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  • Report:  #461902

Complaint Review: Liberty National Life Insurance

Liberty National Life Insurance St. Louis Branch 638 Unprofessional crude rude tasteless juvenile behavior untrusting unreliable unorganized disrespectful Saint  Charles Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Fenton Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 16, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 25, 2018
  • Liberty National Life Insurance
    3910 Old Highway 94 South
    Saint Charles, Missouri
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Where to start...well as a veteran agent of Liberty National, I will admit that there is definitely money to be made there. I've been in sales for all of my adult life thus far...I'm 29, single mother here. Anyways, I can only speak for my experiences as well as what I have witnessed and I will leave you all with this to sum it all up...

Letter to Regional Director: (who did absolutely nothing which is surprising for the fact that 3 others sent him emails of similar complaints of disrespect, foul mouth management, ridicule, unfair treatment, racial remarks, and the list goes on and on and on...

Dear Mr. Roger Rich,

Per our conversation on June 11, 2009, at your request, I am composing this letter to express my concerns regarding the management strategies of Branch 638 and my desire to resign. Oh, please forgive my poor transition...I'm just getting this all out and not even attempting to be eloquent about it. It is what it is!

There have been several situations that I, as an adult possessing integrity and honesty, can no longer bring myself to work for Monica Burgess and Todd Baxter. I have never in my life had to deal with such contradictions, hypocrisy, rude, and disrespectful people in my life. Unfortunately I am not the only person with these concerns.

While working the field with my UM, Monica, I witnessed her bash other employees, another UM, as well as the BM. People's jobs are in jeopardy each day depending upon the mood she is in. I've witness her acknowledge that she felt certain employee's were "worthless, lazy, pieces of sh**, fu** them". I've heard her tell Agents on the phone that "excuses are like a**holes...everybody's got one". Her personal dislike for particular people are made clear by her demeanor, disposition, as well as her own statements voiced aloud in front of their peers.

I ran with her for nearly 1 month, then ran with her and Jennifer Criss who was shortly after pulled from working with me because she had children she had to attend to by 6:30 pm. Then I worked with Karen Vallor, who's father recently passed away and had to attend to her mother on occasion who is a retiree. Monica literally said, "I'm done w/them, they are on their own". Soon after, again, I started over again running with solely Monica until somebody "with a work ethic like myself" was found. I'm here to make a living, not friends but I myself understand that people have loved ones, and other responsibilities other than pacifying this person.

Needless to say, it's now week 9 for me and I've been running with Jessica Eversmeyer, who is about 5 weeks in this company, for 2 weeks now. I feel that after getting off that roller coaster, and running solely w/Jessica, we have found a groove and developed a great system. However, yesterday a situation happened between Monica and Jessica that was totally uncalled for. I heard the conversation from the next room. Never in my life have I ever seen and heard a person mistreat others as Monica does and what's even more disturbing is that Todd condones it. I refuse to work for people who have no respect for their employees. It was everything Jessica had in her to not run out of that office and never look back. The sad thing is, Jessica was not the only person that Monica snapped at that very day.

Additionally, we have asked for a Sales Genie list and have been told flat out "NOPE!" reason, no explanation at all, just "NOPE"! Who does that? Not Managers! I've expressed my concern regarding the reasoning behind the cold shoulder and where I stand for I did not know if I even had a job the next day after taking 1 personal day to attend to my son and I was assigned "homework" to list my commitment to my Branch...bit ridiculous in my eyes considering just 2 weeks prior to I was told in confidence by Monica that she was taking a branch and she wanted to take me w/her to help her build it and that I was the only one within the branch that she wanted to what changed? I hadn't...except for 1 day out. I graduated high school in 1998 and I have no desire to return. I'm an adult, and I carry myself as such. I'm not doing homework at 9:30 pm on a weekday for a tasteless UM on a power trip that is obviously throwing their weight around.

I understand Monica's #3 UA UM and I could honestly careless-it means nothing if at the end of the day the only person left within that branch is the BM. Dealing w/individuals sales and running an office w/your Branch manager only vs. running a branch w/numerous units as well as dealing w/business owners is a totally different ballgame. There has to be some level of trust, flexibility, & consistency amongst the Branch, units, AND these business owners. We have been forced to push our prospective clients into enrollment dates that are not feasible for them. We have been forced to drop in on prospective clients whom we consistently have kept the lines of communication open to push paperwork out of them. I do not know about you but I'd trust my agent that has the report to handle their deal not intervene and push and subsequently lose the entire case especially when the agent has given no reason whatsoever that they are not performing. Bottom line, if I'm doing what I'm told, bringing in paperwork, and have proved myself please allow me to run my deal I see fit since I'm the one w/my hands in it...not somebody who has no idea about the case or the ongoing communications.

This past Monday I attended the mandatory recruiting session as I have gone to each & every one since the weekend prior to my start date. The majority of the time the dialer is not set up, the internet is down, or they are just too busy as UM and BM to get us going on the calls. We waited patiently Monday for 2 hours before we were given anything to call and recruit on. I understand things happen but we are micromanaged to the point where it is known and practiced that we come prepared and ready to go "no exceptions no excuses" and we abide by this rule. Our time is just as valuable and should be respected as us agents do theirs.

I have always been a hard worker, been at plan, hit my #s, and have been known as a Top Performer. I would love to recruit people into LibNat but I will not recruit for this branch. Knowing what I know, and experiencing what I have experienced, I lack the capacity to bring another person into 638. I am absolutely bewildered and floored that this is acceptable behavior.

Since the 1 personal day off I have been snubbed, trashed, and have been informed that Monica has advised my own partner "do not tell Lisa" about situations that I have had a part of. Regardless of how big or small, it's the point: I do not need it, I do not want it, and I definitely do not deserve it.

I'm not walking on pins and needles any longer. I'm not stressing if a deal I partook in will be given to somebody that's on her good side/buddy list/safe list that day or that week. It's asinine. I understand what I'm about to leave behind, a few deals and a few friends but I'm not subjecting myself to this nor will I sell out my 4 year old son for this particular branch who could obviously careless about the 16 hour days I put in as an Agent.

The array of individuals that come in and out of this branch should be expected from here on out. I hope that you understand my level of frustration, for I've got a lot in to this. I do apologize for inconveniencing you after business hours however I felt it of utmost importance that these issues be looked into. I would have contacted Tim Knuckles whom I have utmost respect for but after witnessing Mike Rivera get trashed, backstabbed, and disrespected I felt the least Tim could have done was maybe research his accusations and his side of the story. It is common knowledge within this branch to be vague, to the point, and discuss nothing in detail about your deals-it's a "needs to know basis". I've been warned by other UM and agents to watch who I talk to in the office. I've been told, as if I'm a child, to not speak to particular people by my UM and BM!!! Again, not the only one to have experienced these juvenile and bogus restrictions

I'm not looking to seek revenge for it's not in my nature...but my objective for this composition is to hopefully be a voice so that somebody can intervene and salvage some great people that are currently there.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or need names and #s from others who said that they are willing to voice their concerns as well.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

Lisa (((ROR redacted)))

Letter of Resignation:

Lisa 123 No Way Dr. Somewhere, USA 90210 (((ROR redacted)))

June 12, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

I, Lisa , am composing this letter as my formal resignation. Under circumstances beyond my control, I no longer have the capacity to work for Liberty National Branch 638.

In nearly a decade of sales and sales management, I have never seen the behavior and practices that I have seen within this organization. I have witnessed lies, manipulations, backstabbing, disrespect, and such juvenile behavior that I find unacceptable to tolerate.

The lack of consistency, integrity, and trust has been made crystal clear to me over the last few weeks. During my short-lived career here I have been told whom to associate with, what to say to others, and what not to say to others including my branch manager, other agents, and UM.

I pride myself on being a straight shooter, honest, integral, and hard working. I refuse to assist in the recruiting of more individuals into this branch for I would not work here myself. If I can't give it away, how could I sell it?

Working here has been like being in high school again. When expressing my concerns and frustrations to my UM, I was assigned homework-literally. My opinion is that a UM should converse amongst their staff and trouble shoot the situation in hopes of rectifying them-not ridicule an agent who clearly has worked hard, proven themselves, and stays positive all while being backstabbed and micro managed.

I could give example after example of instances where I've been disrespected, uncomfortable, and worn thin but to be perfectly honest, why on earth would I put more time into this Branch? I won't. I do not need this, I do not want it, and I most definitely do not deserve it.

I do apologize for this inconvenience however as of Wednesday when my partner was spoken to like dirt, I started weighing out the pros and the cons of this position and unfortunately it was 17-1 in favor of the cons. We ran our tails off Thursday staying strong, staying positive and by day end I finally broke down and informed my partner of my decision which surprising to me-was on her mind as well.

I've done nothing but do what I'm asked and work hard for my family but it has gotten to the point where any question that I ask is ridiculed, second guessed, or twisted into something that is totally in left field and off the wall.

I need stability not only professionally but mentally from my branch so when I walk into the office and I do not know where I stand due to a UM's mood, it's time to move on. Zebras do not change their stripes therefore this will always be uncomfortable, inconsistent, and a hypocrisy of what is really trying to be accomplished.

I find it sad and unfortunate for the simple fact that one month ago I thought I had finally sunk my teeth into a career with an amazing compensation plan, bonus structure, benefits and great people to work with and forbut the writing on the wall is there and it's time to move on.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to have this experience for it has been one that I will never forget.

With utmost sincerity and regards,



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Miss lisa Fenton, Missouri

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