because I use it often to communicate. The OG Title was hacked once and I captured it and reported it to youtube. They changed it back. Then the Rip Off Report was made on Matthew McBride and someone hacked the youtube playlist again. Coincidence. I don't think so. I also don't think the gun target is either. But now I have evidence of 2 hacks that were directed towards me that are related in some way to these 2 Rip Off Reports and both which can be interpreted as threats to commit acts of harm towards me or my family. Lashly & Baer is supposed to be a "Professional Corporation". They won't respond to me or to this report but someone is hiding behind a computer making death threats and I promise, No One Is Scared.


Saint Louis,
United States

No Response from Lashly & Baer

#5Author of original report

Wed, April 25, 2018

I have still yet to receive any type of response from Matthew McBride or anyone at Lashly & Baer. Since he refuses to be responsible for his actions, I feel it is necessary to prove the extent of his lies so I am adding a copy of his amended petition in the Creative Video case which blatantly lies about some net thirty agreement that does not and has never existed. This is a blatant lie and if it is not, then I ask that he provide proof of this net 30 agreement. Matthew McBride maliciously picked up this case and change the petition from a claim of libel in regards to an honest google review to this nonsense about some fake net 30 agreement. I had no net 30 or any other agreement with Bob Anders other than he was supposed to pay me. He refused to pay me in a written email before I contacted his client for payment. 

McBride's amended petition states that I did not have the right to contact the client regarding the footage I had not been paid for. He uses this mysterious, nonexistent and FAKE net 30 agreement as the reason I didn't have the right to contact his client. According to copyright law, which it is very clear Matthew McBride knows nothing about, THE CONTENT CREATOR IS THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER UNLE3SS THERE IS A CONTRACT STATING OTHERWISE, AND SINCE I WAS NOT PAID AND BOB REFUSED TO PAY IN WRITING, HE BREACHED OUR AGREEMENT, giving HIM no rights to the footage I shot and giving me every right to contact his client for payment if they wanted to use what I shot. McBride's petition says "11. Branson had no right to assert the B-roll and second angle shots from the video production." This statement alone proves how little Matthew McBride knows about copyright law. 

If Matthew McBride cannot provide this make-believe net thirty agreement, then he is a liar, ON PAPER, ON A COURT DOCUMENT, and that is ANOTHER RULE VIOLATION.

I am also attaching a sexually harassing email from Matthew's client Bob Anders, which was sent to me directly before I asked McBride to have his client stop harassing us. This is not just harassment, this is straight sexual harassment referencing homosexual acts being filmed and our massage studio. Matthew should be very grateful that my attorney was terrible. If this would have come out in court HE would have been sanctioned. I say bring it Matthew. I will gladly accept a summons form you.


Saint Louis,
United States

Investigative Update

#5Author of original report

Sun, March 11, 2018

On 3/13 I sent an email to the newly appointed President of Lashly & Baer, Lisa O. Stump introducing myself and asking for a non-harassing and non-threatening reply, because the only contacts I have ever had from Lashly & Baer have been overly harassing. I did get one reply from John Fox Arnold after I sent him the 1st Bar Complaint prior to Matthew joining the Creative Video case. He replied to me on 12/16/2018, prior to my update of the Bar Complaint and prior to Matthew McBride printing out the conversations which he would try and use against me in the Creative Video matter. Mr Arnold's reply was that "This will acknowledge receipt of your recent emails.  I have spoken about this matter with Mr. McBride.  Mr. McBride will undertake such action as he deems appropriate under the circumstances. " I will try and attach a picture of that email but I have been having trouble with some of my photos getting attached properly. 

I also have photo evidence that Lashly & Baer has been Misrepresenting their firm as having active members of the Commercial Law League of America. They have since changed their website to say their attorneys "have been" members after I tagged the CLLA in a post and they informed me that no attorneys from Lashly & Baer are members of the CLLA. I confirmed this via a member search on their website. I have no idea when they last had an attorney that was an active member or if they have ever had an active member but as of 3/14/2018 it said 'our business organizations attorneys ARE ACTIVE MEMBERS of the following' with the CLLA listed but having no attorneys that were active. I don't work for the CLLA but I have worked for a CLLA certified collection agency and I have an associate who owns a company that has an active member of the Commercial Law League of America and I know how difficult it is to maintain membership.  I also know that membership of this prestigious organization implies a certain level of Professionalism and Ethics that I have definitely not seen. 

Lashly & Baer (formerly( misrepresenting themselves as having active members of the CLLA is not directly relevant to this case, but since an attorney from Lashly & Baer Misrepresented Evidence in a courtroom, it seems to be representative of a pattern of deception. 

I sent another email to every single attorney at the firm of Lashly & Baer on 3/16 because I feel that they all have a right to know how their firm is being represented by their fellow attorney and how it is currently being represented online. I have yet to get any response from Lashly & Baer or any of its representatives.


Saint Louis,
United States

Photo Evidence

#5Author of original report

Sat, March 10, 2018

One picture shows Bill Streeter on a trip to Cuba with Matthew McBride. The other photo is the email where Bill tells me he is going to "share information" with Bob Anders, the guy who had been harassing my wife and was trying to sue me pro se for an honest google review.  Matthew McBride Amended the petition with LIES because there was no libel in the google review that was online.

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