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  • Report:  #1209917

Complaint Review: Over Promised and Never Delivered. Newton Abbot Internet

  • Reported By:
    Galen — Bloomington Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 18, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 18, 2015

I approached linkdex in early January of 2015. Based on their website it seemed like their services might help me and my business more efficiently deliver my service to my clients. I am an OPM so I connect affiliate marketers with new affiliates. That seemed to be exactly what linkdex publisher discovery was all about.

So after talking with Daniel A., the sales person on my account, it all seemed to be exactly what I needed. It took me about two weeks to come up with the $2,460 that they required for 3 months of their service, but I finally came up with the money. 

After paying the fee and signing a 12 month contract with a 3 month opt-out period they contacted me and told me it would be a few days for them to "get the data going" on my account. This should have been my first red flag. A few days later they contacted me and set up a time to train me on their system. This seemed all well and good and was within the expectations set by Daniel. 

However, after the training session I got in to the system and started immediately noticing problems. First, I didn't have admin access. You would think, and I was lead to believe by Daniel, that I would have full access to the system to do whatever I needed to do to deliver to my customers. However, that is not true. I have to use Linkdex's account team for any admin functions - and they are very slow. 

The second problem I immediately had was that I had 12 clients at the time and I was going to test the site out on 4 of them for starters. However, Lindex failed to mention that I can only have 10 active projects at one time, any additional projects on the site are an extra $40 per month. Again, I was not told this by Daniel when he originally sold me this service and it was not in the contract I signed. So this was a very mysterious fee and limitation that appeared out of thin air. 

The third and biggest problem is that the data that they had to take in over several days, wasn't even there. They had indexed a little under 9,000 domains over the course of 4 days - this isn't even 1% of the data I needed. I immediately raised the red flag at this point and complained to my account manager Chris and the sales person Daniel. They appologized for the missing data and repeatedly told me "this hasn't happened before" and "I don't know what the problem is." This happened on February 5th. 

The next day (Feb 6) Chris came back to me and said the data was fine and that it was showing up correctly. We had some back and fourth conversations about the data problems and Chris finally understood that indeed no the data was far from correct. 

5 days later on the 11th I still had not heard back from either Daniel or Chris on my problems and I contact them again. It was clear to me that they hadn't even worked on my problem at all. The service at this point was still 100% useless. I couldn't even try to use the system because no good data was in the system. 

Again with some back and forth conversations Chris and Daniel again admitted to me that they don't know what the problem is and told me this hasn't happened to them before. However Chris said he knew what the problem was and it would take the weekend to fix the data again and it should be ready by Monday.

On Monday the 16th I went into the system and found that there was only 21 domain names in the "new" data now. I immediately reached out to Chris for an explaination. He told me the data would need more time and that they figured out the problems and the system was trying to index a monumental amount of data for me. It would take a few more days... That is all they have been telling me from the start. "We need a few more days" "we need some more time" "we'll get it figured out in a few days."

At this point it was coming up on 3 weeks since I prepaid for 3 months of service and received 0 usable bits of data. So on Monday night on the 16th I submitted a request to Daniel to cancel my contract and refund 100% of my money. 

Daniel called me and we spoke about them finding the data and "if I would give it another chance I would be satisfied". Well I did give it another chance and the data was still not in the system. Daniel again said "it'll be a few more days." 

On February 18th, I emailed him back and said "I am done... Give me a full refund." Daniel again called me today to ask if I would be willing to give them another chance if he got me 1 month of service for free. This was an absolutely pathetic attempt to get me to stay. They've already completely wasted 3 of the 4 weeks of my first month of service and they are only offering me 1 month free after all of the pain and frustration they have caused me. I have also lost several clients and refunded their money because I couldn't deliver on my promises because Linkdex couldn't deliver on theirs.

So I declined Daniel's offer and reiterated that I demand a full refund and my contract cancelled. Daniel responded that he would have to talk to his "line manager" and would need to set up a time for him to investigate my claim. 

I am still awaiting a call from Daniel's "line manager" to get my refund...


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