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  • Report:  #337887

Complaint Review: The Worst Adult Site Out There! The Worst Adult Site Out There! Full of scammers, spammers, hackers, stalkers and thieves! Southern California Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 07, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 06, 2018
  • The Worst Adult Site Out There!
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The adult forum of is a cesspool of scuzzy spammers, bots and fakes! This Board is unmoderated and is breaking all the rules of vBulletin. There has been blatant cases of harassment of people advertising personal ID information, personal pictures, IP accounts, ID information and my account and other user's accounts have been hacked into.

I'm sure it's being over run by paid social marketing companies because the quality of the site has gone down hill rapidly. There needs to be some sort of "watch dog" intervention with this site and it needs to be closed down. People are being victimized and clearly harassed on the site and even though it's an adult site, there are strict rules and regulations that I know adult sites have to adhere to.

The most sickening thing I witnessed on there is that some idiotic woman posted a picture of her BABY on there--on an adult site. Isn't that disgusting and who knows what pedophiles are roaming around the Net?

I think the web site owners should be shut down. There are many great erotica sites on there that are very welcoming and friendly, however stay FAR away from They are full of fakes, bots and harassing, vindictive and stalkerish members on there.

I have heard that one of the members is trying to bring legal action against the site due to stalking and harassment.

Law enforcement needs to check out this site--it's clearly turning into a stalker site and I fear that identity theft could be happening on there with emails and hacking into user's members accounts and profiles.

Just a warning--stay far away from It used to be a friendly and welcoming forum community but the web site owners obviously don't care and it shows. Beware--they'll hack into your account and probably hack into your computer too--there are thieves and hackers on there!

There's also a bunch of racist KKK White Power jerks on there and it's turned into a hate filled, antagonist site. It's horrible!

Phoenix, Arizona

13 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Altered Content.

#14General Comment

Sat, January 06, 2018

There is altered content within this link, unless, of course it appears different on your end than it does mine. Oh well, it won't paste with Mozilla Firefox. My browser secutity data shows I am being tracked as I type this and that attempts are being blocked. Please read on.

A consumer comment titled "The original post is but the tip of the iceberg" is my title, but the content is another user/member posting data that I did not post. Richardjc is not nor ever has been me.

I do recognize my own words when I see them. What's there now is not what I posted. I never posted anything about Literotica's story contest winners. I never knew how that worked because I'm not a writer nor was I one then....some 9 years ago (Dec 20, 2008 according to the DTS of that posting). Also, when I click to review in separate tab or window, that function does not work, but all the other reports and complaints I see  about do work. That's odd. I do know that content in that post IS NOT mine. So, whether I concur with the content or not, it has indeed been altered.

I have long since discarded whatever email address was attached to it, though it's possible to track it via a combination of AT&T and Yahoo records as well as my former address (I'm more than willing to provide whatever I have available).

Please contact me at:  I removed this data when I read the instructions below.

I'll give you what I believe is ample time to respond before deciding on further action. Thank you for time and consideration in reading this.



Literotica Rocks!

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2015

  I don't know what in the world the original poster is doing on the site to run across the problems that were stated, but I certainly have never had a SINGLE problem in all the years that I've been reading stories there.

hey, you DON't even have to Create an Account to read OR post opinions!  Where else are you going to find that?  Even if I did register, which I have, you have total comtrol over what information you give them and what shows up. I've certainly not givena lot (who would?) and nothing requires you to post true informationabout yourself anyway! 

(WHY would I ever give my real name, address or main email account out on the web?)

Ive posted my fair share of comments, good and bad, and have never been 'stalked' (where are they going to stalk me anyway?!) or harrassed. (I control what emails I get and I dont bother to read follow up posts)

all in all it has been a painless experience (unless you count some of the horrid writing from time to time, heh).

....but then i stay in the stories section of the site. for scams, hacks and such, you get that on every site on the planet, its just a matter of spotting the losers that show up from time to time and learning not to be stupid and ignorant and taken in.  Lessons learned!



Contests Are Not Fixed, There Is No Fire

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2013

I am madam_noe on, not a mod on the boards, just a writer since 2007.


The contests are not fixed. I articipate in many and they are not at all fixed. In fact, on the boards, people post view/source/vote info before sweeps are made that show it's not fixed.

Laurel is perfectly nice. I was a writer for 2 years before I ever went to the boards and found out in 2007 I had won a reader's choice contest. I contacted Laurel in 2009 who was nice and sent me my $50 check, which was fine.

Since being a regular on the boards since 2009 I have seen the regular trolls and a few spammers, but no bots, and I have yet to see any racsim. Also, people post pics of family because the boards are not specifically adult oriented. The author's hangout is where we authors go to talk about things in our lives and writing, not about erotic stuff. On the board I have never made a post about anything sexual, instead I usually go to the political and writing discussions.

It seems to me most of the negative reports here come from people who hae poorly rated stories, it just smacks of sour grapes. Here's a thought: write better stories and get better ratings. It's that simple. Also, since 2009 I can verify not a single report of any hacking on the boards or site, nor have I seen any aberrant mod behavior, The only crazy person on there is scouriesworld, our resident spammer.


Once more, if you don't like it, don't click it.



Laurel is a troll hack

#14Author of original report

Mon, December 03, 2012

Glad you did your research and found out for yourself that the General Board and Laurel are a bunch of trolling hacks. She is abusive and she is known for deleting posts when she says nasty stuff to people. She deletes lots of threads and she trolls and harasses people under different aliases on the General Board.

This is just more proof that Literotica is scaring away people and they don't care. The site needs to be reported to the authorities and shut down. The site is filled with pedophiles and total freaks. I think they rig their page views and their traffic. The site sucks and is filled with a bunch of racist, harassing trolls and alts. 

Thanks for outing Lit for the scumbags that they are! 


United States of America

A Negative response to me from Literotica's Administration.

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, December 01, 2012

I have been reading Literotica stories since 2005. I was also one of the story writers. Until this past year, I would have disagreed with the original complaint. Particularly since my last brief conversation with one of the Administrators of I decided to use another, separate alias with a different IP address to research some allegations against the site. Most are biased ones based upon personal conflicts, but some are actually true and surely violating privacy laws and their own rules. After a shocking, looney response from Laurel herself, which had nothing to do with my inquiries about the story contests or an honest question about improper usage of aliases/alts. Her (I guess it is a her) response, via PM, was laced with venom and at first I thought she responded to the wrong person by mistake.  Had she not responded in such an immature, negative manner, I never would have started researching some of the accusations against the site. Immediately thereafter I experienced vicious verbal attacks and slander from members I never posted to before who revealed or insinuated insider info I only discussed in Private Messages. Nor would I have contacted several former members I know in real life to confirm my suspicions. You also want to stay away from the General Board. Participation on the GB is where your stalking starts, regardless of how unbiased and neutral you are. I'm uncertain if the contests are rigged, but I strongly suspect they are now. This is only after I did considerable research, witnessed Laurel herself post attacks against several members for no apparent reason and then erased them from view or any record of the attacks being changed.  Complaints about long time members whole do nothing but troll and attack at random are now ignored. Laurel herself claiming they are entitled to do so. The site promotes free speech, but often abuses it.

I think the only purpose is to create immediate negative drama for sheer numbers of viewing. Literotica does not appear to be interested in attracting and keeping longtime memberships. Unfounded attacks, stalking, false accusations, etc.,  from the administration and other members alike serves no good purpose for their future. I don't see how it is beneficial in the long term, unless they only want to attract evil and twisted people. I can see why they no long have annual meetings.

I found the accusations that a few writers hack into personal accounts are true, but that cannot be blamed on the website. I do know that while the moderators seem to be volunteers, several have abused the inside personal data and computer ID knowledge of some members. They also use that data to unreasonably hunt, troll, and trash members wherever they posted outside of Literotica throughout the internet. The site, at first, acted responsibly to amend such actions. But lately, they seem to blatantly support such activity.

The site really is a good technical layout and easy to navigate. And it is free. Definitely not for your kids. The problem is the administration's attitude towards the members. It is clearly a site now controlled by a handful of long time, hateful members not open to any outsiders who want to enjoy an otherwise wonderful adult website.


United States of America

Literotica writers hacking into computers

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, November 06, 2012

One of the Literotica authors has hacked into my mothers computer. Material and pornography from the Literotica site is posted in temporary files. The remote accessing of this account has been going on for years.
Would like some help or suggestions as to how this issue can be resolved.
I understand that it is illegal to remotely access another persons computer without their permission.
Tampa, Florida



Literotica is not a bad site

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, March 14, 2012

I've read all the complaints directed for this website and I couldn't disagree more. I'm not a plant for the website and have absolutely zero reason for defending the website, had it not been unfairly portrayed by those comments which by the way could constitute in a libel suit against them.

I've been a on-and-off reader for Literotica and I've found the stories to have all sorts of ranges to them. There's even an non-erotic section too.

There's definitely no guarantee that a forum of any kind would be without bots, scammers and hackers - but that's why you have common sense! Who would be dumb enough to post their real address on there? I think you'll be asking for trouble!

I'm pretty sure that the people bad mouthing Literotica are just mad that their story wasn't selected; I didn't win either but I didn't go there to WIN.



Where there is smoke there is usually fire

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, January 30, 2009

The last rebuttal by Geebee sounds like the owner of the site in question wrote it. Literotica is a PORN site. Users risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease, figuratively speaking. PORN sites are typically run by the scum of the earth, and Literotica has been reported to be one of the worst. The site is frequented by perverts and children (since no verification of age is required, other than you say you are 18 or older). We know what kinds of problems that leads to. The site should be investigated by authorities to determine if the allegations of fraud (fixing contests) are provable. That's one way to shut down a s**t machine that preys on children. Oh, and regarding the free part, it didn't cost anybody anything to watch the TV game show Twenty One, now did it?



Where there is smoke there is usually fire

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, January 30, 2009

The last rebuttal by Geebee sounds like the owner of the site in question wrote it. Literotica is a PORN site. Users risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease, figuratively speaking. PORN sites are typically run by the scum of the earth, and Literotica has been reported to be one of the worst. The site is frequented by perverts and children (since no verification of age is required, other than you say you are 18 or older). We know what kinds of problems that leads to. The site should be investigated by authorities to determine if the allegations of fraud (fixing contests) are provable. That's one way to shut down a s**t machine that preys on children. Oh, and regarding the free part, it didn't cost anybody anything to watch the TV game show Twenty One, now did it?



Where there is smoke there is usually fire

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, January 30, 2009

The last rebuttal by Geebee sounds like the owner of the site in question wrote it. Literotica is a PORN site. Users risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease, figuratively speaking. PORN sites are typically run by the scum of the earth, and Literotica has been reported to be one of the worst. The site is frequented by perverts and children (since no verification of age is required, other than you say you are 18 or older). We know what kinds of problems that leads to. The site should be investigated by authorities to determine if the allegations of fraud (fixing contests) are provable. That's one way to shut down a s**t machine that preys on children. Oh, and regarding the free part, it didn't cost anybody anything to watch the TV game show Twenty One, now did it?



Literotica, a good value for the money

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 22, 2009

Literotica does not charge for access to any of the bulletin boards or story sites. Its difficult to see how someone can be ripped off, when they risk nothing but their time when they enter the site.

Literotica is one of the few erotic story sites which requires story submissions to be grammatically correct and for the most part, readable. Anyone who has an umpleasant experience there, has only to click their mouse and be some place else.

Its the internet and anybody can be anything they want to be. No different than this site.



Not quite a rip off...

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2008 is like any other chat/posting site. Occasionally a hacker gets in to the chat but they ussually shut it down and fix the problem I was told. As well they also post a warning not to do anything that could potentially be harmful. If you are illiterate and can not read the warnings and fall for spaming and give out personal info to strangers, you shouldn't be going in to a chat room or message board unless its constantly moderated.

As for the site itself, perverts are perverts hell this is a better porno site on the internet for the flat fact that it doesn't have many audio/visual postings and more of just boring perverted text stories. If a minor were to stumble upon this site they would probably get bored and find something with picture/video hosting.

Once in the chat room i didn't experience any racism and rules were clearly stated on appropriate behavior as well as messages that constantly popped up in the chat rooms reminding the users.

Furthermore you have to be far naive to not heed the warnings of what not to do when the chat room has been hacked. Finally not once on the site did I have to pay anything or put in personal information besides a fake email or my real email, everything is virtually voluntary. One of the safer sites considering if you choose to be smart and not post your personal information, other sites require personal information or credit card verification of age.

However I do agree the stories are trash, as well as most of the users too, not to mention perverts. Probably better they are on a site than out doing some of the sick things I heard when in there.

My advice when you come across a site such as this, just avoid it, its not a rip off but not tasteful, such as visiting any site with sexual material unappealing.



The original post is but the tip of the iceberg

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, December 20, 2008

This is in response to the The Worst Adult Site Out There! post by notgonnatakeit on 6/6/2008. I would generally agree with the litany of complaints lodged by the poster. What else the web site owners of Literotica have done is to fix contests where cash prizes are involved. This is clearly fraudulent and a crime and could readily be proven by law enforcement. The web site owners of Literotica have left a paper trail of this crime. What law enforcement officials should do is review the results of these contests. Take the lists of the winners of the contests for the past 5 years and verify to whom payment has been issued. It will be discovered that in many cases no payment was issued. That is because the web site owners of Literotica win the contests themselves under different author names. Not all of them, but a majority. The web site is totally corrupt and the arrogance of the owners in committing blatant fraud and other illegal activities is appalling.

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