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  • Report:  #505191

Complaint Review: Lawrence Crane - Release Technique

Lawrence Crane - Release Technique - Lawrence Crane Enterprises - Larry Crane - Sedona Method Courses and materials claim it will make you millionaire. After applying the so-called "technique" I am not one cent richer a decade after applying Larry's materials. BEWARE. Sherman Oaks, California

  • Reported By:
    Formerreleaser — Boston Massachusetts USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, October 06, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 19, 2018
  • Lawrence Crane - Release Technique
    15101 Rayneta Drive
    Sherman Oaks, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Note: I wrote this on a Cult Awareness board elsewhere. If you do not feel like reading the whole thing (it is very long), then my nutshell review of the technique is to approach it with caution. It is a low-level brainwashing technique. It is effective at reducing stress and emotional management, but does NOT deliver on it's promises to make you wealthy or happier. I did the technique for 10 years so I know how it works and what is possible with it. Steer clear of any system that promises vast wealth by doing nothing as this system claims to do.

 =============================== I'm going to attempt to be as honest and impartial as I can regarding the Release Technique, although that will prove to be a challenge, as my life has been affected in different ways by the method, both positive and negative. I'll share how it's affected me and why I decided to leave the methodology behind. I believe it is important for people to know what it is before getting involved in it, why there haven't been nearly as many complaints about it compared with glowing testimonials, and how it ultimately fails to deliver on what it promises.

First, a brief history of me and where I was coming from. This is a very long post, but I hope you'll be patient and stick it out for the read.

I've always been into self-improvement, because I believe if you improve yourself, you improve the world. I learned about the release technique towards the beginning of the year 2000 through an email which led me to one of the earlier discussion groups on the subject on Usenet. I went to the website (not nearly as sophisticated as it is now) and read the information they presented. Whomever was the owner of this site was promising that you could have it all "easily" and "effortlessly" - it was the lazy man's way to riches. At the time, I was very interested in wealth and abundance. Since I was into self-improvement and wanting to gain more financial security, the website's message naturally attracted me.

After searching the site, I found a man by the name of Larry Crane.There was just one solitary picture of him and his phone number was beneath it. In that day, I was curious, but not nearly as cautious or skeptical as I have become. I gave the number a call to ask how the technique worked, thinking I would reach some generic customer service rep. I wanted to ask some questions in order to gauge what it was all about.

To my surprise, Larry himself answered. I don't remember the exact conversation, but he convinced me to buy the course and try it out. I ordered the Abundance Course and it came about 10 days later. As a small side note - I called him into about day 5 of waiting for it to arrive and was met with a very aggressive "IT TAKES 5 TO 10 BUSINESS DAYS to arrive." I didn't know it at the time, but his aggressive (and sometimes outright rude) behavior would confound me as I became immersed in the Release Technique products and jargon. The whole point of the method is to become "imperturbable", yet Mr. Crane has demonstrated many times that he is not. I'll get back to that later.

Back to the short history. I received it and listened to the tapes. By the time I was done with tape 4, I was confused. Essentially, all of the tapes were Larry speaking about feeling a "clutching" in your stomach or your chest (which I didn't feel) and letting it go... and more... and more... and more. He repeated the same thing over and over with little variation over 10 tapes. And that was the technique in a nutshell. You feel a feeling and imagine a tube or door over your chest or stomach. You open up the door or tube and "allow the feelings to leave." That's pretty much it. Or, you can get your feeling under one of the "three wants" - the want (lacking feeling) of approval, control or security, and let those feelings go. That was the gist of the technique. And this was the fast way to riches.

I didn't understand it at all. Since I was puzzled (I thought there had to be more to it), I called Larry. When I asked my questions or raised objections, he would immediately interrupt and tell me I was into "wanting to figure it out", which was just another feeling I had to release. It made sense to me at the time, since I WAS feeling stressed out about not being able to release. I can see with great clarity now that this is where the mind-numbing effects of releasing come into play. It's a low-level technique for brainwashing and spacing people out. It has a deleterious effect on your ability to REASON. In the release technique circle, reasoning (and even thinking) are the minions of the #1 enemy - the mind - which I now see is a bad thing to teach.

It was a bit hard for me to type that out - admitting that it is a mind control device. I had to go back and re-edit and rewrite that a few times. But there it is in all it's glory. I confess it after 10 years. The release technique is largely a brainwashing regimen that takes your money and leaves you on a cloud, and not necessarily cloud 9.

I mentioned I would attempt to be impartial - or at the very least, fair - in this post and I'd like to honor that. The release technique DID have some major benefits to me and others, and to this day, it still has given me some measure of "freedom", if you want to call it that. Here are some of the benefits I've gained from using it:

1) More efficiency

2) Better able to handle my emotions

3) Can see things more objectively

4) Not as reactive as before

5) Calmer

6) Can relax, usually at will

7) In the past I've had some very blissful experiences after releasing, all of them unforgettable. There was one moment where I felt like everything was simply perfect. I can't really describe that feeling because it was so beyond the intellect (not to sound presumptuous, please don't take it that way). It was just this magnanimous feeling of deep peace and "being okay". It was like everything was where it needed to be. When I hit that state, I knew that that was what I was looking for. It was those experiences that kept me going. I'll get to what got me OUT of releasing later.

8) I had a windfall of $6,000 after making a releasing goal that I would have $5,000 by releasing only. It is easy to chalk this up to coincidence now, yet it is still a bit interesting.

9) Was generally happier for short stretches of time. So I have to admit that it did benefit me in the emotional arena in some ways.

In other ways, it seemed to kill parts of me that were resounding with wit and charm. If I visited myself 10 years ago, I would be greeted with a much funnier person who didn't take life so seriously. Now, I'm recovering to get back to that caring, charming person.

After releasing for so long, I feel like a woolen cloth has been pulled over my awareness and that the better parts of me have been grayed out. Any releaser would immediately tell me it's just a feeling and to "let it leave". I'm only recently seeing how much of a trick I've played on myself.

The liabilities of the release technique (in my experience, and in much higher magnitude than it's benefits) are as follows:

1) It doesn't deliver on the financial front as it advertises. I haven't become a millionaire or increased my net worth by even $10 ever since I started it in 2000. In fact, any money I allegedly earned "by releasing only" (as they say you should do in the course) was spent on more books, tapes, and seminars. I essentially broke even.

2) I've become callous, uncaring, stoic and prideful. I feel almost "stale" or vacant at times.

3) I wasted 10 years of my life believing in grandiose dreams that I'd hoped would materialize "simply by releasing only" as they teach in the courses. They actually teach you to use the "Butt System" (another set of CDs I bought from Larry), whereby you sit on your butt, release your "I can'ts" and just "allow it to happen", whether it's becoming a millionaire, getting a new car, etc. Essentially, you THINK your goals into existence without any action whatsoever on your part. It's a sophisticated form of WISHING. And these wishes never came to fruition.

4) I've become too clinical with emotions. Whenever someone had a problem, I would tell them to "just let it go." I now see that this isn't always appropriate or even desirable.

5) I would look down on people and disassociate from their dramas. While I still think most dramas are ridiculous, I no longer tell people to "Just let it go." Sometimes these things need to be processed in order to be released. I've realized that the prior 5 liabilities are much more far-reaching and have deeper implications on a psychological and financial scale than the first 9 benefits I've listed.

One major thing that really nagged at me over the years was Larry himself. He's essentially the protege of Lester Levenson, the man who "invented" the RT, and someone who supposedly found total inner peace. The whole point of the release technique is to become loving and peaceful like Lester claimed to have done, or "imperturbable" as the course teaches. I can't count the number of times I've heard Larry yell, be rude or domineering to people who are raising questions in learning the technique.

I was once a target of his wrath when I asked a simple question about what Lester Levenson proposed regarding reality and the mind. I pointed out on a conference call something Lester had said. He said "Every thought materializes in the physical world." To anyone with a brain, that's a huge claim to make. I saw plenty of proof to the contrary, so I asked Larry "If that's true, then why can't I materialize pink panthers dancing on my ceiling?"

I wasn't attempting to be cheeky or dry. It was an honest question. Larry's response? He immediately flew into a rage on the phone. I don't know how many people were on the call that night, but there had to be hundreds. Not only that, but it was being recorded for sale later, which was highly embarassing for me at the time. "Why are you asking me dumb questions that have nothing to do with anything?" he roared. "It's a jerkoff question. I'm not going to waste the time on it! Who's next?"

So much for questioning wild, unverified claims. Even though I was pretty deep into releasing at the time, it's something I wasn't able to "let go" of after all these years, but not due to being hurt, but because I have a very, very low tolerance for hypocrisy. Larry, the student of the imperturbable Lester Levenson calls himself a "Master Teacher". If he's a master teacher, it means he's mastered releasing. If he has and is so imperturbable, why would he need to scream at people to get what he wants?

That wasn't the only incident. There were countless others (not all targeted to me) on other recordings they have on their website. He's teaching everyone how to be "hootless" yet gets his hair in a knot when someone asks him a question steeped in common sense. I was puzzled at the time, but since I was supposed to be able to let go of whatever was bothering me, I dismissed it.

I now see his rapacious yelling as a subtle form of instilling compliance in releasers so there IS no disagreement. If he can't get you to do what he suggests, he'll just intimidate. Total hypocrisy.

The scary thing is not one fellow releaser ever mentioned this one puzzling habit of his - yelling to get what he wants, yet telling everyone else to "release". I'm not trying to make Larry look bad. I'm just telling you what I've witnessed first hand. To his credit, he did answer some questions that seemed ridiculous, but for the most part, he gets cranky and cantankerous if someone persists in asking a question that doesn't help someone "release". In other words, no analysis or thinking allowed, only "releasing".

It all built up over time, but becoming more financially secure was the #1 reason I left the releasing crowd and the hypocrisy was #2. The promise of the course is that you can become rich if you just release your feelings that you can't be rich. Well, I felt I did and I gave it a fair shot of 10 years. I hope people are letting that sink in. TEN YEARS. And the only person who benefited financially was Larry. I'm not rich after using the technique and that's all the proof I need.

If there is any one thing releasing has shown me it's how to be much more skeptical when any system comes along and claims that you can be rich simply by sitting in a chair and letting go of feelings. What nonsense. Why did I fall for such tripe for so long?

I'll tell you - the testimonials I was getting from other people. There were dozens of people on the conference calls and in seminars detailing how they'd gotten $30,000, $100,000 and more "by releasing only". Those testimonials made me salivate and hunger to achieve the same, honestly.

What I refused to see was that these people who were earning those amounts of money were ALREADY IN POSITION TO RECEIVE IT. In other words, they had real estate deals going, were doctors, lawyers, successful business people. Naturally, big money comes to them! How many homeless people do you think could materialize $600,000 overnight by releasing only? If we are unlimited as the course claims, why can't I materialize a suitcase full of $100 bills right before my eyes? If the technique worked consistently and effectively, why aren't most of the releasers millionaires? Nothing metaphysical about it. It's just a crock.

I don't mean to sound harsh. And perhaps there are some releasers reading this right now who still believe it can benefit you financially in the long term. If so, understand that I'm not judging you, nor condemning you. I'm not coming from my "ego" nor am I trying to limit you in any way. Heck, the technique is very effective on some emotional issues if you embrace it and do it correctly. I'm only condemning the hypocrisy and lack of results.

I know if you are a releaser you'd say I'm holding in mind lack of results or I'm "wanting". Well, that may be, but don't you think giving the technique 10 years of practice would yield some more tangible or lasting results than the ones I've experienced? Also, releasers - I'd just invite you to think - have you truly gotten what you wanted from releasing? Are you a millionaire? Can you materialize things at will just by a "mere effortless thought" as Lester puts it? How much money is in the bank? Look at the proof - "take it for checking" as the course states.

This is what I did and is why I've left releasing behind forever. I've finally realized for myself that it isn't what it is cracked up to be in the least. If it were, I'd be a billionaire by now and floating around with the greatest of spiritual masters.

I've spent countless hours releasing. Tallied up, I'd guess it sums to several months of pure non-stop "releasing". I've purchased nearly all of Larry's products, gone to 4 weekend seminars and 2 week long retreats. I even helped find two locations for some of the seminars. When I asked Larry if I could go to one of the events for free in exchange, I was denied.

Wow. So much for abundance.

The thing that puzzled me for a while was why weren't more people noticing the inconsistency and non-efficacy of the technique and posting about it? I looked it up on Google many times, but found little to nothing but glowing testimonials (until I found this forum). So how could it have such a low-profile?

I have a theory - there aren't many complaints showing up because it's a LOW LEVEL cult. I hate to use the word "cult", because there really isn't a "release technique crowd." There aren't any members, expectations or beliefs that you need to adhere to. The only expectation is that you release when you are at the seminars or on conference calls. There is no allegiance and everything is voluntary. That's what makes it so hard to classify it as a cult.

As I've said, "cult" would be too strong a word. It's not so much a cult as the technique is deceptively presented as a magic bullet to end all problems without taking any action. If Scientology were the most nefarious cult with a 10 on the 1-10 scale, then releasing would be probably about a 2. But that 2 can be a 10 to the most trusting (or gullible, if you will). That is what makes it deadly in the long term. It locks you in with promises of a blissful existence, but doesn't create enough immediate and consistent pain for you to want to leave it. When you are releasing, you are convinced you are creating your reality and mastership is just a matter of "letting go", that the abundance is right around the corner, even with plenty of evidence to the contrary staring you straight in the face.

I'm glad I have finally woken up. I feel more like myself now. I am unashamed and feel liberated now that I have dropped it. Ironic, don't you think? I've let go of releasing itself and I feel freer than ever before.

I've attempted to be fair, balanced and honest in sharing my experience. I may not have come off that way. Please note that the technique is not ALL rotten and that Lester's original message of loving others and yourself is a good one. It is apparently working for some people. And some of the events I experienced were unforgettable as I listed above. I have also gained a great measure of emotional control that genuinely helps me in many areas of life. But all in all, it does NOT deliver on what it promises in the financial or happiness realm, and if it does, it does so in a highly inconsistent manner.

I will NEVER spend one cent more on any of Larry's materials and will caution (but not stop altogether) anyone who is thinking of buying any of his products. I hope this has helped someone to see things a bit more clearly. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write me or update this thread with a response. I will respond uncritically.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Release Technique Works but Larry's Behavior is Bad

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, April 18, 2018

I have had amazing results using the Release Technique (RT), and I know others who have had great results. But...

I do agree that Larry's behavior directly conflicts with his teaching.  He can be verbally abusive on the teleconferences.  It is very confusing that he teaches love and letting go, and then he will verbally lash out at people.  He embarrased and offended me on a call.  I stopped buying his courses, but I still use the RT.  I occasionally review the CDs and workbooks.  I skip over any sections with Larry's tantrums.

I also can see the accusation that there is a cult-like approach.  I cancelled my reservation to one of the live events because there was something controlling about it.  It was several years ago so I don't remember the details.  I think it was something like Larry wouldn't let us have coffee at the retreat. I always draw the line when someone tries to control me like that.

That being said, I do recommend the RT.  I believe it can be effective for anyone willing to do the work.  A technique can be good even if the teacher is flawed.  I also happen to believe that Larry sincerely means well but he gets frustrated when he believe resistance is in the way of his strudent's success.  This is not to excuse his behavior; it really is atrocious.  In spite of Larry's behavior, the RT worked better for me than the Sedona Method, which is taught be someone who behaves more how you might you expect from one of Lester's students.

Larry is flawed just as I am flawed.  So, it is unwise to make Larry or anyone else your guru.  Taking a guru is just another way to victimize yourself and avoid taking responsibility for your life.  Don't ever give away your power to an external authority, even if he is teaching some truth.  Can you really achieve success by doing nothing but releasing?  I don't know.  It seems theoretically possible, but it also seems much more likely that releasing will help you succeed as you take inspired action.  To blindly follow the advice to only release and take no action seems as unwise as blindly following any advice from antoher human.  On the other hand, even a flawed person may have something to offer you.


Sherman Oaks,

I agree beware of the technique

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, August 01, 2017

 I have taken courses from Larry since early 2000. I never fell for his line " if you don't pay for this you won't do it". Mainly this was for relatives wanting to gift it to their families. I barely paid for the nooks/ tapes etc. i shared the costs with friends. I did pay for a few live courses in the early years before prices became insane. The techniques is great for anxiety and a sense if well being that being more so if you take the Sedona method instead. Sedona is more about being happy not wealthy. I think that is the best use of the course. All u need is one course. I took more because I admit I got sucked in However Larry gave me some free courses and so did other people who just loved my energy. I made a few lifelong friends. Now as fas why you don't see a lot complaints online it is the shame ie cult factor. The program is set up so if you don't get what you want you are not doing it right so buy another course. It is the ultimate sucker scheme. I basically fell for because I allowed others to buy me courses. And now I have Parkinson's and No it is not my fault that I haven't released it. That is the worst is it makes people feel ashamed and guilty for everything thats mot right in their lives. One thing is you can let it go and walk away and decide to be happy. I love the friends I made and how meditation is just so much simpler. My dreams are coming true because all I ever wanted was to be happy and I am.


Los Angeles,

Thank You

#13General Comment

Fri, June 20, 2014

I really appreciated your candid opinion about the Release Method for Financial Freedom.  I have studied Lester and Larry's books and methods for many years.  I also, thought and still do believe that Lester was a sage and his teachings and advices in his books are brilliant and extremely useful overall.  However I have been tempted to register for the Financial Freedom Teleconference for sometime, and I had this uneasy feeling about it, especially since it is so expensive (over $1100.00)!

I had been trying to find a blog about this method and as you said there is little criticism or negative reviews. I was planning to register for the Financial Freedom teleconference today.  But after reviewing your opinion I decided not to do that and save my money.  Thank you again for your blog.


Los Angeles,

RE: Financial Freedom

#13General Comment

Thu, June 19, 2014

I have read and researched Lester Levison's and Larry's books, courses and methods for over 10 years. 

I believe Lester was a very wise and spiritual person, like a sage.  The release technique overall has many wise advice and methods, probably the ideas originating from eastern philosophies such as Tao and Zen.

However, for anyone to think that by releasing, or changing your thinking and/or belief about money, you can become rich or make money, it would be gullibility at its maximum.  Becoming rich and/or making money requires effort, planning and dedication.  Its as simple as that.  Yes, if you believe you can become rich by changing your mindset AND make efforts with dedication, you probably will become rich.  Problem is most people like only to spend money not efforts of making it.

I agree with the first person who initially wrote his opinion about these financial freedom courses by Larry, and I thank him for going through the trouble to get this across to public.  


United States of America

The Release Technique Works

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2011

I learned the Release Technique in 2007 while dealing with chronic stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression. When sleeping pills and antidepressants were not successful I found the Release Technique.  Within one week all my symptoms were cleared, and I have had many more gains since then.

You get out of it what you put in.  You can't just listen to the CDs and expect them to work.  You have to do the exercises.  If you do the exercises, the Release Technique works.


United States of America

I Absolutely Love the Release Technique

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, August 02, 2011

I have personally been using the release technique for over ten years now and the gains keep on coming.

I was on the brink of bankruptcy when I started using the Abundance Course. This is what I have experienced personally from using the method:

  • over $50,000 in monetary gains

  • improved health

  • better relationships with family and friends

  • I am more at peace

  • Running my business just keeps getting smoother

  • I am able to stay calm even when others are stressed out.

  • These are just a few of the tons of gains that I have gotten just by using the technique.
Larry is always willing to help. It is up to you as the consumer to really do the work though. The course will not work if you stick it on a shelf. I use it every single day and life goes so much more smoothly.


Los Angeles,
United States of America

Releasing has changed my life

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, August 02, 2011

I discovered The Release Technique 1 1/2 years ago. At that time, my life was going pretty well, and I'd already done a lot of work on myself (therapy, spiritual practice, mindfulness, etc.). However, as a business owner, I couldn't seem to get past a certain income level, and the stress of trying to be successful was making me sick. I worried all the time, and was constantly doing my best to not get overwhelmed.

Within two months of taking the Abundance Course Live class, my health returned - and I had more energy than I'd had in years. I was also waking up in the morning in a good mood (that was a miracle). My whole relationship with money changed and my monthly income doubled. Best of all I started to feel happy almost of the time for no reason.

With consistent releasing, all these benefits have continued and gotten even better. When I remember who I was and how I felt over a year ago, I am amazed. Today hardly anything bothers me, and when fear occasionally arises, I am able to easily move though it and back to happiness in a few minutes. My income continues to rise, though I've dropped my 'need' for money. I have deeper and more satisfying relationships, my work has expanded in ways I would never have imagined, I'm learning to love everyone and everything, and I am experiencing a sense of peace and freedom.

I highly recommend this method to anyone who is ready to transform their life. It's not a one-time quick fix; it requires commitment, practice, and the willingness to take responsibility for everything we've created.


North Carolina,
United States of America

After 2 years of 'Releasing', I agree with you.

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, December 14, 2010

I wanted to write to say I totally agree with all you've said here. My husband and I both have immersed ourselves in Larry Crane's way of teaching Lester's wisdom, for the past 2 years. We also had not ever seen a dollar that we could in any way attribute to Larry's teaching. Maybe we're wrong- but we haven't been able to link any money 'gains' to The Abundance Course or The Goals and Resistance course he sells. We've listened in on several of the Wednesday calls and have noticed what you've said about his broken-record style of answering every question. I had the most unpleasant experience myself when I decided to call him directly to ask some of my own questions and he could hardly have been more rude and uncooperative. He actually cursed at us on the call, and he likened our situation to some made-up scenario about us "going down to the drug-dealers' house and asking... blah,blah,blah"- which made me wonder if he was suggesting we were people who did that type of activity?- (which we're not- neither my husband nor I do any drugs at all, don't smoke cigarettes, and don't drink any alcohol either) so I wondered about his strange choice of how we should liken ourselves to his imagined scenario...

I, too, found my happy and positive personality to be transformed to fearful, frustrated and short-tempered often. I actually almost killed my dog (twice) in a moment of rage during the past 2 years of 'releasing', and I'm so glad my husband talked me out of it, because I love my dog and he's a really good dog.

I also seriously considered my own suicide twice during this same period- because I became so frustrated and hopeless about the way I viewed myself and my lousy job of 'releasing'... as I coincidentally became more and more broke financially.

I, like you, found the sun came back out for me when I saw Larry Crane's way of teaching this material to be the brainwashing that it is. I've spent the past week removing all of his 'teaching' from my habits of thinking and it's been a tremendous relief.

I have to say that Lester Levenson's direct material has been wonderful for me. It's made me feel more loving, peaceful and hopeful that 'nothing' is a big deal.

But when Lester's material is taught by Larry, it is transformed into something else.

I like the material when it's taught by Hale Dwoskin.

I decided why I hadn't seen any of my money goals and I believe I'm correct about my conclusion- so please take a look at my post dated 12/11/10?

Best wishes to you, and again, thank you so much for sharing your experience. I agree with you 100%.

Happy Holidays :)


United States of America

I hear you!

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, October 07, 2010

I thoroughly read your 'Report' and several others that commented on it. I'm glad I did. I believe the problem you have is not with the Sedona Method, Larry Crane, or anyone else for that matter. The problem, and the solution, rest with you. You need to look deep within yourself, then beyond yourself to the infinite. Lester, Larry, your friends or neighbors cannot, and are not here to make your wishes come true. It is entirely up to you. It may be that you are still attached to 'money' or to your 'ego' and that is why happiness is elusive for you. Study the power of Love. Make loving all persons and all things your only goal, your only thought, and you will experience everything you have dreamed about. Love is the true message behind it all !!!

There''s more to it than that...

United States of America

I can understand why you've said that, but...

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, February 16, 2010

I have been studying the concepts of The Sedona Method, The Release Technique, The Abundance Course, The Secret, and all of Lester Levenson's teachings in book form and on CD, full-time for 2 years now.

I've come to the conclusion that the basis for all of the teachings is the same- and it's true and accurate that you can have abundance in any area of your life that you allow, simply by releasing the energy that you are holding onto- that you are allowing to block you from having the abundance you are desiring.

YOU are the reason you do not have what you are wanting. By 'releasing', you allow yourself to have whatever you want- and it IS effortless in that case.

It's very difficult to fully grasp the meaning of that while you are consumed in 'the world' with a job/career, co-workers, children, obligations, comittments to others, news, newspapers and television, and all of the things that keep you involved in 'the world'. There is an inherent conflict to fully understanding the 'how's and why's' of The Release Technique or The Sedona Method when you are fully immersed in 'the world'.

I've never met Larry Crane, but I am imagining that he has attached himself to wanting to teach and help people with this sincere, real and truthful information that he was taught by Lester Levenson. Perhaps he hasn't re-evaluated that 'want' of his own lately, to enable him to see that his attachment is causing him aggravation and frustration with people who come to his conference calls or seminars. I know that Hale Dwoskin has given up his "wanting" to communicate the message to others and that's why he has such patience. If you're wanting a teacher of this method who is very patient and kind- you may prefer The Sedona Method with Hale Dwoskin. It is the same information and technique, only presented in a different manner by a very released person who is patient and kind.

Not everybody responds well to very patient and kind people. Some people prefer a 'tell it like it is and get to the point' kind of teacher. That sounds more like the style of teaching that Larry Crane has.

Sometimes, even the best teachers lose focus and become subject to their own 'wanting'. In Larry's case, perhaps he's 'wanting' people to understand what he's meaning to say... and frustrated when they don't. It doesn't change the underlying truth of the material taught though. The material itself if truthful. The teacher may have lost focus though. Everyone is vulnerable to that throughout a lifetime. Becoming consumed in one's work makes them vulnerable to losing sight of the bigger picture. If what you've said is true, maybe Larry should consider pulling back from his efforts a bit to release for awhile and regain a clearer focus on the bigger picture.

I don't think it's exactly appropriate, however, for you to dispel the teaching materials themselves because you didn't respond well to the teacher. You will inevitably harm other people who may benefit from the teaching materials because you had a bad experience with the teacher. It's very similar to having a math teacher you hated in grade-school and so you hate math for the rest of your life as a result. Math isn't the problem- it's the association with the teacher that has made you dislike math.

Larry, and anyone else who wants to help others, MUST charge for their services or teaching materials if they are to genuinely help others. People do NOT appreciate things that they have gotten for free or for a price they consider to be "cheap". It's human nature. People will not even study material that didn't cost them enough money. People feel a need to "get their money's worth" when they pay a substantial price for something... so they will read and study their hardest on material they've paid for. People do not value something they haven't spent enough on. That is why people are charged for learning materials instead of given them for free.

Once more- it's difficult to get a firm grasp on how and why "The Butt System" works while you're still immersed in 'the world'. Larry tries to simplify it for you with the simplest of instructions to 'just release that'- because he knows that most people don't have the time or inclination to pursue the precise understanding of why it works- he knows 'people are busy'. In it's simplest form- the teaching is simply 'just release that'. That's really all it takes. But I agree with you that most people feel they NEED to understand more than that... Most people can't "just release that" without understanding why they should and can do that. Without a greater understanding, people can feel silly trusting that instruction and believing it's all that is really necessary- but it doesn't change the fact that that simple instruction is the entire truth in a nutshell. Larry and Hale, both, attempt to keep it as simple as possible for people who are short on time and want answers 'right now'. The answer is 'just release that'. Most people believe it IS more complicated than that... but it isn't. It's just too simple for most people to believe. But that doesn't make it untrue. It just makes it difficult to believe. You have to allow yourself to believe that it is just that simple- and then it is.

You are right, though, that his course could benefit from being larger in content to include every book containing the teachings of Lester Levenson and the course itself could be more of a 3 month or 6 month or even a year-long course (like in college) to help people to develop a more thorough understanding of 'why' the technique works. He's obviously tried to make it as concise as possible for the person who is busy and has little time; his course teaches the bare minimum- but it still includes all that is truly necessary. If you set an intention for yourself and then truly allow yourself to release completely on that intention (so that you truly do not care if you get it or don't get it), you'll get it- and it's not because of who you are or who you know or what you have now. It's an intention made with a truly released feeling inside about it. As Hale Dwoskin of The Sedona Method likes to say, it's a "hootless" feeling inside- a feeling of "I don't give a hoot" if I get it or not. By what you've written here, it's clear that you never allowed yourself to become hootless about your acquisition of financial gain and that is why you never realized it. The things that you truly allowed yourself to release on are the things you realized.

If I were teaching a course on how to attain whatever you want in your life... I would start with Lester Levenson's book "No Attachments, No Aversions- Autobiography of an American Master", followed by "Happiness if Free and It's Easier Than You Think" by Hale Dwoskin and Lester Levenson, followed by "Keys to the Ultimate Freedom" by Lester Levenson (out of print now- can be found used or in full content on the web), followed by the audio version on CD's of Larry Crane's "The Abundance Course" (just listened-to for an overview and general understanding), followed by "The Abundance Course" in book form by Larry Crane (read twice- once for an overview of content- and then practiced fully on the second reading. I believe a course with the above content and sequence would give one all they need to know and understand in order to create the exact life of abundance they desire- in any form and to any extent they desire.

I love Hale Dwoskin and his "The Sedona Method"- which is the same technique as "The Release Technique", and this course may be more beneficial to people who prefer a very patient and caring and kind teacher- so I would suggest adding his book "The Sedona Method" and also the course available on CD's, to the above "course" of learning for a greater understanding of the fundamentals of "why" this works for anyone to create anything they want in their life.

I'm not so sure that you've really done a good service to people reading what you wrote here. You clearly didn't like the teacher- but you attacked the material being taught because you weren't able to master it. I don't believe the material is the problem- it's the method in which it was presented to you that you disliked. The reason you didn't realize your financial goals was due to your inability to allow yourself to become hootless and completely released about it- you were always emotionally "attached" to your financial goals and that is why you didn't see them- it isn't because the method doesn't work.

Very briefly- "The Secret" DVD from 2006 by Rhonda Byrne was a VERY inspirational movie that introduced the masses to the existence "The Law of Attraction". However, it did a very poor job of explaining exactly how to utilize The Law of Attraction. It left the viewer with the idea that if you WANT something badly enough... you'll get it. That is exactly the opposite of how to get what you want in your life. And so that movie did a lot of damage to people who didn't make or have time to research that subject matter in a more in-depth way. For that reason, The Secret wasn't a good thing for most people to have seen.  










San Andreas,

Releasing releasing!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, February 13, 2010

I did read your whole letter and just want to people to know I have experienced the same thing with Larry.  At first being convinced he had something extra that would help me but being on a few of the conference calls, I also was the target for his rages. I presented a large problem I was not being able to change by releasing and he was very rude and uncaring.  No patience at all and I felt like an abused child after the call.  I would have asked for a refund but have had the cd's for too long.

I'm just glad I have released his whole concept but I still receive mailings for his conferences and weekly automated phone calls trying to get me on the conference calls.  I just delete the messages and say bye bye to Larry.  I recommend you save your money and pray instead.  God is much more powerful than Larry Crane.


United States of America

Thanx for your thoroughness

#13General Comment

Thu, February 11, 2010

This is so helpful to learn about your experience.  I have purchase a couple of used books and am learning about "The Release Technique" before I go to the expense of the course.  I am so grateful to have your perspective and to see how this can actually be harmful by keeping people from being able to be fully human and fully alive.  Mind control is a scary thing, yet so powerful.

I have experienced depression all of my life, 54 years.  I'm noticing much more joy and peace from what I'm reading in the books.  But to think that I've been tempted to stifle myself and others from experiencing the full spectrum of emotions and being fully who we truly are is eye opening.

Thank you so much for your sharing.  You've saved me from much unknown grief.

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