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  • Report:  #1209195


LEMURIA TECHNOLOGIES BRUCE GELERTER PEMF4000 And Lemuria Technologies Rip Off and Scam Saint George Utah

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Sun, February 15, 2015
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 18, 2016

Hello Bruce,


I hope this message finds you and family well in Malaysia . And I hope that you understand by nowthat I have been eternally trying to help you and your Company create success and lucratively. 

However there a now circumstances that have developed that will quickly prevail and defiantly without doubt conclude to an absolute and immediate failure of the company and more-so to you as well personally.


As you know there are many questions left untold and I have been recently dealing with phone calls and letters from credit card fraud departments, United States Consumer Affairs, the authentic Agents of the FBI and Bob Norton!


All of the above are inviting me to participate in the alleged criminal acts that you and your company are responsible for. They are requesting all the information that I knowand can lawfully provide. They also are truly intimidating and requesting that I become a witness in the suspected criminal prosecution of you, your family and any Lemuria partners and affiliates. (See attached below letters of verification and evidence)

The IRS is requesting w-2 forms which you never provided, not to mention the fact that your company owes me $23,506.00 in commissions! And another $9,066.00 for lost commissions where clients backed out because they found your name on!


I am in no position to answer their requests and hope you can rectify this thing! I know it has been told to me that when you or your family re-enter the USA that you will be immediately arrested and prosecuted for criminal fraud! This is not bulls***!


So I write to you today to give you some options! Without my testimony,and  Andrews acknowledgments you have chance to resolve these horrible expectations! I nor Andrew want to hurt you nor your family. But without a responseand agreement from you we have no choice.


The word about Lemuria and its CEO, Bruce Gelerter has begun to swell like wildfire already! Clients, patients, Doctors, Social Media, Ad Agency’s and other PEMF companies has already set in motion to spread this buzz  with masses of negative assumptions all over the internet and USA!

Your company is going down. There really is no way out! I can promise you that!


We can significantly help! If you rationally give it a moment and realize that is over and we will help you with the following options:

Andrew and I will agree to not provide nor to contribute evidence against you and the Lemuria Company that would be incrementing!


Since they necessitate witnesses and evidence we could promise you and your family that we would not participate with their requests to provide any negative indictments or accusations.


You have till tomorrow night to agree with the proposal that Andrew sent to you my friend!Simple and solitary solution! Easy for you!


After that all hell will break loose! YOU WILL GO TO JAIL! All Social Media will be posted on!

All scam sites will be notified. All authorities will be re-notified! I own   It will be activated!

And so much more!


You see Mr. Gelerter, I’m on a mission to destroy your name and shameful actions! Both you and your family will pay this horrific price, because you did not do the right thing!




Sincerely yours,



“This will be your worst Nightmare”





To: M/C, Visa and FBI


This letter is to inform you that the owner of Lemuria Technologies, LLC a Colorado Corporation has left the country and drained the bank accounts of that company after charging over $200,000 on their merchant account. Several people involved in the country have been in contact with Bruce Gelerter and believe he is committing fraud and fraudulent conveyance of assets.


He hired a consultant, Robert Norton, to be acting President, left the country and refused to take appropriate actions to ship equipment purchased by about 30 customers.

Upon notice to him he took remaining cash out of the company account and admitted he intended to start another company in Malaysia with this assets taken from this company.

There investors in this company of over $200,000 and creditors of more funds being scammed here. Many resellers were also owed commissions of around $30,000 on these sales he took but is refusing to fulfill.

The sales were taken as far back as November so he is in violation of the FTC 30-Day rule already.


I list below his contact information and ask that you contact him and alert hi that he is subject to criminal prosecution for fraud, theft and/or fraudulent conveyance of assets.

He thinks he can “legally” take these assets out of the country, which are stolen, and place them in a new corporation. We believe if you contact him he will sell or transfer these assets back so that

The company can continue and take care of its obligations. We have offered to do that, even offering him a payment stream to take over the company and pay his debts down, but it seems he is a con man more than a business man.


Company phone #:  1-800-246-7608

1651 Red Cloud Drive, Saint George, UT 84770.

State of Colorado ID Number: 20111713213


Previous address in the U.S. Until January:





New address:

Bruce’s Telephone: 719-287-4717    (


The following executives are willing to testify as to these actions as personal witnesses:

Myself – Charlie Farricielli

Andrew (Andreas) Loose – An investor in the company of over $150,000

Robert Norton – Consultant who it looks like Mr. Gelerter tried to set up as a patsy to blame a company “bankruptcy:” on after draining the accounts.


Please advise on the actions you are prepared to take to protect the interests of U.S> citizens for what appears to be a theft of over $300,000 from a number of parties.



Okay but we are talking hours, not days to get this done now.

You ignored my instructions and urgency around many things when first working together for two weeks.

That is why this situation is exploding now. If you had followed just some of my advice the company would not be in such disparate straights.

You did not successfully do any of the following I requested – pretty much ignored me:

1.      Turn over ability to control payments to vendors and bank credentials

2.      Fix credit card merchant account

3.      Sign the Key agreement

4.      Make yourself available as needed for the transition

5.      Stop taking cash out of the company that was needed to ship orders (use a budget)

6.      Provide Power of Attorney to execute necessary documents

7.      Preserve, build and value relationships (Andrew, me, past engineers, Key etc.). You burn bridges and take advantage of people.

If you had done even a few of these six things, as I instructed, your company would not be exploding and require a bankruptcy or shut down.

I am not your “White Knight”, not the devil. A sale is the only way to save any value at all with the huge negative net worth here with angry customers and partners.

I know how to fix that. You are paying the price of mismanagement of funds and a total lack of planning that is required when a company reaches a certain size (I sent you a video on this).

I know you want to blame someone else but it is 100% your fault as the CEO. Accept it and move on for real growth.

We could work together again in Asia, as you need business help and seem not to understand that. Which means it will repeat.

You need to stick to what you do best only. The last thing you said on Skype was “I don’t need your advice”.

Not understanding your limits is the reason for your failure here. No statement could be more false.

Failing to take my advice (above) is what killed your company and made it unviable.

I advise you to move very quickly! This is not about details it is about stopping a public outcry which could result in fraud charges and bankruptcy.

People who have been screwed will only move on it you step away. I can walk away and be fine because I did the right things. I don’t need this deal.

However, I want to help Charlie, Andrew and other recover their investments, as well as customers get their orders.

That is why people will follow me – because I care about them too. Selfishness does not create leaders or followers.

The best way to get rich is give other people what they want.

 Dear Bruce,


Hey buddy, Hope all is well with you and family there in Malaysia!


Unfortunately the circumstances involving your intentional negligence, and not complying with Bob Nortons requests and suggestions was brought to my attention today!

These premeditated actions on your part will as a result lead the company to bankruptcy and open YOU to countless criminal and legal scenarios.


This situation has really distressed me, the customers and my co-workers!

Did you simply think that you would get away with taking over $200,000.00 of customer payments and run away to Malaysia like a thief in the night and get away with it???

You will regret every action that you have made in the last 3 months! I will become your worst nightmare and be persistent! You still have time to make this right! (below)


I have spoken with a government official today that would require us to file a complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs and the FBI including the IRS! 

I have eight customers that have been asking me where their device is and when it will be shipped! You have left me and several consumers no alternative accept to begin an immediate investigation on your intention and objectives with helping the company to continue without delay!


So I ask you to please not to force us to immediately execute theses horrible proceedings!

You have this once and final opportunity to positively fix all of this!

Simply agree to instantly comply with the requests and positive recommendations of the President you hired! Bob Norton! Simple! Don’t ruin your life Bruce. This is my last request!


If you decide not to agree to the proposed and reasonable terms, that give you an opportunity to correct these faults, then that will absolutely demonstrate intent for deception and fraud and frightening criminal measures!

Please respond! Oh! I can promise you this won’t be pretty! Even hiding in a third world country won’t help you!

Again Simple! Call Bob and make it right!


Sincerely Yours,


Charlie Farricielli


Lemuria Technologies Customers and affiliates


The intentional use of deceit, a trick or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property or a legal right. A party who has lost something due to fraud is entitled to file a lawsuit for damages against the party acting fraudulently, and the damages may include punitive damages as a punishment or public example due to the malicious nature of the fraud. Quite often there are several persons involved in a scheme to commit fraud and each and all may be liable for the total damages. Inherent in fraud is an unjust advantage over another which injures that person or entity. It includes failing to point out a known mistake in a contract or other writing (such as a deed), or not revealing a fact which he/she has a duty to communicate, such as a survey which shows there are only 10 acres of land being purchased and not 20 as originally understood. Constructive fraud can be proved by a showing of breach of legal duty (like using the trust funds held for another in an investment in one's own business) without direct proof of fraud or fraudulent intent. Extrinsic fraud occurs when deceit is employed to keep someone from exercising a right, such as a fair trial, by hiding evidence or misleading the opposing party in a lawsuit. Since fraud is intended to employ dishonesty to deprive another of money, property or a right, it can also be a crime for which the fraudulent person(s) can be charged, tried and convicted. Borderline overreaching or taking advantage of another's naiveté involving smaller amounts is often overlooked by law enforcement, which suggests the victim seek a "civil remedy" (i.e., sue). However, increasingly fraud, which has victimized a large segment of the public (even in individually small amounts), has become the target of consumer fraud divisions in the offices of district attorneys and attorneys general.

See also: constructive fraud  exemplary damages  extrinsic fraud  fraud in the inducement  fraudulent conveyance intrinsic fraud 

(A) "Deception" means knowingly deceiving another or causing another to be deceived by any false or misleading representation, by withholding information, by preventing another from acquiring information, or by any other conduct, act, or omission that creates, confirms, or perpetuates a false impression in another, including a false impression as to law, value, state of mind, or other objective or subjective fact.

(B) "Defraud" means to knowingly obtain, by deception, some benefit for oneself or another, or to knowingly cause, by deception, some detriment to another.

(C) "Deprive" means to do any of the following:

(1) Withhold property of another permanently, or for a period that appropriates a substantial portion of its value or use, or with purpose to restore it only upon payment of a reward or other consideration;

(2) Dispose of property so as to make it unlikely that the owner will recover it;

(3) Accept, use, or appropriate money, property, or services, with purpose not to give proper consideration in return for the money, property, or services, and without reasonable justification or excuse for not giving proper consideration.

(D) "Owner" means, unless the context requires a different meaning, any person, other than the actor, who is the owner of, who has possession or control of, or who has any license or interest in property or services, even though the ownership, possession, control, license, or interest is unlawful.

(E) "Services" include labor, personal services, professional services, rental services, public utility services including wireless service as defined in division (F)(1) of section 128.01 of the Revised Code, common carrier services, and food, drink, transportation, entertainment, and cable television services and, for purposes of section 2913.04 of the Revised Code, include cable services as defined in that section.

(F) "Writing" means any computer software, document, letter, memorandum, note, paper, plate, data, film, or other thing having in or upon it any written, typewritten, or printed matter, and any token, stamp, seal, credit card, badge, trademark, label, or other symbol of value, right, privilege, license, or identification.

(G) "Forge" means to fabricate or create, in whole or in part and by any means, any spurious writing, or to make, execute, alter, complete, reproduce, or otherwise purport to authenticate any writing, when the writing in fact is not authenticated by that conduct.

(H) "Utter" means to issue, publish, transfer, use, put or send into circulation, deliver, or display.

(I) "Coin machine" means any mechanical or electronic device designed to do both of the following:

(1) Receive a coin, bill, or token made for that purpose;

(2) In return for the insertion or deposit of a coin, bill, or token, automatically dispense property, provide a service, or grant a license.

(J) "Slug" means an object that, by virtue of its size, shape, composition, or other quality, is capable of being inserted or deposited in a coin machine as an improper substitute for a genuine coin, bill, or token made for that purpose.

(K) "Theft offense" means any of the following:

(1) A violation of section 2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, 2911.13, 2911.31, 2911.32, 2913.02, 2913.03, 2913.04, 2913.041, 2913.05, 2913.06, 2913.11, 2913.21, 2913.31, 2913.32, 2913.33, 2913.34, 2913.40, 2913.42, 2913.43, 2913.44, 2913.45, 2913.47, 2913.48, former section 2913.47 or 2913.48, or section 2913.51, 2915.05, or 2921.41 of the Revised Code;

(2) A violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state, or of the United States, substantially equivalent to any section listed in division (K)(1) of this section or a violation of section 2913.41, 2913.81, or 2915.06 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to July 1, 1996;

(3) An offense under an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state, or of the United States, involving robbery, burglary, breaking and entering, theft, embezzlement, wrongful conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, deceit, or fraud;

(4) A conspiracy or attempt to commit, or complicity in committing, any offense under division (K)(1), (2), or (3) of this section.

(L) "Computer services" includes, but is not limited to, the use of a computer system, computer network, computer program, data that is prepared for computer use, or data that is contained within a computer system or computer network.

(M) "Computer" means an electronic device that performs logical, arithmetic, and memory functions by the manipulation of electronic or magnetic impulses. "Computer" includes, but is not limited to, all input, output, processing, storage, computer program, or communication facilities that are connected, or related, in a computer system or network to an electronic device of that nature.

(N) "Computer system" means a computer and related devices, whether connected or unconnected, including, but not limited to, data input, output, and storage devices, data communications links, and computer programs and data that make the system capable of performing specified special purpose data processing tasks.

(O) "Computer network" means a set of related and remotely connected computers and communication facilities that includes more than one computer system that has the capability to transmit among the connected computers and communication facilities through the use of computer facilities.

(P) "Computer program" means an ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements that, when executed by a computer, cause the computer to process data.

(Q) "Computer software" means computer programs, procedures, and other documentation associated with the operation of a computer system.

(R) "Data" means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or instructions that are being or have been prepared in a formalized manner and that are intended for use in a computer, computer system, or computer network. For purposes of section 2913.47 of the Revised Code, "data" has the additional meaning set forth in division (A) of that section.

(S) "Cable television service" means any services provided by or through the facilities of any cable television system or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications system, or any microwave or similar transmission service used in connection with any cable television system or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications system.

(T) "Gain access" means to approach, instruct, communicate with, store data in, retrieve data from, or otherwise make use of any resources of a computer, computer system, or computer network, or any cable service or cable system both as defined in section 2913.04 of the Revised Code.

(U) "Credit card" includes, but is not limited to, a card, code, device, or other means of access to a customer's account for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit, or for initiating an electronic fund transfer at a point-of-sale terminal, an automated teller machine, or a cash dispensing machine. It also includes a county procurement card issued under section 301.29 of the Revised Code.



I've done some more research and made some phone calls and I am going to cut my losses and request a full refund from Lemuria Technologies effective today January 14, 2015. I received my initial device on December 15, 2014. But due to problems, defective devices, poor customer service and response time on the companies part (not yours), I would like a refund.  I will also be emailing Lemuria so they are aware.


Thank you and it was nice working with you,


Brandy Vaincourt


[]I am not afraid of being investigated as I did nothing wrong. All your allegations of me taking $200K and leaving can not proven because its a lie made up by Bob Norton.


You guys are trying steal Lemuria Technologies, LLC by not giving me customer information so I can ship units to them or offer a return of funds.

This is Andrew creating another fraud besides creating a fake UCC1 which is being investigated.


Then you get the customers mad by giving them false accusations, then threaten me with their anger.


It's not going to work because I'm re-organizing Lemuria Technologies, LLC to cover during a financial shortfall that both of you and Bob Norton have caused.


If you are so upset about customers piling up as you say asking for refunds, how come you are not sending this information to me so I can take care of them??


You just send lies and false accusations. I will inform local police at your locations and mine that there are persons tracking me to do harm - Charlie F and Andrew L. and Bob N.


That should cover everything.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO

Lemuria Technologies, LLC


You have two hours left before irreversible steps are taken to prevent further mismanagement and fraudulent conveyance of company assets.

None of us trust you at all due to your clear actions that do not align with your words.

We will run the company for 90 days and hand it back to you fixed. But ONLY if we have full control during that period to insure

customers get their machines and you do not continue to take out improper amounts of money and hide offshore.

The incoming funds will go to company past obligations and vendors, not to you, other than the $5,000/month “salary” while you do little.

Your choices are:

1)      We fix your company and you do what you like for 90 days, getting paid. We use customer funds, as legally required, to pay needed company obligations to make PEMF Gen 3A machines (that really work and we will improve them further too) and we can continue to sell, OR

2)      We shut down the company so you cannot continue to steal payments from customers without making the machines that are promised. Company bankruptcy, possible criminal charges, personal bankruptcy because you owe many of these funds individually due to fraud and personal responsibility etc. Your reputation is ruined as an exposed con man who takes money but does not use that money to ship product that is promised.

Your refusal to sign the Key agreement was the last straw Bruce. It showed you had no intention of meeting the legal requirements to ship machines.

It shows you intended to set up an offshore factory with the funds provided by these past customers that you already took.

About $58,000 is needed to get Key to make these machines and you took it all that money out of the company, some as recently as Saturday.

You have lied and mislead everyone here Bruce so what you say matters little. Only what you actually do.

That is the price of broken trust.

Which will it be Bruce 1 (we fix the mess you created for you for a fair price) or 2 (you are alone and pay the price for your past misdeeds)?

I will be sending paperwork to Key at noon Eastern Time to inform them they cannot use or ship any further parts (as they are owned by creditors). Unfortunately that action may be irreversible because they will not want to be in the middle of an expensive legal battle where they will not get any payments. I think they have better things to do.

I will be happy to walk away after fixing your mess (it’s what I do) and being paid for my hard work for the last month too.

I will also be happy to see a con man shut down if he does not repent.

I hope you sign the agreement we sent and the Key agreement and they are in my email box by noon for everyone’s sake.

It will get really ugly if this does not happen. Just the price of your mismanagement of funds.

Best Regards,

Bob Norton

Hi Mark,
I'm working on getting you the unit you ordered. Let me explain what is happening.
I hired a new president Bob Norton who during his trial phase started taking funds
into his personal bank account not the Lemuria Bank account. Not allowing us to
have the funds necessary to ship units to our customers.
Then he proceeded to try to steal my company Lemuria Technologies, LLC
Since this time I have had legal council iron all this out with a "Cease and Desist" notice.
I am entering into a partnership agreement with our manufacturer to ship these units to our customers which is almost complete.
We are just days away from an agreement so it won't be long before we can ship your unit for your hip replacement.
You may not need that hip replacement after using the PEMF4000.
I understand you have been shuttled around, but the buck stops with me as I am Owner/CEO of Lemuria Technologies, LLC a Colorado corporation.
I ask your patience just a little longer as I'm working hard to get you your PEMF4000. Check back with me in a week OR I will be sending a shipping notice before then.
Please tell me who your salesman was.

Thank You,
Bruce Gelerter - CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC
1651 Red Cloud Drive
Saint George, Utah 84770
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Mark Harvey <> wrote:
Hi Bruce I have been waiting to hear about my refund on the PEMF4000 machine that was purchased and is not working properly.
Your company offers a 30 day money back guarantee, which is not happening. I have been passed for one person to another am I have had enough, my next point of call will the FTC and FDA. I have been patient and polite, but I am in need of this refund so I can have a hip replacement operation, as your machine was my last resort to repair my arthritic hip.
I have sent you 2 emails so far without response, my invoice number is MHA001/ALO
Cheers Mark.
Happiness and Wellbeing Therapist
0407 966 862
[9:32:38 AM] Jack Mazze: Everything was good in the company and then I hired Bob Norton to be president as he was a ceo of a 50 million dollar company
[2/5/2015 11:38:45 PM] Bruce Gelerter: So that I can come over here to grow this area
[2/5/2015 11:39:17 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Well....he went into hi gear after seeing our financials from 2014
[2/5/2015 11:39:43 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Started telling Andrew and Charlie that I took money and split the country
[2/5/2015 11:39:44 PM] Jack Mazze: So Bob Norton is the CEO in the usa
[2/5/2015 11:39:51 PM] Bruce Gelerter: No he is gone now too
[2/5/2015 11:40:01 PM] Jack Mazze: really
[2/5/2015 11:40:06 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Yes why
[2/5/2015 11:40:09 PM] Jack Mazze: wow it sounds messy
[2/5/2015 11:40:14 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Oh yeah
[2/5/2015 11:40:29 PM] Bruce Gelerter: So now its good again
[2/5/2015 11:40:50 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Manufacturer in USA - Key Electronics
[2/5/2015 11:41:08 PM] Jack Mazze: ok so who is running usa operations
[2/5/2015 11:41:16 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Chang Mai is great! Just what we were looking for
[2/5/2015 11:41:21 PM] Bruce Gelerter: No one
[2/5/2015 11:41:43 PM] Bruce Gelerter: everything is back in my hands
[2/5/2015 11:41:49 PM] Jack Mazze: I told ya very good place so are you going to move there from malysa
[2/5/2015 11:42:10 PM] Bruce Gelerter: I already got a great rental there!!
[2/5/2015 11:42:30 PM] Jack Mazze: really so you are not going back to mayisa
[2/5/2015 11:42:32 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Im in Malaysia right now just got back - never went to Bangkok
[2/5/2015 11:42:51 PM] Jack Mazze: ok so you are moving to Chaing mai?
[2/5/2015 11:42:54 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Im wrapping up here and going back in about 2 weeks

I doubt he even has a legal advisor but if he does, like everyone else, he gives them a one sided story.

The $200K in distributions in 2014 he took + recent > $30K was provided by Hartley before year end 2014. Then $20K more in 2015.

He told me when I started he was not taking much out – then I saw the accounting from Hartley.


I he digs in though I guess e should just inform the credit card companies and FBI White Collar crime division. Here it is but does not include $20,000+ more taken out this year.

So about $70,000 taken out since 9/16.


I am not afraid of being investigated as I did nothing wrong. All your allegations of me taking $200K and leaving can not proven because its a lie made up by Bob Norton.


You guys are trying steal Lemuria Technologies, LLC by not giving me customer information so I can ship units to them or offer a return of funds.

This is Andrew creating another fraud besides creating a fake UCC1 which is being investigated.


Then you get the customers mad by giving them false accusations, then threaten me with their anger.


It's not going to work because I'm re-organizing Lemuria Technologies, LLC to cover during a financial shortfall that both of you and Bob Norton have caused.


If you are so upset about customers piling up as you say asking for refunds, how come you are not sending this information to me so I can take care of them??


You just send lies and false accusations. I will inform local police at your locations and mine that there are persons tracking me to do harm - Charlie F and Andrew L. and Bob N.


That should cover everything.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO

Lemuria Technologies, LLC










To: M/C, Visa and FBI


This letter is to inform you that the owner of Lemuria Technologies, LLC a Colorado Corporation has left the country and drained the bank accounts of that company after charging over $200,000 on their merchant account. Several people involved in the country have been in contact with Bruce Gelerter and believe he is committing fraud and fraudulent conveyance of assets.


He hired a consultant, Robert Norton, to be acting President, left the country and refused to take appropriate actions to ship equipment purchased by about 30 customers.

Upon notice to him he took remaining cash out of the company account and admitted he intended to start another company in Malaysia with this assets taken from this company.

There investors in this company of over $200,000 and creditors of more funds being scammed here. Many resellers were also owed commissions of around $30,000 on these sales he took but is refusing to fulfill.

The sales were taken as far back as November so he is in violation of the FTC 30-Day rule already.


I list below his contact information and ask that you contact him and alert hi that he is subject to criminal prosecution for fraud, theft and/or fraudulent conveyance of assets.

He thinks he can “legally” take these assets out of the country, which are stolen, and place them in a new corporation. We believe if you contact him he will sell or transfer these assets back so that

The company can continue and take care of its obligations. We have offered to do that, even offering him a payment stream to take over the company and pay his debts down, but it seems he is a con man more than a business man.


Company phone #:  1-800-246-7608

1651 Red Cloud Drive, Saint George, UT 84770.

State of Colorado ID Number: 20111713213


Previous address in the U.S. Until January:





New address:

Bruce’s Telephone: 719-287-4717    (


The following executives are willing to testify as to these actions as personal witnesses:

Myself – Charlie Farricielli

Andrew (Andreas) Loose – An investor in the company of over $150,000

Robert Norton – Consultant who it looks like Mr. Gelerter tried to set up as a patsy to blame a company “bankruptcy:” on after draining the accounts.


Please advise on the actions you are prepared to take to protect the interests of U.S> citizens for what appears to be a theft of over $300,000 from a number of parties.



Okay but we are talking hours, not days to get this done now.

You ignored my instructions and urgency around many things when first working together for two weeks.

That is why this situation is exploding now. If you had followed just some of my advice the company would not be in such disparate straights.

You did not successfully do any of the following I requested – pretty much ignored me:

1.      Turn over ability to control payments to vendors and bank credentials

2.      Fix credit card merchant account

3.      Sign the Key agreement

4.      Make yourself available as needed for the transition

5.      Stop taking cash out of the company that was needed to ship orders (use a budget)

6.      Provide Power of Attorney to execute necessary documents

7.      Preserve, build and value relationships (Andrew, me, past engineers, Key etc.). You burn bridges and take advantage of people.

If you had done even a few of these six things, as I instructed, your company would not be exploding and require a bankruptcy or shut down.

I am not your “White Knight”, not the devil. A sale is the only way to save any value at all with the huge negative net worth here with angry customers and partners.

I know how to fix that. You are paying the price of mismanagement of funds and a total lack of planning that is required when a company reaches a certain size (I sent you a video on this).

I know you want to blame someone else but it is 100% your fault as the CEO. Accept it and move on for real growth.

We could work together again in Asia, as you need business help and seem not to understand that. Which means it will repeat.

You need to stick to what you do best only. The last thing you said on Skype was “I don’t need your advice”.

Not understanding your limits is the reason for your failure here. No statement could be more false.

Failing to take my advice (above) is what killed your company and made it unviable.

I advise you to move very quickly! This is not about details it is about stopping a public outcry which could result in fraud charges and bankruptcy.

People who have been screwed will only move on it you step away. I can walk away and be fine because I did the right things. I don’t need this deal.

However, I want to help Charlie, Andrew and other recover their investments, as well as customers get their orders.

That is why people will follow me – because I care about them too. Selfishness does not create leaders or followers.

The best way to get rich is give other people what they want.

 Dear Bruce,


Hey buddy, Hope all is well with you and family there in Malaysia!


Unfortunately the circumstances involving your intentional negligence, and not complying with Bob Nortons requests and suggestions was brought to my attention today!

These premeditated actions on your part will as a result lead the company to bankruptcy and open YOU to countless criminal and legal scenarios.


This situation has really distressed me, the customers and my co-workers!

Did you simply think that you would get away with taking over $200,000.00 of customer payments and run away to Malaysia like a thief in the night and get away with it???

You will regret every action that you have made in the last 3 months! I will become your worst nightmare and be persistent! You still have time to make this right! (below)


I have spoken with a government official today that would require us to file a complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs and the FBI including the IRS! 

I have eight customers that have been asking me where their device is and when it will be shipped! You have left me and several consumers no alternative accept to begin an immediate investigation on your intention and objectives with helping the company to continue without delay!


So I ask you to please not to force us to immediately execute theses horrible proceedings!

You have this once and final opportunity to positively fix all of this!

Simply agree to instantly comply with the requests and positive recommendations of the President you hired! Bob Norton! Simple! Don’t ruin your life Bruce. This is my last request!


If you decide not to agree to the proposed and reasonable terms, that give you an opportunity to correct these faults, then that will absolutely demonstrate intent for deception and fraud and frightening criminal measures!

Please respond! Oh! I can promise you this won’t be pretty! Even hiding in a third world country won’t help you!

Again Simple! Call Bob and make it right!


Sincerely Yours,


Charlie Farricielli


Lemuria Technologies Customers and affiliates


The intentional use of deceit, a trick or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property or a legal right. A party who has lost something due to fraud is entitled to file a lawsuit for damages against the party acting fraudulently, and the damages may include punitive damages as a punishment or public example due to the malicious nature of the fraud. Quite often there are several persons involved in a scheme to commit fraud and each and all may be liable for the total damages. Inherent in fraud is an unjust advantage over another which injures that person or entity. It includes failing to point out a known mistake in a contract or other writing (such as a deed), or not revealing a fact which he/she has a duty to communicate, such as a survey which shows there are only 10 acres of land being purchased and not 20 as originally understood. Constructive fraud can be proved by a showing of breach of legal duty (like using the trust funds held for another in an investment in one's own business) without direct proof of fraud or fraudulent intent. Extrinsic fraud occurs when deceit is employed to keep someone from exercising a right, such as a fair trial, by hiding evidence or misleading the opposing party in a lawsuit. Since fraud is intended to employ dishonesty to deprive another of money, property or a right, it can also be a crime for which the fraudulent person(s) can be charged, tried and convicted. Borderline overreaching or taking advantage of another's naiveté involving smaller amounts is often overlooked by law enforcement, which suggests the victim seek a "civil remedy" (i.e., sue). However, increasingly fraud, which has victimized a large segment of the public (even in individually small amounts), has become the target of consumer fraud divisions in the offices of district attorneys and attorneys general.

See also: constructive fraud  exemplary damages  extrinsic fraud  fraud in the inducement  fraudulent conveyance intrinsic fraud 

(A) "Deception" means knowingly deceiving another or causing another to be deceived by any false or misleading representation, by withholding information, by preventing another from acquiring information, or by any other conduct, act, or omission that creates, confirms, or perpetuates a false impression in another, including a false impression as to law, value, state of mind, or other objective or subjective fact.

(B) "Defraud" means to knowingly obtain, by deception, some benefit for oneself or another, or to knowingly cause, by deception, some detriment to another.

(C) "Deprive" means to do any of the following:

(1) Withhold property of another permanently, or for a period that appropriates a substantial portion of its value or use, or with purpose to restore it only upon payment of a reward or other consideration;

(2) Dispose of property so as to make it unlikely that the owner will recover it;

(3) Accept, use, or appropriate money, property, or services, with purpose not to give proper consideration in return for the money, property, or services, and without reasonable justification or excuse for not giving proper consideration.

(D) "Owner" means, unless the context requires a different meaning, any person, other than the actor, who is the owner of, who has possession or control of, or who has any license or interest in property or services, even though the ownership, possession, control, license, or interest is unlawful.

(E) "Services" include labor, personal services, professional services, rental services, public utility services including wireless service as defined in division (F)(1) of section 128.01 of the Revised Code, common carrier services, and food, drink, transportation, entertainment, and cable television services and, for purposes of section 2913.04 of the Revised Code, include cable services as defined in that section.

(F) "Writing" means any computer software, document, letter, memorandum, note, paper, plate, data, film, or other thing having in or upon it any written, typewritten, or printed matter, and any token, stamp, seal, credit card, badge, trademark, label, or other symbol of value, right, privilege, license, or identification.

(G) "Forge" means to fabricate or create, in whole or in part and by any means, any spurious writing, or to make, execute, alter, complete, reproduce, or otherwise purport to authenticate any writing, when the writing in fact is not authenticated by that conduct.

(H) "Utter" means to issue, publish, transfer, use, put or send into circulation, deliver, or display.

(I) "Coin machine" means any mechanical or electronic device designed to do both of the following:

(1) Receive a coin, bill, or token made for that purpose;

(2) In return for the insertion or deposit of a coin, bill, or token, automatically dispense property, provide a service, or grant a license.

(J) "Slug" means an object that, by virtue of its size, shape, composition, or other quality, is capable of being inserted or deposited in a coin machine as an improper substitute for a genuine coin, bill, or token made for that purpose.

(K) "Theft offense" means any of the following:

(1) A violation of section 2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, 2911.13, 2911.31, 2911.32, 2913.02, 2913.03, 2913.04, 2913.041, 2913.05, 2913.06, 2913.11, 2913.21, 2913.31, 2913.32, 2913.33, 2913.34, 2913.40, 2913.42, 2913.43, 2913.44, 2913.45, 2913.47, 2913.48, former section 2913.47 or 2913.48, or section 2913.51, 2915.05, or 2921.41 of the Revised Code;

(2) A violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state, or of the United States, substantially equivalent to any section listed in division (K)(1) of this section or a violation of section 2913.41, 2913.81, or 2915.06 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to July 1, 1996;

(3) An offense under an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state, or of the United States, involving robbery, burglary, breaking and entering, theft, embezzlement, wrongful conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, deceit, or fraud;

(4) A conspiracy or attempt to commit, or complicity in committing, any offense under division (K)(1), (2), or (3) of this section.

(L) "Computer services" includes, but is not limited to, the use of a computer system, computer network, computer program, data that is prepared for computer use, or data that is contained within a computer system or computer network.

(M) "Computer" means an electronic device that performs logical, arithmetic, and memory functions by the manipulation of electronic or magnetic impulses. "Computer" includes, but is not limited to, all input, output, processing, storage, computer program, or communication facilities that are connected, or related, in a computer system or network to an electronic device of that nature.

(N) "Computer system" means a computer and related devices, whether connected or unconnected, including, but not limited to, data input, output, and storage devices, data communications links, and computer programs and data that make the system capable of performing specified special purpose data processing tasks.

(O) "Computer network" means a set of related and remotely connected computers and communication facilities that includes more than one computer system that has the capability to transmit among the connected computers and communication facilities through the use of computer facilities.

(P) "Computer program" means an ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements that, when executed by a computer, cause the computer to process data.

(Q) "Computer software" means computer programs, procedures, and other documentation associated with the operation of a computer system.

(R) "Data" means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or instructions that are being or have been prepared in a formalized manner and that are intended for use in a computer, computer system, or computer network. For purposes of section 2913.47 of the Revised Code, "data" has the additional meaning set forth in division (A) of that section.

(S) "Cable television service" means any services provided by or through the facilities of any cable television system or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications system, or any microwave or similar transmission service used in connection with any cable television system or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications system.

(T) "Gain access" means to approach, instruct, communicate with, store data in, retrieve data from, or otherwise make use of any resources of a computer, computer system, or computer network, or any cable service or cable system both as defined in section 2913.04 of the Revised Code.

(U) "Credit card" includes, but is not limited to, a card, code, device, or other means of access to a customer's account for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit, or for initiating an electronic fund transfer at a point-of-sale terminal, an automated teller machine, or a cash dispensing machine. It also includes a county procurement card issued under section 301.29 of the Revised Code.



I've done some more research and made some phone calls and I am going to cut my losses and request a full refund from Lemuria Technologies effective today January 14, 2015. I received my initial device on December 15, 2014. But due to problems, defective devices, poor customer service and response time on the companies part (not yours), I would like a refund.  I will also be emailing Lemuria so they are aware.


Thank you and it was nice working with you,


Brandy Vaincourt


[]I am not afraid of being investigated as I did nothing wrong. All your allegations of me taking $200K and leaving can not proven because its a lie made up by Bob Norton.


You guys are trying steal Lemuria Technologies, LLC by not giving me customer information so I can ship units to them or offer a return of funds.

This is Andrew creating another fraud besides creating a fake UCC1 which is being investigated.


Then you get the customers mad by giving them false accusations, then threaten me with their anger.


It's not going to work because I'm re-organizing Lemuria Technologies, LLC to cover during a financial shortfall that both of you and Bob Norton have caused.


If you are so upset about customers piling up as you say asking for refunds, how come you are not sending this information to me so I can take care of them??


You just send lies and false accusations. I will inform local police at your locations and mine that there are persons tracking me to do harm - Charlie F and Andrew L. and Bob N.


That should cover everything.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO

Lemuria Technologies, LLC


You have two hours left before irreversible steps are taken to prevent further mismanagement and fraudulent conveyance of company assets.

None of us trust you at all due to your clear actions that do not align with your words.

We will run the company for 90 days and hand it back to you fixed. But ONLY if we have full control during that period to insure

customers get their machines and you do not continue to take out improper amounts of money and hide offshore.

The incoming funds will go to company past obligations and vendors, not to you, other than the $5,000/month “salary” while you do little.

Your choices are:

1)      We fix your company and you do what you like for 90 days, getting paid. We use customer funds, as legally required, to pay needed company obligations to make PEMF Gen 3A machines (that really work and we will improve them further too) and we can continue to sell, OR

2)      We shut down the company so you cannot continue to steal payments from customers without making the machines that are promised. Company bankruptcy, possible criminal charges, personal bankruptcy because you owe many of these funds individually due to fraud and personal responsibility etc. Your reputation is ruined as an exposed con man who takes money but does not use that money to ship product that is promised.

Your refusal to sign the Key agreement was the last straw Bruce. It showed you had no intention of meeting the legal requirements to ship machines.

It shows you intended to set up an offshore factory with the funds provided by these past customers that you already took.

About $58,000 is needed to get Key to make these machines and you took it all that money out of the company, some as recently as Saturday.

You have lied and mislead everyone here Bruce so what you say matters little. Only what you actually do.

That is the price of broken trust.

Which will it be Bruce 1 (we fix the mess you created for you for a fair price) or 2 (you are alone and pay the price for your past misdeeds)?

I will be sending paperwork to Key at noon Eastern Time to inform them they cannot use or ship any further parts (as they are owned by creditors). Unfortunately that action may be irreversible because they will not want to be in the middle of an expensive legal battle where they will not get any payments. I think they have better things to do.

I will be happy to walk away after fixing your mess (it’s what I do) and being paid for my hard work for the last month too.

I will also be happy to see a con man shut down if he does not repent.

I hope you sign the agreement we sent and the Key agreement and they are in my email box by noon for everyone’s sake.

It will get really ugly if this does not happen. Just the price of your mismanagement of funds.

Best Regards,

Bob Norton

Hi Mark,
I'm working on getting you the unit you ordered. Let me explain what is happening.
I hired a new president Bob Norton who during his trial phase started taking funds
into his personal bank account not the Lemuria Bank account. Not allowing us to
have the funds necessary to ship units to our customers.
Then he proceeded to try to steal my company Lemuria Technologies, LLC
Since this time I have had legal council iron all this out with a "Cease and Desist" notice.
I am entering into a partnership agreement with our manufacturer to ship these units to our customers which is almost complete.
We are just days away from an agreement so it won't be long before we can ship your unit for your hip replacement.
You may not need that hip replacement after using the PEMF4000.
I understand you have been shuttled around, but the buck stops with me as I am Owner/CEO of Lemuria Technologies, LLC a Colorado corporation.
I ask your patience just a little longer as I'm working hard to get you your PEMF4000. Check back with me in a week OR I will be sending a shipping notice before then.
Please tell me who your salesman was.

Thank You,
Bruce Gelerter - CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC
1651 Red Cloud Drive
Saint George, Utah 84770
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Mark Harvey <> wrote:
Hi Bruce I have been waiting to hear about my refund on the PEMF4000 machine that was purchased and is not working properly.
Your company offers a 30 day money back guarantee, which is not happening. I have been passed for one person to another am I have had enough, my next point of call will the FTC and FDA. I have been patient and polite, but I am in need of this refund so I can have a hip replacement operation, as your machine was my last resort to repair my arthritic hip.
I have sent you 2 emails so far without response, my invoice number is MHA001/ALO
Cheers Mark.
Happiness and Wellbeing Therapist
0407 966 862
[9:32:38 AM] Jack Mazze: Everything was good in the company and then I hired Bob Norton to be president as he was a ceo of a 50 million dollar company
[2/5/2015 11:38:45 PM] Bruce Gelerter: So that I can come over here to grow this area
[2/5/2015 11:39:17 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Well....he went into hi gear after seeing our financials from 2014
[2/5/2015 11:39:43 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Started telling Andrew and Charlie that I took money and split the country
[2/5/2015 11:39:44 PM] Jack Mazze: So Bob Norton is the CEO in the usa
[2/5/2015 11:39:51 PM] Bruce Gelerter: No he is gone now too
[2/5/2015 11:40:01 PM] Jack Mazze: really
[2/5/2015 11:40:06 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Yes why
[2/5/2015 11:40:09 PM] Jack Mazze: wow it sounds messy
[2/5/2015 11:40:14 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Oh yeah
[2/5/2015 11:40:29 PM] Bruce Gelerter: So now its good again
[2/5/2015 11:40:50 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Manufacturer in USA - Key Electronics
[2/5/2015 11:41:08 PM] Jack Mazze: ok so who is running usa operations
[2/5/2015 11:41:16 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Chang Mai is great! Just what we were looking for
[2/5/2015 11:41:21 PM] Bruce Gelerter: No one
[2/5/2015 11:41:43 PM] Bruce Gelerter: everything is back in my hands
[2/5/2015 11:41:49 PM] Jack Mazze: I told ya very good place so are you going to move there from malysa
[2/5/2015 11:42:10 PM] Bruce Gelerter: I already got a great rental there!!
[2/5/2015 11:42:30 PM] Jack Mazze: really so you are not going back to mayisa
[2/5/2015 11:42:32 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Im in Malaysia right now just got back - never went to Bangkok
[2/5/2015 11:42:51 PM] Jack Mazze: ok so you are moving to Chaing mai?
[2/5/2015 11:42:54 PM] Bruce Gelerter: Im wrapping up here and going back in about 2 weeks

I doubt he even has a legal advisor but if he does, like everyone else, he gives them a one sided story.

The $200K in distributions in 2014 he took + recent > $30K was provided by Hartley before year end 2014. Then $20K more in 2015.

He told me when I started he was not taking much out – then I saw the accounting from Hartley.


I he digs in though I guess e should just inform the credit card companies and FBI White Collar crime division. Here it is but does not include $20,000+ more taken out this year.

So about $70,000 taken out since 9/16.


I am not afraid of being investigated as I did nothing wrong. All your allegations of me taking $200K and leaving can not proven because its a lie made up by Bob Norton.


You guys are trying steal Lemuria Technologies, LLC by not giving me customer information so I can ship units to them or offer a return of funds.

This is Andrew creating another fraud besides creating a fake UCC1 which is being investigated.


Then you get the customers mad by giving them false accusations, then threaten me with their anger.


It's not going to work because I'm re-organizing Lemuria Technologies, LLC to cover during a financial shortfall that both of you and Bob Norton have caused.


If you are so upset about customers piling up as you say asking for refunds, how come you are not sending this information to me so I can take care of them??


You just send lies and false accusations. I will inform local police at your locations and mine that there are persons tracking me to do harm - Charlie F and Andrew L. and Bob N.


That should cover everything.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO

Lemuria Technologies, LLC






7 Updates & Rebuttals

Bruce Gelerter - CEO STILL A THIEF!

#8Author of original report

Sun, July 17, 2016

HES AT IT AGAIN...............NO ONE HAS GOT A MACHINE!!!! They paid for  ....And no device ever showed up...

We found him living in California.....Calling the authorities to have hime arressted,






#8Author of original report

Wed, November 04, 2015



i HAVE ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED!  I tried to help the poor customers that bought from this liar! I can prove he hurt many people world-wide! Do not buy his pemf4000! do not send him one to fix! you will never get it back! Lemuria Technologies is a front for a scam!

I have many copies of complaints from his customers that he left hanging...We helped them ....NOT HIM!!!!! I felt obglited as a good Christian man to help those he ripped off....


Charlie  ...................

here is more of his evil doings.....


I am sorry to tell you I am not currently representing the company any more since Friday 1/23 when Bruce terminated my services as a consultant after three weeks of long hours and not being paid.

He has left the country and drained the company’s bank accounts of all funds and he appears to be guilty of fraud and fraudulent conveyance of assets.


There are over $200,000 in unfilled orders and over $200,000 in other debts at this time as a result of this mismanagement of the company funds.

So he took orders from customers and then took all that money personally instead of paying sales commissions and production costs for those machines.

He has left many people unpaid including salespeople’s commissions, consultants and people who lent him money to get the company started.

He has specifically stated to me that he intends to start another company in Malaysia, meaning he is effectively stealing the assets of this company to do that.

Liens have been placed on inventory of parts at the manufacturing facility to prevent him from moving those assets also.


I am preparing notices like this one for all customers and letter to the appropriate authorities today to see that he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law for this theft of assets.

I believe he was trying to set me up as a patsy, or excuse to bankrupt the company, and his actions clearly indicate fraud.

Last week three of us offered him a six figure sum in payments over time to take over the company’s assets and debts to make customers whole but he has refused this offer and now is not communicating with me at all.


I expect Visa, MasterCard and the FBI will be looking for him with a felony arrest warrant in time.

I will be informing all customers of this situation, as well as the FBI White Collar Crime Divisions shortly.

Andrew’s Loose, copied above is an investor in the company FYI.

I suggest you take immediate legal actions to recover your funds as it is very clear he has no intention of doing the right thing.

I am happy to assist, though I have also been left holding the proverbial bag by this apparent conman.


You can contact Bruce Gelerter ( and

Bruce’s Telephone: 719-287-4717 


Best Regards,






I am receiving many panic refund emails/calls from people who have my personal number, as is Charlie and others will be.


We held these people off for weeks for you expecting you to do what was needed. Refusing the sign the production agreement and firing me and Andrew were fatal errors.




We are willing to step in and pay $250,000 for the company minus all liabilities which must be paid.


This would have to happen immediately because if all $200,000 in refunds are demanded there would be nothing left for you and the company would not be worth anything at all really.


I estimate the company’s book value is now negative $160,000 and without a patent there is no real argument the technology cannot just be copied by anyone.




Please advise if you are interested in speaking.


We need to tell people the truth starting very soon - that means telling them you took all the money needed to make their machines out of the company before I even showed up.


That means telling them to seek refunds from Visa/Master Card. This is likely to put you on the map as a fraud and Visa/Master Card will be looking for you.


You have the choice to cooperate and save this and I will infuse the needed capital to make production happen or declare bankruptcy.




Please advise ASAP as by tomorrow I think this will all be moot as all customers learn you left the country, took the companies money and cannot refund their money or produce machines etc.




Best Regards,



Bruce Gelerter


Fraudulent Report by Charlie Farricielli -

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 04, 2015

This is a fraudelent report by Charlie Farricielli.

I am Bruce Gelerter, CEO of Lemuria Technologies, LLC

Charlie was hired as an affiliate towards the end of 2013.

Charlie was paid all of his commisions during the time of 2013 all thru to when he was terminated January 2015 for making false promises and lying to our customers.

If Charlie has evidence he can show of not being paid he can contact me.

On January 2015 I went on a business trip to Mayasia/Thailand to put our new product PEMF Quanta into production there.
As soon as I left Charlie starts sending emails that he is the Owner of Lemuria Technologies, LLC

Then he contacted Lemuria's manufacturer in Indiana called Key Electronics and had Lemuria's inventory transfered to Arizona. Just after that he starts selling a new device called the PEMF8000 which I believe was made from Lemuria's PEMF4000 inventory.

During this time Charlie then started a massive campaign of deception and lies against me and my company.

To my knowledge all repairs and any refunds for PEMF4000 have been completed. If there are any customers with any problems whatsoever please contact me.

We are currently underway with a lawsuite against Charlie Farricielli for slander and fraud. If anyone has information to help us in this case please contact me.

Bruce Gelerter-CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC



#8Author of original report

Fri, July 10, 2015

Hi Bruce I have been waiting to hear about my refund on the PEMF4000 machine that was purchased and is not working properly.

Your company offers a 30 day money back guarantee, which is not happening. I have been passed for one person to another am I have had enough, my next point of call will the FTC and FDA. I have been patient and polite, but I am in need of this refund so I can have a hip replacement operation, as your machine was my last resort to repair my arthritic hip.

Hi Mark,

Thank you for this email as it now gives me evidence of slander against me as I suspected.

 All I can say is Bruce is a pathological liar and fraud really. There is not a single statement of truth in the sentences below from Bruce. We are reporting him to the FBI for fraud and fraudulent conveyance. He drained the company funds personally before leaving the country of all the funds needed to produce the machines for past orders – apparently to set me up as a pasty so he could declare bankruptcy and rip off his previous investors and customers for over $400,000!  This is fraud as he is basically taking assets out of a company with investors and putting it into a new one he owns 100% - This called fraudulent conveyance. It is a shell game with assets to steal from one company to put it in a company he controls. He seems too ignorant and morally bankrupt to even understand this is a felony. He is likely to be arrested as soon as he enters the USA again and Master Card and Visa will be pursuing him for bank/credit card fraud after refunding customers (I hope).

 He refused to sign the factory contract to produce the machines on 1/23 after two weeks of saying he would do this – firing me the same day he refused - after we took further sales into bank accounts he only controlled during the time I ran the company (first 2 weeks) based on his worthless assurances.

 Then after refusing to sign the contract and pay me for over 3 weeks work he took the last $10,000 out of the company account on 7/24.

 We (Andrew and investor/owner) and Distributor Charlie Farricielli had become suspicious of him and the Lemuria Credit card processing account was closed as Andrew did not want any part of fraud and became suspicious when he left the country permanently. He also told me he was “going to set up a new company in Malaysia”. Frankly I believe Bruce has serious, diagnosable, psychological issues like Narcissistic personality disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome or other things going on. Maybe even bi-polar. I have also been told he is a drug user.

 I processed a four sales through my corporate (not personal) account in the last week to protect those customers from the same theft scenario, with his permission and full knowledge, because he could not provide a Merchant Account to process orders (saving the company really for a short period). Those funds are being allocated to those customers who are receiving their equipment.

 You can confirm any of this with Andrew, copied here. I advise you demand an immediate refund on your credit card, and if you want a PEMF machine pay Andrew that refund and he will get you one. Bruce will stretch you out for months, as the lead time for some parts is over 60 days, he has no factory in place and we have seized all inventory in the USA to prevent him from shipping it outside the U.S. and beyond the jurisdiction of the U.S> Courts and investors who own it now by filing a UCC lien based on their loans and unpaid bills from the company.

 I believe Bruce is likely to do jail time if/when he reenters the U.S. What he is done is criminal, as well as mismanagement of company funds for personal use. He set aside no money to pay for customer shipments and left his sales people owed tens of thousands in commissions too. He took out over $40,000 needed to pay for this and other vendors. He is a thief – plain and simple.

PEMF4000 SCAM Letter From Affiliates

#8Author of original report

Fri, July 10, 2015


We are writing this as a group of former sales affiliates of the company Lemuria Technologies LLC, maker of the PEMF4000. As you may know by now the device is no longer available, the warranty for the device,
which you definitely need for this prone to fail unit, will obviously no longer be honored.
The owner and CEO of the LLC, Bruce Gelerter decided end of 2014 to move, almost over night to Malaysia to start a new production for a more reliable and more professional PEMF4000 model with the money he made of selling the malfunctioning PEMF4000 (see his email below) to you.

Also, he does not respond to customer calls, who want their device fixed or refunded, he starts promoting his new device with suspicious and scam emails. We can only recommend to stay far away from anything that comes from him. But take not only our word for that, feel free to google him and Lemuria Technologies and see for your self.

This latest email from him (see below) to former customers is actually the proof and his confession, that he knew this device was not made for what it's sold for. In our opinion a Class-Action Case waiting to happen. He should not only refund the money, he should provide you with the new and improved device at no cost, after all  YOU already paid for it to begin with. Your purchase of the beta model made it possible to build this one.

For any refund, replacement or warranty issues please contact him at

Bruce Gelerter 719-287-4717

His last known address is 

54, Jalan Puteri 12/2
Bandar Puteri
Puchong Selan 47100

Although we do have word that he may have moved to Chang Mai in Thailand
the latest was Englewood in Colorado

here is the latest of his emails:

From: Bruce<''>
Date: May 29, 2015, 2:01:42 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: If your PEMF 4000 keeps breaking you must be making money...

And, we have a solution for that! Let me explain.

Since my last letter I was overwhelmed with responses from doctors who love the results they get with patients but are troubled by their unit’s frequent trips to the repair center. 

At first, we were boggled by the number of repairs we were receiving. And now, after interviewing so many customers, we understand what happened.

You see, PEMF 4000 (more specifically, the spark gap inside of PEMF 4000) was originally designed for patients who use it in their home for short periods of time. Maybe one session a day, several times per week.

Clinical use demands more. Much more. The PEMF 4000’s spark gap simply can’t hold up to treating multiple patients an hour, 8+ hours a day. That said, we still honor our warranty. We can replace the same spark gap for free, endlessly, if that’s what you want.

But if you want clinical performance your patients can count on then you want our newest device, PEMF Quanta.

Quanta feels the same as PEMF 4000, it gets the same results, and its fully compatible with the same accessories. The real difference is:

1) The spark gap is designed to handle the rigors of clinical use without breaking a sweat. It’s military spec. Works at 11,000ft! And provides over 1 million pulses before requiring service.

2) It is beautiful like a piece of high-end audio equipment - a sharp and professional addition to any clinic. Its redesigned to be easily used on a cart or desk top. And it is easy to travel with thanks to its wheels, telescoping handle, and now international power compatibility as well!

3) It pulses more quietly and the session adjustments are more precise. Which means you can control pulse speed and intensity separately. Achieve finer-tuned sessions. And reproduce the same session settings far more easily.

You can visit our website  to see all the benefits!

Right now we are running a special exclusively for good customers, like you, who use PEMF 4000 for their patients and need the clinical features.

We are offering to give you 100% value on your PEMF 4000 purchase when you upgrade to Quanta! Here’s how it works:

You paid $10,000 for your PEMF 4000. PEMF Quanta costs $18,000. The difference is $8,000 - so that’s all you have to pay to upgrade.

And for just $2,000 down you can finance the rest through our partner, Wells Fargo. Very low interest rates. No penalties for early payment. And flexible - negotiate a deal that works for you.

This is the best I can do to help you continue making good money with PEMF. Please call me on my private cell number 435-225-1308 and I’ll get you started.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC

We are writing this as a group of former sales affiliates of the company Lemuria Technologies LLC, maker of the PEMF4000. As you may know by now the device is no longer available, the warranty for the device,
which you definitely need for this prone to fail unit, will obviously no longer be honored.
The owner and CEO of the LLC, Bruce Gelerter decided end of 2014 to move, almost over night to Malaysia to start a new production for a more reliable and more professional PEMF4000 model with the money he made of selling the malfunctioning PEMF4000 (see his email below) to you.

Also, he does not respond to customer calls, who want their device fixed or refunded, he starts promoting his new device with suspicious and scam emails. We can only recommend to stay far away from anything that comes from him. But take not only our word for that, feel free to google him and Lemuria Technologies and see for your self.

This latest email from him (see below) to former customers is actually the proof and his confession, that he knew this device was not made for what it's sold for. In our opinion a Class-Action Case waiting to happen. He should not only refund the money, he should provide you with the new and improved device at no cost, after all  YOU already paid for it to begin with. Your purchase of the beta model made it possible to build this one.

For any refund, replacement or warranty issues please contact him at

Bruce Gelerter 719-287-4717

His last known address is 

54, Jalan Puteri 12/2
Bandar Puteri
Puchong Selan 47100

Although we do have word that he may have moved to Chang Mai in Thailand
the latest was Englewood in Colorado

here is the latest of his emails:

From: Bruce<''>
Date: May 29, 2015, 2:01:42 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: If your PEMF 4000 keeps breaking you must be making money...

And, we have a solution for that! Let me explain.

Since my last letter I was overwhelmed with responses from doctors who love the results they get with patients but are troubled by their unit’s frequent trips to the repair center. 

At first, we were boggled by the number of repairs we were receiving. And now, after interviewing so many customers, we understand what happened.

You see, PEMF 4000 (more specifically, the spark gap inside of PEMF 4000) was originally designed for patients who use it in their home for short periods of time. Maybe one session a day, several times per week.

Clinical use demands more. Much more. The PEMF 4000’s spark gap simply can’t hold up to treating multiple patients an hour, 8+ hours a day. That said, we still honor our warranty. We can replace the same spark gap for free, endlessly, if that’s what you want.

But if you want clinical performance your patients can count on then you want our newest device, PEMF Quanta.

Quanta feels the same as PEMF 4000, it gets the same results, and its fully compatible with the same accessories. The real difference is:

1) The spark gap is designed to handle the rigors of clinical use without breaking a sweat. It’s military spec. Works at 11,000ft! And provides over 1 million pulses before requiring service.

2) It is beautiful like a piece of high-end audio equipment - a sharp and professional addition to any clinic. Its redesigned to be easily used on a cart or desk top. And it is easy to travel with thanks to its wheels, telescoping handle, and now international power compatibility as well!

3) It pulses more quietly and the session adjustments are more precise. Which means you can control pulse speed and intensity separately. Achieve finer-tuned sessions. And reproduce the same session settings far more easily.

You can visit our website  to see all the benefits!

Right now we are running a special exclusively for good customers, like you, who use PEMF 4000 for their patients and need the clinical features.

We are offering to give you 100% value on your PEMF 4000 purchase when you upgrade to Quanta! Here’s how it works:

You paid $10,000 for your PEMF 4000. PEMF Quanta costs $18,000. The difference is $8,000 - so that’s all you have to pay to upgrade.

And for just $2,000 down you can finance the rest through our partner, Wells Fargo. Very low interest rates. No penalties for early payment. And flexible - negotiate a deal that works for you.

This is the best I can do to help you continue making good money with PEMF. Please call me on my private cell number 435-225-1308 and I’ll get you started.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC

We are writing this as a group of former sales affiliates of the company Lemuria Technologies LLC, maker of the PEMF4000. As you may know by now the device is no longer available, the warranty for the device,
which you definitely need for this prone to fail unit, will obviously no longer be honored.
The owner and CEO of the LLC, Bruce Gelerter decided end of 2014 to move, almost over night to Malaysia to start a new production for a more reliable and more professional PEMF4000 model with the money he made of selling the malfunctioning PEMF4000 (see his email below) to you.

Also, he does not respond to customer calls, who want their device fixed or refunded, he starts promoting his new device with suspicious and scam emails. We can only recommend to stay far away from anything that comes from him. But take not only our word for that, feel free to google him and Lemuria Technologies and see for your self.

This latest email from him (see below) to former customers is actually the proof and his confession, that he knew this device was not made for what it's sold for. In our opinion a Class-Action Case waiting to happen. He should not only refund the money, he should provide you with the new and improved device at no cost, after all  YOU already paid for it to begin with. Your purchase of the beta model made it possible to build this one.

For any refund, replacement or warranty issues please contact him at

Bruce Gelerter 719-287-4717

His last known address is 

54, Jalan Puteri 12/2
Bandar Puteri
Puchong Selan 47100

Although we do have word that he may have moved to Chang Mai in Thailand
the latest was Englewood in Colorado

here is the latest of his emails:

From: Bruce<''>
Date: May 29, 2015, 2:01:42 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: If your PEMF 4000 keeps breaking you must be making money...

And, we have a solution for that! Let me explain.

Since my last letter I was overwhelmed with responses from doctors who love the results they get with patients but are troubled by their unit’s frequent trips to the repair center. 

At first, we were boggled by the number of repairs we were receiving. And now, after interviewing so many customers, we understand what happened.

You see, PEMF 4000 (more specifically, the spark gap inside of PEMF 4000) was originally designed for patients who use it in their home for short periods of time. Maybe one session a day, several times per week.

Clinical use demands more. Much more. The PEMF 4000’s spark gap simply can’t hold up to treating multiple patients an hour, 8+ hours a day. That said, we still honor our warranty. We can replace the same spark gap for free, endlessly, if that’s what you want.

But if you want clinical performance your patients can count on then you want our newest device, PEMF Quanta.

Quanta feels the same as PEMF 4000, it gets the same results, and its fully compatible with the same accessories. The real difference is:

1) The spark gap is designed to handle the rigors of clinical use without breaking a sweat. It’s military spec. Works at 11,000ft! And provides over 1 million pulses before requiring service.

2) It is beautiful like a piece of high-end audio equipment - a sharp and professional addition to any clinic. Its redesigned to be easily used on a cart or desk top. And it is easy to travel with thanks to its wheels, telescoping handle, and now international power compatibility as well!

3) It pulses more quietly and the session adjustments are more precise. Which means you can control pulse speed and intensity separately. Achieve finer-tuned sessions. And reproduce the same session settings far more easily.

You can visit our website  to see all the benefits!

Right now we are running a special exclusively for good customers, like you, who use PEMF 4000 for their patients and need the clinical features.

We are offering to give you 100% value on your PEMF 4000 purchase when you upgrade to Quanta! Here’s how it works:

You paid $10,000 for your PEMF 4000. PEMF Quanta costs $18,000. The difference is $8,000 - so that’s all you have to pay to upgrade.

And for just $2,000 down you can finance the rest through our partner, Wells Fargo. Very low interest rates. No penalties for early payment. And flexible - negotiate a deal that works for you.

This is the best I can do to help you continue making good money with PEMF. Please call me on my private cell number 435-225-1308 and I’ll get you started.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC



This man is a fraud, here is more evidence

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, June 02, 2015

He just sent this letter out to a bunch of people owed money and/or units:


From: Bruce (((redacted)))
Sent: Saturday, 30 May 2015 4:02 AM
To: (((redacted)))
Subject: If your PEMF 4000 keeps breaking you must be making money...


And, we have a solution for that! Let me explain.

Since my last letter I was overwhelmed with responses from doctors who love the results they get with patients but are troubled by their unit’s frequent trips to the repair center. â€¨

At first, we were boggled by the number of repairs we were receiving. And now, after interviewing so many customers, we understand what happened.

You see, PEMF 4000 (more specifically, the spark gap inside of PEMF 4000) was originally designed for patients who use it in their home for short periods of time. Maybe one session a day, several times per week.

Clinical use demands more. Much more. The PEMF 4000’s spark gap simply can’t hold up to treating multiple patients an hour, 8+ hours a day. That said, we still honor our warranty. We can replace the same spark gap for free, endlessly, if that’s what you want.

But if you want clinical performance your patients can count on then you want our newest device, PEMF Quanta.

Quanta feels the same as PEMF 4000, it gets the same results, and its fully compatible with the same accessories. The real difference is:

1) The spark gap is designed to handle the rigors of clinical use without breaking a sweat. It’s military spec. Works at 11,000ft! And provides over 1 million pulses before requiring service.

2) It is beautiful like a piece of high-end audio equipment - a sharp and professional addition to any clinic. Its redesigned to be easily used on a cart or desk top. And it is easy to travel with thanks to its wheels, telescoping handle, and now international power compatibility as well!

3) It pulses more quietly and the session adjustments are more precise. Which means you can control pulse speed and intensity separately. Achieve finer-tuned sessions. And reproduce the same session settings far more easily.

You can visit our website to see all the benefits!

Right now we are running a special exclusively for good customers, like you, who use PEMF 4000 for their patients and need the clinical features.

We are offering to give you 100% value on your PEMF 4000 purchase when you upgrade to Quanta! Here’s how it works:

You paid $10,000 for your PEMF 4000. PEMF Quanta costs $18,000. The difference is $8,000 - so that’s all you have to pay to upgrade.

And for just $2,000 down you can finance the rest through our partner, Wells Fargo. Very low interest rates. No penalties for early payment. And flexible - negotiate a deal that works for you.Error! Filename not specified.

This is the best I can do to help you continue making good money with PEMF. Please call me on my private cell number (((redacted)))and I’ll get you started.

Bruce Gelerter - CEO
Lemuria Technologies, LLC



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Dr. Watson


Lemuria Technologies Scam

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, May 12, 2015

Beware.  I have been trying to work with this company for months with no resolution to their faulty equipment.  They have now stopped communicating altogether and their website no longer works.  They will not respond to emails or phone calls.  I have spoken to other consumers of their PEMF4000 who have also had the same problems of receiving faulty equipment.  I had problems from the beginning of using their equipment and have now gone through 2 of their devices with no resolution.  They over promise and under deliver both on their equipment and on their customer service. Bruce Gelerter is apparently a scam artist.

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