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  • Report:  #755524

Complaint Review: Lexxistar

Lexxistar model imposter liar cheat drug addict prostitute illegal animal Internet

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Internet USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 20, 2011
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 10, 2011

There is a so called model on a webcam internet site ( calling herself Lexxistar. She is not the REAL famous model with that same name. She is an impostor. She is using the real Lexxistar name to promote her online webcam activities where she sells herself online. She does not just model, she also uses the webcam site and profile she has on there to auction off a date with her. Per her profile, this date that is being raffled off promises prostitution services. Many men have bid for the date with the fake Lexxistar but none of them ever actually got to meet her. She basically keeps the money, having ripped off many men. Her latest scam is taking donations to buy new wheels for her old 2004 Subaru Sti. The problem is that she is circumventing the fees charged by the website where the website retains a percentage for hosting her webcam room. They have been notifled and of course they are upset with her too. This woman has no respect whatsoever for any laws. She is getting cash deposits from the website in which she is most likely not paying taxes on. Also in her profile, she claims to smoke marajuana and own an illegal exotic ferret. She of course also has no respect for the intellectual rights of the famous model that she is impersonating. I will be notifying the real Lexxistar of all of this. I will also be advising her on how to sue the fake model and subpeona the records of in order to get the personal information on the fake model.

16 Updates & Rebuttals

John Larson


Case Closed !

#17Author of original report

Thu, November 10, 2011

That website's Asian pages have now been discontinued. HA - HA !

mr rik



#17Consumer Comment

Mon, September 05, 2011


Ha Ha Ha

New York,

By The Way!

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

By the way Please ignore

A.  mrRik-Miami


B.  Inspector-Tobyhana

They are just trolls on the ROR or in other words dried sperm that did not go down well into their mother's ovaries that's all!  The real issue here is that someone here is hiding something that they don't want to be exposed and also another question is will this turn out to be dogfight instead?



WoW a cat fight on ROR!

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

The fur is flying now.  Anyway the so called imposter is WAAY much better looking.  Let's get back to the scratching and clawing.


United States of America

Stick to the point

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

I've looked at both persons' profile, and they are independent of one another.  To file a claim that presumes that the defendant is impersonating or stealing another individual identity without physical proof and insinuating a thought of action a priori weakens the poster's original claim.  This posting has no standing whatsoever and considers (keyword here) the defendant to have prior knowledge of the other model.  In fact, there are Twitter handle names and usernames that resemble real persons throughout cyberspace; until the real party files a complaint or assumes the real identity through a verification process, any name can used by the consumer.  Furthermore, many people prefer to be cute on public profiles, and they have the freedom to do so without defacing or defaming or hurting another person in a harmful way.  I'm sure you have usernames of varying levels depending on site; in the virtual world, your username does not assume real identity for protection from predators and stalkers.  If you prefer to use your real name, then you will subject to society's criminals (physically and virtually).  However, I digressed. 

Your main point is muddled by hatred and allegations that are invalid and does not support your original thought.  Your main point is: LexxiStar is an impostor and using another model's identity for profitable gain.  She has the right to use the name and so can I.  Unless the other LexxiStar bargains to obtain the name, then the defendant shall negotiate a name change.

LexxiStar is a user on the web, particularly on the MFC domain, but it does not violate any intellectual rights on the federal, state or local level.  She has the right to pick any name that suits her purpose (her identity).  In the court of law, you cannot assume she had knowledge of this other person without physical evidence.  She may proceed with her own will on MFC, despite your personal dislike of her actions.  Furthermore, state lotteries are a gamble, or a raffle in this case; many fairs also have raffles.  Those are not illegal within certain grounds.  Also, in regards to the internet tax your are imposing, is not in effect; there is a pending legislation in Congress to impose taxes on companies, like Amazon, that don't have physical stores.  However, it has not been signed into law.  In terms of LexxiStar's actions, she is performing an entertainment, a service, over cyberspace and has no domain, just like the related Congressional legislation.  Nonetheless, these are a moot points in your argument against LexxiStar.

Your points are irrelevant to your argument. 

John Emefcee


I've obviously struck a chord with you, HONEY!

#17Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2011

Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into your responses here to try to deny the truths and making up your own facts. Terms of service here are not violated just because you don't like someone else's opinion or interpetation of what you do. You are a filthy prostitute. The only talent you have is getting online to be gawked at by guys that see nothing in you except for a place that they with they could put their thing. You can't get a REAL job because you are so pathetic and completely worthless of a human being.  If guys didn't want to just have sex with you, (because that is all you are worth and barely THAT!) you would not even be able to make dollar one for yourself. and when you get old and no one wants to just have sex with you anymore, you will be in the street digging in trash dumpsters your your meals.  

John Emefcee



#17Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2011

Try filing a complaint here about my reports about you and see how far you get! Hahahahahahaha!


United States of America

yet another ignorant statement...

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 02, 2011

Don't call me honey, I seriously wish you were capable of conducting yourself like a mature adult. However it seems that you enjoy shooting your mouth off without first doing a little fact finding. It seems to be a track record you have, this post like all other are full of nothing but nonfactual BS. You have not made a single legitimate point, or fact against me what so ever. Oh wait, other than the fact that I'm located in Northern California.

once again here's the facts...

FACT: About Us: Terms of Service
"2. Online Conduct

You are solely responsible for all content or information you publish or display (hereinafter, "post") on ROR.

You will NOT post on ROR any defamatory or illegal material or any
material that infringes or violates another party's intellectual
property rights. You will use ROR in a manner consistent with any and
all applicable laws and regulations. By posting information on ROR, you
warrant and represent that the information is truthful and accurate.

You will not post, distribute or reproduce in any way any
copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information
without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such
proprietary rights or except as otherwise permitted by law."


Above I provided the link for you just in case you are in capable of finding it on your own.

But hey you know it all right? I guess ROR has their TOS wrong. Honestly, it would behoove you to do a little research before opening your mouth so abruptly. So yes YOU ARE in violation of the TOS on THIS WEBSITE, as well you are in violation of the DMCA.

Do you feel empowered to be on here making up crap like this?

mr rik


To the author

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, August 02, 2011

WHY were you on this website???

John Emefcee


TOS For This Website?

#17Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2011

Have you ever heard of freedom of speech? That is the only TOS for THIS website honey. Me or anyone else can come here and say any thing in the world that they want against you. Like it or not. And you can also come here and freely deny any and all the valid and truthful statements I have made against you. So don't give me this TOS stuff because this website let's people say whatever they want at all. And you cant do one single God d**n thing about it. 


United States of America

Yes, YOU!

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 02, 2011

Unless your name is really, "John Emefcee" Which I doubt, but it could very well be. I choose to go by my "stage name" or you can call it an "alias" when online for security reason. The difference is there is a face behind Lexxi Star, I have a reputation behind the name that I alone have built without the "other" Lexxi Star, and certainly I'm not hiding behind it. It's no different than what Actors, Singers, Models, Performers, etc. do. You are hiding behind this name, and behind these absolutely ridiculous allegations. I have done absolutely nothing to you, certainly not anything that would warrant such immature allegations and insinuations. Everything you have said is not only false, but completely defamatory which is in complete violation of the TOS for this website. You need to look in the mirror because the only one doing anything illegal or wrong here is you.

John Emefcee


"I" am the one hiding behind a fake name?

#17Author of original report

Mon, August 01, 2011

I don't see  YOU using your real name anywhere!


United States of America

Far from the "FACTS"

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 01, 2011

Why are you hiding behind some fake name? I'm not the one pretending to be someone I'm not or hiding behind the internet. Your facts are disgusting yet hilarious at the same d**n time because you couldn't be any further from the TRUTH. You clearly need to do your research because nothing you have said adds up.

So really lets get down to it and set the record straight.

FACT: McDonald's is not copyrighted, it is a "trademark" this is much like every other ignorant statement you have made.

FACT: You cannot copyright a common name such as "Lexxi Star" - How do I copyright a name, title, slogan or logo? Copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases. In some cases, these things may be protected as trademarks. Contact the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, 800-786-9199, for further information. However, copyright protection may be available for logo artwork that contains sufficient authorship. In some circumstances, an artistic logo may also be protected as a trademark.


Maybe you used the wrong term? You have used nothing but the wrong terms in this entire disgusting rant of yours here. This is supposed to be based on facts and it should be rather professional however yours is far from.

FACT: In no way shape or form am I "selling my a*s." I did make a video to promote this and I have every right too, I don't talk in any "suggestive" voice as you so claim, perhaps you shouldn't make such crude assumptions. Telling people they are going to have a good time when they meet me doesn't not insinuate any form of sexual activities and if you honestly think that then the problem lies with you and your mind. Of course whoever meets me is going to have an amazing time, because they are a FAN getting to meet me, something that I've never done.

FACT: I don't smoke marijuana and just because the profile says "herb" on it does not mean that I do or that it is "marijuana". Your statement about other references to marijuana on my profile page are posted by MEMBERS AND USERS of MFC. NOT ME. I did not post them there, so honestly you need to check your FACTS.

FACT: Ferrets are illegal in California and Hawaii, Only 2 of 50 STATES. My ferret does not live in California with me. I used to live in Seattle, WA until I moved due to a stalker issue, I pay monthly for boarding services for my ferret to stay in Seattle Until I move. Clearly you know nothing about me because everyone who does know that my ferret is stuck in Seattle without me and I miss him to death.

So just like everything else that you have originally implied, these are nonfactual as well.

Lets look at just the basis of your entire title.

You call me an "Impostor" -Noun: A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, esp. for fraudulent gain.

FACT: I do not pretend to be someone else, I'm not pretending to be this other girl you claim that isn't even the same race as me. Not to mention the fact that she isn't even a "webcam model". I've been using this name longer than she has been around on the internet. Just the mere claim that you have made is ridiculous and childish.

You call me a "liar" FACT: I have not lied about anything, nor do I have any reason to lie to anyone. Like I stated earlier I'm not the one hiding behind a computer, or hiding behind some fake name on this website writing up a completely bogus story.

You call me a "Drug Addict" On what grounds? You don't know me nor have you seen me use any drugs to even come up with such a bizarre accusation.

You call me a "Prostitute". FACT: I do not engage in any form of "escort" or "prostitution" services what so ever and to even insinuate that is just sick.

You claim I have an "illegal animal" FACT: He would only be illegal if he lived in California and Hawaii, as stated before he doesn't therefor I'm within every legal right to own him and continue to pay boarding fee's until I leave the state of California.

Lastly you clearly have no clue who I am, or know NOTHING about me. You've never met me in person, you have never dealt with me upon any time of business exchange which is what this website is for. You choose to attack me on completely absurd assumptions like I DON'T PAY MY TAXES. And sadly the only one doing anything illegal here is you.

So in the end, your "FACTS" have not proven anything, because they are nothing more than childish assumptions.

John Emefcee


To the Fake Lexxistar: Here ARE the FACTS:

#17Author of original report

Mon, August 01, 2011

You can't copyright a name that is used for income? Do you really believe that? Have you ever heard of SONY, McDonald's... etc?

Maybe I used to wrong term saying that you were "auctioning" off a "date" with you. Forgive me. Ok, you were "raffling" off a date with you. Excuse ME! The point is, that you were selling your "a*s". You made a video where you talk in this very suggestive voice and mood that you are raffling off for someone to have a "good time" with you. Well all know that means you are going to just shake hands with them right? When this is being raffled on a sex related website, right? Sure! We all believe you!

And you don't claim to smoke marijuana huh? Your profile on that website that you work for clearly states under the category of "smoke" it says "herb" well all believe that you mean just other herbs and not marijuana, right? Sure! There are other references to marijuana on your profile such as pictures of marijuana leaves etc. So please spare your lies for someone that believes it.  Anyone that does not believe me can see your profile at: We wouldn't want anyone to just take MY word for it! (See attached screenshot of profile page)

The California Department of Fish and Game STRICTLY forbids the possession of ferrets.
CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 14, SECTION 671 can clearly be viewed at the following link: 

It clearly states that if anyone is caught with a ferret, they will be fined and the animal will be seized and killed.

So there are the facts. Maybe you should maybe just accept the fact that you are a lying, deceiving, ill-informed on the law, mis-leading prostitute. My facts here have proven you to even be a liar in your response to the initial report. 


United States of America

Let's get FACTUAL....

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 01, 2011

This entire posting by the "anonymous" user that clearly has no ground to stand on and chooses to remain "anonymous" is nothing more than an immature rant based on appalling and nonfactual allegations. In no way shape or form am I trying to "impersonate" another human being. I don't pretend to be this person that you call "REAL & famous" You can not legally copyright a NAME. I have every right to use this name of which I have been using since 2009, long before this other person you claim I impersonate ever appeared on the internet. I do not use the site to "auction" off a date with me. I OFFERED, (as in ONLY ONCE) members a chance to enter a RAFFLE to have a chance to meet me in real life and hang out with me for a day. Something that is rather common for models to do on MFC. In no way shape or form do I insinuate or offer an type of "prostitution" services as you so crudely implied. I do not under any circumstances "escort" or provide any types of "prostitution". NOT A SINGLE MEMBER has "bid" on this alleged "auction" as it does not exist. However people did enter into a raffle in which one single person was drawn to actually meet me. That person is scheduled to meet me later this month, therefore no one has been "ripped off". MFC allows models to add certain things to their profile page in which I have done and is in no means "upset" with me or any of the other models utilizing these features. I have no respect for any laws? I do not do anything that violates or infringes any federal or state laws. You honestly need to check your facts and stop making false accusations, I do not get cash deposits from MFC and not that it is any of your business but I pay my taxes quarterly thank you. No where do I claim to smoke marijuana, even if I was too it is entirely none of your business nor does it hold any relevance. I do own a ferret, and they are not illegal in 48 of the 50 states. I have every right to own a ferret and again this holds no relevance. So please explain to me how you will be advising anyone on how to "sue" me since as stated you cannot legally copyright the given name.

John Emefcee


Model Location Update...

#17Author of original report

Thu, July 21, 2011

This Model has said that she is in northern California

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