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  • Report:  #594189

Complaint Review: Liveperson

Liveperson These men pose as women to decieve clients...LP allows this to go on ! Scammers alll! Internet

  • Reported By:
    Wayne — Naples Florida U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 17, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 03, 2011
*Consumer Comment: Robin BlueDragon is at it Again! *Author of original report: I see,its OK to lie to clients,but its against policy to make the public aware of it... *Consumer Comment: ROTTEN blue dragon a ROTTEN LIAR *Author of original report: All anyone with any sense would do is look through the feedback and see that they decieved clients,experts and LP... *Author of original report: Its also well known that these gender benders share info regularly *Consumer Comment: Completely stupid *Author of original report: Ramjet doesnt even know where4 he lives.... *Consumer Comment: The problem with "psychics". *Consumer Comment: Believe what you want *Author of original report: Whats this got to do with the fraud experts listed above? *Consumer Comment: Wrong *Author of original report: Thats not the point ramjet *UPDATE Employee: Ramjet, why do you make generalizations` *Consumer Comment: Another Robin FAIL *Consumer Comment: Yes, I am certain *UPDATE Employee: Yeah I'm Just Making Excuses Ramjet *Author of original report: 'Dr Jake' *Author of original report: Why does Dr Jake...aka Asswynn Willowroot...want to let clients get ripped off? *Consumer Comment: Robin Fails again *Author of original report: Actually Asswynn Willowroot,no I didnt... *General Comment: interesting *General Comment: liveperson *Author of original report: Why would I tell you anything Mr Psycho ? *Author of original report: Kaur *Author of original report: I see some people are listening about these scammers *General Comment: poor man *Author of original report: Poor Mr Psycho *UPDATE Employee: Re original post not the off topic ones *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Robin's fake romance novel stolen picture was apparently ok, but he'll report anyone else for doing what he did. *Consumer Comment: yes

Below you will find a list of experts on Liveperson who started off on the site posing as women,in order to lull them into opening up and also to better scam them. All the experts below had womens pictures at one point,and though Liveperson was informed these people were taking advantage of clients,they chose to allow them to keep on doin it,as they were making money from their wicked deeds. DO NOT USE THESE SCAMMERS AND CON ARTISTS!!! All are middle eastern and may well be funding terrorists activities. Write Liveperson and demand they be removed from the site!!! Look through their feedback....go to their oldest pages...and you will see they used names like Ellen,Clara,and other obviously womens names. Donnt fall victim to these con men!!!!


30 Updates & Rebuttals

denise franklin



#31Consumer Comment

Thu, February 03, 2011

I do see that there is no response to this fake picture of robin blue dragan is there an answer to this maybe he is a woman dressing as a man himself .

The Pubic Hair In Kasamba Utopia''s Punch Bowl


Robin's fake romance novel stolen picture was apparently ok, but he'll report anyone else for doing what he did.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 28, 2010

Robin did not quit Liveperson, he was REMOVED for harassing both experts and clients.  This has been going on for years and finally caught up with him.  It's almost ironic that a scammer got busted for calling other people scammers.  He also continues to harass members of Kasamba Utopia that left the group when they so his true colors as can be seen from many attacks under Erik/Robin's many accounts on here.


United States of America

Re original post not the off topic ones

#31UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 03, 2010

It is truly a shame to see that these gender benders do still work for Liveperson. I truly felt they were doing a good thing when they started verifying everyone and that they would have dealt with these scammers. I am truly dissapointed in this, and feel badly for the clients and experts alike who they betrayed, and this point shames me that these experts have done this. Not all of us are like that though, its just like doctors, sometimes you get a  good one, and sometimes you get a  quack.... its human nature one is good the other bad. That doesnt make all of us bad though, and I am truly sorry these gender challenged people have hurt you. May healing come to you, and you be blessed to find the real ones of us...



Poor Mr Psycho

#31Author of original report

Thu, August 19, 2010

Mr Psycho,as most of you know,is a known pedophile who was kicked off Liveperson as a client because of his bondage and rape fantasies regarding little girls,one of which he has stalked for YEARS...she is now near her 18th birthday and I personally worry he will act on this  and see it as some sign to attack her.

Much like he stalks and attacks me for turning him in.

There must be something wrong with him badly if he thinks that continually stalking me is the same thing....and he must be wrong about other things too. Like why does he even care to stalk me,except that I turned his pervert a*s into LP? He seems almost sexual in his attacks,doesnt he? Maybe he likes boys now too?

I am doing fine,and recovering from a surgery if you must know Psycho...and work many more hours on the site I am on now then I did for LP for years...we are busy and doing well,thanks for worrying about it,perv.

I have never understood why you want people to go to these gender bending SCAM ARTISTS...they are liars,like yourself,and maybe perverts too. Are you in the Man/Boy Love Association with them or something? Or do you only get your jollys from little helpless girls? MAYBE YOU ARE ONE OF THEM?

You are one sick unit,and frankly anyone who believes a word you said must not have good sense to begin with.


Ile Dupas,

poor man

#31General Comment

Thu, July 29, 2010

Erik (Robin Bluedragon) you still are not doing better as it seems. You still don'T take your pills and you are still a mean bitter person who have no life actually.

Looks it's been months since you have been kicked off liveperson. You are a grow-up men who is trying to take control of a website on the web. It's been months since you have been kicked off for serious stalking like this and you are still here doing your agency of destroying the life of other experts.

No one buy into your theory of experts having a double life as a terrorism. this fairytale is only in your head. And if for one second you think we buy it you are more stupid that we think.

You say you work in a better place now. Well it seems the new place you work on is not working so well because you are not busy working. You are here posting wild theories from your mind.



I see some people are listening about these scammers

#31Author of original report

Thu, July 22, 2010

Some arent doing so good since it came out about their double lives...and possible ties to terrorism. Good to see, for sure. these people ...and I use the word very loosely...dont deserve your time or money.




#31Author of original report

Fri, June 11, 2010

I am sorry too because any money you pay these thieves is just like flushing it down the toilet. There are some real psychics on LP but these con artists arent among them.

Thats the topic here folks....why does Liveperson allow these con artists to pose as women and then when they get caught,allow them to stay on the site and scam others? Is there ANY good reason to allow men to pose as women on the site,knowing that 90% of the clients are women, and then when caught,allow them to stay on the site,to bilk more clients out of their money?


Many have already changed their names and LP will give them pardons again too!


British Columbia,


#31General Comment

Wed, June 09, 2010

wish i saw this site earlier...after reading this i read the last pages of the detailed reviews of these psychics and its true...cant believe i trusted 3 of them



Why would I tell you anything Mr Psycho ?

#31Author of original report

Wed, June 09, 2010

You have slandered stalked and dont anything you could to hurt me ever since you got kicked off LP...why would I tell you anything? You are a known pedophile,who has stalked an underaged girl for several years..why would I tell your perverted self anything? You apparently are already stalking me again ....a shame you couldnt do something positive instead. Like stop being a pedophile.

I dont know why some people get their profiles removed and some dont,you would have to ask one of the scammer -enablers at Liveperson.

The whole point of this thread is not attacking me anyway,its about readers on that site who Liveperson KNOWS are fact LP even caught them with some help! Then decided,what the hell,they are making money,as long as they put some kind of real picture there instead of duping the clients even more then they already arewhy dont we at Liveperson keep taking half of it?

I turned the whole lot into Homeland Securitysince LP is a US company....I hope they all go to Gitmo.


Ile Dupas,


#31General Comment

Fri, June 04, 2010

This is not really a rebutal but please Robin can you tell us at what place you work now ? You say that you now work with honest people. Did you set up your own website like a lot of psychic do ? Do you offer readings on ebay ? You know clients reading those rip-off report maybe interested to know who are those honest people.

It won't hurt telling us. After all it will just lead traffic to your new work place. And having traffic is always a good things isn't it ? Nothing against having publicity and your name out there.

SO you deceided to quit when management did not answer to your emails about terminating other expert accounts on liveperson. So you got frustrated with it and called it quit. I find it strange because i know people who no longer work at liveperson and are not even able to get their profile removed.

I know that you do work on Lady Kathryn blog here


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Actually Asswynn Willowroot,no I didnt...

#31Author of original report

Wed, June 02, 2010

I quit when the liveperson site admiinistrators decided to not do anything to the gender benders. I stood up for my principals and ethics. I now work with honest peope on an honest site.

Aside from slinging mud and lying to people in here,what have YOU done to make the liveperson site any better? What have you risked to work in a scam free environment? Nothing ,just what I thought. You are all about taking themoney and running I suppose.

Liveperson has no say over who quits or what ever,and I went to work elsewhere. With people who do not support thievery,lying to clients,scamming,and so forth.

Go peddle your crap elsewhere and stop the personal attacks or I will post all those emails you sent me begging to be let back in KU and how you would stop scamming.....

I stood up for clients,and for experts who didnt want to get screwed by these con artists any more...what do YOU support,by backing their schemes? Now that is a better question. Are you scamming folks and attacking other experts,like you have me? Like usual you dont have a clue about what you are talking about,except to spew out some enueundo. You are the sort of person that wants to bring back MacCarthyism...look it  up if you dont know what it means. Anyone who thinks for a second that you are anything like the innocent little girl you pretend to be....I mean,how old is that picture,40-50 years? And is it even YOU?...needs to have their heads examined by someone other then a psychic.

Stinky Mullett Express

New York,

Robin Fails again

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, May 24, 2010

Looks like Robin got the best of himself and has actually been removed LivePerson.  Way to go Robin!  As we all know LP does not like to turn away money, to be actually removed would only suggest that he was doing some serious scamming or harassment of his own.  Welcome to the Christopher_P, XpsychicVisionsX, tri-clops club Robin.  I'm sure just like the others...the victim mode will follow.



Why does Dr Jake...aka Asswynn Willowroot...want to let clients get ripped off?

#31Author of original report

Fri, May 14, 2010

If this 'Dr Jake' were serious,and its obvious they are just another slandering stalker on the d**n web,why are they defending the criminals here...just like Liveperson does...and trying to crucify the one calling the scammers out? Oh wait,thats the kind of thing one scammer would do for another......



'Dr Jake'

#31Author of original report

Fri, May 14, 2010

I am sure you are a 'real' doctor and using your real name too,'Dr Jake'. Are you another fake doctor from LP ? I bet so,and bet also that you are here because you are afraid someone will call your s**t out too....doesnt change the fact,and anyone with brains enough to read the profiles of the above mentioned scammers,that they started off on the site posing as women....if any other business pulled this the government agancies would be all over it.

I dont give a crap if any of you like me but at least dont be such morons that you cant see the obvious truth to this,and thats that these scammers made every effort to hide as women until LP finally figured it out themselves...they arent all that bright when it comes to scammers,or just klike to let them make their money.

If people are stupid enough to go to these scammers after doing some research and looking through their feedback,then they do deserve to be robbed blind....sometimes you just cant fix stupid.



Yeah I'm Just Making Excuses Ramjet

#31UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 14, 2010

I'm being sarcastic in this paragraph. You're right, I'm just making excuses because I don't want to be named a fraud, after failing that test. You're right, I just have all kinds of money and time to go to a university to get an affidavit that will do an experiment on Tarot Reading. I'm a tarot reader by the way, that doesn't always equal psychic. In my case no, I'm not a psychic. I have intuition, but who doesn't, everyone does. Whether you believe in Tarot Reading or not, I don't really care.

Next, you said "Get a Real Job." I have a real job Ramjet, I work as Web Content Writer specializing in Shopping. I make more from my Writing job, believe me or not on the other job, but people that are Readers, sometimes have a full-time job and do readings on the side. Again don't believe me, I can certainly provide proof. I make 600.00 after taxes at the most doing readings on Liveperson, again don't believe me? I can provide proof. I'm also a student working to get an MBA so I can be in marketing in 5 years, which is why I do the Web Content Writing now. The online program that I go to is rigorous, and I do 1 class every 5 weeks, except for 2 weeks during the Christmas Holiday. Again don't believe me? I have my enrollment papers. Or you can call Ashford to ask what their non traditional online program terms are. Why do I do tarot readings? I think it's fun, and I love to help people.

I'm about to be sarcastic again, but you're right I'm just making excuses. My tarot readings wouldn't hold water in a certain magician's test. And I'm afraid of failing in front of millions of people. Believe what you want. We really don't care, and whether or not religion and spirituality is real at all is not the point here. The point is that you posted Spam on a report talking about people who have changed from men to women, and a person that is trying to warn people to stay away from those people. That's the point.

But you know, insulting me, doesn't really prove your point. It just proves that you don't know for certain that I'm scamming clients or not, so you have to insult me. Isn't that what you skeptics always accuse us believers of, if we start insulting you instead of providing proof. Yet all of you act hypocritical, because you start doing the same thing. I've never gotten why it's right for you to insult believers, but we can't insult you. Perhaps you could explain that to me, Ramjet, I'd love to hear your excuse. You will look good to your skeptic friends.

You could have provided what proof you have that religion doesn't exist, you could have mentioned that the people that have tested have failed, and talked about those cases. You could have brought up the number of people that have complaints about psychics as evidence. You could have brought up the fact that Liveperson and other psychic sites usually are rated Fin the BBB report. You could have made your rebuttal intelligent, and academic. But no, you just had to jump to insulting people. You had to jump to the point that people make excuses to not take the test, because they know they will fail. That would be a good point, but it's a supporting fact, there should be more evidence stated than that. Every time, I've went to write a paper or an article for work, I can't just jump to assumptions, I have to provide an explanation or source explaining where I got that idea. Whereas you are just providing an assumption with insults as your support. When I gave you what is a valid excuse for me at least, you couldn't rebut it, because you didn't have proof that I can't just take the steps to do a certain test. So you had to say that I'm just making excuses, because I know I won't pass.

I just thought I would give you a few tips, that might make you sound a bit more respectable. I've been known to say I'm wrong or agree with a skeptic about a claim that they have against religion. But only if I've been given a well thought out response, that isn't insulting anyone. I respect skeptics that have a strong stance on the fact that religion isn't real, but it's not mature to try to convince someone of your point of view by insulting them. It's also not mature to just spam, advertising a test, or trying to anyway. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that you have a blessed life.



Yes, I am certain

#31Consumer Comment

Fri, May 14, 2010

I am indeed 100% certain that there are NO psychics anywhere in the world.

You, of course selected one of the long list of excuses why you (or any psychic) refuse to be tested under controlled conditions.

The real reason of course is that you know you would fail miserably and make a complete fool of yourself.


Get a real job.

Dr. Jake

New York,

Another Robin FAIL

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, May 13, 2010

Robin you do a really bad job of trying to post under an assumed name.  Here's a tip brainiac - When you're attacked under "Wayne" you need to log out of the "Eric" account, which you've admitted is you, and go back to "Wayne" to defend yourself.  Since you couldn't figure that simple process out it clearly shows that you posted as "Wayne".

 You can go on and on about these people on the site, but it still won't change the fact that you're a failure. Your rants and raving send clients away in droves and you're just as bad as most of the "scammers" you accuse.  You do nothing but bring negative attention to yourself and to psychics in general.  Stop fooling yourself, you're not doing anyone any favors with your rants.  You've failed, try something different or seek proper medical attention.  Kasamba Utipia is all done and so are you, no one to blame but yourself.



Ramjet, why do you make generalizations`

#31UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 11, 2010

You know I'm about sick of hearing advertisements, pushes, and harassment to take this test. Especially when you just post generalizations about psychics in general. Are you 100% sure that every psychic in the world is just a fraud? No, but oh that's right the Burden of Proof is not on you to prove that there are not psychics. It's on us to show a certain former magician that we are psychic. Which is not even right.

Also this report is about men posing as women on liveperson maybe you don't know much about liveperson, but the spirituality cluster has more than psychics on it. So again another generalization. I am a reader myself, and I have told people things to help them move on in their lives. I give advice on how someone can change their life based on their circumstances that I pick up. I've had clients tell me how right I've been and what my readings have done for them.

Another thing, the testing that you and others are trying to push, is not doable for me, because I have to work. I have a day job other than doing tarot readings on liveperson. I can't afford to take time to negotiate terms with the tester. I can't afford to travel and spend time getting a university affadavit to do a certain test. This is a real legitimate excuse.

In closing, you can believe that all of us are frauds. That we are so rich and greedy. When some of us are really just trying to help people. Keep in mind, that there are frauds in every industry. But yet readers seem to get the most hostility along with telemarketers, which sucks. I'm just really tired of being told that I live in a mansion and make tons of money and that I could afford to do readings for free. I'm tired of being told that I'm scamming people out of money. I'm tired of people that don't know me or other good readers personally, saying that we are just frauds. Ramjet, would you like us to make generalizations, and defamatory comments about you?



Thats not the point ramjet

#31Author of original report

Wed, May 05, 2010

I have been tested and did well on it,but the real test is in the real world...where I have scored high both with clients and in tests. The point of this thread is showing that these men listed above posed as women in order to decieve them and take advantage of them....a totally different thing then what you are ranting about here.

I too am trying to save clients the problems of going to readers who arent legit and who arent there to help people...




#31Consumer Comment

Fri, April 30, 2010

If you guess at enough things and try to predict enough things you will occasionally guess right and you conside that a success.

There are NO psychics, you are all 100% fraud.

Are you willing to be tested under controlled conditions? I am CERTAIN you would have an excuse for not participating.

If you are sure you are psychic I would suffest you check this out. (((Redacted)))

Of course you will not participate for some silly reason.

You are a fraud and you know it and should be ashamed of yourself.


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Whats this got to do with the fraud experts listed above?

#31Author of original report

Fri, April 30, 2010

Just because someone doesnt agree with your beliefs,doesnt mean that psychics arent real....thats like saying just because you are one faith everyone else must be lying. Not all psychics are fakes and many of us have 1000s of feedback from clients who say different then you do. Dont be so prejudiced just because somethings not as you think it should be...learn to be open minded.

This thread is about these male experts above who posed as women in order to decieve them and to scam them out of as much as they could,knowing that women are more open and acceptable of another woman in a situation like this. These men knowingly lied in order to gain information,share it and scam these people. These men share client info,rob clients blind,and possibly have terrorsit ties,as they seem to get away with this on the site because not enough clients have written liveperson about it...

Not all psychics are out to rob you and its silly to think otherwise....many of us have years doing this and still play fairly and ethically.



Believe what you want

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, April 26, 2010

Believe whatever you want to, just please, please, please don't send any of them any money.



The problem with "psychics".

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, April 26, 2010

It's true that some people believe in psychics, however, believing it does not make it true.

Incidentally I am not superstitious at all either, in fact I have subscribed to "The Skeptical Inquirer" for many years.

The problem I have with psychics is the fact that they massively ripoff vulnerable desparate people.  The 'psychics' know they are frauds but they lie to their poor victims and claim they can do insanely ridiculous things.  Then, of course, when someone asks them to put their 'supposed' ability to the test, they come up with a long tired list of excuses why they don't want to do that.

You would think that if they truly had the ability that they would be eager to be tested.  Can you imagine how much money a 'true and scientifically tested' psychic could make? Wow, they could make Bill Gates look like a pauper.

However, they will NEVER do that because they know and I know that they are 100% frauds that rip people off.



Ramjet doesnt even know where4 he lives....

#31Author of original report

Mon, April 26, 2010

  People do believe in psychic ability....if you dont so what? Some people dont know much of anything and I bet you have your own superstitions...walking under a ladder,stepping on a you arent as skeptic as you pretend.



Completely stupid

#31Consumer Comment

Sat, April 24, 2010

You are ALL a bunch of hilarious complete blithering idiots.

Anyone who is stupid enough to actually believe in any of this silly bull**** deserves to be ripped off.




Its also well known that these gender benders share info regularly

#31Author of original report

Sat, April 24, 2010

They are all friends of sorts,living in the middle east and scamming as a team. Note how many share same clients..thats not coincidence. It allows them to share client info and then refer the client to one of their friends,and stay consistent with what the other one said.

I dont want to see anyone ripped off but I especially dont want to see anyone ripped off who may well be connected to terrorism....

The point is: These people WILL rob you and scam you. Anyone who would start off on the site lying and cheating and decieving clients because they knew that women open up more honestly and easily to other women should NOT be on the site period. Its co-signing their BS actually...and makes Liveprson look like they are the one holding the paper.

Dont fall for these con men...even if they did pose as women. they are still a bunch of swarthy men using other people to lie and scam their way  to the front pages of LP.

I suggest every readers feedback be looked through thouroghly...go to  the first page of it,and look at the rates then and the commecnts. Was 'he' a 'she' then? Are there a lot of 1 and 2 star ratings,and comments like 'types slow' ( a way to scam clients out of extra minutes), 'doesnt speak english well' ( a way to slow down the process even more...making money for the scammer and giving the client squat for it), or the feedback says ' asks you to hire first thing '...that shows they didnt even try to connect to your situation.

Dont let these middle eastern con men take you for a ride....the proof is right there that they will do it. Dont alow yourself to be a sucker.



All anyone with any sense would do is look through the feedback and see that they decieved clients,experts and LP...

#31Author of original report

Fri, April 23, 2010

 All anyone would need to do to see I am telling the truth is to click on the links above and go to the oldest pages of feedback and they will see for themselves that these people tried to defraud LP,the clients and everyone else,until it was brought to LPs attention...and then because they were making money,LP decided to look theother way. Its not rocket science but apparently too excellarated for you. Only someone who wanted to see people get scammed would defend these people.

Why is it soooo important that you defend con artists who were trying to rip people off? Are you one of the names listed above? Do you use similar tactics and dont want to get caught for them? I can think of no GOOD reason to protect people who lie and cheat clients...none at all.

Folks,if you dont believe me,look at those scammers feedback....again I show proof of what I say. Everyone of them started off on Liveperson posing as a woman....they used womens names and pictures too,but I cant seem to post their pictures here from back when many were blonde haired blue eyed busty and leggy women. But they call them by womens names in their feedback. Vibrant Spirit for instance used to be called Quinta...a womans name. Psychic Sid used to be named Ellen...he reallky looks like an Ellen doesnt he?   Spirit Whisperer 7 used to be named Susan. Psychic Love Readings used to be named Angelina. Spiritual Reader fassu was another one named Ellen...maybe thats a popular name in the middle east,huh? Sakina,a womans name,was what Destiny Call was called. Psychic Love Destiny (interesting too so many of their names are similar too,isnt it?) was called how many men are named that?

I have always tried my best to keep clients from getting rippped off...and my own clients know it. I believe most people will look at these frauds,and stay away from them. I dont care if you go to them, but I do care if clients who might need some real help do.

Whyare you so dead set on allowing frauds and con men to do as they please? What good is that for anyone and how does it help a client? And why would you be foolish enough to defend these scammers when its all there for even you to see if you werent so dead set on attacking me personally because you blame me for you getting kicked out of KU instead of accepting your actions yourself? Its appalling is what it is.



ROTTEN blue dragon a ROTTEN LIAR

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, April 22, 2010

well well rotten blue dragon or robin as he likes to be called ..posted above as ERIK said this

i quote:

And by the way,it says someone named Wayne started this thread not me,so once again you are just making crap up and slandering that how you prove your point?:





caught in his own web of lies what a complete bozo idiot


u wanted proof ur a liar and a fraud u got it just now




I see,its OK to lie to clients,but its against policy to make the public aware of it...

#31Author of original report

Mon, April 19, 2010

How hypocritical should know better. First off I didnt threaten anyone....thats just BS. I asked that person why they had decceived clients by posing as a women....catching them at their most vulnerable,even though he admited he knew it was wrong. I did tell him I was getting a petition together of ethical I wont be asking you...who think thats unfair and gives advantage to these scammers.These experts decieved clients in order to further their greed and their egos. There was no good reason for them to pose as women at all...just greed,deception and ego. That you stick up for them says alot about your have been piling on the lies about me all over the internet since I threw you off KU for attacking other readers and for telling how you cheated clients and scammed them. I didnt start this thread either,and like always,you have no proof that I did anything to anyone. If you did you would show it instead of making speculations like this. I thank you for any damage my reputation has suffered,with your lies and innuendos and not one speck of proof about anything! I wonder how many names you have used on this site in fact...dozens? Hundreds? Just for cheap petty revenge for getting booted out of KU,which I tried to spare you from ( at one point we even talked abou tmaking you a manager in KU,which you really wanted..),but you attacked too many people in the group and when you told us how you were scamming clients,well,I had to do something. KU was after all an ethical group...and nothing like what you have lied and portrayed it.

It always amazes me how the ones who lie on this pissant site against me never can show any proof of anything I have done...just speculation and  meaningless biased rhetoric...which you and your buddies just drag out and attack me again and again. Never once has anyone shown anything I ever did to anyone,and I still will refund anyone who shows me a session number and can tell me their far though I have offerd this for years,I have not once had to refund anyone! I think its amazing that you feel people should believe your BS when I have 1000s of ratings from clients who know better...

You should get a life and move on and stop harrassing me...there are laws against it,even if it is the internet. Stop holding all that hate in and find a better release then stalking me all over the internet too please. And by the way,it says someone named Wayne started this thread not me,so once again you are just making crap up and slandering that how you prove your point? I can post the old posts from KU as well as the emails you sent me when I was removing you from KU,and your begging me not to...Go hide behind that fake pic of yours,and leave me the hell alone. Whats the name of that group you belong to now....still sharing info?

And dont get your little flunkie in here running his mouth either...he doesnt have any rates to speak of yet he knows everything,sounds like you in way too many ways..maybe thats just an account of yours? Might as well be. Tell everyone how you and he mob me and attack me wherever you can while trying to bat your eyelashes and saying,'Who me?"....people just arent as stupid as you seem to think. No one with any sense would believe a bit of it.

People who dont want to be scammed by these people will thank me for showing them the facts;the scammers as always,do all they can to stop me from trying to get Liveperson to clean up the site. What a shame the experts doing this claim that I am at fault for trying to keep people from using people who obviously are liars and con artists. Any of my real clients seem to know better...


Ft. Ldle.,

Robin BlueDragon is at it Again!

#31Consumer Comment

Sun, April 18, 2010

The same day he posts all of these people that "he" thinks are scammers, we heard about a  personal email from Robin threatening another expert, and this is his MO.

The email entailed threats against an expert with almost 3,000 ratings, that Robin would have other experts sign a petition to get this expert fired from LP.

Now, RBD is no longer a top expert and he can't face that fact! Many people he has listed are much younger than he is, with skills that he doesn't share.

Many of the experts he's listed here have verified who they are to LP, and don't owe RBD a thing, he has no pull whatsoever.

We know this is from Robin because of the timing of this post, coincidence...we don't think so.

Robin/Erik, can't face another fact that the people he goes looking for are making more money than he is, so he calls everyone a scammer.

His thinking is that the more readers off the site, more clients and money for him.

Newsflash!! You have a very bad reputation Robin, and all of your b.s. online about how your groups are there to help clients and LP, is such a lie it's disgusting!

One fine expert several years ago would not help Robin and his cronies in their Utopia group, and she confided in them about her personal situations which was then used against her, because someone at LP believed this moron and his friends.

I say to anyone reading the list of people he put here to try for yourself, and don't take RBD or his friends words for it. 

I know the cronies will come back here and defend this guy, because they need to cover for themselves.  Shame on all of you!!

If you believe in Karma watch out because you will all get your fair share of it in this lifetime. 

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