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  • Report:  #426220

Complaint Review: Little Red Stables / Bear Creek At Estes / Cat Brantz (manager)

Little Red Stables / Bear Creek At Estes / Cat Brantz manager kicked my horse out on 8 hours' notice, threatened legal action to try to keep me quiet Lakewood Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Englewood Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 19, 2009
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 30, 2010

The current manager of Little Red Stables (a.k.a. Bear Creek at Estes), Cat Brantz, kicked me out on 8 hours' notice at the end of August 2008. Now that I've come forward with the facts, she is threatening me with legal action.

It is my opinion that people have a right to know how this particular business conducts itself, so that they can make informed decisions about whether to board at this barn.

I started boarding at this barn back in December of 2007, when Karen Wiens managed it. The owners of the property, Gregg Hartmann and another neighbor whose name I don't remember, refused to renew her lease when it was up on July 31, and took over Little Red Stables on August 1. Cat Brantz replaced Karen as manager.

I had made an arrangement with Cat Brantz where I cleaned stalls daily in exchange for board. It clearly states on my contract that cleaning stalls was my job and my only job. On August 31, Cat texted me at 7:30 in the morning to request that I help her with "musical stalls" (moving horses around) at the barn. I asked a couple of questions, discovered she was going to move a horse she didn't seem to like out of his stall without his owner's permission. I knew his owner would be upset, and furthermore moving horses was not my job, so I declined to help her.

When I got to the barn around 9:30 a.m., Cat Brantz gave me notice that I would have to leave in 2 weeks. She also threatened that if I caused trouble, she'd make it less. Since the contract stated she had to give 2 weeks notice, I argued this point with her. She ended up telling me I had to move my horse by 5:00 p.m. that day. I don't remember exactly what time this was at, but it was definitely no more than 8 hours' notice.

It turns out the contract states that they can request someone to leave immediately if it's "related to operation of the facility." To me, that doesn't sound like it covers disagreements and personal dislikes, but it's rather vague and that should have sounded warnings in my head when I first read the contract. Next time I know better.

Anyone who has horses knows that it is extremely difficult to find transportation AND a place to board your horse at the last minute. Commercial barns all require a recent vet check before you can move your horse there. So needless to say, I had to scramble to find a place for my horse by 5 p.m. If I couldn't find a place, Cat Brantz threatened to have a transportation company come and get him.

I don't want other people to have to go through this same thing with Little Red Stables, but for a long time the experience was too painful to write about it. However, in the last week I noticed Little Red Stables was advertising on Craigslist. I posted a response that said this:

"Before you board at this barn, you should know that the new manager, Cat Brantz (NOT Karen Wiens!), kicked me out with only 8 hours' notice -- over a DISAGREEMENT. Do you know how difficult it is to find transportation and a place for your horse in 8 hours???

At the very least, read the contract carefully. It contains a loophole that permits them to do this! All they have to do is claim that the reason is "related to operation of the facility." It's in the first paragraph! Don't overlook it -- I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy!"

This afternoon I received a voice message from Cat Brantz saying that my post had been "handed off to the attorneys" for "slander."

I have the right to free speech as long as I am not spreading lies about a company. Everything that I said in my Craigslist post and in this report is the truth, and I have all of the documentation necessary to prove this.

I personally feel that potential boarders have a right to know how Little Red Stables and Cat Brantz conduct themselves. Using a loophole in the contract to kick someone out on short notice is bad enough, but now they are also trying to strongarm me into keeping quiet about it. I feel that people need to know about this kind of behavior so that they can ask themselves if this is really the kind of place where they want to board their horses.

Englewood, Colorado

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Cat brantz, manager


Please feel free to ask.

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 30, 2010

I would like to say that we hope Kathy and her horse Panama are happy, healthy and thriving.  If there are any questions regarding this please feel free to either call me at 720-323-2892 or email me at 
Thanks so much!
Cat Brantz



Bear Creek Saddle Club/Bear Creek Stables has a new website

#9Author of original report

Fri, April 10, 2009

There is a new website for Bear Creek Saddle Club, a.k.a. Bear Creek Stables:

This is the same exact place as Little Red Stables, the horse boarding stables that kicked me out on 8 hours' notice.

It has been suggested that this is simply a misunderstanding that can be resolved. If there was a misunderstanding, it was not on my part! I have it in writing that I needed to move my horse by the end of the day. That is not some simple misunderstanding -- it was an emergency situation that caused me a lot of stress, not to mention the financial burden of having to find a place for my horse and someone to transport him at the last minute. It can't be undone and therefore there is no way to resolve it. Unless you want to risk being in the same situation I suggest you stay away from this place!

Finally, I have also been accused of threatening people at the barn. THIS IS A LIE! I did not threaten anyone. I told both Cat and the owner that if they went through with kicking me out on less than 2 weeks' notice, I would post my experiences online. That is not a threat -- it is called freedom of speech, and I have every right to tell others about my experience with this barn!


Lakewood, CO 80214,

Border Comment on the Issues at Little Red Stables/Bear Creek At Estes Stables

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 06, 2009

In reading the comments posted by the past and present borders at Little Red Stables, Now Bear Creek at Estes Stables, I am saddened that it has come to such an ugly state of what appears to hurt feelings and misunderstandings esclated into ugly threats and comments. I have been a border at the stables since 08' and have enjoyed watching the progress of my animal as he is of an older nature and has thrived since coming to the barn. The staff, as I have known them has always been caring and helpful. We had a terrible accident due to our horse having an injury while riding and I cannot express how grateful I am that the owners and staff were there to help during that time, not only while he was hurt... but during the recovery. I am in training to be a Vet Tech and take my animals wellfare and care very seriously. The horses at the facility are loved and well cared for. I think that at any establishment you will run into your situations where people will not see eye to eye. Cat feels very strongly about the animals and how her facility is run. She is a strong trainer and my daughter has thrived with her teachings. I did not know the previous owner and cannot say that she is right or wrong in this case. I can only share my experience and that is that I enjoy each and every time I am out at the barn. I have the freedom to come and go as I please, to meet new friends and to share in the experience of having my beloved animal and have peace of mind knowing that he is well taken care of and safe. I hope that in the end, the situation can be resolved and both parties can move on without conflict.




Little Red Stables is now Bear Creek Saddle Club!

#9Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2009

Little Red Stables has now changed their name to Bear Creek Saddle Club, as can be seen on their website,


Please note that I have all of the proof necessary -- including text messages, recorded conversations, and voice mails -- to demonstrate that Cat Brantz used a loophole in the contract to kick me out based on a simple disagreement, that I did nothing wrong, and that she threatened legal action when I exercised my right to tell others about what happened to me.



That's not true

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 09, 2009

I have had my horse at Little Red Stables, have been feeding the horses in the morning, and I have had lessons with Cat Brantz and all I have to say about the Little Red Stables is that the people there, the employees and boarders alike, are all nice, understanding, respectful, and extremely knowledgable horse people. Having not owned a horse for very long, Cat showed be everything I know about horses and she is the nicest and most respectful person I know. The statment saying Cat kicked you out of the stables is completely biased because Cat understands the difficulty of obtaining a vet check, transportation, and finding another boarding facility in 8 hours. I know that you were asked to leave with a time frame of 2 weeks due to your unruly behavior towards the staff of Little Red Stables, which is stated in the contract that was signed by everyone in the barn. I can assure you that if you were to keep your horse in the Little Red Stables, they would be receiving the best care possible. There has not been a horse they could not handle or piece back together. Take, for example, my horse who came as an underweight and overbearing mare with arthritis, at age 10. Now, she is a healthy horse that is not as psychotic and is getting glucosamine for her arthritis. This is due to the knowledge of Cat Brantz and the other employees of Little Red Stables. The accusations of Cat being a fake trainer are also completely absurd. Just becuase your attitude towards the staff was overbearing and childish does not give you the right to post hurtful and completely untrue articles on the internet.



Little Red Stables and Cat Brantz

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 05, 2009

I have had my horse at Little Red Stables for a little over a year now and all I have is good things to say about it! Management changed about seven months after I moved my horse there and Cat Brantz is one of the best managers! The barn is an amazing place with great people. I work for Cat Brantz and she is so helpful with everything that is going on and has turned the barn into an even more of an amazing place since she has ran it. She is very commited to the barn and people there and is very understanding about everything that is going on. I wouldnt want to keep my horse any where else and I wouldnt want anyone else managing the barn other then Cat Brantz! This post about how she is so horrible is not true she is an amazing person and has a good explaination for anything that happens at the barn. Trust the people that know her and the barn, it is a great place to be!



Cat Brantz's friends call me

#9Author of original report

Tue, February 24, 2009

Shortly after receiving Cat Brantz's voice message threatening legal action against me, I received several phone calls from numbers I don't recognize, less than 5 minutes apart. One number I know for sure is that of Cat's good friend and a boarder at the barn. Since the other call came just before it, and neither caller left a message, it seems that Cat was either having her friends call me, or calling me from their phones.

My husband received a call from one of the same numbers.

Cat had already left me a message threatening me with legal action, so why did she need to continue trying to call me? Let alone have her friends try calling me? This kind of behavior seems to me like it belongs in high school, not coming from the manager of a business. So once again, I feel that potential boarders have a right to know how this barn and its manager conduct themselves BEFORE deciding to board at this barn.



Cat is good girl

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 23, 2009

The type of person that is Cat cannot be like that, she always much nicer. I know this girl who wrote this, and she is abusive and a liar. The stalbes are good place. People very nice. Espeicaly Cat. I keep my horses there witout problems for many long time. This girl who is complains has no rights to be talking abot a good person in this ways. Cat good.

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