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  • Report:  #297082

Complaint Review: Liberty League International

Liberty League International READ THIS BEFORE JOINING!!! Scottsdale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 04, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 09, 2008
  • Liberty League International
    Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

First off, let me say how happy I am you're reading this, especially if you're someone considering joining Liberty League International (aka LLI). If I can help even one person to stay away from this company, then I've done a truly great thing.

1. If you care about your money, do not get involved with this organization.

Let me start by saying this. The company is smooth. The people are trained well and can come across as very, very polished. Their website is beautiful. Their pitches are brilliant. They have very elegant answers for everything. They'll even tell you why in one or two well crafted sentences why you shouldn't listen to someone like me and chances are you'll believe them. They really are that good. They really do have it together on a lot of levels. Don't buy it for a second. Don't be foolish like me and put a tremendous amount of money into this because of a suave package. The chances are EXTREMELY high that you'll regret it.

The product itself is decent. If you watch "The Secret" and read a couple of well-chosen books you can learn all will learn from the Beyond Freedom program for 5% of the cost or less. You can go to a well chosen workshop or two and derive the value you'll get from the LLI workshops, and likely more, for a very, very tiny fraction of the cost. That really isn't even the point though, as I never looked at the products as the goal. This organization is about making money, and the products are really a means to an end. Yes, there is some value there, but not at the price they're asking, not even close, and there are so many negatives.

One main argument you will come across from these peole when they hear about anyone complaining about this company are that we're people who just gave up on themselves and are angry. I admit that I gave up on LLI (certainly not on myself) and I'm angry (though I'm working on that).

Most people who join this business will not be successful. They tell you this up front very explicitly even, but they'll also make you feel like you're the small percentage (and I'm talking a good bit less than 10% percentage) who will really make it in this business. If you happen to have the exact right combination of personality, drive, belief, etc. and you work extremely hard, you just might be one of the very, very small minority that is successful in this business. Mind you, I have seen many other people, myself included, who are very intelligent and savvy people work very hard and dilligently at this business for a long period of time and not make anything. You might be different and you might be one of the lucky few. The chances are higher than winning the lottery that you could be one of them. Alas, here's the rub:

2. 1. If you care about other people, do not get involved with this organization.

I gave up on this business not because I thought it was unworkable. In fact, I was convinced that if I gave it my all for several months, or more likely years, and with a LOT of borrowed money, that I could have been successful with this business. I'm still convinced of it to this day. Alas, the reason I quit was not because I thought it was unworkable, but because I actually care about other people.

In the end it came down to plain black and white. If you do get people involved in this business, you will be getting tremendous sums of money from them. For many people we're talking their life savings, and for even more, people going into great amounts of debt. If you're a millionaire, then perhaps $1,500 on up to around $21,000 (what I spent) isn't a lot of money. For most people it is, and it's the result of a tremendous amount of hard work. This cannot be overstated.

More numbers: Well over 90% of these people who will be giving you what to them is the result of years of work often at great cost to their families will not be successful. It came down very simply to this. I saw too many people struggle mightily in this business, giving it their all, including myself, with nothing in return - even breaking even is tremendously difficult, and I have seen people quit their jobs, go into very heavy debt and experience a lot of pain and suffering for no reward.

Quite simply, I am not willing to put anyone else through that, and make no mistake, if you get people involved in this business, you will put more than 90% of them through this. It came down to, could I sleep at night knowing the suffering I'd be causing people? No, I could not. Would it be worth it to make one person a millionaire at the expense of 40 people who would suffer? No, I could not. I can't tell you how grateful I am that I never did get anyone involved. I wouldn't want that karma when it comes around.

Listen - their responses to this will be elegant and flawless. They will sound really intelligent and seem to make common sense. They will talk about how those people who lose money are not their responsibilities because they gave up on themselves. They will tell you about the people who came in and were wildly successful very quickly, even if those people were (and I'm being generous) one in a thousand, and say how that can be you. They put big flashy dollar signs in front of your eyes. Their workshops are very high energy, they literally have smoke and lasers. It's hard not to get caught up in the fervor of their enthusiasm and phone calls. They will even put on a performance of being very successful themselves, even if they are not. They talk about posture and putting off an appearance and air of success even if you don't have any financial success yet. This is far more than slighly misleading. Do not confuse any of this for reality.

If you care about your own money, stay away. If you care about other people, stay away. Work. Work at a business where there is no moral ambiguity. Work where the fruits of your labor are not at the expense of others. Maybe you don't care about others in that way. Then maybe this business really is for you. Tread carefully and research fully. Don't let their air of urgency rush your decision. They'll tell you the longer you wait the more money you stand to lose, or my favorite line - the most successful people in this business didn't delay and joined immediately. Due your dilligence and your homework. The dozens of unhappy stories you'll read online represent the thousands of people who didn't dare to speak up but feel the same. You really might want to think it out very carefully before you have done to you what was done to me.

Los Angeles, California

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Did you even read my original post?

#3Author of original report

Thu, May 08, 2008

Did you even read the original post that you're posting a rebuttal to?

Please read it carefully as it really said all I wanted to say. You're free to join this organization if you want to. I personally don't recommend it and I think the few people who are getting rich are living their lives on blood money doing something that's essentially immoral, but that's just my point of view. During the period I was involved I would have horrible nightmares about how much I could be hurting people by getting them in this business and was receiving all kinds of signs and inner guidance that this was wrong, wrong, wrong. I denied it as long as I possibly could because I had invested so much time and energy and dreamt so big about what I would do with my riches, but in the end I knew I couldn't live with myself if those riches were at the expense of others. I'm so grateful I never got anyone else involved and believe in my heart this is not the way an honest and compassionate person makes money. I'm grateful that my words could have and hopefully will help people stay away from this organization.

What you do is your own business, but please read my original post and listen to what I'm saying if you're going to respond to it. Again, you're going to do what you're going to do and your'e entitled. People hear what they want to hear. The people who are still deeply imbedded in the brainwashing philosophy of LLI are often incapable of hearing my point of view because it would just be too painful for them to accept the simple truth. Well I went through that pain, and thankfully what I found on the other side was my own integrity.

Living Life

North Carolina,

This is grown folks business!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 07, 2008

I once heard that the problem with the internet is that smart people and ignorant people have equal airtime. And because ignorant people tend to scream louder and longer while smart people are intelligent enough to let it ride and as a result are ultimately not heard.

I am not a member of Liberty League International but am thinking about joining. I have read all the negative posts and to me it seems like the ones who are upset are the ones who didn't make any money. What seems strange to me is that these people can speak for hundreds of people who alledgedly lost their homes or wiped out life savings or whatever. Sometimes when you listen to people you will hear a bunch of BS and a story that doesn't quite add up.

Apparently they don't even want any and everybody joining the company. They certainly don't want whiners. My take on the business model and why I don't have a problem with it can be compared to some of the following things: We are all on the same plane when we fly, yet some people may have paid $175 for a ticket while others paid $779 for a ticket on the same plane, going to the same place. At Anthony Robbins seminars you are in the same auditorium, listening to the same speaker but the people closest to the front may have paid almost $3000 for a ticket if not more, while the people in the back may have paid only $850 for their ticket.

All cars on the turnpike are using the same road, but the ones with more axels pay a higher toll for the same road. You can get a 4 year degree from a private college or the local college or even the local university....same degree, same education, same piece of paper but the classes will cost different amount depending on the school. A franchise will cost you about a quarter of a million dollars to start up with no guarantee that it will thrive. I can go on and on until eternity but you get the picture.

Now, I said all of that to say this. This is a business opportunity and it is a choice. Simple choice. You probably gave your job day after day, month after month, year after year but when you join a business, most people expect for the money to just fall in their laps. So what if you worked it really really hard. Do you know how many people work hard at their businesses and don't turn a profit for YEARS!! You try something for a few months and give up....well there's your problem.

So what if I have to do two training sales. I can start this business for $1495 which is not even a requirement to pay. Secondly, these people have a system that I can simply plug into. I didn't have to create the busniess and deal with all of the in and outs of putting the whole thing together, finding office space, getting a receptionist and a dedicated phone system and payroll and employees and lights and phone and all the other things that go along with starting other types of businesses. $1495 that you pay one time for life, big freakin deal!! I don't understand what the problem is. I see what they mean now when they say some people have a poverty mindset. They guy on the plane that paid $600 more for a ticket to fly doesn't care what you think about the price he paid for his ticket. You would be the one who paid the $175 and would be complaining about that! People who get it, people who have the money, people who understand business models don't care!

Tell me, what do you want to $35 to join a business but you want to make six dont have a six figure mindset so why should you be successful no matter how much the business costs! If the business were $35 to join and that's all you had to do, I GUARANTEE people would still be on this site complaining about something and them being ripped off and you can find this cheaper over here and cheaper over there!! Oh Please, give it a rest.....nobody cares.

They only want a profit and only want to make money. That is the most RETARDED statement I think I have read since reading a lot of the GARBAGE on this site. This is a for profit company. If I opened a clothing store, your d**n right I want a profit. Do I want people to come to my store to shop and spend money....ABSOLUTELY so what's your point.

You should just go back and get a 9 to 5 that you will be miserable at also because clearly you are not cut out to be a business person. It's a FACT that not all people are cut from that type of cloth. The Donald Trumps and Bill Gates of the world didn't get where they are about whining over $1495 or one failed attempt at a business. You need to get over yourself, move out of your own way and learn something!!!

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