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  • Report:  #117947

Complaint Review: Lennar Homes

Lennar Homes, ripoff extremely long battle with Lennar Homes Houston Texas

  • Reported By:
    houston Texas
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 15, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sun, November 20, 2011
  • Lennar Homes
    550 Greens Parkway #111
    Houston, Texas
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    281-875 1000
  • Category:

I had a extremely long battle (about 2- 3 months)trying to get the Lennar people to get their unruly illegal Mexican workers under control. It was totally absurd how long it took them to come up with some very simple solutions to correct these problems. It was amazing to hear how many lame excuses Lennar came up with. Excuse making is truly their best talent. I was lied to about how Lennar had serious rules about the specific unruly illegal Mexican workers activity to get me to sign the contract to buy the house. Lennar made my new home a totally miserable experience and the whole problem was easily avoidable by just taking some simple steps on Lennar's part. Lennar is a group of slick trained professional actors but unfortunately they have no real human sympathy, feelings or concern for those experiencing problems with their homes.

Sam houston, Texas

12 Updates & Rebuttals



Reality deprived

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, July 25, 2007

Your claims are abusurd. Oh No, RACISM!!!! That is a typical charge made by people cannot handle legitimate criticism. It is well known that the construction industry in the USA employees thousands of illegal Mexicans for cheap labor. Whether you continue to deny reality is up to you.

You are also slightly reality deprived when you say people are free to do what they want. Have you never heard of HOAs? They have rules against loud noises in the neighborhoods. Every Lennar neighborhood is managed by an HOA. People also have the right not to bothered by loud music in their own homes. You are racist because you think it's OK for Mexicans for blare loud music and annoy non-Mexicans in their own homes.

My parents bought a new home and when the subdivision was under construction, the workers would always play loud Tejano music. My parents complained to the company (not Lennar) and after a few complaints, the workers turned the music down. But then after a few weeks, they would start up again.

One time, the INS raided the subdivision and arrested some Mexican workers for being in the county illegally. When the INS came, the construction workers ran like wind. If they were legal, they wouldn't have ran.

This guy could work from home. Could have to get up after 6:30am to go to work. Or the workers could be working on the weekend or in the evening when people get back from work. Maybe he lives close enough to work to go home for lunch.

I almost bought a Lennar home. But when I went to look at the house a second time I noticed the following :

1) Improper grading - Puddles formed on the sides of the house. During a heavy rain, rain water was gathering on the sides of the house.
2) The driveway cracked and a huge corner chunk broke off within one week after I saw it. Either Lennar used cheap cement or the land under the house is shifting. That should not happen on house less than 6 months old.
3) They switched the garage door opener to a cheaper brand. Before I signed the contract, it was a Genie brand. When I saw it the second time they had replaced it with a cheaper promax model. The saleman lied to me and told me everything that was in the house at that time would come with it.
4) The front door would not open. The salesman had to open the back door to let us see the house. This is usually a sign of shifting soil.

Number 3 and 4 were the killers for me. I decided to cancel the contract. I had to give up my earnest money. But that was better than buying a house with a possible foundation problems later due to shifting soil. If they replaced the garage door opener without telling me, who knows what else they might have done?

Oh yes, the salesman tried to get me not to get a home inspection. I suspect this was to try to avoid having the inspector find problems that Lennar would be required to fix. Builders are not your friends. They are after your money. Use caution.

I will say a good word about Lennar, the homes look very nice, inside and out. Whether they are built well varies.



Oh Sam Oh Sam, do you like green eggs and ham?

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2006

As far as I can tell, the only way you could possibly be bothered with these "unruly illegal music-playing Mexicans" is if you are an unemployed bum who stays home all day collecting welfare, while sitting on your lard-butt watching TV with your greasy hand in a jumbo bag of generic-brand chips.

If you yourself were a hard-working American holding down an honest job, you would not be at home during the day when the workers are on site.

Furthermore, rest assured, I'm sure the "unruly illegal Mexicans" do not like you either -- but interestingly they have the decency and tact to deal with this situation in a mature, rational manner. That, and I'm sure they have better things to do with their time than complain about the village idiot (aka YOU).



Grow Up!!! I am currently buying a home from Lennar and have had no such problems

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, January 18, 2006

I think you have serious issues, how dare you speak that way about Hispanics, YOU should be put on an island by yourself if your so racists, I am currently buying a home from Lennar and have had no such problems, as far as music well the last time i looked it was a Free Country, for whom ever not every body like 75% of the people who live in the USA are born here my family is grandfather is from Germany and migrated here but I was born here so what am I. Check your roots before you speak and if your so unhappy and bored with your life why don't you go up to one of those Mexicans and speak your mind I guarantee you will be running and if your so concerned and if anyones concerned why are they still working illegally im sure someone checks on the job site. Im threw I have a life and a good one at that so for those pathetic people that get thrills from putting people dwn look at your roots and I guarantee you have an illegal some where down the line. GET A LIFE>>



To Unhappy homeowner

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2005

My husband is a manager for lennar homes, and he finds it hard to believe your story. Every home owner is intitled to 2 to 3 walk throughs befor signing the exceptecnce forms. Second of all No manager can send a home owner to closing without standing items. As in repairs or changes from the homeowner. Once the repairs have been made, only then the homeowner or home buyer can be sent to closing. In my Husbands 23 years of contruction experience he has never heard of a homeowner going to closings on their homes with items that need to be repaired. Seriously now, let be honest, why would anyone buy a home with outstanding issues in their home befor closing and how many walk thoughs did you do befor you bought the home. Clearly you should have seen these issues with the cabinet and everything else you claimed to be unhappy with befor you did the closing on your home. This is not understood by my husband or me.



Unhappy Homeowner

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, June 15, 2005

I live in VA and recently bought from Lennar and it has been the most horrible experience of my life. I don't usually make many mistakes but I made one here. This is the third new home I have bought over the years and I can honestly say that it is the WORST. I will be filing my own complaint in a day or so. Most of the workers here are Hispanic, too, however I have not had any problems with them except trying to understand the one who came in to fix something.

My complaint it with the company. My experience with the sales staff and the construction supervisor (who they call the builder) is that they all make up answers as they go along. My neighbors agree with me. As for the Hispanic workers, the ones here seem to be unskilled in building houses and no one is supervising them. Lennar is making a lot of money by hiring the cheapest labor they can get. Walls, baseboards and door frames are crooked.

I got splinters from my kitchen cabinets so I don't know what they did to them. Add to that the fact that the company used the cheapest materials possible and this is not the house I want to live in. I think I planned to sell it even before I moved in. I am so angry at the builder I don't want to stay here. I will stay here for two years so I don't have to pay capital gains and then I am selling and will try to find an honest builder.

As to the guy who was thinking about buying a Lennar home, I hope you didn't. This company is only interested in raking in the money and in spite of their ads, does not have any customer service. I looked at the web site from a builder I was happy with and they don't have a customer service button on their web site. Maybe that is a clue, those that make the biggest show of having customer service do not have any.



In spite of the "unruly Mexicans". . .

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, May 01, 2005

Do you like your new home Sam? I'm buying a Lennar home and I would like to know what to watch out for (besides the "unruly Mexicans"). Which model did you buy and how much did you pay (if you don't mind me asking)? Also, "unruly Mexicans" aside, how was it dealing with the company after the sale? I'm considering buying the Arlington model in Lakecrest (Katy) for $165,000. Any help you could give me (what to look for, price negotiation, questions to ask at closing, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

By the way, I'm an African American, but I'm not "unruly" . . . most days.


Round Rock,

SAM u need to get a life LOUD MUSIC is so petty

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 26, 2005

i am a Ex lennar associate and i was terminated by the company and you would probaly think i would bash them, but im not. !st Sam if you are such the working man then you wouldnt hear the music since it is going when you ur self are at work. secondlyLennar has a very strict policy for SUBs there is 14 pages of paper work that has to be filled out by that sub. also imminagration is always running strong through the construction fields, so i find it hard to belive that there were NUMEROUS unrully mexicans. they arent going to draw that kind of attention to them selves, also unruly is the last thing i have ever seen them act. as an ex employee they were always very respectable and helpful in any matter i had. Lennar is on of the BEST builders in the nation for a reason. and there has to be more to your story than just some contractors. and if that is all that it is about then you should be happy as a pig in mud since your home is complete. no more unrully MEXICANS. and me as a white man finds that offensive the are called Hispanics. learn to respect your fellow man and you will be a happier person. and to this day i would buy a Lennar home over 95% of all builders in texas.



Give me a break and get a clue

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, December 09, 2004

Sam, your response to my post was completely uncalled for. Hooray for you for not giving a flying flip if other Mexicans might be offended by your genralized racist comments.

Your comment about how a worker that told you these men were illegals is just plain ludicrous. Surely people don't go around advertising this kind of information - especially to racist individuals such as yourself.

If you're so busy that you can't take 5 minutes to lay out your actual complaint then you really have no purpose being on this website and should be reported to RipOffReport.

Lennar is building a home for me and so far they and their workers have been more than accomodating. I visit the job site at least once a week and every time am greeted by decent, hardworking individuals who just happen to be Hispanic.

Why don't you do something a tad more constructive with your time than putting people down? You might find that your life is a little bit more pleasant if you do.



A lot of greedy Americas are making a lot of money off these Mexican labor forces

#13Author of original report

Wed, December 08, 2004

The problem with the unruly Mexican workers was that they were playing their music too loud among some other things .No matter how many times the Police came to get them under control they just kept doing it.Lennar promised me before I bought my home that they had their own serious company rules that they did not allow their workers to have any such loud music that disturbs and that Lennar seriously enforced those rules! Lennar just told me this to get me to buy the house . Lennar proved to be totally worthless and dishonest in enforcing any such promises about these rules .Only after and very long and extremely stressful battle in which I was forced to apply tremendous pressures did we start getting some results. Lennar only acted when they saw a threat to the sales ,reputation etc...Lennar did not act because they are reasonable ,honest and good people who want to do the right thing.

Now people are asking proof that the Mexicans I speak of are illegal.How about this for starters :One of the Mexicans who works for Lennar told me all these Mexicans are illegal! Of course I can not give out his name since he might not enjoy having his throat cut from ear to ear by a Mexican switch blade!

A lot of greedy Americas are making a lot of money off these Mexican labor forces we have over here in the USA and that is why there is a lot of resistance to the truth about the Mexicans illegal status in America.I also think many Mexican Americans are embarrassed about them so they make all kinds of efforts to cover up the truth about their fellow Mexicans shameful and lawless behavior.



You are an idiot, Sam!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, December 04, 2004

You are why people hate this country! First off, do your research, Mexico has a lower unemployment rate than the US! Second, most of the Mexicans in this country ARE LEGAL! Yes, there are some illegal mexicans here, but there are illegal italians, english, iraqis, chinese...EVERYONE! You are such an a*s for assuming they are illegal! You say you don't have time to prove it, and yet you have time to come to this site? And before you assume, no I am not Mexican, and yes I am legal, my family came here from Italy when my mother was ten. Now, unless you're native american, your family immigrated here too. So don't be such a jackass! And if you are going to post here, make sure you state what the company did wrong! This site is to help yourself and others, however if you don't state what happened no one will be helped, including you.
Personally, I don't think the company did anything wrong. I think you just wanted to show your racist a*s to the whole world. Well, you did a fine job of showing the world exactly who you truly are. I hope to God you never have a child who falls in love with someone who is a little different. Or heaven forbid you ever did. Whatever. I'm done, I have to get back to MY full time job.

have a great day everyone!



Unruly Illegal Mexican workers Proof

#13Author of original report

Sat, December 04, 2004

Jenifer part of your argument is valid I have not gone into details of this problem since my time is limited in being able to write up this report ,collect documents and statements etc..and present them in a convincing mannner.The other part about being an insulted Mexican is not valid because almost everybody in the USA knows most of these Mexicans are illegal and lawless ,so Jenifer you go on being a Mexican living in a dream world that is probably were you deserve to live!

I did not have time write out the details of the Mexican problem with Lennar nor have I had time to collect , organize and present valid proof SINCE UNLIKE MUCH OF MEXICO'S POPULATION I WORK FULL TIME !Also dealing with all the Lennar problems in this neighborhood consumes quit a bit of my spare time as well.If I lived in Mexico with their vast unemployment then I would probably have plenty of spare time to do all these things.

Never the less I will try to devote time as I can find spare time to gathering and proof and presenting it in this form since you challenged me.For starters you could start warming up by calling the Pearland , Texas Police (281-652-1100) and see how many complaints have been filed against these workers unruly activity on my block in Oak Brook Estates in Pearland Texas .My neighbor also had to call the Police on the UNRULY MEXICAN WORKERS for loud music at 6:30 am in the morning ,ask the police for that report as well.Their is another neighbor who..oh well I don't have time for that (got to get back to work)I'll explaind this neighbor's gripe stay tuned in here at

In closing for some extra icing on the cake and while you are waiting for more of my proof you may want to read the unsatisfactory report on the Lennar Homes in my area from the BBB.Keep in mind that Lennar is fairly new to this area and they already have a bad record with the BBB.

Lennar Homes, Inc.
Yahoo Map
550 Greens Parkway #111
Houston, TX 77067

Original Business Start Date: 01/01/88
Principal: Christian Marlin, Deputy General Counsel
Phone Number: 305-229-6418
Fax Number: 713-558-7864
Email Address:
Web Site Address:
Web Site Address:
Membership Status: no
Type of Business: Home Builders

The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources.


This company builds homes..


Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s).

When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.

Closed Complaints
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in last 36 Months: 33
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in last 12 months: 14

Complaints Concerned
Advertising Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 1

Sales Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 1

Guarantee or Warranty Issues: 6
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 5; Unresolved: 1

Product Quality Issues: 21
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 14; Unresolved: 1; Delayed Resolution: 1;
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 4; Company did not
respond: 1

Contract Issues: 3
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 1; Company made good faith effort to Resolve:

Customer Service Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
Delayed Resolution: 1


This company also does business as Lennar Corporation;
U S Home Corporation, Houston Division and
Village Builders.


Additional phone numbers for this company include (281) 368-7700,
(281) 873-4663,
(281) 874-8430,
(281) 874-8556,
(281) 875-1000,
(281) 875-2510,
(281) 875-4444,
(281) 877-1601,
(305) 229-6418,
(713) 368-7710,
(713) 877-2311,
(713) 877-2432 and
(713) 877-2499.


Additional addresses for this company include 700 N.W. 107th Avenue Suite 400, Miami, FL 33172.


Additional company management personnel include Rick Peery, President;
Tom Markiewicz, Division President;
Christian Marlin, Deputy General Counsel;
Don Luke, President;
Darin Horn, Customer Care Manager and
Christian Marlin, Deputy General Co.

REPORT DATE: 12/04/2004

COPYRIGHT DATE: 2004 BBB of Metropolitan Houston


As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service, or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained in this report is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.

The Better Business Bureau reports on members and non-members. Membership in the BBB is voluntary. Members must meet and maintain BBB standards. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report.



What's Your Gripe? I did not see what the problem was.

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, November 24, 2004

You speak of a "long battle" with Lennar but from your complaint I did not see what the problem was. You also speak of "illegal Mexican" workers. Are you positive they are illegals? Do you have actual proof? As a Mexican myself, I take offense to your characterizing these workers as unruly when you have given absolutely no indication whatsoever as to what the actual problem with Lennar or their workers was. Shame on you, Sam.

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