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  • Report:  #1454198

Complaint Review: LifeTime Athletic

LifeTime Athletic Life Time Athletic Burlington Life Time Athletic Corporate Lifetime Athletic Corporate Lifetime Athletic Burlington Lifetime Life Time Fraudulent Defamation of Character and Termination Burlington Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    Bonnie — Burlington Massachusetts United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 31, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 31, 2018

LIFETIME ATHLETIC WARNING (long but please read and share, this could happen to anyone) I considered myself a proud, new member of Lifetime. While there have been numerous complaints by other members and some of my own, I took them like a grain of salt, as I understand they are new, employees are new and there is a learning curve. In fact, I sat down with the manager Zach Delgaizo to fill him in on what others’ and my frustrations have been so they don’t lose memberships. However, last week a simple mistake by me which I corrected minutes later has led to a very unfortunate circumstance. Last Monday, July 16, I met my friend at the club to work out - probably about 9:30 am. She did not have her kids with her, so I went to drop my kids off at their Kiddie Academy and met her out in front to go upstairs to the 3rd floor to exercise.

I said I needed to use the bathroom, and she said there was a bathroom up there. We went into the bathroom. I placed my phone by the sink before using the facilities. When I came out, I washed my hands and picked up my phone. When I did, I realized I was holding two phones. I asked my friend if the other phone was there when we got there. Neither of us were sure. I wasn't sure if I had picked it up with my phone there, or if I had some how picked it up at the Kiddie Academy just a few minutes before. I didn't want to leave it in there in case it was from the Kiddie Academy. She suggested we just turn it into the Personal Trainer desk on the floor we were on. We went right over, I gave the phone to the girl behind the desk and explained I wasn't sure if I had picked up the phone in the bathroom or perhaps the Kiddie Academy.

My friend and I started our workout on the cardio machines right next to that desk, then did weights, etc. on the other side of the same floor, we joked around with one of the personal trainers, when he tried to give us some advice. We spent a few minutes after in the steam room. I got my kids and we spent a little time in the pool with my kids and I took them home. Tuesday morning, I put the kids into the Kiddie Academy again, so I could do a class, then I took them home soon after. Later that day, around 5 pm, I received a call from Babs at the corporate office in Minnesota. She said she was calling about the phone I picked up in the Kiddie Academy. I explained that yes, I wasn't sure if I had found it in the bathroom or the Kiddie Academy. I explained that to the person at the desk who I handed the phone to. She said they have me on video taking the phone, it was found in the bathroom, and my membership is terminated effective immediately.

I asked why it would be terminated, as I didn't steal anything and I turned it in about 5 minutes later when realized I had it with me. I asked her if she had looked at the video footage from the 3rd floor showing me turning in the phone-minutes later. She reiterated my membership is terminated. I said I often carry the phone battery pack with my phone, and it's not unusual for me to have more than just my phone in my hand. It didn't feel different to me and I didn't steal anything. She again said it was found in the bathroom... I said that's not even possible since I turned it into the desk. I again asked if she looked at the video footage from the third floor showing I turned it in about 5 minutes later. She said she understood my perspective, but they take these matters very seriously and my membership is still terminated and continued to ignore my question as to whether they looked at third floor footage.

I immediately called the member services manager I spoke with the week prior, Zach. He asked why I was calling and I said because I was extremely upset and explained what happened. He proceeded to inform me that he had made the recommendation to the corporate office to terminate me on theft. I asked him if he looked at the 3rd floor video footage, and he too ignored that question. He told me there was nothing he could do, Babs is his manager's manager's manager and I needed to speak with her. I explained she wouldn't listen to me and he's the one that sent the recommendation to her. I had my friend, that was with me at the time of the incident, call him back with me and she explained everything she witnessed since she was with me from the moment I stepped out of the Kiddie Academy. He listened to her and again said that he couldn't do anything, I need to speak with Babs and disconnected from us. My friend called and left a message for Babs and she never got a return call. Multiple friends contacted the managers, Zach and the General Manager Ben Dubin, as character references- emphasizing that I'd never steal anything and that if they’d research the matter further and look at the video footage, they would see there was no theft or intention of.

My friends that work at Lifetime contacted Zach the member relations manager, one also emailed Ben the GM of the Burlington club. They explained they have known me for years, I would never intentionally steal a phone - and pointed out the fact that I didn't steal it because I didn't even keep it and turned it in right away. One friend explained it's ridiculous, that she herself has left a friend's home with her phone and her friend's, that this kind of thing can happen. A few hours later, still last Tuesday, I received a call from Zach and Ben (manager and GM). Ben did the talking this time. He said he'd been getting calls on my behalf, and wanted to hear my side of the story. I explained everything. He acknowledged that I turned it in and said they appreciate that, but they stand by their actions but will look into this further. He said they would speak with the staff in the Kiddie Academy, on the third floor and review the video footage but until further notice, my membership is still terminated and I'm not allowed to enter the building, not even to take my kids to their swim classes. I asked him what exactly he was looking for since they know I didn't leave the building with it and I turned it in.

He said he couldn't tell me but they would be in touch in about a week, maybe less. Sunday night, I emailed him saying I would like an answer by the end of the day Monday as their impulsive actions to terminate based on theft that didn't occur, simply an assumption of an intention to commit theft ,is ruining my kids' summer. We have limited camp-free time and instead of spending the money on a trip, I decided to put the money into this club, and enjoy quality time with my kids here. He responded that they will not be rushed and he will be in touch by the end of the week - which would now mean 2 weeks. This brings us to today, Friday, July 27 after 5 pm. They have not gotten in touch with me. Apparently, from what Ben said, they determined it to be my intention to steal the phone, even though I turned it in, because I went to the bathroom before I worked out. He said in his experience and Bab's, it's typical for thieves to take what they've stolen to a bathroom to determine the value and if it's worth stealing. This is not a purse we are talking about-where a thief would go look and see if there is money in a wallet, it's a phone.....the item/value is evident immediately. Last Wednesday, July 18, my friend whom I've known for about 25 years, also a member of Lifetime, went in and sat down with Zach.

She explained she's known me for 25 years, I've lived in her home, cared for her children, traveled with her and work with her and I'd never steal anything. She said she could call 2 other members there at that moment to attest to that as well, and she could have another 25 friends call and back that up as well. He said he didn't need to speak with anyone else. Another friend who says she has a good relationship with the club spoke with Ben and he told her he'd be in touch with me soon... This was last week. Though my friend could explain this better, here are some things he said to back up his corporate stance that showed he was grasping for straws: 1 - There have been members at clubs found to be committing theft for 25 years (in response to her saying she's known me 25 years and i'd never do this). 2 - Someone's phone went missing at the club and it was gone for over a day (I returned the phone I found-minutes later).my friend asked if he was saying I took that person's phone for a day? He said no, then proceeded to say but the woman's phone I had was missing for 6 hours.

She told him I wasn't even at the club for 6 hours.... 3- I didn’t return it to where I took it from. Apparently the understanding that I didn’t realize I took it from the Kiddie Academy continues to escape them. If I knew that, I wouldn’t have taken it to begin with. I promptly turned it into an employee. SO, here's what I think happened. I think when I turned the phone in minutes after I walked out of the room with it, the employee stuck it in a draw or something with a note saying it was found in the bathroom...not that it was turned in by a member who wasn’t sure if she found it in the bathroom or accidently picked it up in the Kiddie Academy. Also, if this woman's phone was really missing for 6 hours, then this same employee neglected to inform other staff or management that a phone was turned in and it was probably sitting in that drawer for potentially 6 hours. There needs to be a better protocol for lost items through out the club.

A designated spot for lost and found, so that employees and members know where to go to find missing belongings. While Lifetime has the right to terminate memberships for any reason they seem fit, they have decided it was my intention to commit theft that I did not commit. I have been accused of theft, had my membership terminated all because of a simple mistake- human error- which I corrected immediately... and because their lack of training. My friend that works there, was so upset that this was happening to me but also because it could happen to anyone - including her. My struggle is my desired outcome. I really don't want to step foot in there ever again. However, this is the first place in years I've been able to work out. I'm a single mom and the playroom hours at other gyms have always been so limited. Lifetime offers Kiddie Academy hours from 8-8, it offers me the flexibility I need, and my children and I have lots of friends that go there, so it's fun for all of us. I did not receive a full refund, nor did I receive the free month of swim classes that came with membership for my children to date.

I wanted to share this matter to shed light on their practices, and help prevent this from happening here again or at any of their clubs. When corporate doesn’t want to hear about evidence contrary to their assumptions, this is a significant concern. I want an apology and to know what protocols and training will be implemented to ensure this doesn’t happen ever again, to anybody at any of their clubs...this could have happened to anyone, and it still can. 3 days ago, town access cable television reporter advised Lifetime local attorney to come to a resolution before the Friday news is filmed. 2 days again, almost 2 weeks after date of incident, Ben Dubin the GM invites me in today to discuss the decision and move forward... LIFETIME UPDATE: As expected, they were willing to give me the privilege of paying their salaries and continue to be a member with NO apology, denied I was terminated immediately, justified their actions and offered me a 2 week refund .

He kept saying they suspended me during investigation but that only happened after I had 6 character references, told them to look at the footage,etc. Tom Piazza, with 15 years loss prevention experience, and I asked questions too revealing that he didn’t want to answer cause they didn’t want to explain investigation that took 2 weeks,, When I was going to show email showing I was terminated immediately, Ben Dubin said we were done here. He also lied about the police cars that showed up before I did and said the cop was here for a completely different reason even though he was in the room next to us.”I promise you they are here for a completely different reason”. This is public record so you can look up why the officer was called to lifetime. Officer was sorry he wasn’t part of the initial investigation when I said I wish he was here then. Look out media! *The only thing Ben "sincerely” apologized for was not contacting me Friday because he promised he would - because he had a family emergency.

LOL, the week before he’d actually said about a week or maybe less. Also wanted to add that Ben called me before the meeting to let me know that corporate policy wouldn’t allow media in the meeting with me. Gee, I wonder what they will have to say on this subject for the news story. OH, and I forgot... I asked him what he needed 2 weeks for to investigate since the video would have shown me walking out of the bathroom and turning it in and I had a witness, never mind the employee I gave it too, etc. I also said I think the reason they assumed theft so quickly was because nobody even bothered to look at video footage of the third floor to begin with and just assumed I left it in the bathroom and never turned it in. I asked if I was right.... no reply. I made it clear I wasn’t interested in the privilege of paying their salaries. I asked who was his boss and Babs’ and he ignores that request as well.

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