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  • Report:  #1514140

Complaint Review: Linkedin

Linkedin Business Networking Site. Linkedin Took My Money as a Premium Account Holder and then Banned Me When I Exposed their Secret Deal with World Governments to Prevent the Truth about Covid Vaccinatons

  • Reported By:
    Jenni — New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, December 03, 2021
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 03, 2022



Published on November 29, 2021 IN LINKEDIN

(Linkedin has since banned Jason for “misinformation”. Linkedin is a globalist evil stooge which makes its money from Premium Accounts principally which it uses to support oppression of people worldwide! DO NOT SUPPORT LINKEDIN!

1) Covid came from a bat in a Wuhan market stall.

Note: the bat was never found. However, the WHO "disinfected" the stalls which were then re-opened. How did WHO "disinfect" for a pathogen/ a virus? If it did, why isn't there a cure for covid yet??? Answers please Dr Fauci?? :)


2) The Covid bat travelled to Italy, reproduced and caused havoc there. That same bat infected Britain, the USA and all countries worldwidee. The WHO has since said that Covid can't be passed on by animals, or food. The bat has never been found :).


3) Wear masks to avoid transmission of Covid.

Note: masks don't stop pathogens that size - everyone now knows that. Even if they did, check out the kind of masks that most are wearing - can let in things as big as puppies! :).


3) Social distance to prevent the transmission of Covid.

Note: unless you are eating anywhere, or are in an airplane, bus, or train - funny!


4) Lockdowns to prevent Covid.

Note: funny. Every time there is a lockdown, covid cases miraculously abate. Then they creep up and there is ANOTHER lockdown, they abate and there is another lockdown!! Lol! The first and second signs of madness is doing something over and over again that repeatedly produces the same undesired result!.

5) The Unvaxxed infect the Vaxxed with Covid.

Note: sure, but if they do, tell us, what is the point of the vaccine?


6) The vaccine does not stop you from getting covid, but lessens the covid hit.

Note: that so, why are so many double-jabbed folks dying from covid and are being seriously compromised by it these days? In the UK alone from the government's own conservative statistics a significant and growing percentage of covid deaths are attributed to those taking the jabs!! Thousands have been seriously compromised after being infected with the covid jab. In fully-jabbed Gibraltar, hospitals are full of fully-jabbed covidiots on ventilators!


7) The boosters will protect you from Covid.

Note: they haven't! Hospitals are full of the boosted vaxxed! And then, enter Delta, then Omicron - just like actors in a play and the game changes. Now we need a new vaccine, more boosters going after a "disease" that clearly has never been identified!!!. To date, the UK government has refused to confirm that covid-19 has ever been isolated an organism.


8) Austria, Germany, Hungary and most of the EU countries wagin war on the unvaxxed, why??


Note: the vax kills - the UK government admits this - and it does not protect you from getting covid, so why the fuss that everyone should get vaxxed???? Do our leaders want us dead???


9) Now Omicron is said to be spreading between the vaxxed according to a somewhat confused Boris Johnson, PM of the UK.

Note: Furthermore, this month, Australia, which had banned all the unvaxxed from entering it, now has "discovered" Omicron in its midst. C'mon, how is this possible? The bug travelled all the way from South Africa in the bite, or belly of yet another bat?? Really??? This is reading like a very bad Sherlock Holmes novel. There is only so much idiocy we can take - no more please!!! :).

Pragmatically, what happens now??? More vaccines, more boosters, more deaths from the vaxxes, more lockdowns, masks, social distancing, witch-hunt of the unvaxxed?? Does this make any sense to even a mad hatter?


10) Covid as a Godsend for "Mark of the Beast" afficionados!

Note: Those, like myself, who believe that Covid is in fact the biblical "mark of the beast", scored a home run when Germany announced that the unvaxxed who seek to be killed by the state (euthanized), must first be vaccinated(kind of guaranteeing they go to hell I suppose!).


11. PCR Test is a Cruel Joke and does in fact (it appears) introduce a pathogen!

The PCR test is confirmed to be a joke and infects us with a pathogen (and in furthermore, identifies our own Chromosome 8 as "the virus" (do consider here: the consequences of deleting, or suppressing HC8 in the human body) which leads the way to vaccines designed to turn our own immune system against us), despite the overwhelming evidence from brave doctors and scientists to the contrary, really deserve the fate they get.


12. Vaccine Ingredients show that they are unfit even for dead animals


A list of three of the main Covid-19 vaccines authorised for use generally together with an explanation of their ingredients is published here: What are the Ingredients and Excipients in the COVID-19 Vaccines? | Pharma Excipients.


It is clear from the vaccines’ ingredients following that nothing in them is able to assist the health of anyone taking them in any exceptional way. In fact, the vaccines can only be classified by any sensible health professional, as extremely dangerous and toxic:-




Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine

  • Nucleoside(this is a modified messenger RNA encoding viral spike glycoprotein of SARS-cov-2 designed to change the genetic structure of the body. Nucleosides are known to cause serious toxicities including liver injury, myopathy, neuropathy, pancreatitis and bone marrow suppression). The "spike" pathogen in fact now is known to cause blood clotting leading to heart attacks.

  • Lipids or fatty substances including 4-hydroxybutyl(4-hydroxybutyl is acorrosive irritant used in industrial paint and plastics. The substance is harmful if swallowed, causes serious eye damage, causes skin irritation and may cause an allergic skin reaction).

  • Ananediyl bis hexane-6,1-diyl(this substance is used in adhesives, sealants and coating products. It is used for building & construction work)

  • Bis 2-hexyldecanoate(industrial acid – not meant for human consumption – see hazard warning:2-HEXYLDECANOIC ACID (cas 25354-97-6) SDS(Safety Data Sheet) /MSDS download (

  • 2-polyethelene glycol-2000(a type of plastic)

  • N,N-dtetradecylacetamide(this is a muscle relaxant)

  • 1,2-distearal-snglycero(a compound used to treat obesity)

  • 3-phosphocholine and cholesterol(used for treating obesity and stomach ulcers. If it is injected directly into a non-cancerous fatty tumor (lipoma), it might cause a reaction that could make the tumour more fibrous, needing surgery to remove it. It may also increase a chemical in the body called acetylcholine which could create problems as medications for Alzheimer's also increase the chemical acetylcholine. Therefore taking phosphatidylcholine along with medications for Alzheimer's disease would be likely to increase the side effects of medications for Alzheimer's disease).

  • Potassium Chloride(used for lethal injections for executions)

  • Monobasic potassium phosphate(used to treat kidney stones. May cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness/ headaches and symptoms ascribed to Covid-19)

  • Sodium Chloride(table salt)

  • Dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate(white powder used to make starch, is an emulsifier in foods and is used for manufacturing detergents, ceramics and enamels. Causes bowel, respiratory problems – some are likely to be serious).

  • Sucrose(artificial sugar).


Moderna Vaccine Covid19 Ingredients


The following are the ingredients contained within the Moderna vaccine:-


  • Messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA(this compound seeks to give permanent chemical instructions to the body that alter its genetic structure). The alteration to our genetic structure based on a bad diagnosis is causing major immune deficiencies and damage to our cellular structure leading to death and disability for many.

  • Lipids or fatty substances including SM sphyngomgelin-102(these are suspected of causing cancer, damaging fetuses and causing liver and respiratory illnesses) manufacturer says unfit for human use -210526-143517-401054593.pdf (

  • Polyethylene glycol (PEG)(a type of plastic mainly used as a laxative. Can cause stomach inflammation).

  • 2000 dimyristoyl glycerol DM –(this is used in the preparation of lipid nanoparticles for microRNA and short interfering RNA delivery (changing of the genetic structure of the body). It is also used for anticancer drug delivery.

  • 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3(a compound used to treat obesity).

  • Phosphocholine (DSPC)(used to treat people with irritable bowel syndrome. May cause serious stomach upset and cancer).

  • Cholesterol(linked to serious heart disease)

  • Tromethamine(causes symptoms associated with Covid-19 – shortness of breath, sweating, swelling, fever, sores) AND IS A KNOWN CARCINOGENIC.

  • Tromethamine hydrochloride(used to treat blood problems. Causes symptoms similar to those ascribed to Covid-19)

  • Acetic acid – (vinegar)(causes similar symptoms to those attributed to Covid-19).

  • Sodium acetate(used to extract DNA from cells)

  • Sucrose(artificial sugar).


Astra Zeneca Covid19 Vaccine Ingredients

  • AZD-1222 (UNI : B5S3K2VOG8)(uses the cellular material from chimpanzees based on the common cold virus (again, a virus that only exists in “particles”) which is hoped will stimulate the body to provide antibodies to the Covid-19 virus. My question, is why chimpanzees?? Why not use the real version of the Covid-19 virus? The answer, because it does not exist – see:UK-Dept-of-Health-and-Social-Care-Virus-Isolation-Response-FOI-1247803.pdf.

  • AZD-1222 (UNI : B5S3K2VOG8)(ditto)

  • Histidine(precursor or histamine to promote histamine (produces an allergic reaction – eg., runny nose)

  • Histadine Monohydrochloride(a compound used to manufacture cells (non-human)

  • Magnesium Chloride(industrial engine coolant - anti-freeze)

  • Polysorbate 80(a solvent with no medicinal properties but which may cause cancer)

  • Alcohol(raw)

  • Sucrose(artificial sugar)

  • Sodium Chloride(table salt)

  • Edetate Disodium(used to treat metals poisoning. Causes similar symptoms to those ascribed to Covid-19)

  • Water.


13. Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects – UK


From the UK government’s statistics: forONE (out of 4) vaccine manufacturers, between December last year and June 2021,406 people died and 68,000 were adversely affected(some permanently) from taking the Pfizer vaccine.


With 4 vaccine manufacturers operating with MHRA licences, it can be safely assumed that over a 6 month period at least some9744 people will diefrom taking the vaccine andaround 1,632,000 will be adversely affected by it.


14. Reminder - the Covid-19 Virus Has Never Been Isolated


The Covid-19 “virus” has never been isolated as an organism. This is confirmed by the government’s response here to a FOI request: UK-Dept-of-Health-and-Social-Care-Virus-Isolation-Response-FOI-1247803.pdf.This information brings into question the efficacy, or otherwise of the PCR test and death/ infection reports bases on it.

Furthermore, if the “virus” has never been identified as an organism, what do vaccines do in respect to giving people "immunity" from Covid-19? Not a great deal it seems!


Folks, we are being horse-conned on a massive scale. This is not a joke as your health and very existence on earth is at risk. Do something, now!


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States


#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 03, 2022

Is only available at this site. Just type in 603724 and it appears in Consumer Comment #73 at Ripoff Report #603724.

Thank you for sharing your Ripoff Report with everyone.

*****GOVERNMENT ALERT: All Americans are strongly urged to type in 472051 at this site and read Ripoff Report #472051 and all of the consumer comments for extremely important information.


Highlands Ranch,
United States


#4Consumer Comment

Mon, February 07, 2022

Did you get a chance to read Ripoff Report #1491338 yet?


Highlands Ranch,
United States

It appears that Covid19 was deliberately spread...

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, February 03, 2022

in specially equipped planes all over the world in order to infect the entire human race so the Wall Street Pharmaceutical companies could ‘profit’ from selling vaccines and other medications, according to information that is available here at Ripoff Report and on the web.

Anyone can type in 1491338 at this site and read Ripoff Report #1491338.

Anyone can go to BING and type in: CLEANAIRANDWATER.NET and watch the video of planes spreading virus in specially equipped planes in order to infect innocent people living in Australia. (Google removed these videos from the web.) Why?!?

Anyone can stay at BING and type in: WHO OWNS THE FED BANK, WHO CONTROLS WHO VIDEO, and watch the 10:38 second video. (Pay very close attention to what is stated from about 6:00 minutes into the video until the end.

Anyone with a functioning brain could determine that if OIL cannot be ‘manipulated’ for profit by the International Banking Cartel, and others, that manipulating the health of the entire human race could be another alternative, correct?

It is a fact that Wall Street is profiting tremendously from this ‘pandemic’. It is a fact that OIL was being manipulated for profit by the Banking Cartel, & others, back in early 2008 before the Global Economic Collapse and Meltdown of the banking system. 

It is also a fact that anyone can type in 271454 at this site and read all of the related Ripoff Reports, Consumer Comments, and Updates.

”Knowledge is Power”


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