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  • Report:  #116168

Complaint Review: LEVITZ FURNITURE


  • Reported By:
    CHANDLER Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 05, 2004
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 05, 2004

Date: 9/28/2004 1:10:34 PM

Subject: Levitz Web Site

First Name: RUBY

Please forward this message to upper management as I feel it warrants that level of attention. To start, I was lied to on three different occasions by two different salesmen and a manager at the Tempe store. Ist I was told of free delivery from a certain time frame. When I went to the store to purchase the furniture, I was given a different story... no free delivery. I left the store.

Months later, because I really like the furniture, I decided to wait and try again. I returned to the same store, was told during the holiday weekend Levitz was giving a 10% discount. Again I was ready to make the purchase when I was told there isn't a 10% discount available at that time. Now I'm really frustrated and expressed my feeling to the salesman. (Carlos) Since Carlos was NOT the one who told me about the 10%, I felt bad unleashing my frustration on him for previous sales behavior.

Carlos realized that I was ready to walk out of the store, this time NEVER to return. He left to go speak with management as he felt I should have the 10% after being told it would be available that weekend. While waiting on Carlos to return, a female manager approached me asking how I was being treated. I naturally ASSUMED she was sent over to talk to me by Carlos. She proceeded to tell me what Levitz could NOT do, this went on for appx. 5 minutes. By then, Carlos returned and told me the 10% would be honored. The female manager had this shocked look on her face like she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar! Once again, I was being lied to this time by management!

I purchased the furniture 9/4/4, picked it up 9/12/4. Later that night, I had a chance to really look at the furniture, deciding where to place which piece when I noticed a rip / tear in the back of the love seat. I called Levitz the following Monday to report the defect. After being kept on hold for 30+ minutes, I was told a new piece would be delivered to my house 10/7/4. (not without a mild argument)

Last night, 9/27/4 as I went to sit down on the sofa, I felt nothing but wood! It was like the cushion had totally collapsed! I could not believe what I was feeling! I just spent almost $2,000.00 for this! I'm afraid of what to expect next, after or before the one-year warranty runs out! At this time, I would like to return the furniture and respectfully request a 100% refund.

I look forward to receiving your favorable response considering the Quality problems I've experienced in a short time.

Regards, Ruby

-----Original Message-----
From: Levitz Service Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 9:45 AM
Subject RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Ms.
Please allow me to apologize for the
inconvenience you experienced, as a result of the miscommunication you received at our showroom. We appreciate it when our customers inform us of their concerns as it gives us an opportunity to make improvements. I assure you that our utmost goal is to afford our customers the highest level of
quality Customer Service. Your experience is not indicative of our normal practices. We are continuously striving to improve our service levels and have addressed your experience with all concerned parties in an effort to avert any other such occurrences.
Levitz carries a "Final Sale" policy which states under your "One Year Limited Warranty" that we will repair or replace the furniture at our discretion. We do not anticipate a problem with the exchange scheduled for 10/7/04 and trust all will go well. Because we value you as a customer a Merchandise Certificate in the amount of $50.00 is being sent as an expression of our apology.

Josephine Bascombe
Executive Office

From: Ruby
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:14:54 PM
To: Levitz Service

Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Josephine Bascombe,

I appreciate the reply however, the response is far from what I expected. Just to bring you up-to-date, the replacement loveseat was delivered today, appx: 9:30 a.m. and returned for yet another quality issue! THE FRAME WAS BROKED! Per your comment on below message, "We do not anticipate a problem with the exchange scheduled for 10/7/04 and trust all will go well", the exchange was a total disaster just like my experience from day one with Levitz.

That's just the loveseat.... the sofa is yet to be addressed. That's scheduled for the 15th of this month. Based on Levitz's track record, my expectation for quality furniture, on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest), -1 is where I place Levitz!

In addition to the quality problems with the furniture and salespeople, I'm now losing time away from my job. I lost 2 hours today, I anticipate losing more time on the 15th.

I cannot begin to express my disappointment and frustration level! Nothing short of a 100% FULL refund is acceptable.

Josephine, no disrespect to you, please elevate this message to a higher, decision making level. DUE TO ALL THE QUALITY ISSUES, I DO NOT WANT THE FURNITURE! I'M REQUESTING A FULL REFUND!


From: Service@Levitz Fri 10/8/2004 12:35 PM
To: RMcClelland
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Ms.

Thank you for your email. We would like to begin by saying we apologize for any difficulties you may have experienced with our services. At Levitz we are dedicated to providing quality merchandise as well as quality service, so we are pleased you advised us of this matter. If you would like, you can reselect on your living room set, or we can issue a refund of $337.50 if you wish to keep your loveseats as they are. Please advise as to what you would like to do and I will be more than happy to process your request.


Amanda Perry
Executive Assistant

From: Ruby
Sent: Mon 10/11/2004 3:15 PM
To: Service@Levitz
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby McClelland

Dear Amanda,
Thanks for the quick reply. Again, I'm disappointed with the response. It appears previous Levitz's reps and you are very apologetic but not understanding (or just ignoring) my issues with the furniture.
Per Josephine Bascombe below message, referencing Levitz's "final sales policy", SURELY that's NOT applicable to the sale of my furniture! I've had nothing but problems with this furniture from the first day! I cannot believe that "final sales policy" pertains to DEFECTIVE furniture!

Look, all I'm asking for is a 100% refund for the furniture, nothing more at this time! That's the request I want processed, that's the response I deserve!


From: Levitz Service
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby [#11310]

Dear Ms.

We truly apologize that again it was necessary for you to
refuse the delivery. We are dismayed that the loveseat arrived at your home with the frame broken and will address this situation with the Warehouse Managers.
Please be assured that I am in a capacity to make any decision necessary to resolve your concerns. However, in accordance with the terms and conditions of your sale "All Sales are Final" and an option to pick up the furniture is not an option at this time. In accordance with your "Limited Warranty" because it is required that the furniture be inspected it is necessary that a decision be made, relative to both pieces, after we receive the technician's report. The report should be received 3-5 business days after the service is completed. At that time we will be in a position to explore alternate options.

Instructions have been entered into your history to enable our Service Representative to make necessary arrangements for both pieces.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Josephine Bascombe
Executive Office

From: Ruby
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:15 PM
To: Levitz Service
Cc: Ruby
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Josephine Bascombe,
Just one question for you....what would you do if this happened to you your loved one? Please put yourself in my position! How can you possibly not grant me a full refund?

Policies are put in place as a guideline, they are not concrete! There's always exceptions made for certain circumstances. I feel very strongly that my experience certainly falls well within the exception bucket!
Look, I'm not trying to renege on the purchase of my furniture, (I actually like the look of the furniture) what I'm trying to do is get you to understand that the furniture is DEFECTIVE and I do not want it! The fact that the defects appeared immediately does not leave me with a warm feeling the problems will not reoccur prior or after the warranty runs out! You can clean up a pig and put a bow on's still a pig! The furniture is DEFECTIVE...that's a FACT! I would be real interested in seeing the return / defective claims report on this particular furniture as well as other furniture Levitz's carry. Is that report open to the public?

"All Sales are Final" in a reputable retail store relates to items purchased "AS IS", not NEW furniture. Levitz's has certainly given new meaning to that term!!!
I am so very disappointed with the LACK of Levitz's customer service starting with the salespeople to management! I cannot believe Levitz's would risk losing CUSTOMER'S over a $2,000 sale! I will continue to elevate my request until I receive the response I deserve, a FULL REFUND!

One last comment.... I did not refuse the furniture. The delivery guys noticed the broken frame and started to take it away before I knew the frame was broken. They never gave me a chance to refuse as they obviously witness what I've been saying from day one, the furniture is defective!

You were dismayed that the loveseat arrived at my home with the frame broken.... WELCOME TO MY WORLD WITH LEVITZ!!

Respectfully yours,


From: Ruby
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 8:19 AM
To: Levitz Service
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Josephine Bascombe,
I had a message on my home answering machine advising the time slot for Levitz's (11:00 - 1:00)to look at the sofa with the deflated seat / cushion. I arrived home at appx: 5:30 p.m., called the number left on my machine, which of course the answering machine picked up as it was after closing. I left a message that 11:00-1:00 was not a good time for me as I have a "mandatory" business luncheon I must attend. I also left my cell# as the best way to reach me during the day.

I received a call from Levitz at 7:00 a.m. (why so early is beyond me), advising I need to reschedule the appointment and the number to call, 1-800-453-8318. I've tried calling that number several times, no luck.
Not even a dial tone. Is this the correct number? I will keep trying in the event there's a "short term" phone problem.


From: Ruby Mon 10/18/2004 8:13 AM
Levitz Service
RE: Levitz-Ruby
I called the phone number left on my home answering machine Saturday a.m. and was given the correct phone number to reschedule the 10/15/04 tech. review of the deflated cushion.

The office was closed so I left a voice message with my cell #.

Due to the obvious quality issues, I started looking a little closer at the furniture, front and back. Here's a few more significant defects I found:

. stitching missing on the back rest of the sofa

. staples visible on the backside of the sofa

. visible gap on the backside of the sofa, looks like the manufacture missed a few staples.

. loose strings on the foot of the recliner, bottom side.


10/20/04 7:49 AM
I called 1-800-445-8318 (since I never received a call backtypical behavior), to reschedule the service call regarding the deflated cushion. Spoke with Antawn 17 minutes (not sure of the spelling of the name. Antwan asked questions that lead me to wonder if my case was never documented. Several minutes went by while Antwan placed me on hold. He informed me that I'm set up for an even exchange on all furniture pieces.

I told Antawn that I was not aware of an even exchange nor did I agree to such an exchange. I proceeded to share the highlights of the quality problems with the furniture, he agreed with me. (not that his disapproval of the whole situation mean anything to Levitz) I told Antawn that I'm requesting 100% refund. It's not my ideal to send a tech out to look at the furniture, that's Levitz decision, not mine.
Service call scheduled 10/26/04 at this time.

From: Levitz Service [
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Ms.

Although we understand your point, because our policy is
such that the furniture must be inspected to allow us to make an informed decision it is necessary that we receive the technician's report. When it is received you will be contacted with the status.

We are anxious to resolve your concerns and regret the
inconvenience incurred.

Josephine Bascombe
Executive Office

From: Ruby McClelland
Sent: Wed 11/3/2004 8:45 AM
To: Levitz Service
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Josephine Bascombe,
It's been over a week since the service representative inspected the furniture. When can I expect to hear back from Levitz with a decision?



From: Levitz Service
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: RE: Levitz-Ruby

Dear Ms.

We have received the technician's report and have authorized a reselect of the sectional. You may visit any one of our showrooms to select a new set anytime between the date of this letter until the expiration date of 12/04/04. You may select anything equal to the value of the original sale.

If the value is less a merchandise certificate will be issued to you for the difference, if you select an item(s) that is costlier you will be responsible to pay the difference. There will be no additional delivery fee charged. When you go into the showroom, please see the Sales Manager for assistance. At that time arrangements will be made to pick up the old furniture on the day that the new delivery is made.

We value you as a customer and trust this resolution meets with your satisfaction. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced.

Josephine Bascombe
Executive Office

From: Ruby
Sent: Thu 11/4/2004 11:10 AM
To: Levitz Service
Subject: Levitz Service

Dear Josephine Bascombe,
Again, this is not the response I'm looking for but it's the typical "non-customer service" response that falls in line with my total experience with Levitz!
I'm not satisfied with the exchange conclusion and I will continue to elevate this issue. What could possibly bring you to the conclusion that I would be satisfied purchasing ANYTHING from Levitz's based on my awful experience! I'm insulted with the 12/4/4/ deadline! I raised the quality issue immediately (9/13/4) and 37 (working days) later I have a deadline!

No disrespect to you but what part of "I want a 100% refund " did you not understand? I'm requesting a copy of the technician's report ASAP.


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