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  • Report:  #1107750

Complaint Review: Launch Leads -- Brandt Page

Launch Leads -- Brandt Page Don Markland Tom Quinn Cheap, Crooked, PISS-POOR management.. "paid by performance" Who is? Not the workers.. Oh yea.. Brandt.. Taylorsville Utah

  • Reported By:
    Tell it like it is — Taylorsville Utah
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 17, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 17, 2013

Launch Leads was founded close to 5 years ago by Brandt Page. When you first walk in as a new employee you are promised a raise after 90 days and if you perform well you will get rewarded($). I have now worked for Launch over 90 days and was the top performer for a number of weeks. Not only did I not recieve a raise I was never rewarded for any of my great success for the company.

When myself and other employees complained about the raises and the lack of "bonus" strucker to be put in place as promised; what did management do? They told the employees to be patient because the company was "under-water". Later that week they brought on a new manager to help with "training" and "make Launch better". Then they started letting people go for "causing a riot" about the raises that ever happened. 

Little does Launch know, an employee came acrossed this new managers pay stub and he was making upwards $60,000 a year. If Launch is too underwater to not give the top performers there promised raises, how on earth can you hire a new manager? Not only has this new manager not done a thing for training (or anything for that matter) he is very unperfessional and uses words like "gay, retarted, and b***h, then tells the girls to get back in the kitchen". But he has nothing to worry about because he is best friends with another manger that praises him to the CEO.

If you get on Launches Web-Site you will see a little sign that reads "Pay By Preformance". That is the biggest lie! The only one that is getting paid is Brandt aka the arm chair CEO. The CEO that thinks owning a company means going out of town on trips for vacation and playing the "good guy" when employees are mad. No Brandt you ARE the bad guy, like it or not YOU are the one ripping people off. Firing employees less then a week before Christmas with no warning, that fits the bill of a great guy, right? 


Speaking about our "oh so wonderful" CEO.. Wait.. We have a CEO many ask? Oh yes, with the total of 10 employees that work for Launch our CEO is never "needed" in the office.. Don't worry little people, he only listens to the two horrible managers (if you want to call them managers) and tells them to do whatever they think is best. The managers, think it is okay to threaten to fire us on a daily bases, tells the employee's personal information about other employees, and then fires employee's in front of the whole staff. This is one of the most hostle work enviorments I have ever worked in. 

My favorite thing about working for Launch was the day Brandt face timed the staff while he was in Florida just chilling in the sun with a ball cap. He was trying to get us motivated and to keep up the good work on a slow Monday. I don't know about you, but someone skyping me at work while they're soaking up the sun on vacation is the best way to "pump me up" at job I hate going to everyday! Thanks Brandt! 

Okay, I'll cut to the chase. This company is horrible to work for and is very crooked. When they let you go they try to convince you that "you're leaving" not that they're letting you go. Brandt will find everyway he can to not pay unemployment. They have had close to 300 employees in the last 4 years.. AND they refuse to hire with in. Every 3 months they have almost a whole new staff (including managment in some cases) because so many people quit, get fired/layed off, or stop showing up. They keep on average 6 people employeed at a time and thats guessing high. 

In other words, pick a new comapny. The companies who hire Launch for the "B2B" hardly ever get out of the "pilot phase" which in other words is a "trial" because Launch either doesn't meet the expected quota or the company catches wind of the unprofessionalizm. 

Just last week and employee recieved an email from Brandt asking to do some work off the clock to help better the company... ARE YOU KIDDING!!? I wouldn't even do it ON THE CLOCK at this point. Long story short, idiots shouldn't be trying to run a company. Thats exactly whats happening. Don't do business with them whats so ever, even if its painting the walls because you'll get ripped off some how, trust me. 

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