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  • Report:  #541158



  • Reported By:
    blue — fort lauderdale Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 17, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 07, 2012
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Cassandra M. Riguad does not esist, so how can the foreclosure complaints filed by this nonperson be legal?

the bar number she uses belongs to Cassandra Racine Rigaud Florida Bar number 0450065.

this is how she does it. she is allowed to file foreclosure complaints as cassandra m rigaud she signs the complaint with a different signature from cassandra racine rigaud yet the bar number belongs to cassandra racine rigaud,

 the florida bar has no record of a cassandra m rigaud. she is allowed to appear via phone so you have no idea who is on the phone or where cassandra racine rigaud is. why do the laws in florida allow this to happen.

what are we going to do about this firm that is a foreclosure mecca why does the FBI allow this fraud to continue. why is the law firm of david j stern  still in businness in florida and they are allowed to write their own title when in most cases the title is not even valid.

17 Updates & Rebuttals


ft lauderdale,


#18Consumer Comment

Sat, January 07, 2012

Havent heard this much BS since Jersey shores,  you have to remember we are not the bad guys here we are the victums of these goons. I have been on this site long before any of you started fighting,there was a group of us band together and fighting , most of them lost, i was lucky and was able to win a small victory against them.

What needs to be done here is go after the attorneys that were with the Stern group, it seems they have all fled and are working with other firms, you can find them at the fla bar site. I suggest that you contact their new bosses and tell them that these people once worked for the worst firm in the state and unless they fire them they will be posted on this site so that others know what kind of scum they are and have in their employ, also start send letters to the bar asking why they are still allowed to practice in fla?????. I am posting some ot the dirt bags that i had delt with and where they are now, oh and check out  BILL WARNER PVI as to the updates on the stern case in tampa where he was fined 25 million.

Cassandra R Riguad         id450065
3800 s ocean dr ste 235
hollywood fla 330192930

(sterns right hand)
Michelle Mason              id864773
po box 5547
sarasota fla 342775547
(if you ever meet this woman, she is the fattest,uglies thing you will ever see, it must go with what she does, she makes jabba the hut look good)

Marie D Campbell         id543357
4919 memorial hwy ste 200
tampa fla 336347500

David J Stern    id911054
950 s pine isl rd
plantation fla 33324


Lake Mary,

Invitation to Srern Employees

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, November 04, 2010

Seeking ex employees of Stern as government protected whistle blowers Plantation, Florida.

 We are seeking employees of Stern, familiar with the fraudulent undertakings of this law firm in the fabrication of in house documents for the purpsoe of illegally obtaining the courts jurisdiction in the prosecuting of fraudulent foreclosure actions. To avoid rebotic censorhip our contact information has been coded:

Contact us at president at(((Redacted))) our organization the 3 w's followed by. (((Redacted)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Lake Mary,

To any and all Potential David J Stern Whistle blowers...

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2010

Many in David J Stern Foreclosure Mill are very aware of our work. If you are currently an employee of Stern, and your concience is keeping you up at night, another thing that just may keep you up at night is the fact, unless you do something quick, very soon you may end up being arrested as being part of a criminal conspiracy and massive scheme to defraud that takes place behind the walls of this "law practice"

Contact us now while you still can, we will make sure that your information reaches the right investigators in law enforcement and that you are provided safety as a government witness. The email below is given in sections to avoid screening and censoring by the robots.

contact us at: president @ americansunitedforjustice dot org

For upholding the law.

United States of America

She must feel guilty!

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, May 11, 2010

Cassandra M Riguad must feel some sort or wrongdoing. I have just returned from my local courthouse to find the she has just re-filed the Certification Compliance with Foreclosure proceedures affridavit, this time as Cassandra Racine Riguad. I guess she feels some wrongdoing or maybe she feels guilty of something.

What do you think Tim??????????

And by the way Tim we are now not just taking of a middle initial but completely different signatures.

The LP was signed by Cassandra M. Riguad and so was the previous Cert. Compliance.

Again, why????

I assume an LP signed by a person that does not exist is void???????



Grand Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Tue, April 13, 2010

"Another twist is that they have been reported as using a process known as: PHOTO SHOP to paste a name/signature whenever they feel like it = FRAUD???"

Yes! THAT is fraud!

Now, what is being done within the legal system to address this? Fraud upon the court is a virtual slam dunk, allowing for judgments to be reversed fairly easily, as long as it can be proven to some degree. It could also serve as a fast track to disbarment of the attorneys involved.

Those aggrieved by these activities should file motions to set aside their judgments pursuant to the relevant court rules and procedures. A relatively easy task, but virtually impossible without a lawyer.

If, during the course of deciding the motion, the court finds that the plaintiff's attorneys engaged in fraud, the defendants should use this finding as a basis for a complaint to the state bar.

Best of luck!

Justice Recorders

Fort Justice,

Ex-Employees of Mr. Stern felt swindled & want to TELL...

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, April 11, 2010

Listen up all! Ex-Employees felt swindled by Mr. Stern & want to TELL.....

Some of the lawyers committing FRAUD are just the beginning of their schemes! Their latest scheme is some of the "ALLEGED WITNESS NAMES/LSO" on their documents. We were in total shock upon discovery! Why are they getting away with so much FRAUD? Some of the alleged names are: Eric Tate, P.U. Sucker, Margie Kwiatanowski, Cheryl Samons, Harry Innocent, Carmela LaGile, Iam Brute, Roger Stotts, & too many others to list!

Another twist is that they have been reported as using a process known as: PHOTO SHOP to paste a name/signature whenever they feel like it = FRAUD???

They have been previously reported as working together with: Marshall Watson, Deutsche Bank, Us Bank, Florida Default Law Group, JP Morgan, GMAC Mortgage, Rothman & Tobin, IndyMacBank...

Imagine all of those others & still have to report to Mr. Stern??? Who has control??? Is that why they claim he has earned the title of Puppet Master??? Who is this man, Mr. Stern, who gets so much attention???

We pray for all victims of FRAUD whether they are Victimized by Mr. Stern, or any of the lawyers ordered to report to him, but why do they report to him? We hope you get results.


United States of America

Questions for Tim

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, April 02, 2010


We have a question for you...on Jan. 20, 2010 you stated in paragraph #8 that you gain satisfaction from your bankruptcy practice and work very hard to prevent foreclosures.

On April 1, 2010  Question #3 you stated that you advise other attorneys, and say you do not represent individuals.

We are confused, do you represent consumers or businesses?

What is your story? Are you judge, lawyer, jury?  We want to know.

Why are you getting so defensive about the discussions on this site?

If you are feeling "picked on" why are you still here?

We find this very strange.



Grand Haven,

More allegations, still no facts

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, April 01, 2010

Why are we running around in circles here? I stated my position quite clearly in my previous rebuttal, as well as in the ones before that. As you may recall, I stated that I I "do not have a dog in this fight." And what I have levied so far can hardly be characterized as a "tirade."

I asked for SPECIFIC examples of something that would constitute fraud, which generally encompasses the obtaining of goods or services under false pretenses, but can certainly include the mis-use of the judicial system to achieve an illegal foreclosure or benefit therefrom (this is technically called a "fraud upon the court").

Whether I am an attorney is beside the point because, by posting these rebuttals, I am not acting as an attorney. But, since you're curious, yes I am. Hence my curiosity.

But without any specific allegations, it seems like what I'm dealing with is a group of people who think that, so long as they write "fraud" in big letters enough times, the rest of us will simply accept the allegation as fact.

So again: what is the F R A U D?

Now on to the questions posed in your latest rebuttal:

1) Tim: Which law firm do you work for, is it: Marshall Watson? Mr. Stern's? Florida Default Law Group or who???

ANSWER: I am a "contingent attorney." I am contracted by multiple small firms in the West Michigan area to consult in the area of debtor's rights and remedies. Ironically, a big part of my practice involves helping people avoid foreclosures.

2) Our group had another group discussion about your tirades...

COMMENT: It's nice to hear that my work is gaining such notoriety! But your characterization of a civil questioning of your statements as a "tirade" only speaks to the unreasonable nature of your position. Why attack me with insults when you could actually refute my statements?

3) we hope & pray that you are NOT practicing Law without a license but perhaps you may be a lawyer in disguise on this site!

COMMENT: I am not practicing law without a license. In fact, what I do is not even considered the practice of law. I advise other attorneys, I don't represent individuals. And I am not a "lawyer in disguise." In fact, I make several references in many of my postings here to the fact that I am a lawyer.

4) We are well aware this site & at least two of the other five sites are being read by the others (some foreclosure mills)! So if they are not in the wrong why not say so?

COMMENT: Good question. Why the hell am I doing the dirty work for lawyers I've never met? I do it out of academic interest and for the entertainment value. In other words, this is fun for me.

But the answer, as far as I can tell, is that lawyers, as a rule, like to say as little as possible when they or their client is under attack. It's akin to the "anything you say can be used against you" phrase. So as long as you're not affecting their bottom line, they aren't likely to refute your claims. If you look through the categories on this site that encompass attorneys, you'll see that lawyers generally don't personally respond to complaints against them.

5) Tim, are you trying to protect them? Or are you just trying to practice law yourself (if you are not a lawyer)?

No, I'm not trying to protect them per se. I AM trying to protect them if your complaints amount to nothing more than mere allegations by consumers who are unhappy with the outcome of a perfectly legal scenario. But my primary purpose, as I've stated several times, is to get YOU to tell us what the basis is for your allegations of fraud. And nothing about that consitutes the practice of law in the first place, so I'm confused as to why you keep bringing up the "is he or isn't he a lawyer" lines.

So, again, give us an example or two!

Justice Recorders

Fort Justice,

Red Flag to: TIM

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, March 29, 2010

Tim: Which law firm do you work for, is it: Marshall Watson? Mr. Stern's? Florida Default Law Group or who??? Our group had another group discussion about your tirades... we hope & pray that you are NOT practicing Law without a license but perhaps you may be a lawyer in disguise on this site! We welcome all foreclosure mills to read any reports on here & the other five sites that report strange info from public records...If these foreclosure mills are not committing F R A U D then they should stand up & defend themselves to all. We are well aware this site & at least two of the other five sites are being read by the others (some foreclosure mills)! So if they are not in the wrong why not say so?

Tim, are you trying to protect them? Or are you just trying to practice law yourself (if you are not a lawyer)?

We pray for all Victims of F R A U D!!! Anybody can read the public records...Anybody can get FREE Consultations from lawyers  

Tim, where do you stand?????


Grand Haven,

Just looking for some more specifics!

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, March 26, 2010

Still, all I see are general allegations of fraud, but no specifics as to how anybody has been defrauded. I'm not on anybody's side here. In fact, if there is fraud going on, I would sure like to hear what it is. It isn't benefitting consumers to simply tell them that these people are acting fraudulently, without telling us what it is that they are doing and what we should be on the watch for.

Also, an "attorney in fact" is different from an "attorney at law" and is not necessarily a lawyer. For example, if you have a family member's "power of attorney," you are their attorney in fact, regardless of whether you are actually a lawyer. The difference between the term "attorney" and the term "lawyer" is that an attorney is someone's legal representative, while a lawyer is someone who is trained in the law.

However, most (if not all) states require that a business entity use an actual lawyer for legal issues, so the use of an "attorney in fact," even if it's the business owner, probably violates court rules.

No need for hostility here, I'm just confused as to what the fraud is. All I can glean from the report and rebuttals is that someone may be engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. If there's more to it, fill us in!

Best regards!   

Justice Recorders

Fort Justice,

"Pretender=Tim/Where's the beef?=Hoopla

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, March 23, 2010

Our group would like to address: Tim: Of: "Where's the beef?" You are in the dark! Our group has already looked over one thousand six hundred and thirteen documents, 1,613 documents (examined by: the appropriate counsel) and have discovered through (legal counsel interpretation) that there is: "Tremendous Fraud" in these documents. We would also like to highlight that: Mr. Thomas E. Ice of Ice Legal, PA is one of the BEST Attorneys in the country (located in West Palm Beach, Florida). Such areas of admited and committed FRAUD elements in Public Records have already been documented repeatedly are: Cheryl Samons, Roger Stotts, Dennis Kirkpatrick, fooling the Homeowners, the Property Appraiser's Office for property records, these examples are "Posing as: "Attorney In Fact"...when they are NOT Attorneys at all! If any of us were to sign a name as an Attorney the law would order prison and throw away the Keys. But if you work for Law Offices of David J. Stern who CONDONES his long time employees (14 years plus) to pose as and sign as Attorney In Fact, = F R A U D ??? (No Bar ID numbers here).

   There are others in the mix, accused of F R A U D, such as: Marshall Watson law firm, Default Law Group (law firm, closely associated with Mr. Stern), Rothman and Tobin (law firm closely associated with Mr. Stern/Ellen Patterson), Indy Mac, GMAC Mortgage, LLC, Duestche Bank, and others...

   Our group, is adventurous and strong to EXPOSE the F R A U D. We are gearing up for a action to be taken, we want to excercise our voices, we want a: CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT against MR. STERN....   Mr. Thomas E. Ice of Ice Legal, PA are you listening, we know how busy you are...??? We are grateful, for what you have done to EXPOSE:  F R A U D & more....... Thank you very much!


Grand Haven,

Where's the beef?

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, March 22, 2010

Where exactly is the "fraud" here? There is NO allegation of fraud in the report. All I see is an indirectly levied accusation that someone is engaging in the unauthorized practice of law. And this is based SOLELY on a suspicious middle initial!

All I see is someone who is upset over a foreclosure. This is certainly understandable. But I haven't seen a single statement of substance amounting to any kind of fraud.

So this whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me. Was a foreclosure action taken when it wasn't allowed for under the law? That wouldn't even be a fraud per se, but it would at least be the basis for a complaint with some substance.

All I see here is nonsense and generalized accusations, seemingly with no basis.

Justice Recorders

Fort Justice,

How dare you assume anybody guilty...

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, March 18, 2010

We pray for all "VICTIMS" (translation = Innocent until proven guilty), therefore, Identify yourself, you are a disgrace when you taunt others "Assuming their guilt", how dare you! "Fraud" happens whether it is barely noticed or greatly noticed. If anybody in our circle, did that as "laymen" any one of us could be punished by the Courts. Attorneys are: "Officers of the Courts", therefore they should be following the letter of the law but choose NOT to do so when they are engaging in activities of "FRAUD." How dare they! We do accept you have a right to your opinion but "FRAUD" is so rampant now, especially by the "Law Offices of Mr. David J. Stern", Marshall Watson and Default Law Group, plus more... Why are you verbally attacking the Victim of such terrible Fraud? You should be ashamed of yourself. Look up 4closureFraud website, look up Livinglies website, look up, Defense Counsel, Icelegal, Inc., look up, Defense Counsel, April Chaney, look up, Defense counsel, James Kowalski, look up defense counsel, Carol Asbury all exposing "FRAUD Upon the Court"...

Stand up for all Victims and may God bless them with courage to fight!


Grand Haven,

You got me . . .

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2010

Aw crap, you figured me out. I knew the day would come when someone would finally realize that I am, in fact, a judge in Florida, and not the struggling, upstart Michigan attorney I pretend to be.

I was planning on spending my day relaxing on my veranda overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, sipping away at margaritas. But now you have aroused this guilt, this feeling that I may have forgotten those hours spent in legal ethics courses. And now I wonder whether it's actually ok for me to accept all this "hush money" from phoney foreclosure attorneys who use fabricated middle initials, such as "M," to perpetrate their frauds.

I am sure, now, that my judicial career is destroyed. But I must make a substantial living, lest I face foreclosure from someone with a middle initial such as "L."

I propose that you and I collaborate on a "Grisham" style novel. We will have to change the state from Florida to Mississippi, of course. We could base a character on myself, a lowly district court judge who recognizes that an attorney who is willing to assume a new middle initial, such as "R," can collude with a corrupt, newly elected (thanks to millions of dollars of financial contributions from mortgage lenders) appeals court judge and strike it rich.

Please begin work on finding me an etremely attractive, redheaded law student (or journalist) who is, at least, twenty years younger than myself (meaning that she should be 13 at most). Of course, I'm envisioning a young Julia Roberts type in a J.V. cheerleader uniform.

Ok, back to reality, and I understand that certain portions of my previous diatribe are distasteful to say the least.

I stated that you were grasping at straws per the middle initial switch, and you in turn stated that I was grasping at straws for stating that such was a miniscule detail with no effect on your matter.

I completely understand: foreclosure STINKS. That's one of the reasons why I gain satisfaction from my BANKRUPTCY practice. I work very hard to PREVENT foreclosures. I love nothing more than sticking it to "the man."

But the underlying issues were not addressed in your rebuttal: were you eligible for foreclosure per your mortgage agreement? Aside from the "initial" issue, were there any other legal issues with the procedure of your foreclosure?

If not, and I won't be offended if you choose to shoot the messenger again, you have no case. A HUGE portion of the law is the separation of issues. Whether this attorney (or faux-attorney) used the wrong middle initial is one thing, a rather minor thing at that (most likely). Whether the foreclosure complied with the law is a completely separate issue.

I guess that's all I have. Best regards, and I hope things have improved for you.   


fort lauderdale,
United States of America

the different middle initial IS a BIG DEAL it's called fraud!

#18Author of original report

Tue, December 29, 2009

you must be a currupt florida judge or attorney. i did not stutter. you cannot use any other name other than the name listed with the florida bar, so yeah, the different middle initial is a big deal. you are grasping at straws! and don't be so quick to paint everyone with that broad foreclosure brush.


Grand Haven,

You're griping about a middle initial?

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, December 25, 2009

So, if I understand this correctly, the "ripoff" here is that the middle initial in the attorney's signature doesn't match with the name of the attorney of record, or the attorney on the rolls in Florida?

It's not even worth my time to speculate as to the many valid reasons why this could occur (i.e. use of a middle initial denoting a maiden name).

Was your home eligible for foreclosure? Did the bank decide to foreclose? Aside from this fiasco over the initial, was there any other problem with the legality of the foreclosure?

If not, you are most certainly grasping at straws. Foreclosures are, for sure, an unfortunate and all too frequent feature of today's economy. But it seems like your just searching as hard as you can for someone, other than yourself, to point the finger at.


Lake Mary,

Join us, we'll get him!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 24, 2009

Come join us my friend we are preparing a legal surprise for Stern and his chorts. The Florida judiciary is corrupt to the bone, these judges also have to be brought before justice, most of them have not even taken the proper oath before being allowed to practice as judges of the state of Florida. A Grand Jury is looking into corrupion of Florida Officials, also write to every single congressman and senator and tell them that you will not allow Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac to be the number one Stern supporters that they are, we will not allow institutions that belong to the people to be used against the people. Also write to the Stern investors:
Stern is planning to go public so that he can extend his nefarious crooke tough to foreclosure across state lines. So lets stop him now, tell his Chinese investor friends and wall street, not to waste their time, because we are legally coming after him!

Where Patriots Gather

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