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  • Report:  #1358003

Complaint Review: Little flower adoption agency

Little flower adoption agency Autumn martin I was supposed to have an open adoption with my daughter I just placed for adoption in January 2017 the family and the agency both played me and lied to me and even show me legal documentation that was not real Little flower adoption agencies Dallas Texas

  • Reported By:
    Autumn Martin — Dallas Texas USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 24, 2017
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 24, 2017

  I had my daughter January 12, 2017 and placed her up for an adoption that was supposed to be an open adoption. The agency told me all kinds of lies about how they only do open adoptions and it showed me paperwork that was boss about open adoption. And the adoptive parents were very friendly during my whole pregnancy but Woman Teresa Blanc did not ever want me to have any baby items in my house as people gave them to me in case I change my mind and because I was struggling during my pregnancy she always told me she was going to sell the items and give me the money but she never did she just did not want me to have any baby stuff in my house . At the end of my pregnancy she completely turned into a different person but I thought it was because she was scared I was going to change my mind and once I went into labor I unfortunately had to get a C-section and she was mad that she could not go in the room with me my mother went with me I should've known them back again I thought she was scared. And we were Facebook friends she was Facebook friends with my whole family the adoption was supposed to be Open the minute they left the hospital with my baby she deleted all of my family and friends off of her Facebook account and they only let me see my baby one time since I've had her when I was supposed to go over there every week she has threatened me several times being that I am postpartum she has told me to stop calling her during one text message and another one she just told me that when I was pregnant I said I could have a closed adoption on the post on the Internet where she located me which was a post on May when I was very emotional and my pregnancy and felt alone she offered to pay all of my bills and help me take care of my other children during my pregnancy and in that time she never gave me time to think about changing my mind she would talk to me and tell me that I could not do it I was not supposed to do it the counselor that she set me up with was totally someone they hired to convince and emotional pregnant woman that felt alone to do the adoption the agent even told me she had given children up for adoption of her own which I found out later was a lie she was playing me and playing like she understands what I'm going through in reality she did not. They have completely wiped me and everyone out of the babies life she made a Facebook page that was supposed to be just milestones and pictures of my baby and she kept posting pictures of herself on the page and friending people On my Facebook that she did not even know because she knows that I'm trying to keep the adoption a secret from certain people she did it intentionally a man came forward claiming to be the birth father of the baby and while they were waiting on the DNA test to come back she was kissing my a** again like she did when I was pregnant and offering to pay my bills basically trying to buy me and find me out of honorable state knowing that I was postpartum and is soon as it happened to and and she did not fear anymore about losing the baby to The man she totally changed again and went back to her crazy ways when I was in labor the woman actually walked around the hospital pushing my baby around acting like she was the one who had just gave birth I should've known then that she was crazy but I thought she was just trying to bond with my baby and the adoption agent I spoke with her about it she came to the hospital at 4 o'clock in the morning when I was panicking and crying and she told me that if I did not do the rest of the paperwork that the baby would not leave with me the baby would leave with the agency . That's not true and now I know I have until the baby is six months old to get her back I have a lawyer but I need to know if anyone on here has any information about what else I can do and all these false things that little flower adoption agency does and the lying that they do could you please email me at dinomartin8282@gmail The adoptive mother who is about 50 almost 60 years old told me that she was breast-feeding my daughter so she's either taking steroids are she's buying breastmilk and hooking up one of those tubes to her breast and sticking her old boob and this baby that's not biologically hers mouth ! She has had one of her daughters inbox me on Facebook and threatened me and when I made the post of the review on little Flowers Facebook page she sent one of her friends to come and attack me when I was just telling other girls not to use that agency and that I was played the whole time! And none of her friends know me only she knew me and I was about the post and that's how I know she sent the person to attack me and that person admitted to knowing her personally ! And once again she is not speaking to me she does talk to me crazy she told me that I am not that Babie's mother and that she does not want me to be called mother mommy mom none of those things however when I was pregnant she told me that her and her partner could be mommy and mama and that I could be mommy Autumn but as soon as I had the baby and they took her I am supposed to be referred to as birth mother and she even put that on social media where I did not want people to see it I did not know about the adoption in the beginning I made sure I told her how private I want in my life and my choices to be ! The agent from Little flower was always ready to talk to me and tell me these lies and I also was promised counseling that was supposed to be over the phone that they supposedly paid for after I came home and I never once got a phone call and I never once started any type of therapy for postpartum depression that they claim they already paid for . I see a lot of the stories are old all the way back to 2005 I'm telling you now do not use this agency at all and put everything for open adoption in writing I still have one more months to fight for my daughter back and I am doing that now and my lawyer is the one who told me about this but I'm telling you right now they had the reviews they hide their stuff do not do not do not use this adoption agency if you're wanting to adopt I would say that you should find a family member or a family friend that could take your baby not a stranger because this family made me think they were someone that they are not in a soon as they get their hands on my baby they turned into different people and as soon as the adoption was bright and they turned back into the people they were and is soon as the adoption was no longer under threat they turn back The people that literally make me miserable and make my postpartum worse than what it is I have postpartum after every child and it's even worse after this one because of the adoption and because the adoptive family has lied to me and every time I hold my baby when I do see her at the hospital and our visit the woman looks at me with pity almost like she envies me and my child please pay attention when you have your baby at the hospital if the adoptive mother does not at Grapevine however asked psychotic and crazy she's not scared she psychotic and crazy pay attention to the signs ! Did you get baby stuff and then I mediately want to remove it from your house question them because they should want you to make your own decision not force a decision upon you and don't let the adoption agency we have an agent tell you they place a child up for adoption from what I hear every agent does that and tries to sympathize with you to make you feel better and being that you are an emotional state and that you feel alone in your pregnancy you believe that person but that's a lie that's what they use and you can change your mind in the people cannot sue you for anything they've done for you they can call CPS on you because that's retaliation they cannot do anything to you if you change your mind at the last minute do not believe that either because they will tell you that and your baby will not leave the hospital with strangers if you choose not to do the adoption the baby will leave with you and the social workers at the hospital will help you get things for the baby if you don't have items my best advice would be for you to please keep your child you were the only person who can love your child the right way My adoptive parents names are Teresa Blanc and kim Blanc out of Murphy Texas they are from California and I found out Theresa used to be on drugs really bad I thought so by looking at her but then again I thought it was because she was just older and she married the woman Kim just for her money so her and her children and her grandchildren and her sister could move in the house and live off of the woman she's white trash with money now that she married Kim and Kim who is a stud and who has had breast cancer said that she did not want to have a baby herself so they chose adoption and several adoptions failed and now I see why the day I first talk to her she was taking the crib apart I should have never chose them for my baby I should've chose a real family with a man and a woman and most definitely a biracial family and I should've know more about adoption but I was an educated and I was lied to by the agency little flower is not an agency that you should use at all ! Prayers for me because I'm getting ready to file to get my daughter back and I have several things on her and her friends and her… Her daughter attacking me on social media and and text messages and I also have all the lies from the agent who is Mary that works for little flower in Dallas

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