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  • Report:  #131087

Complaint Review: Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party - American Political Parties beware of them! They will eat your flesh and bankrupt your children ripoff Washington District of Columbia

  • Reported By:
    Sioux Falls South Dakota
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 12, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 12, 2005
  • Libertarian Party
    Washington, District of Columbia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Hopefully my message will help those who are stuck in their lives. Cult manipulation is extremely difficult to escape from, and my story is no exception to this rule. I don't want to make money or movie deals or books off my experiences. I just want to warn those after me of the dangers of following cults and cultlike organizations, for those types of organizations will inevitably swallow up people like me who were either naive, desperate for acceptance, financially or socially devestated, or some combination of them. Sadly many people never are able to completely escape the effects of cult manipulation yet they usually can adjust to life normally. I hope that my message and my personal story will help generations ahead of me avoid the despair and loss that accompany the promises and beliefs of cults.

At least hear my story, and make your own judgment from here on....

It was Febuary 2002. I had left a parochial school and transferred to a community college due to financial and academic reasons. In December 2001 I attended my last class at the parochial school (which I will not name for personal reasons) and it was not a very good experience for me. I remember myself getting into arguments with some of the other students (I was a religious minority at the school and this was another of the reasons why I left) and I always felt that the student leadership had excluded and ostracized me because of my religious and political beliefs.

After transferring, there was a momentary feeling of loss and sadness at failing to perform in such an environment. I felt as though the world had come crashing down on me. My GPA from the parochial school barely crossed 2.0 and usually colleges frown upon that level of performance. Of course, my grades stunk because I had to work long hours for low pay at the only job I could find and the parochial school wasn't fair with their financial aid packages. (It is unfair. High school grads with poor GPAs and lackluster backgrounds were getting in on football and basketball scholarships, and they never had to fight as hard as people in my shoes).

After February 2002 I felt more optomistic about the future yet I still was uneasy. I felt a sense of anger and betrayal by the other kids at the school, many of whom I grew up with and trusted as friends. Since our attitudes and beliefs on life didn't match anymore, I fell out of my generation (I am in the Millenial Generation, the people born after 1980), completely out of tune with others in my age group, a problem I still deal with to this day. I did feel a sense of joy at my eventual freedom for I was going to graduate in May of 2003.

I remember finally going back to the public school system where Jesus and Sunday service and whatever religious BS the Lutheran church cooked up at the parochial school was absent, not to mention this community college was more advanced and I had access to more information and services. Granted, it wasn't the greatest place to learn, but it was better than before.

It was in about April 2002 when I began to use the Internet at the school to 'explore the world'. Of course I found some bogus and frivolous information, but much of what I saw was very interesting. I remember doing searches of things that I enjoyed from my childhood: SNES games, movies, fashions in the 90's, so on. I would often spend hours just reading up on what the news on MSN would tell me!

I can't remember what I exactly typed into the search engine that day but I do know it had something to do with drinking laws. I somehow was directed to the Libertarian Party's website and I looked at the party's platform. I found that they actually opposed drinking laws, just like how I do! I immediately looked over the rest of the website and found that some of their beliefs matched mine, probably around 50% or so.

I left the website and moved on to my homework, but the next couple of days I found myself being more attracted to the website, changing some of my hardcore beliefs to match theirs. After all, what other political party opposes drinking laws? I felt the Libertarian Party was also an ally against the Religious Right and conservatives, both whom I abhor with my heart as I saw them as a mortal enemy, for I used to be a Democrat. Over the summer I became more and more 'libertarian' even though those nagging thoughts in the back of my head were warning me.

Having been essentially kicked out of mainstream society, I bought into many of the Libertarian Party's beliefs. My attitude towards public health care, business regulation and anti-discrimination laws began to change for the negative: get rid of them or skimp them down as much as possible. Now I do agree that strict liability instead of paternalistic bureaucracy should enforce the law but I don't like the idea of a minimalist government.

Anyways, I let this go on as I went into my second semester at the community college. I saw that my attitude towards people and my family was harsher, and I developed a perfectionistic attitude, beating down even the conservatives in my classes. My confidence dropped dramatically and my emotions took on more of an animal nature: fight or flight. I lost my individuality as I tried to fit in with the Libertarian Party's ideas (I will admit: I am a sexual minority as well, and the Libertarian Party is in fact hostile to that group).

I found that some of the ideas in that party conflicted with my own, but I played along telling myself that this is just something you give up when you join them, the Libertarian Party. I registered myself as a Libertarian in June 2002, and I felt like I was a part of the group despite the fact I felt more like a peice of furniture in the corner rather than a valued human being.

In January 2003 my confidence and emotional health was in a critical state, and I remember having a lot of nightmares. The websites I began to visit besides the LP took on more of an onimous tone, often with sovereign citizen or religious extremist leanings. Ironically these were the groups I despised! I remember many of the websites having an apocalyptic message, that most of humanity was going to hell and the US dollar was the mark of the beast or something. (Yes we do need a stable currency but the idea of the pyramid on the $1 bill is a bit ludicrous).

What really distressed me was that many of these sites would tell me that sexual diversity was absolute evil and that those people would burn in hell. To compensate I suppressed my own sexual and gender identity and took on the beliefs of those sick bastards. Remember, many of the attitudes of these people strongly resemble those of the Libertarian and Republican Parties. Frighteningly many of these sites were scam outfits offering 'services' and other such garbage to people gullible enough to pay for them, ranging from SSN removal to untax yourself kits.

I graduated in May 2003, having gained weight from the stress of my ordeal. It wasn't over yet. As I supressed my own identity and crawled back into the 'cave', my sense of fear and despair increased. I remember almost crying when I would drive around town. I was unemployed for about three months after graduation, and my sense of God began to take on an almost evil tone: God hates everyone except a select few, and He will destroy those He hates. I was one of those He hated due to my sexuality, and it bothered me.

Nevertheless, I followed what the websites told me and started to buy silver bullion in May 2003. Yes, our country does need to go back to some type of a gold or silver standard, but we can use debit cards or credit cards as a medium of transferring that wealth. Not according to those goofy websites, many which said that debit cards and credit cards were the Mark of the Beast. I stopped using credit cards and began to pay for stuff with cash when I could.

I was hired on by Target Financial for a seasonal job in September 2003 and my attitude towards that company began to show up on the job. I began to tell people that line that credit cards were the Mark and of course the people working there thought I was full of it.

To sum it all up, from January 2003 to about January of 2004 was like a 'Dark Ages' for me. I continued my shenanigans until I left the seasonal position and was miraculously hired by Gateway Computer LLC in Sioux Falls.

Gateway opened my eyes up a lot. I started to move away a bit from the extremist websites, but not entirely. I found that computers necessarily weren't evil and neither were other modern technologies. Don't get me wrong, I don't want our government trying to stick RFID chips in our skin, ever! I began to receive bigger paychecks than at Target Financial and Kelly Services, whom I worked for on a under part time basis. I still had faith in the Libertarian Party; I was a 'born-again' Libertarian, always prostelyzing the party and harassing anyone who didn't agree with even the tiniest of issues. It still affected my job performance; I had an 'Us' vs. 'Them' attitude towards everyone and even those who disagreed with me I beat down. Those big paychecks made me happy though. :)

Gateway closed its plant in Sioux Falls in June 2004 and I was hellbent on getting out of Sioux Falls. Since my choice of state reflected my political beliefs and such, I chose to move to Austin, TX. I first flew down to the city and spent the next three nights there. When I flew in, a sense of uneasiness came over me since I knew that while Austin is a fairly progressive town, much of Texas is not.

I got mad as I tried to navigate around Austin, never realizing that Austin is in a bit of an economic pinch thanks to the downturn in the computer industry. I came back to Sioux Falls and after about a couple of weeks of tossing the issues around, I decided to move to Austin, of course with no employment or housing lined up. I arrived in Austin in the beginning of August, and I was able to obtain housing at Intown Suites, kind of like a weekly lease for an apartment.

I spent about one and a half weeks in Austin, most of the time playing video games since I found that jobs in the state of Texas aren't necessarily plentiful (just to be clear, I'm not bashing in the state of Texas. It's a huge, wonderful place but now I don't think it meets my needs now). Austin is the headquarters for Dell and a division of IBM in case you are wondering. When I did look for a job I still had that perfectionistic, minimalist attitude typical of the Libertarian Party and it showed when I looked for a job, often times my beliefs would get in the way and I'd look for the cheapest way out of a problem (which sometimes wasn't the best or cheapest way in the long run). I went on maybe two interviews while I was down there thanks to this belief.

In frustration and despair I returned to Sioux Falls in the middle of August 2004 and back to my parent's house. I began to sell off much of the junk I had dragged along with me when I went down to Texas since I developed a pack-rat mentality shortly after I joined the Libertarian Party. I felt alone, almost on the run all the time but I lived this way because I still had faith in the LP.

I spent a little over a month in Sioux Falls unemployed, bereaved over my failure in Austin. I still had faith that Austin would work for me even though my expectations of the city were not met. I sat idle in Sioux Falls until I applied at Citibank, and was surprisingly hired on to start training on October 11. I was and to this day amazed that I could be hired to work at a company that I knew usually hired people who were somehow related to each other, familial or not. At least that's how the call center here worked anyway. I started classes on the 11th, and my Libertarian Party attitude reared its ugly head again.

I still prostelyzed the party at my co-workers and of course they fought back, being Democrats and Republicans. The more they resisted, the more I prostelyzed. I still had the desire to go back to Austin as Sioux Falls continued to decline in quality of life (Sioux Falls has a lot of money but much of it is held by a select few people). My gender identity was still popping up in my mind and I kept it on the back burned as I pushed the Libertarian Party more even though my attitude and the LP's attitude towards transsexual protections was growing more and more distant, with me in favor for and the LP against. I figured, "Well, the LP maybe opposes Transgender protections, but at least they'll support other things I beleive in." So, despite our growing differences I stood with the Libertarian Party. This went on for about a week before the one event that would forever change my life and begin the end of political parties for me.

I don't know what possessed me to type in the phrase, but I typed in 'oppressive parents' on the internet one day shortly after I started training. To my surprise a website called showed up in the search results, and shortly after clicking on the hyperlink I came to a page where a book called "If you had Controlling Parents" was on the top, and various topics concerning abusive parents were shown all over the bottom. The book was written by Dan Neuharth, and I would recommend anyone to read it if you find yourself at odd with your parents.

I immediately wanted the book, and I raced over to Barnes and Noble in town to pick it up. I found the last copy, bought it, and read it as soon as I got home. I won't go over all the topics in the book, but the book only confirmed some of the thoughts regarding my parents and their upbringing. I read the book at work instead of prostelyzing the LP for the first time, and with each reading I became stronger. I thought at first the book would erase my transgenderism, but it didn't, in any case reinforcing my own gender identity. I would often hide the book in my lunchbox and read it when I got the chance.

I became more bolder, asserting myself where before I wouldn't dream of doing so. I even was bold enough to walk into places like the GAP and American Eagle and look at women's clothes where before I would never dare do such a thing, and I found that the risk of being harassed for looking at and even buying womens clothes wasn't what I thought it would be. I was always scared of rocking the boat, for I grew up in a relatively authoritarian and oppressive family hierarchy that condemned anyone stepping outside of their 'role'. My father grew up in upstate New York in a 'old blood' family that preached allegiance and obedience, with my grandmother punishing my father and his brother harshly even for frivilous offenses. My mother grew up in a strict Lutheran family in North Dakota in an environment of rigid control and discipline. I need not go to the military; living with my parents was just as bad.

I grew even more bolder and daring as I read the book more, yet that Libertarian Party and its nagging idealogy still stuck in my head. Dan Neuharth's book describes how cults and oppressive families operate on a similar basis: control the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, relationships and identities of their members. My own parents used these exact techniques, and I was scared now that they would find that I was reading a forbidden book in the house!

My boldness even got to where I desired my own vacation: I wanted to fly out to Seattle for a weekend. I got a bit of heat from my parents for such a sudden move, but they didn't interfere as much as they used to. I flew out in the middle of November, and Seattle caught me off guard big time. Seattle, despite what the media tells you, is a predominately conservative town, with only the center of town being anywhere near liberal. Not only that, but I felt the people there were a bit slow and rude as well, often times walking out into the street and in my way while I drove the rental car, oblivious to my driving down the road. One good thing came came out of Seattle, though: I had the courage to pick up a special edition of Christmas songs sung by Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. After hearing some of the songs, I loved it like how one loves a kitten they just got from the Humane Society. That CD is sooooo Cute! I'll never sell it! Ever!

In November I signed up for Verizon cellular service since I felt my prepaid Tracfone service was acting up. I put down a deposit since I wouldn't give my SSN to the Verizon store. I found that the service was not what it was supposed to be, so I cancelled the service within the 15 days of activation. Getting my deposit back from Verizon was a nightmare; even as I write this in February 2005 I still havent' recieved my deposit back. $380 is a lot of money to most people, and the fact that Verizon could hold it and I had little or no recourse made me doubt the Libertarian Party's ideas of no commercial regulation.

I went down and nagged and begged for my refund and was told all kinds of excuses, not to mention that Verizon is always packed and it seems that someone else is whining about their service when I'm there as well. Put it this way: prepaid Tracfone is much better than any form of contract based cellular service now!

Reading Dan Neuharth's book made me realize that I couldn't continue to tolerate my parent's intrusions into my life. I began to panic as my parents tried to invade my personal life as my career began to grow. Now, instead of the Libertarian Party's nagging BS interfering with work, it was my parents' intrusive meddling that distracted me from work. Even my parents admit they meddle a lot, but they feel that they must.

Their meddling got to the point to where I decided to get out of Sioux Falls again and head back to Austin. I gave my notice to Citibank and worked my last day on January 7, 2005. At that same time I noticed that a local car dealer was in trouble in neighboring Iowa for false advertising and financial fraud. South Dakota didn't even do anything about his crooked activities in this state, which lead me to only further doubt the LP. Still, being as stubborn as usual, I still believed the LP when they advocated for no business regulation.

My attitude towards usury changed, for I felt it had to be regulated better. South Dakota's usury laws are basically non-existant, and I worked for a company that lied and pulled the rug out from under a lot of people. I packed up my belongings and waited for my last check from Citibank. Of course, my parents were doing everything they could to keep me in Sioux Falls, and the tension boiled over about five days before I left. We were talking about my moving to Austin, and I remember my parents asking more and more intrusive questions, ones that shouldn't even be asked.

I remember my mother asking me how much I would spend on groceries or something and I finally lost it. I told her and my father it was none of their business and they got hostile and asked again in an authoritarian tone. I repeated my answer, and the whole conversation stopped. My parents basically gave up, and while it was a stressful and frightening experience, I stood my ground. My parents have, for now anyways, stopped asking such intrusive questions and have left me alone for now.

I eventually headed out of Sioux Falls towards Austin on Feb 1, allowing my parents to hold my mail and send it to me when I settled down in Austin without a job or housing. I made it into Wichita, KS that night and spent the night at a Days Inn (by the way, the Days Inn in southern Wichita is the best hotel I've ever been in. Kind of an exception to most of the hotels down south!).

The next day, a cold rainy one, I headed down towards Austin, hoping to start over and renew my life. I knew that most of Texas is very hostile to transgendered people despite the progress made in cities like Dallas and Austin, both whom have legal protections for transgendered people in employment and housing. I was about an hour or so out of Austin when I called Intown Suites in Austin and asked to reserve a room. To my surprise, they were full and I knew that the other hotels in Austin were not good places to spend a week at. I was in Round Rock when I saw a Days Inn about .5km (1/4 mile) on the side. I pulled in off highway I-35 and prayed that the hotel offered weekly rates. Fortunately Days Inn has never let me down yet. I was able to obtain a weekly rent for $280 (ouch!) and my room had a microwave and fridge.

I began to unload my things, and I found that the room stunk like cigarette smoke and such. I hauled my computer and TV up to the room, and I spent an hour trying to set up my stuff. I was very scared now. Round Rock had no legal protections for transgendered people, and it was a long drive to Austin, not to mention that Round Rock is expensive and the jobs that are available don't necessarily pay well. But, in reality, my inability to get a room at Intown Suites proved to be a blessing later on.

I was going down to my car at about 7PM CST to get a controller to my PS2 when I noticed a young woman walking up to me and asking if I had seen a lady and her two children nearby. I told her no, and she asked if I could keep her company while she waited for her friend. I decided to since I felt she could have been a contact for me to lean on in case I needed help finding employment, kind of like networking. We went to her room and she asked me if I had a car. She apparantly didn't have one, but her fiancee did but he was in Bay City for some reason.

SHe wanted to go to the Mormon CHurch in Round Rock so she could find housing. Apparantly she was wanting to leave the hotel because she was out of money and the church would help her out. As I helped her find the Mormon church in the phone book I told her that I was in a bit of a hurry and would have to leave in an hour. She asked if I could take her to the Mormon church in Round Rock and I reluctantly did, even though I knew that the church was far away. I did have some suspicions about her, but I brushed them aside. I thought, "Don't be suspicious simply because someone wants a ride". From the moment I met her, she seemed to be very friendly, almost too friendly. I brushed aside those suspicions even when she asked if I was looking for a roommate. I told her no, figuring her fiancee would help her out. She asked again and I politely but firmly told her no.

After about ten minutes of driving around I made a U-turn when I probably shouldn't have. A cop was about a block away, and I feared that he/she would ticket me. I thought in the back of my mind that maybe the cop could misinterpret me with this lady (I will not disclose her name to protect her in spite of her stupidity) as big trouble.

I gave the excuse that the road was too far away for me to reach in time and we headed back to the hotel at about 8:45PM. SHe then came with me to my room and said she was thirsty. I gave her a Capri-Sun and she asked if I could come to her room. I reluctantly went along, and I watched TV while she tried to look for someone else to help her. I told her that I needed to head back to my room and take a shower. She told me that I could shower in her room, which caught me off guard and set off a red flag.

I began to get uneasy as she watched TV. She was insistent on me being comfortable, almost too friendly, and every minute that passed I became more and more uncomfortable. She sat on the bed next to me, and my comfort level began to tell me that something was wrong here (transgendered people usually have the personal boundaries of the gender they identify with, and mine are more approximate to those of a woman's). I hid my discomfort as the minutes passed. I explained to her that I would have to leave in a couple minutes. Her final act was the question: "Wanna cuddle?" and she placed her hand on my stomach in an attempt to embrace.

Most people might take this offer up to cuddle. Not so with me. I jumped back, and while I didn't show it on the outside, inside I was angry. This was a major violation of a serious personal boundary, and she was lucky I didn't take her head off. I was more blunt now. I told her that I barely knew her and my beliefs were that I should get to know someone better before any hugging or affection takes place. I also reminded her that she had a fiancee, and the last thing I needed in my life was some love triangle with someone I barely knew. 5 minutes later, I left for my room and after shutting the door, I locked it and shut the blinds. I took a shower and had a snack that my mother packaged for me before leaving Sioux Falls. The quality of the room began to show now. The bathroom flooded thanks to a crack in the tub, and the TV didn't work at all.

I now realized that I walked into something I never should have, and those hours before I went to bed made me think strongly about my allegiance to the LP. Those few hours were the lowest point in my life! I called my parents as I promised to, and I spent an hour talking to my father. I told him about the Controlling Parents book I had been reading for the past few months, and I also told him all about the reasons why I went to Austin, mostly to avoid them and a state income tax. He didn't take it as bad as I thought he would, and it was a relief.

I still was scared, but now I felt a new sense of optimism in me. I knew that the state of Minnesota offered legal protections for transgendered people, and I also knew deep down that Minnesota would be a better place overall for me to live, even though much of those benefits were opposed by the Libertarian Party. I knew that the Libertarian Party had a major presence in Austin with the headquarters of Michael Badnarik, the LP candidate for President, was based there. There also was a presence of high unemployment and corruption in areas associated with the Libertarian Party.

I saw something more than just a correlation here. I finally admitted I was no longer a Libertarian and that night I slept much better than before. I decided to come back home, spiritually and literally, and regroup and try and get employment in Minneapolis.

The jog back to Wichita was quite uneventful, except my emotional health improved with every hour I drove. I now found it was okay now to show your fear more openly instead of hiding it, and my willingness to rebel against the LP grew much stronger.

I felt more human, and my attitudes towards equal opportunity and progressive business regulation changed for the better. I also felt better about going to the Unitarian Universalist church in Sioux Falls given that my political beliefs kept getting in the way of my communicating with those in the congregation. I also noticed my physical health improved a miniscule bit over that trip. That night, in the same Days Inn I stayed at before, I slept just as well, the last time being over three years ago.

As an added thought, my ordeal was similar to an episode of Aladdin I saw years ago. An evil sorceress had stolen young children from their homes and turned them into creatures called Unkbuts (If you watched Aladdin, you may know what episode I'm referring to). The Unkbut were very magically powerful yet they could only come out once every seven years.

One of Aladdin's friends was turned into one seven years ago, and a younger friend of Aladdin is convinced he wants to be an Unkbut. The sorceress had seduced the young boy into developing into an Unkbut, yet the boy still retained his childhood rambuctiousness. The sorceress was angry at the boy and eventually told him he would die unless he came with her to the Land of Shadows, the realm that the Unkbut lived in when not on Earth. The sorceress closed the portal and left the boy and several other Unkbut behind, dying from a lack of exposure to the Land of Shadows (she left the Unkbuts behind because they turned on her to help the little boy against her wishes). The boy changed back to normal as he was still mostly human, but Aladdin's friend from long ago was dying along with the others.

As the other Unkbut began to melt away, Aladdin saw that his friend's forearm was not melting away, but it was changing into a human forearm! He didn't die because his heart was still human, and he would eventually change back into a normal human. I feel like Aladdin's friend now, not exactly free but freer with every day that passes.

The drive from Wichita to Sioux Falls was even better; as the Libertarian Party's influence continued to fade away from my psyche, my mental and emotional health improved with every moment. I awoke at 5AM, and was out of the hotel by 6AM. I drove on the Kansas turnpike as I made my way to Topeka and that was the most peaceful drive in my life. I watched as TV towers in the distance blinked on and off, their lights bright against the Kansan dawn. I realized that I never could be involved with the LP again, for to do so would only damage me further. My trip from Topeka to Sioux Falls was uneventful yet peaceful.

I arrived in Sioux Falls at about 2:30PM, and I arrived when everyone else was at work. I unloaded my things and immediately started a plan to look for employment in the Minneapolis area. The next day, Friday the 4th, I made calls to prospects in the area. After about an hour, I had 4 interviews lined up, and more to follow! I knew now that states like Minnesota and Illinois (where I am from originally) have a reputation for big government, but I also find that they take care of their people better overall.

That same day, I looked up the Libertarian Party's website ( and saw that they had over 550 people in public offices around the nation. The number had not quite doubled in a year, and many of the positions they held were public offices in government agencies that the Libertarian Party supposedly opposes! Hopefully you can see where there is a problem! I called the LP's office in Washington D.C. and tried to bring the matter up with the director of the Party, Mr. Seehusen.

An employee answered the phone and said that Seehusen was in a meeting and the party's platforms and ideas were not supposed to be discussed over the phone. I told the employee of the contradiction that I saw on the Party's website and he really didn't respond to it at all. I asked him if he was a Libertarian and he said no. I also found out that many of the people in the 'Libertarian Party' really aren't libertarian at all, or only so they can collect a paycheck. That phone call has prompted me to write this warning to you all.

The other political parties aren't much better; I interviewed for a job in Austin that was for fundraising for the Kerry election, and half of the people there weren't even loyal to Kerry, and these were decision making employees, not just the grunts on the front line. The Democrats whine about low wages and their party only pays $6 per hour to raise funds (I found this out when I interviewed for the job).

Now that you have heard my story, you understand now how powerful cult manipulation can be. Our nation's government is essentially run by one big cult, subdivided into seperate sections called the Democrats, Republicans, Greens, and so on.

If we actually solve the problems in America, then the political parties have no need to exist further. If gay marriage bans and religious takeover of America are achieved, then the Republicans have no need to exist. If Social Security and public health are fixed, then the Democrats are no longer needed. If the government is really rolled back to it's Constitutional limitations, then the Constitution and Libertarian parties would fade away. Now hopefully you understand where I am coming from.

In my lifetime, I find that there were five industries that are predatory in nature. Payday loan centers (loan sharks), bail bond companies, title loan companies, casinos, and pawnbrokers are predatory in that they take advantage of those in financial bondage or hardship. The stronger their presence, the more miserable and depressed a community was.

We could add a sixth: political parties, the worst of all predatory institutions. They are the worst because state power and public money are essentially placed in the hands of a private institution, unaccountable to no one. They feed off the misery and suffering of the people in this nation, and no demographic is safe. Directly or indirectly, this gargantuan political war machine is responsable for millions of deaths all over the globe, trillions of dollars of economic and personal loss, and fomenting extremism and terrorism worldwide for the last eighty years.

My primary intent is to convince anyone who is reading this letter to get out of their party. Register as an independent, or no affilation if you can in your state. This flesh-eating, nation-damning institution, this evil leviathan, can only be slain by the sword of Truth, and the Light of Righteousness. I only hope this nation has those qualities, for we are being taken by these shysters and many Americans do not realized the hypocrisy of their leaders!

Heed my warning: do not follow these people! They will destroy your life just for a promise of prosperity! Get out of the political parties!

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

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