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  • Report:  #384708

Complaint Review: Lhr Inc

Lhr Inc the complainers here keep forgetting one your bills and dont go into collections Hamburg New York

  • Reported By:
    west seneca New York
  • Submitted:
    Sat, October 25, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 15, 2009
*Consumer Comment: Collectors are hilarious *Consumer Comment: Collectors are hilarious *Consumer Comment: Collectors are hilarious *Consumer Comment: I AGREE WITH TAMMY *Author of original report: whats funny is that people respond with now idea of what they are talking about. *Consumer Comment: Get real!! *Consumer Suggestion: Another debt collector flunky spouts off. *Consumer Comment: STACY - YOU GO GIRL! *Consumer Comment: Another uneducated BOTTOMFEEDER spouting jibberish! The "just pay your bill" attitude. *Consumer Comment: Sorry, you people are the immoral bottomfeeders *Author of original report: thanks cliff *UPDATE EX-employee responds: 'pays his bills' went from living in West Seneca to Brooklyn *Consumer Comment: Customer of LHR *Consumer Comment: Customer of LHR *Consumer Comment: More reasons why people don't pay their bad debts. *Consumer Comment: Clifford - another bottomfeeder that assumes everyone is a deadbeat *Consumer Comment: Pay your bills *Consumer Comment: How to handle an LHR dunning notice and other ways to frustrate them *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Response to "how to deal with...." *Consumer Comment: I guess LHR employee is upset they are exposed as POWERLESS *Consumer Comment: LHR Financial EXPOSED tonight on NBC's dateline 3/27/09 *Consumer Comment: SCAMMERS**WATCH THIS COMPANY ON DATELINE NBC... *Consumer Suggestion: SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR YOUR COMPANY WAS FEATURED ON DATELINE *Consumer Suggestion: SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR YOUR COMPANY WAS FEATURED ON DATELINE *Consumer Suggestion: SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR YOUR COMPANY WAS FEATURED ON DATELINE *Consumer Comment: Read my previous advice on this report Vinnie and bring LHR to their knees !

I love the fact that people in America can post things about companies that just are not true. Websites like this have turned into a venting blog that allows indivuals with a grudge to spout off. Theres the and the plus many others that are just moronic.

LHR is a debt purchasing agency that employees hundreds of people in two different states. They provide the employees with a great work enviroment with a good work schedule as well as giving them the ability to make good money.

Its funny that all these people that post on here think that it is a "small company in someones basement" or that the company "buys old debt" or that even "the people are low lives who cant get a real job".
Now lets get down to facts. Yes it is not pleasant to have a collector call you to get money. It is not pleasant to have your friends and family called and asked to get a message to you. It is not pleasant to have to change your budget around to pay back an old bill.

On the other side it is not pleasant to have a debtor on the phone cursing you out. It is not pleasant when a debtor uses their very young children to lie on the phone. It is not pleasant when a debter uses their employees to lie. How do we fix this.

First off you have to realize that when a debt is owed, it is owed. If you used a card or had a car repoed you still owe it even if it is old maybe you cant get sued for something that is many years old, but ethicly speaking you should at least make some restitution. Another thing you should know is that your debt has the right to be sold. Just like when a mortage is sold from one company to another. When your mortage is sold it does not mean that you dont owe it, it just means you now owe someone else.

I know life takes a turn for the worse some times, it happened to me too, but the only way to fix it is by doing the right thing. Collectors are not bad people they are just there doing their jobs. Some are there since they were downsized and instead of not paying their bills they took a job to make ends meet. It amazes me how maney people out there state that they have not been able to find a job in over a year. My God!!

It comes down to this, dont hate the person who is calling you. They are doing their job to support their family. Dont run from the calls. If you talk to the collector then there is no reason for the collector to have to hunt you down using friends and family. Try to work with the collector and dont just say "sue me or do what you have to do". Hanging up on the collector tells them that this is a challenge and to start the skip tracing.

Most people dont go in to debt because they want to, they do it because there is no other choice. The true test is how do you change your life to make the ends meet.

Remember when you are on the phone with a collector yelling, cursing and screaming that you are probably not the first person to do that during that day. The nice ones get the better settlement offers as well as the attention that is needed to make it go away.

Now if you dont take that advise and you decide to listen to the scorned people who were not willing to work together to get this done, enjoy the many, many, many calls you and your family, friends and neighbors will be getting, enjoy being sued, and enjoy having your car repoed just like that lady in Florida or having wages garnished.

Our business is to collect money and that is what we do and we do it well. We are willing to work with you but remember the only people whose lives get effected by you not paying your bill is you and your family especally now with the new rules regarding credit. You will not get any loan for a house or car with bad things on you report. The choice is yours! Remeber the choices you made yesteryear are effecting you now, make the right choice now to change your future.

Someone who pays his bills
west seneca, New York

26 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Read my previous advice on this report Vinnie and bring LHR to their knees !

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

Rather than curse the darkness of LHR or any other 3rd party agency Vinnie, time to light a candle.Bring them to their knees by frustrating them into committing FDCPA violations and negotiate an out of court settlement with their compliance director. Did you not read my advice on how to handle a debt buyer like LHR in this report? My tactics work.Instead of getting mad at LHR, educate yourself on the FDCPA website and learn how to defend yourself and bring their compliance director to their knees for FDCPA violations. I feel I explained how to do that clearly on this report.Use this knowledge moving forward for all 3rd party agencies that dun you that are governed by the FDCPA (yes, law firms too)!

Brief summary as i stated in great detail back in february a month before these scumbags were exposed on Dateline on this same report.

1) Always send debt validation demand letter CMRRR within 30 days of initial dunning letter. Save the green card as proof they received your demand.

2) Stay off the phone

3) Stop applying for credit (inquiries stay on CBR for 6 months with your updated contact info including POE)

4) Consider a new employer after you stop applying for credit (no inquires showing your new employer).

5) Use a prepaid cell to your advantage.

6) familiarize yourself with sections 805-811 of the FDCPA. Most violations are in these sections.

7) save all voicemails that violate the FDCPA.You have 365 days to sue from date of infraction.

8) Negotiate out of court settlement with LHR compliance director for voicemail FDCPA violations.




#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 14, 2009

You pay your bills because you lie to consumers to collect. LHR made it to Dateline not because they are anything but slimy scumbags. SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR!
Working in a job where drug and booze dictate your day, SCREW YOU! Liars making threats just to take somone's money you never earned SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR! We saw how you collect SCREW YOU!




#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 14, 2009

You pay your bills because you lie to consumers to collect. LHR made it to Dateline not because they are anything but slimy scumbags. SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR!
Working in a job where drug and booze dictate your day, SCREW YOU! Liars making threats just to take somone's money you never earned SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR! We saw how you collect SCREW YOU!




#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 14, 2009

You pay your bills because you lie to consumers to collect. LHR made it to Dateline not because they are anything but slimy scumbags. SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR!
Working in a job where drug and booze dictate your day, SCREW YOU! Liars making threats just to take somone's money you never earned SCREW YOU DEBT COLLECTOR! We saw how you collect SCREW YOU!

A Consumer Who Does Her Research

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,


#27Consumer Comment

Sat, March 28, 2009

There was a special on this company with undercover footage of everything the
people are saying are true!!. You can see for yourself.
Play the is hilarious how these guys are reposting the "ex-employee; that everyone shouldnt hate us" article. It was days before the show was to air. They were caught red-handed going to a grocery store across the street from thier so called office to collect money from frightened people scared that they would be picked up by police if they didnt pay thier debt...I hope they go out of business soon.. and I hope this helped as many people as possible.


New York,

LHR Financial EXPOSED tonight on NBC's dateline 3/27/09

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, March 28, 2009

I hope the boys and girls of LHR enjoyed those Happy Hours drinks as much as I enjoyed watching their staff make complete morons of themselves in front of millions of Americans on tv.Alcohol is quite the "Truth Serum" isn't it? My only regret is that none of my "alleged accounts" have found their way to LHR so I could shake them down for yet another "out of court settlement check." LOL.


New York,

I guess LHR employee is upset they are exposed as POWERLESS

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

If you have a problem with debtors learning their rights and loopholes as afforded under the FDCPA ,find a new career. How many times does someone at LHR or any other 3rd party agency threaten an 80 year old on SSI with wage garnishment on a credit card debt (wage garnishment for unsecured credit card debt is illegal in all 50 states for SSI recipients)? So consider my advice "leveling the playing field." The population of your so called "professional debtors" is growing by the day. If you abide by the FDCPA, you have nothing to worry about, right?


Get Outta Town,
New York,

Response to "how to deal with...."

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 14, 2009

Really? Although I agree that LHR is a scumbag company for the most part (many of their employees are there for the right reasons and do the right thing..) I am disgusted by some d****e bag professional debtor advocating hiding from your legal obligations. Really? Effing dirt bag debtors.....and you people wonder why our economy is screwed...keep pointing the fingers and making excuses.


New York,

How to handle an LHR dunning notice and other ways to frustrate them

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2009

First of all before I proceed. LHR nor any other 3rd party agency or law firm (assignee or debt buyer) is entitled to a penny until they successfully win a default judgment in civil court vs Joe Debtor (defendant). The burden of proof rests with LHR, not Joe Debtor.

ALWAYS type a dispute and demand for validation letter within 30 days of initial dunning letter.Do not sign your name. Send it certified mail return receipt requested. That way you have the green card to prove they signed and received your letter.Since they are debt buyers, the validation letter will likely be the end of LHR communication. Agencies are usually lazy and hate validating. They want your money. Usually the account just goes back to the creditor who will farm it out to another agency. At that point, just send another debt validation letter. LHR doesn't have to validate your request either. However, they cannot attempt to collect the debt or credit report it either if your request is received within 30 days and they don't successfully send you a validation response afterwards.

Some ways to stay under the radar and/or mess with these scumbags.

1) Stop applying for credit! Whenever you apply for any line of credit, it shows as an inquiry on your credit bureau report. Your application will have you disclose home contact #, place of employment and even POE #. This info makes for an easy skiptrace for LHR since inquiries stay on your CBR for 6 months. So stop applying for credit and wait 6 months. Consider getting a new job if you are in a run of the mill position since your new employer is inquiry free from being traced after 6 months of not applying for credit.

2) After 6 months of not applying, you have no inquiries. Now would be a good time to strictly rely on a prepaid cell for communication. Skiptracing sites like accurint can trace nonpublished landlines and cell #'s you apply for contractually (verizon,sprint,cricket,etc.). Any 8 or 80 year old can go into Walmart and buy a prepaid cell without ID. Prepaid cells cannot be verified as I type this.

3) Once you have your prepaid cell, tell all associates not to give your # out if LHR calls requesting "location information." Never leave your name or voice on your voice mail. Keep the generic automated voicemail. If they call, tell them they have the wrong # and hang up. If they call again, say your fictitious name is ______, you have the wrong # and are wasting my minutes and hang up. Agencies cannot knowingly communicate in writing or verbally in ways if they know it accrues a cost to the debtor (FDCPA violation).Don't say anything about FDCPA. They will likely assume it's you screening. The idea is to stay underground right? Even the most hardened collectors will likely move on to easier prey and leave you alone at this point. Regardless, at this point, never answer the phone and let them hang themselves with implied threats that you can sue them for on voicemail if calls persist. Voicemail is third party disclosure/communication. That whole one party or two party state concerning consent to record is IRRELEVANT. LHR called and left a voicemail. You didn't approve of it or ask for the call in live contact with LHR. That is 3rd party disclosure/communication.

4) Typical implied threats on voicemail. Any implied threat that isn't carried out is an FDCPA violation.

a) This account is now in the legal department when the company doesn't have a prelitigation team or attorneys in house.

b) We urgently need to hear from you in 24 hours. (False sense of urgency).

c) We are prepared to file paperwork. (Misrepresentation as an attorney or paralegal).

d) We are making a final decision concerning your file # in our office. (that is up to the judge after you are sued. Not some HS dropout wearing an ankle bracelet at LHR impersonating an attorney making chump change hourly.)

5) Save the recordings and demand to speak wth their compliance director. You can only sue on voicemail FDCPA violations up to 365 days from date of occurance. Demand to speak to the director of compliance at LHR. Tell them you are prepared to take them to civil court but would prefer to get the matter settled now and let them listen to your saved voicemails. If they try to sidestep you with discussing the alleged debt (always say ALLEGED in all written and verbal communication with compliance director), tell them this is not about your alleged bill, but about blatant FDCPA violations on voicemail. Before calling, read the FDCPA website and recite the specific section of violation to compliance director (most voicemail violations are involving sections 805 through 811). Tell the compliance director based on your voicemails that even though you can win in civil court for $1000 plus attorney fees, I will forget about this incident for $500. Don't be greedy. I've done this tactic many times and have gotten a settlement check without paying the agency a red cent or missing work to appear in court. Chances are decent if you recite the FDCPA violation section on your voicemail, they will cut you a check just to get rid of a smart debtor. Call everyday until they give in and agree to cut you a settlement check. However, don't threaten them with an attorney if you don't have one. Again, one can take care of this without an attorney if they learn the FDCPA penal codes. However, if you aren't prepared to spar with LHR's compliance director, hire an attorney.


South Haven,

Pay your bills

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, February 17, 2009

The point is that if you pay your bills you don't have to deal with bill collectors, bottomfeeders or not.

Just because I disagree with you does not mean I work for a collection agency. I don't even know who they are or where because I have always kept my end of the bargain. Try it, it makes life a lot less stressful.



Clifford - another bottomfeeder that assumes everyone is a deadbeat

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, February 17, 2009

You are assuming that because we disagree with ILLEGAL COLLECTION AGENCY TACTICS that we all must be deadbeats who refuse to pay bills. You justify your illegal actions with YOUR WORTHLESS ATTITUDE.

AS USUAL - you are nothing but a bottomfeeder that violates FDCPA


Coconut Creek,

More reasons why people don't pay their bad debts.

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, February 17, 2009

In addition to not having the money and the bad economy, here are some more reasons why people don't pay their old, bad debts.

Think about that car loan at 20% interest, that was paid on for 2 or 3 years before the car was repoed. After being raped on the interest, then have their credit report ruined for 7 years, how can we expect those people to pay off the car loan, in full, and no longer have a car? Now, you may say the money owed was reduced by what was gotten at auction, but that is horsecrap. The numbers are jumbed so people still end up having to pay what they owed or even more. Just maybe, if the collection agency would have promised the borrower that the CA would delete the bad entry from the credit report after payment, and acually do it, more people would have paid that bad loan earlier.

Think about that credit card at 20% interest that the customer had for years, then defaulted. 3 years after the default, a balance that was $1000 is now $3000. Once again, not only are the collection agencies asking for 3 times what was owed, but there is that collection on the credit report. And, don't forgot that when the customer pays off that collection, and the CA notes the credit report as "paid", the customer's credit score either stays the same or goes down. It does not help your credit score to pay off collections. I could enter a quote directly from the Equifax website that confirms this, but I don't feel like looking it up right now. So, what you're trying to say is that the customer has to pay triple the amount owed, AND get a reduction in their credit score, AND wait out the rest of the 7 years? Once again, maybe if the CA would have agreed to delete the entry from the credit report, the customer would have the incentive to pay up.

And now for those debts that tolled the 7 years and are already off the credit reports. Those customers have already paid with 7 years of bad credit and now you expect them to pay 3-4 times the amount owed too? And you call them names because they either cannot or don't want to? They paid their dues with 7 years of bad credit and higher interest rates for everything else.

And don't forget those wonderful debts that the consumer thought were taken care of, either in bankruptcy, or settled, or wiped clean by the original creditor, only to have them pop up again from a collection agency. Even with proof, the collection agencies are not deleting them from their books, they are merely re-selling those debts. What happened in the first place? Did the original creditor settle with the customers, then sell the remaining balance to a debt collector? I once had a debt that was settled in court (in 1986, that's right, 1986), and the judge rendered an order dismissing the case with prejudice (I still have the order). I had a collection agency call on that one just last year.

Mind you, I do pay my bills even though I had a few mishaps in my past. However, from the above reasons, I can see why others are not paying old debts. Yeah, they can have that good feeling that they did the right thing, but that's all it gets them.



Customer of LHR

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, February 17, 2009

I am not an employee of LHR, and, in fact, am a 'customer/victim' of theirs. I mean the victim comment in a somewhat humorous way.

On one hand, I understand what the original poster is saying. I agree, and understand, that the people who work for LHR and other DCA's are people doing a job. I don't fault them for that by itself. Additionally, my dealings with LHR, while being somewhat limited so far, have been fairly nice in comparison to other DCA's.

On the other hand, 'someone who pays his bills' (SHPHB), what you don't seem to realize, or possibly choose to ignore, is that the debt amount you purchase from the credit card companies is often an almost artificially inflated number to begin with. I understand the concept of a debt, and that debts should be repaid. However, when my interest rate can be raised from 6% to 12% and then 20+% for being a single day late two times in 6 months, it makes the amount they say I owe feel like I've been scammed. When my monthly min payment goes from $120 to $160 and then $240 (twice the initial min payment) with most of that being interest, it seems wrong. When your credit card debt is split among balance transfers at 0% APR, purchases at 12% APR, and cash advances at 20% APR, and the company can put money sent to them towards the portions with the lowest APR first... well, isn't that somewhat unfair to the little guy (the consumer) ? Whether or not those things are written in the contract does not make them MORALLY right.

Banks have been too greedy and too powerful for far too long. I'm hopeful that one of the few good things that might come out of the current economic situation is that they will have to be more transparent in their business practices with the government
footing the bill for their mistakes. Prior to the start of the current crisis, there was a lot of talk about investigating Banks and credit card companies for their un-ethical fees and billing. Overdraft fees amounting to tens of thousands % interest rates (i.e. receiving three $30 fees for three transactions that don't even add up to $10, because of a delay in a charge 'posting' to the account.), ex-employees stating how credit card payments are 'lost' or 'delayed' due to no fault of the consumer, online payments that default to being paid on the last possible date and the website being down on that date etc.. That was all put on the back burner once the banks lost their asses due to greed in the sub prime mortgage debacles.

Basically, it's not so cut n dry as 'pay your bills, a*****e'. Having a debt to a company does not entitle you to belittle them as the scum of the earth anymore then it entitles them to tell you that you're an a*****e. You do not know the back story into how or why they owe that money. Often, DCA's and internal debt collection departments, seem to operate under the mindset that everyone has the money to pay off the debt and simply are choosing not to. It's that 'sell sell sell!!' mentality that is ingrained into the rep, same mentality that cold call salesmen operate under.

Recently, I spoke with one rep and subsequently his supervisor, who cut into the call, with a large credit company. That was one of the most aggravating conversations I've ever had in my life. I took the initiative in calling them back on a Tuesday to tell them I was planning to make a payment at the end of the week, and to apologize for not calling, as I did not want to until I had secured a way to make a payment. 3 more days on a payment that was 60 days past due was not an option to them, and I needed to pay them 'right now' with the implied 'or else' after it. I said I didn't have any funds, they said they wanted to 'work with me' but that simply seemed to mean me paying the whole payment that instant. I asked how they suggested I go about that, as my checking account was negative until Friday when my unemployment check was being deposited. They suggested I borrow from a family member. I said I'd try that and call them back after I had contacted one of them. No no no, they needed the payment now, they couldn't wait any longer. I professed I did not understand their logic, as I would be unable to arrange to borrow the funds from a family member if I was unable to CALL THEM to ask. It went on like this for 20 minutes until I just ended the call and turned off my phone, figuring I could call them the next day, or Friday, and say my phone died if questioned about it.

Sure enough, they were happy to accept payment that Friday and nothing bad happened. It was just the high pressure sales tactic when I talked to them, and that's what gets most people so angry with DCAs.



Customer of LHR

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, February 17, 2009

I am not an employee of LHR, and, in fact, am a 'customer/victim' of theirs. I mean the victim comment in a somewhat humorous way.

On one hand, I understand what the original poster is saying. I agree, and understand, that the people who work for LHR and other DCA's are people doing a job. I don't fault them for that by itself. Additionally, my dealings with LHR, while being somewhat limited so far, have been fairly nice in comparison to other DCA's.

On the other hand, 'someone who pays his bills' (SHPHB), what you don't seem to realize, or possibly choose to ignore, is that the debt amount you purchase from the credit card companies is often an almost artificially inflated number to begin with. I understand the concept of a debt, and that debts should be repaid. However, when my interest rate can be raised from 6% to 12% and then 20+% for being a single day late two times in 6 months, it makes the amount they say I owe feel like I've been scammed. When my monthly min payment goes from $120 to $160 and then $240 (twice the initial min payment) with most of that being interest, it seems wrong. When your credit card debt is split among balance transfers at 0% APR, purchases at 12% APR, and cash advances at 20% APR, and the company can put money sent to them towards the portions with the lowest APR first... well, isn't that somewhat unfair to the little guy (the consumer) ? Whether or not those things are written in the contract does not make them MORALLY right.

Banks have been too greedy and too powerful for far too long. I'm hopeful that one of the few good things that might come out of the current economic situation is that they will have to be more transparent in their business practices with the government
footing the bill for their mistakes. Prior to the start of the current crisis, there was a lot of talk about investigating Banks and credit card companies for their un-ethical fees and billing. Overdraft fees amounting to tens of thousands % interest rates (i.e. receiving three $30 fees for three transactions that don't even add up to $10, because of a delay in a charge 'posting' to the account.), ex-employees stating how credit card payments are 'lost' or 'delayed' due to no fault of the consumer, online payments that default to being paid on the last possible date and the website being down on that date etc.. That was all put on the back burner once the banks lost their asses due to greed in the sub prime mortgage debacles.

Basically, it's not so cut n dry as 'pay your bills, a*****e'. Having a debt to a company does not entitle you to belittle them as the scum of the earth anymore then it entitles them to tell you that you're an a*****e. You do not know the back story into how or why they owe that money. Often, DCA's and internal debt collection departments, seem to operate under the mindset that everyone has the money to pay off the debt and simply are choosing not to. It's that 'sell sell sell!!' mentality that is ingrained into the rep, same mentality that cold call salesmen operate under.

Recently, I spoke with one rep and subsequently his supervisor, who cut into the call, with a large credit company. That was one of the most aggravating conversations I've ever had in my life. I took the initiative in calling them back on a Tuesday to tell them I was planning to make a payment at the end of the week, and to apologize for not calling, as I did not want to until I had secured a way to make a payment. 3 more days on a payment that was 60 days past due was not an option to them, and I needed to pay them 'right now' with the implied 'or else' after it. I said I didn't have any funds, they said they wanted to 'work with me' but that simply seemed to mean me paying the whole payment that instant. I asked how they suggested I go about that, as my checking account was negative until Friday when my unemployment check was being deposited. They suggested I borrow from a family member. I said I'd try that and call them back after I had contacted one of them. No no no, they needed the payment now, they couldn't wait any longer. I professed I did not understand their logic, as I would be unable to arrange to borrow the funds from a family member if I was unable to CALL THEM to ask. It went on like this for 20 minutes until I just ended the call and turned off my phone, figuring I could call them the next day, or Friday, and say my phone died if questioned about it.

Sure enough, they were happy to accept payment that Friday and nothing bad happened. It was just the high pressure sales tactic when I talked to them, and that's what gets most people so angry with DCAs.


Get Outta Town,
New York,

'pays his bills' went from living in West Seneca to Brooklyn

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 02, 2009

This is a god awful company to work for as far as management goes. Not everyone at the company is a piece of garbage but enough are. The culture is immature and disgusting, very unprofessional. Read my post on LHR in the near should be a bit of an eye opener for why so many people have complaints about this company and it's shady tactics.

Someone Who Pays His Bills

New York,

thanks cliff

#27Author of original report

Tue, November 04, 2008

Cliff its nice to see someone who understands that just like the gas attendant, corporate CEO or a retail worker has a job to do, we too have a job to do and our job is to collect money, Its a job its not personal. And the people who call us bottomfeeders are the people who owe the most money.


South Haven,

Sorry, you people are the immoral bottomfeeders

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, October 29, 2008

You people owe money and refuse to pay and you call the people who are trying to get you to meet your obligations bottom feeders.

Look in the mirror, don't you have any decency? you owe someone money, pay it back.

You should be ashamed of yourselves although I'm sure you aren't.



Another uneducated BOTTOMFEEDER spouting jibberish! The "just pay your bill" attitude.

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2008

This is to the "just pay your bills" drone.

NEWSFLASH!!! People have no money because all of the jobs have gone overseas, and if English is your primary language, you are overqualified!

NO, I take that back! The economy is SO BAD, the ILLEGALS are going back to Mexico! Does that not tell you something?

I just got laid off from a decent job that I really enjoyed. I was not getting rich, but I was making it. Now, I am out there job searching every day and there is nothing out there for me. So, guess what? Someone is not going to get paid.

Do you know why someone is not gonna get paid?
Because there simply isn't any money to pay them out of the unemployment check.
That's why.

So, genius, WHAT, EXACTLY should I do?

However, the bills will get paid in order of PRIORITY which means the house and utilities, cell phone, internet, gas and insurance and car repair, etc. Then, just MAYBE a credit card will get paid. It is simply the last priority as the essentials of life come first.

And, I don't feel bad. It is these same companies who pay slave wages and/or send jobs overseas.

What goes around comes around.

You obviously need a serious reality check.




#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2008



New York,

Another debt collector flunky spouts off.

#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 28, 2008

""Now if you dont take that advise and you decide to listen to the scorned people who were not willing to work together to get this done, enjoy the many, many, many calls you and your family, friends and neighbors will be getting, enjoy being sued, and enjoy having your car repoed just like that lady in Florida or having wages garnished. ""

Better check the laws pal. Did you know that you could open the door for a criminal prosecution and civil liability with those "many, many, many calls..."

Here's a little something you should read from the NY State General Business Law:

Section 600. Definitions.
601. Prohibited practices.
602. Violations and penalties.
603. Severability.

600. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:
1. Consumer claim" means any obligation of a natural person for the payment of money or its equivalent which is or is alleged to be in default and which arises out of a transaction wherein credit has been offered or extended to a natural person, and the money, property or service which was the subject of the transaction was primarily for personal, family or household purposes. The term includes an obligation of a natural person who is a co-maker, endorser, guarantor or surety as well as the natural person to whom such credit was originally extended.
2. "Debtor" means any natural person who owes or who is asserted to owe a consumer claim.
3. "Principal creditor" means any person, firm, corporation or organization to whom a consumer claim is owed, due or asserted to be due or owed, or any assignee for value of said person, firm, corporation or organization.

601. Prohibited practices. No principal creditor, as defined by this article, or his agent shall:
1. Simulate in any manner a law enforcement officer, or a representative of any governmental agency of the state of New York or any of its political subdivisions; or
2. Knowingly collect, attempt to collect, or assert a right to any collection fee, attorney's fee, court cost or expense unless such charges are justly due and legally chargeable against the debtor; or
3. Disclose or threaten to disclose information affecting the debtor's reputation for credit worthiness with knowledge or reason to know that the information is false; or
4. Communicate or threaten to communicate the nature of a consumer claim to the debtor's employer prior to obtaining final judgment against the debtor. The provisions of this subdivision shall not prohibit a principal creditor from communicating with the debtor's employer to execute a wage assignment agreement if the debtor has consented to such an agreement; or
5. Disclose or threaten to disclose information concerning the existence of a debt known to be disputed by the debtor without disclosing that fact; or
6. Communicate with the debtor or any member of his family or household with such frequency or at such unusual hours or in such a manner as can reasonably be expected to abuse or harass the debtor; or
7. Threaten any action which the principal creditor in the usual course of his business does not in fact take; or
8. Claim, or attempt or threaten to enforce a right with knowledge or reason to know that the right does not exist; or
9. Use a communication which simulates in any manner legal or judicial process or which gives the appearance of being authorized, issued or approved by a government, governmental agency, or attorney at law when it is not.

602. Violations and penalties.
1. Except as otherwise provided by law, any person who shall violate the terms of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such violation shall be deemed a separate offense.
2. The attorney general or the district attorney of any county may bring an action in the name of the people of the state to restrain or prevent any violation of this article or any continuance of any such violation.

603. Severability. If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid the invalidity thereof shall not affect other provisions or applications of the article which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this and the provisions of this article are severable.""



Get real!!

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2008

You work for a bottom feeder collection agency that will do any means to collect a debt that is beyond statute of limitations debt - Sued on of your idiot debt collection agencies and won
Bully for you - you drive your nice car and live in your nice house - well so do I cause I PAYED for them making an honest living unlike you
Get real - you have no morals and as far as I am concerned the other posters pegged you!
(and I posted my REAL name)

Someone Who Pays His Bills

New York,

whats funny is that people respond with now idea of what they are talking about.

#27Author of original report

Tue, October 28, 2008

Ladies, first off I wrote every word of that. That was not a script. See I am educated and hold two degrees. I also thought bad things about collection agencies until I started working for one. I have been there for a lot longer than 90 days. I also make as much as I did managing 180 employees working 90 hours a weel including nights, weekends, and holidays. This job has allowed me to have a life and to get my last degree. But the best part is instead of the "customers always being right" crap being shoved down my throat, the fact that I talk to deadbeats all day and can sue them when they dont believe me when I say I can. Now you are right that there is some old debt out there but the majority is new and you would be amazed how there are states that the statute of limitations are over a decade. You would also be amazed as to the states that allow us to sue the debtors spouse...I like that.... We have rules and reguations and we are bound by them, we know every rule that we have to follow and people like yourself only guess about as to what is allowed. Any way I have no problem working a Mon- Fri job making really good money dealing with the scum of the earth. I can drive home in my new car to my new house and pull up my credit report without throwing up. Unlike some of the people I have to deal with, I adjusted my life when I saw things going south. That has paid off and I love the fact that I am debt free. I am debt free since I help other people become debt free.




#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

The fact that your company "BUYS DEBT" as you put it - puts you right in with all the JUNK DEBT collection agencies out there.

Junk Debt is debt that cannot be collected by any legal means - including lawsuit.

When Collection Agencies willfully pursuing debts that have past statute of limitations, then lie, threaten and do everything you can to collect it is violating Federal Debt Collection Practices Act Laws.

You only paid pennies for that same debt


Elk Grove,

Collectors are hilarious

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Considering you are a collector, I hope you enjoy your 90 days of employment. According to Bud Hibbs, that is the norm for your profession. I hope everyone who reads your posting laughs. I notice that most of your posting reads like the script your employer gives you. I know that you do not realize if a debt is owed or not. Collectors call from a list, and they hope they can bully uneducated consumers into giving them money. You fail to mention that collection agencies cannot LEGALLY make the threats that you implied. IF the CAs had such authority, almost everyone would be in court for real and fantasized debts. I look forward to ANY lawsuit by ANY collection agency. Go back to your cubicle with your headset.


Elk Grove,

Collectors are hilarious

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Considering you are a collector, I hope you enjoy your 90 days of employment. According to Bud Hibbs, that is the norm for your profession. I hope everyone who reads your posting laughs. I notice that most of your posting reads like the script your employer gives you. I know that you do not realize if a debt is owed or not. Collectors call from a list, and they hope they can bully uneducated consumers into giving them money. You fail to mention that collection agencies cannot LEGALLY make the threats that you implied. IF the CAs had such authority, almost everyone would be in court for real and fantasized debts. I look forward to ANY lawsuit by ANY collection agency. Go back to your cubicle with your headset.


Elk Grove,

Collectors are hilarious

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Considering you are a collector, I hope you enjoy your 90 days of employment. According to Bud Hibbs, that is the norm for your profession. I hope everyone who reads your posting laughs. I notice that most of your posting reads like the script your employer gives you. I know that you do not realize if a debt is owed or not. Collectors call from a list, and they hope they can bully uneducated consumers into giving them money. You fail to mention that collection agencies cannot LEGALLY make the threats that you implied. IF the CAs had such authority, almost everyone would be in court for real and fantasized debts. I look forward to ANY lawsuit by ANY collection agency. Go back to your cubicle with your headset.

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