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  • Report:  #1007975

Complaint Review: Lindy Lemcke - Green Acres Fur Babies

Lindy Lemcke - Green Acres Fur Babies Breeder, Company, Puppy, Dog, Yorkie, Yorkshire Terrier, Kennel, Mixes, Mutts Bishopville, South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    lovemybabies — Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, February 03, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 12, 2013
  • Lindy Lemcke - Green Acres Fur Babies
    2923 Green Lane
    Bishopville, South Carolina
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

In February 2012, I contacted Lindy Lemcke concerning a puppy she had for sale. It was a blonde colored Yorkie, born on Jan 4, 2012 . After going back and forth for some time just talking about the purchase process and the parents, I decided to go ahead and purchase the puppy. She sent me copies of the parents pedigrees. I sent a deposit through Paypal ($250) and the remaining amount through a money order (total amount was $3000 with shipping). The puppy was still pretty young
so I had to wait a couple weeks. While waiting, I decided to research the pedigree in more detail Using the names in the pedigree, I was able to find the exact breeders of her dogs. The breeder of the dog Lindy said was the father just said basic information, nothing much, only that she didnt think her dogs carried blonde or chocolate. She focuses on Parti and traditional colored Yorkies

I then got into contact with the people that sold the mother dog and got ahold of her daughter, Ang. She told me this, and this is quoted, I would NOT have bought anything from her!! She bought that dog from my mom but that dog did Not have parti in it at all. my mom sold her that female chocolate and I sold her a Parti carrying chocolate Which she was suppose to pay payments and she never did. I only got $770 and she would never answer the phone to me again!!!

After going back and forth, allowing her to tell her side of the story, I then told her I thought the puppy I was getting was legit and that my situation should be good. After all, I already paid her everything so it was too late to back out. Ang said she ended up just letting her situation go. She said this was the only time she allowed a dog to go to their new home before they were paid in full and would not do it again The conversation I had of course put up some red flags and made me weary/panicky but I wanted to stay calm and try to do the transaction as fast as possible and make the situation and dealings pleasant, so I took my mind from what she went through and just focused on getting my new boy.  I figured that I would try to just stick with emails and texts to back up everything between us.

More time passed He got his shots, and she made his flight plans. While on the phone just talking randomly about him one day, she let me know he had an unusually thick coat that she never seen on a Yorkies coat like that before. We both thought it might be the blonde color because we both have never had a blonde before (his mother is chocolate and his father was suppose to be a parti colored Yorkie). Delivery day came and he flew to me. I got the puppy. Picked him up and thought he was cute. I texted her and told her so and told her (and I quote), Just wanted to let you know that we love him! lol He has a lot of hair for a yorkie. He looks like a Pomeranian. And then we texted back and forth the following (this is on March 10th) This is quoted: 

lindy (803) 840-4187 - mobile


Me: Hey... The puppy has very bad diarrhea. Do you know if it's just stress? Or have you changed his food the last couple
days? It's an inky black and very watery. 7:47 AM
lindy: Hey sorry my phone was dead It must be stress??? No diarrhea here??? Do you have some dia gel ? 8:34 AM
Me: no... i have no idea what that is... can you buy it at a pet store? It was inky black the first time.. now its kind of
shaped like normal stool just mushy. 8:35 AM
lindy: Poor baby I know it was a really long day!
Not sure if someone from Delta would have gave him something? stress is my guess! 8:36 AM
lindy: Do you like him ? 8:36 AM
Me: Yes, I think it may be just the stress... it looks like it may be firming up a bit. 8:39 AM
Me: Yes, I love him! He has an amazing coat.
It's surprising since his parents look like they have silky coats. Do you know if anyone in his pedigree have a coat like this? It's way fuller than any yorkie I've seen. 8:40 AM
lindy: Oh good! Poor baby!!! 8:40 AM
lindy: Not sure??? He is so fluffy? His brother has the silk coat???? If you don't like him we can get your back & resell
him? 8:44 AM
Me: Oh no... I don't want to resell him. I'm just surprised how full his coat is and wanted to see if you know of anyone
in his pedigree with the same type of coat. I wanted to see if it's normal for the blondes and goldens. 8:48 AM
lindy: We get dia gel from Revial but pepto bismol helps for diarrhea 8:50 AM
Me: do you know the dosage for the pepto? 8:50 AM
lindy: He is my first blonde boy ??? 8:51 AM
lindy: I would just give a few drops you can give it every hour 8:52 AM
End Texts

I took him to my vet asap and he checked out to be in good health, other than the stool issue. I dewormed him once I saw he kept leaking diarrhea and gave him a few other basic things (including nutrical and vitamins) and it cleared up. Before getting an exam he was checked out for his temperature and his information and history was written down. The vet tech and vet kept commenting on how the coat was unusual for a Yorkie. They are familiar with the different colored Yorkies so I asked have they ever seen one as a blonde or a whitish/goldish color and they told me no and that I could be right that the color might have something to do with the texture but they have never seen anything like that.

Because of that comment I shared pictures with many friends; to show how cute he was but to also ask about what they think about the coat. A couple of the people that I asked did say that they have seen blondes in different texture coats so that could be it. These were breeders breeding for the color or had the color before so I trusted their judgment just to give myself the peace of mind since they couldnt actually see the pup in person.

Fast forward several more months. Everything was going great concerning Lindy and I. I would talk with her a few times, send her UTD pictures, let her know a couple things I did with him, including getting a color DNA test (His nose was chocolate so I wanted to know what he really was concerning colored wise).  Overall, we chatted sometimes and everything was great. There was nothing wrong with our communication and our dealings.

He was my boy. I named him Casper; I was excited about him and loved him. My family and friends were excited about him and loved his color ... so much so that a couple people, friends, wanted to use him for studding. I did for a price (a stud fee). They used him and gave me the fee to do so. 

All of my dogs are shaved down. I only had 1 male and 2 females, but because of family situations I couldnt focus on grooming them like a Yorkies coat needs to be properly groomed every week and they were then shaved. I had to pay someone to groom my blonde boy (the one I purchased from Lindy) only because I wanted him to grow out and be able to take pictures of him in full coat before shaving him down. After getting him, his coat was very thick and cottony like a Pomeranian, but within a couple months it turned silky and thin like but with still of a modified cotton touch to it.
It was still light and fluffy, but considerately thinner and soft. It lessened any previous worries I had and made me believe it was just a stage he had went through when I first got him  Little did I know that he was just mimicking what his true father was (a Pomeranian) His coat was just thinning out like a Pomeranian does at that age. When a few months rolled around his coat got extremely thicker and just bloomed out. His full coat on his body started looking like a pure bred Pomeranian. His coat was even thicker than some Pomeranians I saw and stuck out everywhere on his body; it didnt lay down, towards the floor like a Yorkie would.

Because my other Yorkies are shaved down, I really had no other dog to compare him to in the coat situation; I just thought it was unreasonable thicker. When I did the studdings I took pictures of one of them because the owner of the female wanted proof. I did and sent them to her
While looking at the pictures I was in for a big surprise at the quality both were. They look 100% total opposites. He looked nowhere like a Yorkie in the pictures. His coat literally looked like a full Pomeranians. I asked a couple people what they thought about his coat, people who arent used to seeing him so they dont think its normal for him, they have fresh eyes and can see him from a neutral perspective. They said his coat did look crazy and wacky. Then one of the people I asked told me to go ahead and take a Breed test; A DNA test that will tell you the possible parentage of your dogs. It will tell you the possible breeds in your dogs past. That friend then sold me a test she had so I could test him asap. I bought the test and got the results within a week.
To my surprise, he was only half Yorkie! The test says the mother was a pure Yorkshire Terrier and the father was a pure Pomeranian. Because I have thought he did look like a Pomeranian the first time I saw him and even commented about it to her the first chance I got him, I knew the tests were true and correct.

Within a few minutes of getting the results, I called, texted, and tried all I could to contact Lindy. She didnt answer until later, I guess she was busy. I was in a panic and shock about the situation.
This dog just bred with other peoples dogs just weeks/days earlier.

After talking she swore there was no possible way that he tested that a  Pomeranian was his father. She said she doesnt have any close neighbors with one and a whole bunch of other stuff about her surroundings and the other breeds she had. I told her to think about it and hung up. Later that day, I then contacted her again and told her I would just DNA him through AKC, so that will prove that the yorkie that she claims as the father is really the father. She then contacted me back and said that it is then a possibility because she did have a Pomeranian in her home for a period when a friend stayed with her, its just that the time period didnt match.

At this point, the dog is maybe 9 months? He has already been bred with 2 girls, I have already spent over a grand on his medical needs, grooming, DNA tests (including color DNA tests), etc.  Im not the type of person that would keep this quiet so I wouldnt have to refund the studdings so I contacted the people that I did the studdings with and told them that the litter wont be AKC registered and that we had a problem. I didnt go into details concerning the mix breed situation because I just wanted to rectify the situation asap and told them the pups will need to be petted out and given away. I just wanted to get it over with, meaning I thought if I just kept it quiet, she would do what she needed to do to make me whole in this situation (since this whole thing is basically her fault and happened on her end) and it could end. The only thing I did wrong was buy from her. I would never in a million years think someone would sell me a mix as a pure bred, because tons of money is mixed into the equation, you never know how people would act. 
Anyhow, I contacted the stud owners and made arrangements to refund them partially and in full (2 different studdings). Neither parties liked the situation, and I ended up losing a friendship over this, over something that was 100% not my fault. I ended up having to refund a grand for the studdings so I lost even more money. So far, I was in around five grand because of this dog and situation. This is hard earned money my family and I are out of. I havent had a litter in a couple years, and he was going to be my boy.

Back to the Lindy situation, she said she would make me whole and give me puppies that totaled to around the amount I lost.  She asked for his AKC registration papers back and copies of his DNA results and I sent them to her (but not before copying them for my records). Over a 5-6wk period, whenever I picked out the dogs I wanted, or I was supposed to get a puppy, they were either sold or killed by her other dog... Situations that I had no hand in.  The whole thing was very frustrating because it felt like she was backing out of her word and lying a few times (especially about still advertising dogs I picked out). Then finally she said I would either get a certain 2 dogs (one was an Isabella color, which could potentially have health problems because of the dilution gene), or 4 lower quality pups THIS WAS 100% HER SUGGESTION AND OPTION THAT I HAVE TEXT PROOF OF. I NEVER TRIED TO GET 4 PUPS FROM HER BEFORE SHE TOLD ME THAT WAS ONE OF MY ONLY

The 4 lower quality pups were being sold for $600-$950ea (I saved copies of MANY of her ads, including theirs). I really didnt want the 4 lower quality pups except 2 because two were just plain below average to me, and the other 2 were just average there was a huge disagreement about the situation because the options she was giving me sucked all around to me I reluctantly accepted the Isabella one with an average looking one because they were better quality then the rest, but after discussing the Isabella gene with others I changed my mind and told her I preferred the others. She accepted and agreed I would get the others. I really didnt want those 4 dogs (I have pictures to show the quality) but being out of almost five grand on this dog, I knew I just had to accept something so I can get the situation over with. I figured when I got them I could see how they grow and keep the ones I wanted and pet out the others to family.

Time kept passing by; with me keep asking when she would ship the dogs. Because I had to refund the others for the studding, I told her it would take a couple weeks for me to get my part of the shipping. She then said she would cover it and I would just pay her back, I agreed, yet that never happened.  Weeks passed and I got the money to help ship the pups. Whenever I tried to contact her most times it would take days to get a reply and when I did it was simple replies about her being sick or something else. BUT, I would include receipts with her email and it showed she usually opened the emails within hours of me sending them; most times more than once she looked at them over the days so it showed me she was checking out her messages and online. Whenever I asked when they can be sent to me, excuse after excuse was made including her husband being laid off.  I understood so I said ok and some time passed. She brought up signing a contract that I would be refunded in full by getting the dogs and keeping everything secret, including not contacting AKC (she can be suspended and fined for this). I agreed and signed and notarized it... I tried to find alternatives for the dogs to be sent to me so she wouldnt have to spend much money. I found shipping that would allow her to only pay a fraction of what she would have paid but she still declined I was shocked. At this time, I started looking at her ads again, saving some of them.
To my surprise I saw ads of the dogs I was supposed to get up! With new pictures and details. I saved those ads. They have time stamps to show when she put them up. No wonder she rebuked all of my ways of getting them to me, it looked like she was still trying to sell them.

Like I said before, she would take days to reply to me so finally when I asked her what was going on and when will I get the pups she said she would only give me $2700 and Ill keep the dog. I told her she wasted my time and that because I was out at least/over $4500, that she needed to refund me that amount for all that I was out and the year I wasted on a situation and dog that was her fault. I truly think she was pulling me along the whole time with the amount of times I was ignored, how the dogs I were supposed to get was still being advertised for sale, how a couple of the other dogs I picked ended up sold, etc.. I believed it wasnt fair that she sold me a mix as a full and I would be out of so much money because of it. I then told her I would contact AKC and other organizations to investigate her breeding practices and the dog she sold to me if I wasnt refunded, because I believe that Im not the only person she has done this to. She contacted a lawyer and
now I have not been refunded anything at all.

Bottom line is: I would NEVER recommend her to anyone, and I would suggest that people DNA their dogs through AKC or their registries and do your research before putting money down.  I am not the only person that has had bad dealings with her, and I would be VERY weary of her if I were purchasing from her. I have over 150 emails to back up everything I said above and way more texts Its been over 4 months since I found out I had a mix dog (basically a mutt) I spent my familys money on, and I have gotten nowhere and am still out of thousands.

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Should be the last update

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, July 12, 2013

I am the one that created the ad. There have been OTHERS that have came to me in the SC areas that have told me she is known for not being honest about MANY things. People that have sold to her and others.

My experience with Lindy Lemcke was the most horrific eperience I have ever had. I agreed to a settlement of 2/3rds the purchase price (even though I am out of thousands) and was able to keep Casper.  I dropped my case against her and had to post a comment to close the situation. I am still out of DNA fees, attorney fees, medical, grooming, repaying stud fees, etc. But I have taken this as a lesson learned. DON"T TRUST EVERYONE. PLEASE DNA your dogs. As a buyer of Green Acres, I would strongly suggest DNA'ing through AKC, and Wisdom Panel for your peace of mind. That is my suggestion as a buyer and someone who has been severely burned. I agreed not to report the situation to anyone else so this will be the end, but I would NEVER recommend her to anyone. I hope to NEVER talk to this person again.




#5Consumer Comment

Thu, April 18, 2013

I, Ms. N. Ayers, retract my report above. Ms Lindy/Linda Lemcke and I have resolved the the problem and if there was any way I could DELETE the complaint I would!  Ms Lindy/Linda Lemcke is also a victim in this situation. There is additional information and proof that has come to light concerning my complaint.She does NOT RAISE MUTTS AND HAS SOME ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS DOGS! ALSO I intend on keeping the male I purchased from her. After everything came into light Mrs Lemcke and I agreed to handle the situation in a way that was beneficial to the both of us.




#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 09, 2013

This is Ms. Ayers ( lovemybabies ), the person that Mrs Lindy Lemcke has sold to. She and I have came up with a settlement agreement to finally settle this situation. She is issuing a refund.


South Carolina,
United States of America

Not my experience with Mrs. Lindy

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, February 26, 2013

I have had the opportunity to have been a customer and purchased a lovely biewer yorkie male. I made contact with her about an advertised puppy. She has been nothing less of pleasurable since then. She kept my baby a week after his ready date but only because he wasn't ready. I talked to her and she kept me updated on his progress meanwhile she even offered a refund of his deposit bc she knew I wanted a puppy by a certain date. I declined and boy am I glad I did. Max has been a 100% blessing and nothing short of a total package of happiness so for you to have had this experience I'm sorry but this isn't how you should go about dealing with it. Be blessed and hope all works out because I absolutely love my experience.

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