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  • Report:  #1530528

Complaint Review: Law Offices of Richardson & Tynan P.L.C

Law Offices of Richardson & Tynan, P.L.C Attorney Kevin Tynan Judge Kevin Tynan Bar Counsel Randi Lazarus Attorney Kevin Tynan, Former Bar Counsel, is an Influence Peddler with Bar Complaints Tamarac, FL Florida

  • Reported By:
    Fact Finder — Tampa Florida United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 04, 2024
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 10, 2024
  • Law Offices of Richardson & Tynan, P.L.C
    8142 N. University Drive
    Tamarac, FL, Florida
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Attorney Kevin Tynan was a Former Bar Counsel for The Florida Miami Bar and was Paid by the State of Florida to Prosecute Unethical and Corrupt Attorneys. Kevin Tynan then left working at The Florida Bar to work as a “Grievance Defense Attorney” and now gets Paid by Corrupt Attorneys to Defend them from facing any significant Disciplinary Actions by The Florida Bar.


Randi Lazarus is currently a Bar Counsel for the Fort Lauderdale Bar and previously worked as a Bar Counsel at The Miami Bar with Kevin Tynan.


Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel and Kevin Tynan, Former Bar Counsel worked TOGETHER at The Miami Bar as Bar Co-Counsels on the SAME CASES since 1989 Prosecuting Attorneys that Violated the Florida Bar Rules & Regulations to “Protect the Public” from Unethical and Corrupt Attorneys. SEE CASE The Florida Bar vs. Ronald S. Golub, Miami, 1989


Attorney Kevin Tynan has made a name for himself as is the “Go-To/Fixer” Grievance Defense Attorney for Numerous Attorneys that get into serious trouble with the Florida Bar.

Attorney Kevin Tynan, Grievance Defense Attorney, worked on a case for a Corrupt Attorney, Hereafter referred to as John Doe, who was in serious trouble with The Florida Bar in 2019. Kevin Tynan’s Attorney Client had a previous Minor Misconduct Charge on file from a in 2011 Case for “Failure to reply to a Summary Judgement” on a Foreclosure Case resulting in a Loss of a home. The clients discovered they lost their home about 1 year after retaining john Doe on Goggle and he did not want to return their money. The Report of MM in 2011 included Restitution for John Doe pay them their $2,500 back as Restitution and Sanctioned him for Failure to Answer Summary Judgement resulting in Loss of a home.


In 2019, Attorney John Doe had an ADDITIONAL 3 Bar Complaints all on file at The Bar for the “Same Offenses” which included Fraudulent Misrepresentation, taking excessive amounts of money for cases, executing a very small amount of work, and charging exorbitant amounts of fees. He never showed up to any of their Hearings or replied to his clients calls or emails ever again. All of these Clients found out their cases were LOST either on the Docket or on Google over 1 year later after retaining John Doe all the while thinking he was working on their cases, and he was not. When all of these Clients called John Doe to ask about their cases he either said all was fine, never replied or called them back. 


Out of these 3 Additional Complaints,(2 Foreclosure Cases, 1 PI Case and 1 Petty Theft Case) and we have all his Bar Complaints on File. There was 1 Personal Injury Bar Complaint in 2019 filed by hereinafter, called “Victim 4”,  that Retained this Attorney John Doe in 2016 which was within 5 years after John Doe received his First Minor Admonishment for NOT replying to a Summary Judgement resulting in a Loss of a Home. 


In 2019, Attorney John Doe retained Kevin Tynan as his Grievance Defense Attorney to fight his Bar Complaint. The Bar Counsel was none other than Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel and Kevin Tynan’s former work colleague as Bar-Co Counsels for over 35 years at the Miami Bar. This Bar Complaint included Fraudulent Contract, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Failure to Communicate, Excessive Fees, and substantial damages as Victim 4 had to Hire Attorney Eric Tinstman for a “Contempt of Court Hearing” that Attorney John Doe never told his client about which could of resulted in Loss of Liberty. Attorney John Doe didn’t answer the Discovery for over 18 months and strung this client along as he did with ALL the other Clients in the Bar Complaints. The total amount of Financial Loss was $5,000 which he executed a total of  “1 Motion to Dismiss Hearing” that lasted 15-20 minutes and $1,200 in DAMAGES to pay for Attorney Eric Tinstman for Contempt of Court Hearing, TOTAL LOSS- $6,200


 Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel, had an “active instigation” into this case for almost 1 yr long by  Attorney Jose Negroni. The very minute that Kevin Tynan was Retained by Attorney John Doe the Active Investigation was TERMINATED by Randi Lazarus with No Disposition as required in the Grievance Rules Regulating the Florida Bar. There was a  Report of Minor Admonishment issued to John Doe for same offense and was also emailed to “Victim 4” by Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel in December of 2019. However, there was already another Report of Minor Misconduct from the 2011 case which is a Violation of the Grievance Rules. Bar Counsel was NOT allowed to issue a “Second” Minor Misconduct for same offense within 5 years. If Grievance Committee did “Allow” another Minor Misconduct Ruling then there was to be SEPARATE PARAGRAPH included in the Report of MM explaining the reasons why they issued a 2nd Minor Admonishment, which there was NOT.


The problem here is that BOTH Attorney Kevin Tynan, Former Bar Counsel turned Grievance Defense Attorney and his Colleague of 35 years Randi Lazarus VIOLATED Numerous Grievance Rules Regulating The Florida Bar 3-7.4. We listed each Rule they Violated below to be “Clear and Convincing” with our Evidence to you and the Public:


Florida Grievance Rules Violated by BOTH Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel and Kevin Tynan, Former Bar Counsel turned Grievance Defense Attorney:


  • 3-3.1 Speedy Disposition of investigation

Randi Lazarus Terminated the Investigation without a Disposition


  • 3-3.4- Has a Personal Interest that could be affected by the outcome of the proceeding

Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel has an extensive longtime working relationship with former colleague bar co-counsel Kevin Tynan. Kevin Tynan had a Financial Gain by Attorney John Doe for a “favorable and positive outcome” of this case”


-Rule 3-5.1 (b) (a) (b) (d) (e) (f) Criteria- Must NOT be regarded as a “Minor Misconduct” if violated any of the below (which ALL were violated)

1- if Minor Misconduct for same offense was issued within 5 years (There was another Minor Misconduct issued on John Doe for same offense in 2011)

2- if any evidence of Pattern of Misconduct In History

3- if any Financial Harm to the Client

4- if any DAMAGES

5- if any evidence of Criminal Activity 


Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel, did NOT MENTION 1 of the above FACTS in this Minor Admonishment Report that she typed up which VIOLATES ALL the Above RULES.


  • Rule- 3-5.1 (I) (j) Forfeiture of Fees and Restitution

Randi Lazarus, Bar Counsel, did NOT MENTION ANY OF THE FINANCIAL HARM OR DAMAGES to Victim 4 as REQUIRED in the RULE above.


-Rule 3-7.4 (c) Investigation- Grievance Committee required to consider ALL charges Forwarded by the Bar Counsel whether based on written complaint or not.

The Grievance Committee could not have considered anything that was NOT INCLUDED in the Report. Randi Lazarus did NOT include any of the above in the report which makes this Report of Minor Misconduct Fraudulent.


-Rule 3.7-4 (g) (k) Quorum, Panels, and Vote.

Randi Lazarus DID NOT Include the section V1. Committee Vote of the  count of Grievance Committee Members Voting “in favor and or against” in this report. This whole paragraph in the report is MISSING.


-Rule 3-7.4 (m) (3) a summary of the additional charges that will be dismissed to be included in the Report of Minor Admonishment.

Randi Lazarus did NOT INCLUDE any additional charges other than 2 that Kevin Tynan typed up in his “Admission of Guilt” on behalf of his client John Doe which was for ONLY Failure to answer discovery in a timely manner and pressing in a case.


-Rule 3-7.6 (f) (g) Bar Counsel Must Prepare and Prosecute with Utmost Diligence.

Randi Lazarus and Kevin Tynan BOTH knew perfectly well that it is a ‘SERIOUS” Conflict of Interest to work on this case with an over35 year long working relationship as Bar Co-Counsels together on the same cases at The Miami Bar.


-Rule 3-7.6 (d)- a Statement of Past Disciplinary Measures as to the Defendant.

Randi Lazarus knowingly and willingly OMITTED Key Facts of the past discipline on John Doe INCLUDING the “First Minor Misconduct” Report issued in 2011 and the 2 additional Bar Complaints for same offense that were on file at this time. (We have copies of all Bar Complaints)


-Rule 3.7.11 (f) (h) Disqualification as Trier and Lawyer due to Conflict

Randi Lazarus and Kevin Tynan have a serious CONFLICT OF INTEREST of 35 years working together as co-Bar Counsels at The Miami Bar on the same cases that has ever come to light in a Legal Proceeding.


-Rule 3.7.11 (1) (c) Former Employee of The Bar

Kevin Tynan is a Former Employee of the Florida Bar


-Rule 3-7.17 (a) Vexatious Abuse of the Bar Disciplinary Measures

Randi Lazarus and Kevin Tynan worked TOGETHER to VIOLATE NUMEROUS Grievance Rules Regulated by The Florida Bar specifically mentioned above for Favorable Disposition in an Official Proceeding and issued  another “Report of Minor Misconduct” for Kevin Tynan's Client  Attorney John Doe for Kevin Tynan’s Financial Gain.


These are extremely serious Grievance Rules Violations made by Randi Lazarus and Kevin Tynan as both were knowingly and willingly in CAHOOTS to Violate the Grievance Rules Regulating The Florida Bar to Obstruct Justice in an Official Proceeding.


Attorney Kevin Tynan has been Appointed to Judge by the JNC (Judicial Nominating Committee) without doing any investigations into his history as a KNOWN INFLUENCE PEDDLER and has now taken office in the 17th Judicial Circuit Court on Jan 3,2024.


Attorney Kevin Tynan uses his Influence and Connections to help other Attorney’s get out of trouble with the Florida Bar for Financial Gain. 


As a result of this “favorable disposition” for Attorney John Doe with only issued a 2nd Minor Misconduct issued by The Florida Bar, Bar Counsel Randi Lazarus, no serious actions were taken or even recorded on the Report of MM. Additionally, there was another Bar Complaint #5 by Mr. Evarist Shade in 2021 on another PI case for the exact same offense . Attorney John Doe  failed again to communicate for over a year with this client and then he went missing. Mr. Shade never heard from John Doe again and then wrote a Bar Complaint which we have on file. Attorney John Doe submitted a fake letter to The Bar stating his withdrawel from his case and included a fake tracking number on this letter to the Bar as his reply. Mr. Shade was living in his car due to the LOSS of his case and his settlement money, so he couldn’t have even received a letter registered letter mailed to his car.


Kevin Tynan was NOT ELECTED by the Public to be a Judge as he was APPOINTED by the Judicial Nominating Committee which he used to be a “high ranking member” on this Committee.


On behalf of the Public, Kevin Tynan MUST BE REMOVED as a Judge in the 17th Judicial Court of Florida as his reputation and history of Influence Peddler is a serious breach of public trust in the legal system and could have far-reaching negative consequences.


Finally, Kevin Tynan is the "Treasurer" on the FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF BAR DEFENSE LAWYERS, INC SINCE 2009

The Specific Purpose of this Organization- “Association of Lawyers Practicing Florida Bar Admission and Discipline Formed for The Purpose Of Advocation, On Issues of Rule Changes And Proposals Before The Bar, Board of Bar Examiners and Florida Supreme Court”


Kevin Tynan’s Law Partner, Nola M. Richardson in Law Offices of Richardson & Tynan, P.L.C is currently an Active Member of The Broward County Bar Association


Kevin Tynan has also been a “Member of the Judicial Nominating Committee” (JNC) in the past which refers the Appointment of Judges to the Governor’s Office.


Is there Anything that Attorney now Judge Kevin Tynan cannot do in Association with The Florida Bar due to all the INFLUENCE PEDDLING that is mentioned above? 


Kevin Tynan has Now been “Appointed” to Judge by the JNC to the 17th Judicial Court in Broward County, Florida and just took office in Jan 3, 2024. 


Thank you,

 Fact Finder


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