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  • Report:  #107524

Complaint Review: Litton Loan Servicing

Litton Loan Servicing RIPOFF REALLY BAD Customer Service Houston Florida

  • Reported By:
    Miami Florida
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 09, 2004
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 14, 2004
  • Litton Loan Servicing
    4828 Loop Central Drive
    Houston, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I had a very bad experience today with Litton Loan Servicing on what should have otherwise been an extremely simple matter. My loan was acquired by Litton for servicing and I setup automatic payments to make it convenient for the both of us. To make a long story short, instead of simply drafting the full amount that was due on my account, they were drafting in 1-month increments and applying it to the previous month. This was generating consecutive late fees that were accruing, and would have continued indefinitely had I not noticed after a couple of billing cycles.

Instead of extending the "benefit of the doubt" to their new customer who clearly acted in good faith by authorizing Litton to draft ANY balance due from my checking account, their customer service rep actually insisted that I was responsible for the late fees. After about 30 minutes of arguing back and forth on this issue, the customer service manager finally gave in but still charged me $9.99 to accept a phone payment and bring this matter to a close (by this point it was no longer about the stupid money, it really was the principle of the thing).

With all due respect to Litton Loan Servicing, this was without a doubt the worst customer service experience that I can recall, and certainly not the way to start off a 30-year relationship. I have never been tardy paying any of my bills and could understand the hardnose position if this were a chronic problem. As a NEW customer whose loan was transferred (and having gone through this a dozen times already since I own 20+ properties), I have never been treated so badly for a few lousy late fees before in my life.

I did however find the phone number to Mr. Litton himself and called him at his house (actually, I thought I was calling his office but this worked out better). I explained what had happened to me- and he was mortified. It is my opinion that Mr. Litton is a very nice person since he was patient enough to hear me out, but needs to address the customer service issues at the company that bears his name. There seem to be a few websites out there and people who appear to be EXTREMELY angry with this company for a variety of reasons, but in my case it was a completely avoidable circumstance that led me to find this website in the first place.

Anyway, I hope some of the tactics identified by other users of this website are not true since they are servicing one of my loans. I think it's easy sometimes for executives to disconnect themselves from the front-line operations and allow fundamental customer service 101 procedures to slip as it did in my case. Hopefully this company that provides jobs for over 500 people will get their act together and avoid further negative feedback.

For the record, I'd like to say that I really respect Mr. Litton for taking the time to listen to one of his customers, after hours, and at his home no less. I think under the circumstances any other executive would have hung up the phone or passed off the call to one of his underlings. The fact that he genuinely listened to my gripes, took notes and my information speaks volumes about his concern for the reputation of his company and the service it provides. It is my sincerest hope that he can improve both the perception and customer service of his company for both his sake as well as that of his 500+ employees.

Miami, Florida

8 Updates & Rebuttals



To, Alejandro from Miami, FL, MBA and investor, realize that there is money to be had in foreclosures. I will give you a quote from a prominant consumer law firm in Illinois

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, September 13, 2004

Just would like to come to the defense of Diane who happens to be a good friend of mine and a fellow victims of lenders/loan servicers such as Litton, Centex, Ocwen, etc. Since you are a businessman, corporate manager, MBA and investor, realize that there is money to be had in foreclosures. I will give you a quote from a prominant consumer law firm in Illinois who has sued on behalf of consumers who are with lenders/servicer such as Litton. They state as follows:

"There is a common assumption (among judges, borrowers, and the public) that mortgage companies do not desire to foreclose and acquire real estate. This assumption is no longer well founded."

"There are an increasing number of "scavengers" that buy bad debts, including mortgages, for a fraction of face value and attempt to enforce them. Such entities profit by foreclosure. "Mortgage sources confide that some unscrupulous lenders are purposely allowing certain borrowers to fall deeper into a financial hole from which they can't escape. Why? Because it pushes these consumers into foreclosure, whereupon the lender grabs the house and sells it at a profit." Robert I. Heady, The People's Money, "Foreclosure, You Must Avoid It," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Feb. 25, 2002. In addition, if the loan is guaranteed (by private mortgage insurance or the government), a mortgage company may find it more profitable to foreclose and make a claim on the guarantee."

Now, Diane, myself and others are trying to help those who have fallen prey to these lenders/services who are conducting their business in a unlawful way only to end up foreclosing on them in the end. They strip the equity and if you haven't noticed, most of them like Centex and others only lend to people who have equity so they can take it.

Please do some more research and understand Diane's point of view. Both her and I have been attacked from insiders of these companies just trying to pull us into unproductive conversations. You sound very much like an insider, so don't blame her for thinking that. She is going through a lot and is continuing to go through a lot because of what Litton has done to her.

Know the facts first and do some more research. We can't all be wrong. I know that it is hard for you to think on the consumer side, but if you read all these complaints and put yourself in these victims' places, then how would you respond? Ask yourself that.

We do not have your money, nor do we work in positions like yours, but we are not deadbeats who don't pay their bills, we are the average working American who does have a right of freedom of speech, but as long as it does not become slander.

We have documents to back up what we say to be true.



RE: Diane from Buffalo NY

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, September 11, 2004

Wow! Never have I seen such an amazing sequence of assumptions, presumptions and insinuations without so much as even ONE of them correct. I honestly don't know where to begin! I suppose I'll respond to them one at a time and see if I can help you understand why the cliche says one should never ASSume.

Alex considering the date of your comment, wondering if you may be feeling the effects of hurricane Frances. You are from Miami right,
wasn't it affected by hurricane Frances?
If what I have been hearing when and if you called, when was it? Heard the phone lines were down, no power, no water.
Uh....Miami is fine! We had a few power outages in some areas but were 2-hours south of the area of impact. Ironically, I own 6 properties in Fort Pierce where most of the damage actually took place and will be traveling there later on today to help out my tenants as well as the clean-up effort.

Then your comment;
"I did however find the phone number to Mr. Litton himself and called him at his house [actually, I thought I was calling his office but this worked out better)." What phone book did you use, and how many executives are listed for these companies like Litton Loan Servicing or Larry LittonSr., Jr.. Generally speaking that is very unlikely.
I found the phone number AND home address of both Littons, in addition to another executive at one of the various anti-Litton websites that are out there. If you do a quick Google you can probably find it too.

Then Alex you further commented; " It is my opinion that Mr. Litton is a very nice person since he was patient enough to hear me out, but needs to address the customer service issues at the company that bears his name." Stop and think about it, you called him at home, maybe his wife and/or children were there. Do you really think Daddy Litton would speak in any other manner other than a gentleman. Things that make you go Hmmm!
Diane, you must be a telemarketer's dream! If some stranger calls MY house, AFTER HOURS while I'm trying to spend time with my family, I usually hang up without even saying goodbye. The CEO/Owner of a multi-million dollar company who gets an angry customer call about some account-related matter is under NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER to entertain this issue at his home, and could have justifiably treated the call differently. In fact, when I realized the context of the circumstances I expected him to give me his office number, or ask me to call his assistant during regular business hours the next day. He clearly took the call to a different area since I did initially hear children at the start of our conversation and he provided a generous amount of attention and time to my problem. So, yeah...he's a nice guy.

Now it gets better, Alex you said; "I think it's easy sometimes for executives to disconnect themselves from the front-line operations and allow fundamental customer service 101 procedures to slip as it did in my case. Hopefully this company that provides jobs for over 500 people will get their act together and avoid further negative feedback. " If I were speaking to Daddy LittonSr., Jr., I would not waste my time asking him how many employees he has. That has nothing to do with the issue that you were mistreated and Litton Loan Servicing made another mistake. I do have an additional comment to this so called reprieve and correction to your account, Seeing is Believing.
As a corporate manager, businessman, MBA and investor, I have seen countless instances of well-meaning executives lose sight of fundamental activities that take place at the front lines of their business operations. I did NOT speak to Mr. Litton about his employee headcount but rather learned that information from their website. My point is that 500 people... 500 FAMILIES derive their income and livelihood from this company in spite of their piss-poor customer service. As for the correction actually taking place....time will tell. If it they don't-you can bet I'll post it here for all to see.

My guts and the rest of the Litton Loan victims who have posted their hearts out at this site deserve the benefit of doubt by you and either Daddy Litton's.
The "benefit of the doubt" is a 2-way street. I challenge you to find the most ethical, wonderful American company you can think of... and I guarantee I can show you furious people who have setup websites (justifiably or not) to attack it. Walmart, McDonalds, even charities like United Way and the Red Cross get attacked. There is NOT A SINGLE bank, insurance company or Fortune 500 company immune from consumer attacks, and surely they can't ALL be crooked. That said, I have to admit I was surprised to find an unusually abundant amount of criticism about Litton Loan Service on the who knows.

Sounds like you are more on the giving end since you own many properties, quoting 20+. Once again things that make me go Hmmmm.
I have no idea what you mean by this, but YES I do give. I give free rent to indigent tenants. I give my time and money to worthy causes like, I even made a small donation to help support this website since I believe in what it's trying to do and know perfectly well the deep pockets and legal aresenal of companies that have launched attacks against the right of consumers to voice their opinion. What the heck does it matter that I have 20+ properties? I only mentioned that to point out I've gone through this process before with OTHER loan servicing companies, but never in such a rude or inconvenient manner.

Then your insult to this web site, RipOffs Report and other sites which allow victims to exercise our rights for freedom of speech.
Suggest you contact the owner of RipOff's Ed and ask him how many times he has gone to court on behalf of these victims. This is an Advocate site and it has helped many a victim.
I don't know where in my post I "insulted this website," but as I just stated I believe in it's noble cause and did make a small donation to help it out. In fact, if everyone who used this site made a small $10-$20 donation to assist with its legal fees I'm sure the website would have a formidable defense against any legal attack. And remember, freedom of speech is not an ABSOLUTE right if it is misguided, wrong or unjustly causes harm to others. You can't yell "FIRE" at a movie theatre and hide behind the first amendment.

Alex since you seem to be a real estate investor, can you really think we are neive enough to believe this is the first time in your life that a mistake has occurred. Let's get real, and I suggest you come clean, who do you work for?
Actually, I work for Motorola fulltime, and do Real Estate Investing on the side. Sure, other loan servicing companies have made errors, but I've never been so dissatisfied with the service that I've had to call their CEO to complain. That's the whole point...I literally had to battle two (2) separate customer service reps for about a half hour to defend my principles and STILL ended up having to pay $10 to make the problem go away. Am I still pissed...a little. Do I believe Litton Loan Service is an evil conglomorate hell-bent on initiating forclosures and stealing homes- not really. As a Real Estate Investor I happen to know that the LAST THING any loan servicing company wants to do is go through foreclosure since it is an extremely expensive process.

Attorney's fees can run into the $4K-$10K range, then there's the repairs, brokers fees of 3%-6%, insurance, taxes, etc.. It's very common for investors to negotiate a "short sale" with a lender so they can avoid the foreclosure headache. This means that the lender will take a loss up front to avoid the greater loss in time, legal fees and headaches. If you'd like to see the world from the perspective of the lender,

Again, there are 2-sides to every story. I defy you to find a bank or lending institution that is NOT mentioned as a "ripoff" on this or any site.

PART II- Diane's 2nd post:

Additonal thought for Alex the realestate investors who like Larry Litton
What do you have against Real Estate investors??? Did one bite you in the leg or something? This is the 3rd time you make a disparaging reference to the fact that I invest in Real Estate? As for Larry Linton....all I said was that he was nice enough to hear me out and showed genuine concern. Only God and Larry Linton know whether it was truly sincere, but since he spent quite a bit of time on the phone with me I can only assume that it is. Geeesh!! Enough with the "Real Estate Investor" thing already!

Hi Alex from Miami, Florida just wondering, seems to be a coincidence, didn't you just request membership to a yahoo group that is anti Litton Loan? Seems like you might be a loyal Texan and not a Floridian. Does the following account name ring a bell; working on my first Classified (23/M)West,Tx?
THINGS THAT MAKE ME GO Hmmmmmm! Yippy I Ky Eye, may have caught me a cowboy!
Diane - Buffalo, New York
I've only been to Texas once in my life and that was for a weekend in 1996. I live in Miami Florida. As for the email address you reference above....that is not mine. I have no idea what would make you draw that connection and would love to know how you came up with that one.

Phew....I should have cleared my schedule for the day before responding. I don't know what to tell you Diane, I believe in free speech but also believe it should be fair. I'm not trying to defend or absolve Litton since I don't know about those other cases, and just wanted to share the experience I had. I have to admit though that there are an unusually large number of websites out there extremely angry with Litton Loan Servicing, but I'm not entirely convinced of the "conspiracy theory" since it is simply not economically advantageous for a company to employ such a model. I am however convinced that their customer service SUCKS and that is probably the catalyst fueling much of the anti-Litton sentiments, primarily those who were financially impacted as a result of their inefficiencies.

Take care and have a good weekend. As a resident of MIAMI FLORIDA, I will be spending mine preparing for Hurricane Ivan since it is currently wreaking havoc in Jamaica and might very well be headed this way.


New York,

Wondering if Alex might be Mr. Litton, could be very interesting

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, September 11, 2004

Hello Alex or who ever you are.

Before I forget maybe you are Mr. Larry Litton, then the only question left, would be Jr. or Sr.

Reviewing your comments on how pleasant your conversation was and the additional fact that he took out the time to listen to your corporate suggestions is another amazing circumstance.

Also that so many corporate officers sometimes disconnect themselves from the front lines of the operation and allow their customer service reps to do as they see fit. I don't think so.

And that the reps who usually have no knowledge of the account in question easily transfer the call into the Twilight Zone.

Almost sounds like an autobiography, Hmmmmmm, since you commented that his name is one in the same with the company. More things for us victims to consider.

Why would any parent company allow an employee (officer) to use his own name, unless of course they feel that if something goes wrong no one else to blame but the name sake.

Not to fear hopefully his name appears in some personal suits and class actions.

And to quote your last comment how do you know Mr. Litton took notes, did you use a camera phone?

Also the VOLUMES OF CONCERN FOR HIS COMPANY'S reputation and it's 500+ employees.

Were you looking in a mirror? Not wondering one bit!


New York,

Additonal thought for Alex the realestate investors who like Larry Litton

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004

Hi Alex from Miami, Florida just wondering, seems to be a coincidence, didn't you just request membership to a yahoo group that is anti Litton Loan?

Seems like you might be a loyal Texan and not a Floridian.

Does the following account name ring a bell; working on my first
Classified (23/M)West,Tx?

THINGS THAT MAKE ME GO Hmmmmmm! Yippy I Ky Eye, may have caught me a cowboy!


New York,

Additonal thought for Alex the realestate investors who like Larry Litton

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004

Hi Alex from Miami, Florida just wondering, seems to be a coincidence, didn't you just request membership to a yahoo group that is anti Litton Loan?

Seems like you might be a loyal Texan and not a Floridian.

Does the following account name ring a bell; working on my first
Classified (23/M)West,Tx?

THINGS THAT MAKE ME GO Hmmmmmm! Yippy I Ky Eye, may have caught me a cowboy!


New York,

Additonal thought for Alex the realestate investors who like Larry Litton

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004

Hi Alex from Miami, Florida just wondering, seems to be a coincidence, didn't you just request membership to a yahoo group that is anti Litton Loan?

Seems like you might be a loyal Texan and not a Floridian.

Does the following account name ring a bell; working on my first
Classified (23/M)West,Tx?

THINGS THAT MAKE ME GO Hmmmmmm! Yippy I Ky Eye, may have caught me a cowboy!


New York,

Additonal thought for Alex the realestate investors who like Larry Litton

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004

Hi Alex from Miami, Florida just wondering, seems to be a coincidence, didn't you just request membership to a yahoo group that is anti Litton Loan?

Seems like you might be a loyal Texan and not a Floridian.

Does the following account name ring a bell; working on my first
Classified (23/M)West,Tx?

THINGS THAT MAKE ME GO Hmmmmmm! Yippy I Ky Eye, may have caught me a cowboy!


New York,

Litton Loan when did they move form Houston, Texas to Houston, Florida?

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, September 09, 2004

Alex considering the date of your comment, wondering if you may be feeling the effects of hurricane Frances. You are from Miami right,
wasn't it affected by hurricane Frances?

If what I have been hearing when and if you called, when was it? Heard the phone lines were down, no power, no water.

Then your comment;
"I did however find the phone number to Mr. Litton himself and called him at his house [actually, I thought I was calling his office but this worked out better)." What phone book did you use, and how many executives are listed for these companies like Litton Loan Servicing or Larry LittonSr., Jr.. Generally speaking that is very unlikely.

Then Alex you further commented; " It is my opinion that Mr. Litton is a very nice person since he was patient enough to hear me out, but needs to address the customer service issues at the company that bears his name." Stop and think about it, you called him at home, maybe his wife and/or children were there. Do you really think Daddy Litton would speak in any other manner other than a gentleman. Things that make you go Hmmm!

Now it gets better, Alex you said; "I think it's easy sometimes for executives to disconnect themselves from the front-line operations and allow fundamental customer service 101 procedures to slip as it did in my case. Hopefully this company that provides jobs for over 500 people will get their act together and avoid further negative feedback. "

If I were speaking to Daddy LittonSr., Jr., I would not waste my time asking him how many employees he has. That has nothing to do with the issue that you were mistreated and Litton Loan Servicing made another mistake. I do have an additional comment to this so called reprieve and correction to your account, Seeing is Believing.

My guts and the rest of the Litton Loan victims who have posted their hearts out at this site deserve the benefit of doubt by you and either Daddy Litton's. Sounds like you are more on the giving end since you own many properties, quoting 20+. Once again things that make me go Hmmmm.

Then your insult to this web site, RipOffs Report and other sites which allow victims to exercise our rights for freedom of speech.

Suggest you contact the owner of RipOff's Ed and ask him how many times he has gone to court on behalf of these victims. This is an Advocate site and it has helped many a victim.

Alex since you seem to be a real estate investor, can you really think we are neive enough to believe this is the first time in your life that a mistake has occurred. Let's get real, and I suggest you come clean, who do you work for?

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