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  • Report:  #822888

Complaint Review: Loan Depot Ray Salazar

Loan Depot Ray Salazar BEWARE of Working with Ray Salazar of Loan Depot! Scottsdale, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Greg — Scottsdale Arizona United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 15, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 13, 2013

Loan Depot in Scottsdale, AZ. made a terrible mistake in their recent move to hire Ray Anthony Salazar as the production manager of the recently opened Scottsdale branch. This oversized meathead used to work at Hunter Financial Group in Tempe. I guess one mans trash is another mans treasure, right?

Its likely that the leadership at Loan Depot hired him because they dont know this mans past. Well, if the upper management at Loan Depot is reading this, I will fill them in. Upon reading this posting, perhaps they will rectify their mistake of hiring him and terminate their relationship with him immediately. 

This clown was by far the WORST manager Ive ever had the misfortune of working for. In all my years in banking, which includes several years at Chase, I have never encountered a more incompetent manager or a more terrible human being.

Everyone who worked with him hated him.  Not surprisingly, turnover on his team during his tenure was extremely high, so Pete, the owner of Hunter Financial, rightfully relieved him of his duties as manager. But, instead of firing this man, Pete made the key mistake of keeping him onboard until his recent departure.

This guy was useless as a manager, and he brought a huge amount of negative energy into the workplace. I watched him constantly berate people and take advantage of his customers. He will do the same at Loan Depot. 

Hes lazy, uncommunicative to his peers, rude, intimidating, poorly-groomed, curses like a sailor, dresses like a day laborer, and has the overall physical appearance of a gangbanger. Personally, I always feared for my safety in his presence, feeling as if he would physically assault me in the office one day. Do you really want someone like that representing your company as a production manager, let alone a loan originator?

As it is still early, you are better off firing him and replacing him with a better man (there are tons of qualified mortgage professionals who can take his place) to minimize your losses. Trust me, he will run your branch into the ground. Dont do business with Ray Salazar. He really has no business being at Loan Depot, let alone in the mortgage industry in the first place.

14 Updates & Rebuttals



Ray Salazar

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 13, 2013

 I agree with the original post this guy is a p***k!!

Aaron P

United States of America

Inaccurate claim against a great person

#15General Comment

Sat, January 12, 2013

I have had the pleasure of working with Ray in the past. I created an account here just to defend him against this ridiculous claim. Ray is intelligent, hard working, and as honest as they come. Clearly an inaccurate description in regards to his work ethic and integrity. AP


United States of America


#15General Comment

Wed, October 31, 2012

I came across this posting and was completely surprised that anyone could write this about Ray Salazar. I have known him for over 2 years now and have never heard him be described in such a way.

Ray loves his work and treats all his employees with respect. There is not a doubt that he pushes his employees to strive for the best, but that is what every boss should do. Ray has integrity, is honest, and makes sure he does the best he can do for his customers. 

I am sure that these post rebuttals did not come from Ray himself, that is just not the type of guy he is.  The people that know Ray that have come across this, or heard about it as I did,  have no choice but to voice their opinion on the man they know against this junvenile attack on his character.

Loan Depot knows they have a great manager, their numbers show it. The employees that work with him know the man they are working for, and how hard he works himself to make sure the TEAM is successful. 

It's quite juvenile for a disgruntled employee to post something like this.


United States of America

Ray Salazar deserves better

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 05, 2012

I have been fortunate enough to work with Ray for the last few months and let me please start by saying he is literally the antithesis of everything listed in the post about him.  As a production manager at Loan Depot, his team has consistently set and broken all previous records set by any other sales team.  He is a model for hard work, positivity and dedication and everyone on his team absolutely loves him.
He always has a smile on his face and not once have I seen or heard him belittle or even raise his voice at anyone.  Being a processor, we don't always feel that we get the credit we deserve, but Ray always makes sure we are recognized and commended.
His team has finished in 1st place pretty much every month since he took over, which is probably why he was just promoted to vice president of sales for our entire branch, so I guess Loan Depot made the right decision in hiring him.  I don't know what grudge somebody may have against him or why they thought it was necessary to post complete slander about him but I can assure you it is completely unfounded.
Gangbanger?  Not well-groomed?  Day-laborer?  (This one is particularly interesting considering his Hispanic surname)  Sounds like somebody may have run out of things to say and started reaching.  I happened to stumble across this post this evening and actually kind of wish I hadn't because I shouldn't have had to take time out of my evening to reply to such filth but I felt it was warranted.
Ray has worked too hard and come too far to have his name and reputation soiled or even have one or two people think differently of him because of one person's nonsense.  Unbelievable.  Your post is complete garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself.



Upon reading the rebuttals a second time...

#15General Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

These have to be from Salazar. They are WAY too glowing in their praise; you would think the guy is the Second Coming reading these things. 

I still think the OP is an idiot, but loan brokers are pretty sleazy. 


United States of America


#15Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

I have not personally worked with Ray Salazar but I know him through friends of mine that currently work with him and I have had the pleasure of meeting him once before. Upon meeting Mr. Salazar, I was told how professional, caring and personable he was and I can honestly say that he was exactly that and more. As far as dressing like a day laborer and/or gangbanger... I would like to see how the one who posted this malicious thread dresses. Apparently your wardrobe consists of diamonds and gold if you can honestly say that Mr. Salazar dresses said way. From only meeting Mr. Salazar once, I can tell that he takes great pride in his appearance and whom he works for/with. I have heard nothing but great things about this man and plenty of his employees talk highly of him, so to read these comments leave me flabbergasted. Sounds to me that whomever it was that posted this thread was out to get Mr. Salazar in a personal attack rather than being truthful in how he is as an employee. It makes me sad to see that there are people in this world who feel as if bashing on someone with blatant lies is going to hurt said person when everyone knows the truth. Youre just wasting your time and energy on something that is going to eventually, bite you in the a_s. It's obvious to see with all the rebuttals, that Mr. Salazar is not this character this person portrays him to be and is nothing more than someone who is either jealous of Mr. Salazar or for whatever reason, pissed at him and wants some sort of childish revenge. To take time out of your day to write a hurtful and invalid post, only shows what type of person you are... Shallow and juvenile. Hope youre satisfied with working at Hunter Financial Group for awhile because I highly doubt anywhere else would want to hire someone of your stature. Grow up, get over whatever issue it is that you have and move on.



I love the posts by people who b**ch about their boss

#15General Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

Dude, we all have coworkers we don't like, but most of us don't b***h and moan on a consumer affairs site. Did the dude fire you or something? Your posts says more about you as an employee than the guy you are complaining about.

MTCX - if you know who the OP is, post his name, and the circumstances of this situation. After all, he posted Salazar's. If Ray is this wonderful man you all say he is (though I suspect some of you are Ray himself), then future employers should be able to know what kind of a guy the OP is as well.

Tempe Employee - there was absolutely nothing racist about the original post. Until I read yours, I had no idea Ray was any other race besides white.


United States of America


#15General Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

I have not personally worked with Ray Salazar but I know him through my boyfriend and friends of mine that currently work with him and I have had the pleasure of meeting him once before. Upon meeting Mr. Salazar, I was told how professional, caring and personable he was and I can honestly say that he was exactly that and more. As far as dressing like a day laborer and/or gangbanger... I would like to see how the one who posted this malicious thread dresses. Apparently your wardrobe consists of diamonds and gold if you can honestly say that Mr. Salazar dresses said way. From only meeting Mr. Salazar once, I can tell that he takes great pride in his appearance and whom he works for/with. I have heard nothing but great things about this man and plenty of his employees talk highly of him, so to read these comments leave me flabbergasted. Sounds to me that whomever it was that posted this thread was out to get Mr. Salazar in a personal attack rather than being truthful in how he is as an employee. It makes me sad to see that there are people in this world who feel as if bashing on someone with blatant lies is going to hurt said person when everyone knows the truth. Youre just wasting your time and energy on something that is going to eventually, bite you in the a_s. It's obvious to see with all the rebuttals, that Mr. Salazar is not this character this person portrays him to be and is nothing more than someone who is either jealous of Mr. Salazar or for whatever reason, pissed at him and wants some sort of childish revenge. To take time out of your day to write a hurtful and invalid post, only shows what type of person you are... Shallow and juvenile. Hope youre satisfied with working at Hunter Financial Group for awhile because I highly doubt anywhere else would want to hire someone of your stature. Grow up, get over whatever issue it is that you have and move on.


United States of America

loanDepot Ray Salazar is an ethical, honest man

#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 20, 2012

When researching any product/employer/service on the internet please be sure to consider the source from which it is written. Any savvy consumer/person will see right through the racist, cruel, and slanderous post written on 1/14/2012 that was written with malicious intent and not facts. Based on my experience of working with/for Ray Salazar these are the facts - Ray Salazar is a forthright, hard working man filled with integrity, honesty and loyalty. Ray Salazar is a dedicated, positive, mortgage professional that brings out the best in those who have the privilege of being around him. Ray Salazar tirelessly fights for his cleints and co-workers best interests to ensure their needs are met and/or exceeded.  Ray Salazar has an army of people surrounding him (past clients, current clients, co-workers, friends and family) that are proud and honored to be associated with him based on his honesty, principles, and fine character.


United States of America


#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 20, 2012

I have known Ray Salazar for a little over a year now and can say with extreme confidence that everything in this report is malicious and amazingly wrong. The descriptions are no way near the professionalism and strong leadership that Ray emanates on a daily basis. To say that Ray dresses like a day laborer and has the appearance of a gangbanger is a compliment to day laborers and gangbangers. You show me a day laborer that dresses like him and Ill show you a unicorn. He has never had anything beside the utmost respect for myself and my co-workers and I have never once felt threatened in any way. In regards to turnover, that does not apply to Ray as much as it does to Hunter Financial Group directly. I have never had as much respect for a manager as I have for Ray and will continue to do so knowing the truth first hand.

an individual


Completely innacurate

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

After reading this comment I was completely shocked about how inaccurate and untruthful this statement is.  From my first interview with Ray Salazar I have never had anything but the upmost respect for him.  I have worked for a number of managers and never have I ever had so much trust in who I am working with.  I have seen Ray work extensively and exhaust every option to ensure that the needs of every client and every one of his employees is met.  I have never seen someone work so hard selflessly to assist others.  Ray is one of the most knowledgable mortgage professionals I have ever worked with, and his work ethic is outstanding.  He is always last one out the door every night. The internet is a great thing, but unfortunately any individual can post anything they want about anyone.  The worst part of the above comment is the blatant inaccurate personal attack.  It seems to be motivated by nothing other than to personally hurt and slander someone who would never even consider doing that in return.  I have complete respect and trust in Ray, and consider myself lucky to work with him. 
As an aside, he is also one of the most professionally dressed in the office as well.



Loan Depot Ray Salazar, Great Man

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

After reading the lies that were written about Ray Salazar in the previous posting, I felt that it was very important to set the record straight on a few levels.  Ray personifies NONE of the traits that were written about him on January 14th.  In fact, take those ignorant ramblings and completely reverse each point and you will have the proper view of Ray Salazar.  Ray is an amazing man, father, leader, and friend.  Loan Depot is very lucky to have Ray.

I ask that anyone who read the previous post consider how you would feel if this was written about you, your daughter, your son, or a close friend of yours...initially you would be angry, especially if you KNEW that none of this was true.  The internet is a powerful mechanism that can accomplish many great things, but it can also be used to spread the hatred and venom that is listed below.  Unfortunately, this creates a permanent online record and Ray will need to rise above that as he has so many other challenges that he has faced head on in his life.  No matter what anyone says, he will continue to serve his customers, his company, and his family with class and dignity.

We know who wrote the previous posting and we know why.  It's non-Godly and despicable, but not surprising when considering the source.  This will only draw Ray's team closer to him and galvanize his friends and co-workers.  Those of you that do not know Ray and are considering working with him or loanDepot in some capacity, I would encourage you to call Senior Leadership.  I would bet that they would be very happy to talk openly about the incredibly positive impact that he has had on the organization.  



Sna tan valley,
United States of America

Ray Salazar

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 19, 2012

This statement is very inaccurate; Ray Salazar is a excellent Manager an extremely professional. I have never worked for a better company and manager. Ray comes into work with great energy, great team player and is very knowledgeable in the mortgage industry. This person who posted this info about him is wrong and is un professional. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Loan Officer

United States of America

Inaccurate Report

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 16, 2012

I have personally worked for Ray Salazar and with Ray Salazar in the past. Although his humor can be dry and at some times abrasive, he is an excellent, knowledgable and ethical loan officer that truly has his clients best interests in mind.

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