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  • Report:  #816239

Complaint Review: Lazer Tag FX Gregg Fund

Lazer Tag FX Gregg Fund Liar Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    reciprocity — Morganton North Carolina United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 31, 2011
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 22, 2012
  • Lazer Tag FX Gregg Fund
    964 Lake Arrowhead Rd,Myrtle Beach,SC
    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    834-467 2229
  • Category:

I dated this man briefly a couple months recently.  He is a liar. He frequents Eharmony and other dating sites.  He owns two small businesses, not the 60 plus the boasts to own.  He also does not have houses in Arizona, ect..I did extensive property checks. I saw someone posted that their friend was seeing him during the same time I was.  He treated me well the short time we dated but he is a fraud and a liar. 

20 Updates & Rebuttals

southern man

north myrtle beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

i stand corrected

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 22, 2012

Thank you for your post and you are 100% correct, it is about Gregg and all of his lies and illegal activities. I got carried away arguing with what is now a Gregg Jr. he has in his employ in Fayetteville. Gregg really burned me and in the process hurt my family when I havent been paid my wages. With that said it is hard to keep your cool and move on when you did nothing but give those 60-70 hours and endure all the process servers and bill collectors coming in and calling, only to be unpaid and have your family pay for it. You are right though, in the end Gregg will get what is coming to him as well as Rob. Kharma is a funny thing and has a way of evening things out.

Real Jeep Guy

Spring Lake,
North Carolina,
United States of America

Yayyy on education

#21UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 22, 2012

Love when people grow and better themselves...Nuff said.

ex employee 2

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

Let's get back on track here

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 22, 2012


Going back and forth doesn't accomplish anything. At the end of the day, sadly, Gregg Fund has done more to burn some good hard working people, who worked 60 - 70 hours per week and took care of his business as he galavanted supposedly all over the world. An absentee owner who puts his business weight on whomever is dumb enough to think that they can make a difference's shoulders, only to find out, he's got a list as long as the Alaska pipeline of people whom he has burned both financially and legally.

Coke and Pepsi will not supply him in SC. That is true. He has been blacklisted. He practices questionable and illegal payroll procedures.  I have seen him delete employee hours, punch in's and adjust an employees payroll. He has not paid some employees their wages after they had worked for him. He has taken employees who can't stand up for themselves because they need a job and manipulated them to stay at the wage they are, regardless of how good their performance is on the job.

Simply put, if you can wake up and say your life goal is to work for Gregg Fund and that's ok and it works for you great. But please don't come on here and insult those of us who have been literally mistreated by Gregg Fund. He has done a lot of wrong and illegal things. Both of you know the truth, you know who you are dealing with and shouldn't be fighting with each other. 

It's really sad when I see people who have so much going for them, stuck working in the job they are with this man because the job market isn't what it should be. I can sum it up this way. Making an employee pay you gas money to drive you back to Fayetteville because your car broke down isn't how you treat a valued employee. Nor is making an employee work in Myrtle Beach, stay at a hotel and then not reimburse that employee for the hotel stay.

Bringing a 19 year old girl whom you are having an argument with into a custodial closet to scream profanities at her is not how you handle a situation. Taking female employees to dinner and flirting with them is not how you handle a situation. Showing up drunk at your business and stinking up the place with your gas emissions and making your staff have to stand there and breathe that in while you reek of alcohol and have the same clothes on you wore a week ago, is not a healthy work environment.

When it comes to the facts, just remember write everything down because in the end, when the EDD reviews it or any other appointed labor commission, when they compare it to the other dozens of complaints, it still says the same thing. Gregg Fund should not be trusted. That's what this is about and again, that's what others should be warned about.

If you can work in this environment and feel your contributing to the good of society, then so be it.

Let's not forget who this is about...Gregg Fund and his deceptive and illegal practices

southern man

north myrtle beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

Good Evening Rob

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 21, 2012

Hi Rob,

Well I just recieved a call that you had posted something on this site and made a reference to me and indicated that I committed some form of Labor Law violation. Well I can assure you that I have done nothing illegal. The only thing I did was make sure an employee got paid when the owner of the business wouldnt pay her what was due to her. That is what people with a heart do, so they can sleep well at night, which is something I assume you and Gregg Fund havent done in quite some time! I will let you know that it is a blessing to have a sister in law that works at LLR and another that is a circuit court judge. These things are handy when you need advice on how to proceed. I will tell you this that here in writing as I told you last night when you contacted me by cell phone, not to contact me again and I am telling you now to refrain from commenting or referring to me at all on this site or any other. There is a large firestorm coming down on Lazer Tag as well as Gregg Fund as I told him I was going to do if he did not pay me my wages due and I will be all to happy to have my attorney include you as well. The South Carolina Labor Licensing Board, South Carolina Employment Security Commission as well as Sled and my personal favorite the South Carolina Department of Revenue have all been notified and sent all of the documents necessary. Funny, all I asked for was what was owed me legally, my pay check and you guys couldnt even do that. Oh well dont say I didnt tell you in advance. So in closing Rob, again so we are clear, do not contact me in any way ever again, do not post on any internet site anything that makes reference to me or my family. Oh and P.S. you dont need to wish me well I have another job as general manager for a reputable Lazer Tag arena here, one that pays its employees and its bills!  Just a little competition huh! And Gregg, also I contacted Palace Entertainment and sent them the employment ad you posted on Craigs list that you took from them and used as your own. Here's a hint, next time you take copyrighted material and repost it, take their name out of it.....

Real Jeep Guy

Spring Lake,
North Carolina,
United States of America

Spell check is too d**n easy

#21UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 21, 2012

Thank you for your response Jeepguy2006...or babygotback 91...whichever one you want to go be identified as. I guess that you missed my first comment about how your writing skills (or lack of) need work, since the two posts are obviously done by the same person. But I have no problem with you calling me out by name because I have nothing to hide...sure wish that you had the guts to do the same. Don't know what you think that I have to hide but I welcome the opportunity to discuss anything with you. As for southern man...your statement about having to pay an employee out of your pocket was true...just not the reason why. You paid out of pocket so that you wouldn't get into trouble for allowing an employee to get overtime...and you didn't want to man up and admit that you didn't do your job. Remember the written statement that I had mentioned in my earlier post...I think that there is a federal law that covers that violation. I hope that things work out for you and that you find a job that will overlook any labor law violations.


North Carolina,
United States of America

youre the liar rob

#21UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 21, 2012

time for me to get in this story. we know you rob and what you do all the time. looks like you got caught tring to be the big man and now tring to get out of somthing. you dont know we see you every day and what you do at the store. i khope mr gregg asks me or my friends cause we will tell the truth about you and what you do to hins business at work. we see you, you think you are sneaky but you arnt. we got proof you going to get cauyght and we going to laugh

Real Jeep Guy

Spring Lake,
North Carolina,
United States of America

The Real Jeep Guy

#21UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 21, 2012

I do not know who portrayed themselves as the "JeepGuy2006", but considering that I am the only employee that works for LazerFX LazerTag that drives a jeep...and is from Fayetteville...I want to set the record straight. Number one, please learn how to speak and type a sentence...this country has a great education system and you should take advantage of it. Number two, I am sorry that you feel the need to write under a different name because you are too afraid to post something under your own identify. I would love a response to this so that you can explain yourself and the obvious lies that you have spewed. Taking responsibility for your actions and not blaming someone all of the time will get you further ahead in your life's endeavors. I have read the other lies in this forum and love all of the half truths...might want to reconsider your comments since there are written statements signed by certain individuals admitting your guilt and know who you are. Once again, I will welcome all comments and rebuttals...just please use spell check and don't sound like an uneducated buffoon. If this takes you awhile to compose a response, I will be patient as I look forward to you acquiring the guts to address this with me.


North Carolina,
United States of America

southern man you should have listened

#21UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 21, 2012

well I know who southern man is and all i can say is man you should have listened to me. I told you from the beginning how Gregg was and if you just listened to me on how to deal with him you would be ok. i tried every day man to tell you what to do and say and you had to take the high and mighty road. i told you being honest and working hard would get you no whare with Gregg. i go to work kiss his butt tell him what he wants to hear but dont you sworry i get paid everty day and make sure of it. you were the fool not to make sure and take care of yourself, i coulnt save you. in your next job remembr to beat a crook you ahve to think like one and be one yourself. more tahn one way to skin a cat! i get mine

southern man

north myrtle beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

i forgot about the fleas too Gregg fund

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 11, 2012

Good thing you mentioned that, I forgot about all the fleas, I went home daily and had to shake out my pants from fleas and was covered in bites. I went over to Krogers daily and bought bombs but to no avail. the is a con and I am contacting the EDD as you indicated.

ex employee 2

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

Bad news

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 11, 2012

Warren Gregg Fund is a liar, a thief and a lowlife. Stay away from him at all costs. Boycott his businesses in Myrtle beach and Fayetteville Contact the EDD Employment development division in Conway about him

Contact the BBB Better business bureau Contact an exterminator, his Myrtle Beach store has fleas. Conact the labor board and US department of Labor don't forget OSHA for all the violations in store he has...

southern man

north myrtle beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

warren gregg fund lazer tag is a crook con liar and thief

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 09, 2012

Beware of Gregg Fund and Lazerfx lazer tag, if he offers you a job, run fast and run far! He will lie and tell you he owns over 60 lazer tags all over the united states including Fankies Fun Park in Columbia, also the entire strip mall the store is in including the Wings store, the patents to all of the lazer tag equipment nationwide and the list goes on. In truth he has nothing but the broken down lazer tag in Myrtle beach and Fayetteville. the myrtle beach store is one step from closing. He hired me as general manager and I took the job instead of looking him up and seeing all of the damage he has done to others.  half of the machines dont work, the equipment is 20 years old, bill collectors call daily, process servers show up looking for him, the labor board and unemployment office calls daily for him. He hides from everyone. We have no fountain drink machine because he stole the machine from the coke company when he leased the space and they have black listed him in South Carolina so he gets product from North Carolina and drives it back, we have no Co2 because he hasnt paid a bill since last year.  Whe he hired me, I told him as GM I needed 14.00 an hour he said ok and offered me 30k a year, I accepted then after the first day he told me I had too work 55 hours a week mandatory, so do the math I made 10.49 an hour. Didnt get my second paycheck , he "forgot " to send in my time to the fictional payroll company he uses. Had to go to his house and wait 2 hours for him to write me a check and then it wasnt the amount I was supposed to get and he said he would make it up next week, well 2 months later I am still waiting, one of the employees  had 4 hours overtime and he wouldnt pay her so I had to pay her out of my pocket or not have an employee and work open to close alone 7 days a week! I finally left last week and had to chase him down at a parking lot to get paid and still wasnt my full pay, and his response was only '' it s the best I can do" thats it and drove away.  I have filed with labor board, magistrates office and EEOC, guess it will be one more group of people chasing him down. Please stay away from this crook! I am facing losing my home because I cant get paid and pay my bills, he is a bum and personally I think he is a drug addict. He came in the store at all hours and just would grab cash from the till and leave > he stays wired and jittery and thinks everyone is out to get him, always paranoid and looking around like he is being followed. Ha ha he probably is! If you meet Warren Fund, run fast run far!! or he will steal you blind

Doug Jones

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
United States of America

more lies

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 09, 2012

Recently the SC EDD department found in my favor in my case versus Mr. Fund. They found that I had taken the proper steps to keep Fund informed and that his release of myself was without cause and awarded me benefits.

I want to thank all the employees past and present who came forth to speak out and tell the truth. On this site, under my name, you will see that Gregg Fund pretended to be someone else and state that I done various other things that are deplorable to my wife.

It is highly ironic that Mr. Fund comes on here to proclaim his innocence, when it is he who is the one that has continously misled the truth. He posted my personal information on here, where I live, etc, address, my phone number.

In the end and my last statement, both myself and another employee have witnessed the ladies Mr. Fund has brought through his business to try and impress. Mr. Fund is a wholehearted liar, he constantly lies and he believes his own lies.

Thank you Mr. Fund for showing everyone who you are. All of these posts on this site are YOU, the spelling proves it, the sentences prove it and your staff knows it.

In the future, to anyone who works for this man, document the instances and the facts as I did, because when it comes time, the truth will set you free. Hence why the state has ruled against Gregg Fund.

Doug Jones

fell for it

South Carolina,

Sorry, Gregg

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, January 09, 2012


I am just one of the many women youve lied to.  Again, instead of you admitting your dishonesty and your deception, you choose to continue to blame others.

Lazer fx

myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,

Gregg Fund Rebutts these statements

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, January 08, 2012

I have read the above posting about myself on this website. It is a shame that these post can be made without verifing the posted info.

I must state for the record that I am not a liar, and that these posts here and that may follow are much on the untrue side of the story. I do thank friends that have posted positive post to support me. This should be the last time that I give any thought or post anything about this website.

I have contacted the website here and they have stated it will cost $2000 to have these statements removed form here. I will no pay BLACKMAIL money to this website.

I believe that these postings about myself and my company are made by a resent ex-employee that was fired. He has posted most  of these posts from many different email address and screen names.

I do recommend that you get to know the person whom you meet. Just don't believe everything that is written.

I closing I am not going to share my personal info or who I date because these are personal.

Thank You
Gregg Fund

fell for it

South Carolina,

Leave Gregg alone?

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, January 05, 2012

Karma is one thing that comes full circle. Gregg is getting a full dose of his indiscretions.

As far as your comment leave gregg alone, when gregg stops lying to everyone, his life will get better.

Nice try

United States of America

Very sad

#21General Comment

Wed, January 04, 2012

I think it is very sad that a person can get ruined on this site. Everyone please leave Gregg alone.


South Carolina,

Come on Warren/Gregg!

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2012


If you're going to come on here an pretend to be someone else, you forget that your spelling is your trademark. "Ridiculas" and your other misspellings are you.

You lie about everything. You date multiple ladies at once and deny it. You got caught and now, some of us, are here to tell others to stay away from you.

As far as you not using "Warren"

The above link is proof. Just google Gregg Fund and you will see that "Warren" comes up as well. They are the same person using different names.  Multiple names, multiple women in different states, Gregg Fund is a liar. He got caught dating multiple women at once  while claiming to be "true" to each one and is now trying to cover it up. Just like he has 100 plus locations all over the world.


Gregg Fund is a liar, a fraud and now is writing his own rebuttal's on rip off pretending to be someone else.

Ex Girlfirend

United States of America

Gregg Fund he is Honest & Trusting

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2012

I have read these last reports of Gregg Fund. I must say they are are ridiculas. I have know this man for 6 years. We dated for 1 and half years of that and I must say we are still friends with him today. If I need something he would be here if I needed him.

I have first hand knowledge of this man and some of his company Lazer Fx Lazertag. He does have homes in SC and AZ. I have been to at least 12 amusement places that he owns from coast to coast and met his staff. He has never lied to me and these detail about your experiance with him just does not pan out. I will say he can tlk alot. I hve not heard anything out of this mans mouth that was not true.

This is a kind hearted man, very honest and trusting. These personal attacks just are not true. He was good to my children when we were together. I am happly married now. I wish him the best in life.

Ex Girlfirend

United States of America

Gregg Fund he is Honest & Trusting

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2012

I have read these last reports of Gregg Fund. I must say they are are ridiculas. I have know this man for 6 years. We dated for 1 and half years of that and I must say we are still friends with him today. If I need something he would be here if I needed him.

I have first hand knowledge of this man and some of his company Lazer Fx Lazertag. He does have homes in SC and AZ. I have been to at least 12 amusement places that he owns from coast to coast and met his staff. He has never lied to me and these detail about your experiance with him just does not pan out. I will say he can tlk alot. I hve not heard anything out of this mans mouth that was not true.

This is a kind hearted man, very honest and trusting. These personal attacks just are not true. He was good to my children when we were together. I am happly married now. I wish him the best in life.



South Carolina,

briefly dated

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, January 01, 2012

I too, saw greg for a very brief time.

I am sorry you went through what you did. It was very obvious after just a few conversations that this man has serious honesty and truth issues! avoid him at all costs!

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