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  • Report:  #1447460



  • Reported By:
    Angela — West Palm Beach, Florida United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 14, 2018
  • Updated:
    Thu, June 14, 2018
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

To whom it may concern.

Re: Linda O'Connor

Be warned of any business dealings or personal association with this woman.
This is about the court documented activity of Linda Marie O'Connor, senior loan manager at First Citizens Bank, Palm Beach Gardens.
Last known address:
PALM BEACH, FL 33480-5365
It seems this woman will stop at nothing to steal from decent men using the professional skills from her banking, criminal law and government background.
In 2011 Linda Marie O'Connor arrived in Palm Beach from Michigan. She was a twice divorced attorney, described in court documents by her brother as a drifter, and by an ex as a narcissistic habitual liar.

She met her husband to be, Glen. She claimed to be 48, with just one previous marriage.
Glen had spent 40 years building a commercial property business in West Palm Beach, Florida, from scratch with hard work.
A year later they married in Las Vegas. Glen sold his house and purchased a 10 acre equestrian estate for his new wife and himself.
He rebuilt the new home around this woman, with stables, paddocks and a riding arena with a full length mirror on one side, all at his expense. He also bought a first rate quarter-horse for his wife to compete with the AQHA, plus saddles, trailers, and tons of horse equipment.
Glen does not ride.
She brought absolutely nothing to this marriage, but she had a well paid bank job.
What's more, this lying sack of crap had been married twice before, and not the once that she claimed, and was seven years older than she had said.
She is disgustingly dishonest and morally corrupt for a bank officer and an attorney with the Michigan bar.
The first horse Glen purchased she claimed it became sick and had to be put down.
She then persuaded her husband to buy her a second horse.
A friend told the husband that the first horse was not dead, and it had been sold and not destroyed.
That stealing of the horse started the problem, so no more money for horses.

Four years into the marriage she filed for divorce.
Now she wants everything, the house, the business, the large collection of antiques owned by Glen for years, and his inherited family jewelry.
Glen did absolutely nothing to cause any problems, but she stole his photo albums to make it harder for Glen to prove historic ownership.
She claimed a completely non existent violence by her husband, who never ever once struck her.
Meanwhile she repetitively renegs on mediated agreements, and the forensic accountants and Glen's legal bills soar, but she just wants to be a b***h.

All sorts of new information came out via the attorneys and depositions.
The records in Kent County, Michigan, show the circumstances were identical to previous divorces.
This third marriage and divorce are a carbon copy of the second, where she stole two horses and the family dog, plus she stole a fortune in jewelry and cash.
These depositions revealed a side to her life that was previously completely hidden, and a pattern of lies to trap wealthy men and steal their money.

Divorce similarities
*  The target men are all wealthy, of course.
*  She had a good income, but never contributed to the marriages.
*  She concealed her actual real assets from her marriages.
*  She maintained multiple secret bank accounts, between which she kited checks to conceal funds.
*  She left the homes without notice and with a substantial degree of preplanning
*  She hid or sold at least four valuable horses, plus personal property from the husbands.

She comes across smooth and polished, but her only agenda is to profit from men, and the found an ideal victim in the new husband Glen.
Depositions and court documents have described her as a narcissist and a habitual liar.
She has lied about her age, her marriages, her riding credentials and her accomplishments.
Using skills from past employment she has covertly broken into properties without permission.
25 years photo albums were stolen from this husband, which also deliberately removed much of the proof that he previously owned property that had been in his family.
The first horse that Glen purchased she claimed had to be euthanized. Via investigation a bill of sale was discovered for that horse, and it was still alive and well and she had secretly sold it.
She has stolen hundreds of thousands in cash and assets. She is a narcissistic sociopath.

Copies and legal documents are available from Kent Co., MI and Palm Beach Co., FL.
Then this conniving piece of garbage changed Glen's address at the post office so that important bank documents stopped being properly delivered and processed, and were delivered to her. This went on for several months until it was discovered and corrected.
She used so many devious tricks and deceptions, with skills gathered from her bank, law and government work.
She's a thieving sociopath on the loose. Watch out.

Please get this out to all your single male friends.
We need this woman gone from here.

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