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Law Office Of Dennis Mcdevitt AKA Debt Relief ripoff! Boca Raton Florida
December 12,2004 I called the office of Dennis Mcdevitt to check on my debt settlements. I was told that mcdevitt had passed away. I tried calling back several time after that but got only a voice mail of Jane Miller. I called back and got a debt conunselor named Deider which was the one I spoke to when I called debt relief last year they were all nice and careing. Any ways, Deider told me that a company by the name of american debt consuling would be handling my account.
I called the company at this number 18002791194. Was put intouch with my case manager. He informed me that the money I had paid to Dennis Mcdevitt was in a trust that was in litigation by the florida bar and the money was frozen, now I have to start all over with the contract. The only good thing about it, is the company american Debt consul isn't charging the retainer fee. I am looking to sue.
Lucedale, Mississippi