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  • Report:  #885441

Complaint Review: Lollimops Cattery AKA Catinallity Cattery

Lollimops Cattery AKA Catinallity Cattery Melanie Lowry AKA Annie Westlake Whole posting about Melanie Lowry AKA Annie of Catinallity & Lollimops Catteries Escondido, California

  • Reported By:
    CFA Cattery Reviews — Banning California USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 20, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 21, 2012

Melanie Lowry AKA Annie Westlake of Lollimops & Catinallity Catteries

08-12-2009, 05:37 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2009

I have been the victim of an internet predator for over 7 years. She posts libelous untrue things about me all over the web on complaintboards and anywhere she is allowed to make posts without restriction, all day everyday. She also had several websites of her own where she attacked me and people I did not know. She even bought domain names in my business name and put all her lies and garbage on them and stole my meta tags so they came up right under my web address on google....then she clicked on them hundreds to bring up her rating.

I have changed my name, my business name but she always finds me. She sent me hundreds of threatening emails claiming to know mobsters, promising ruination around the world and then trying to extort money from me and others. I sued her finally in small claims court and won a judgment. She lied so extensively to the court and refused to cooperate, so we were sent to a criminal court judge who spent 3 hours trying to get the truth out of her. She stopped her postings for awhile but is back at it again. Her latest is on the

I have tried to reason with the owner XXXX XXXXXX and have it removed, he claims he is not responsible for the content and to contact her. I have told him numerous times that I have done that it only feeds her and she does even more, that I have been to court and on the court document the judge wrote in that I have been harassed. The court advised me to not have any contact with her because she is "scary dangerous". He refuses to acknowledge any of this and forwarded all my emails to her, despite the fact that I asked him not to since he did that several years ago and she posted them all over the web, which she has done again.

He says they are not copyrighted and I had no expectation of privacy and she had every right to know what I was saying in order to protect herself. I think I am the one needing protection. Am I right on this? I cannot seem to find an attorney to help me, they all decide right away that she is mental and want nothing to do with her and with me. Am I the crazy one here to think I should be able to get help with this? The police will not even listen to me. My business has been destroyed again for the third time, where can I get help and how? I now am out of money trying to fight this and my name has been ruined again. Is here anywhere I can turn to for help.
Last edited by lollimops; 08-12-2009 at 06:05 PM..

08-13-2009, 06:15 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 5

Thank you. I know what libel is, I have already won a small claims case for it, it was very easy to prove since all of the remarks made were very damaging, but I need to do more to stop the flow from this person as a $7500.00 judgment was not enough, she is still at it. I cannot find anyone in my area to take the case nor can I get the police to listen. I need to know what else I can do. How do I get the police to listen, how can I find an attorney. I believe this could be a huge case and possibly create new law.

08-13-2009, 09:19 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 3,629

I did my thesis in graduate school on Internet predators so your posting interested me greatly. My interest in the subject matter was born from an Internet predator who has commited crimes against people both online and off. She has been part of a litany of Internet lies, fake deaths, using other peoples baby pictures, stating they are her own baby that died, and other such egregious offenses, not the least of which is stalking and harassment. She too would email me using vulgar variations of my name and say things like, "I am in your town watching to put a stop to you", etc. She even went so far as to go to court and petition the court to legally change her name to my name and to this day she insists her name is my name, Victoria.

She was successfully charged with violation of a restraining order and was found guilty of harassment, contempt of court, etc. And, like your stalker, she created over ninety web pages about me, my name, my family--everything she possibly could create from the evil in her satanic mind........I was called a child abuser, a prostitute, a terrorist under the now defunct Patriot Act---that those were just the things I can repeat here. I said all of that to say, there is a REASON and / or criteria , often, for predators use in choosing their victim. In this case, I was the proverbial "other woman", in her mind.

She was living with a wonderful man she met online and when I was instrumental in assisting him in disovering her lies, he sent her backing back to the husband she forgot to mention she had. The point is---people who act this way FEEL WRONGED. I am not saying YOU were wrong---I am saying in your stalkers eyes, YOU are wrong. In my case, my stalker was convinced I was wrong in STOPPING her from using other peoples babies as her own dead babies pictures. I was wrong in stopping her from using pictures of her husbands employers house, cars, and grandchildren as her own. I was wronging her in preventing her from perpetuating lies and mistruths against innocent people. I CHALLENGED HER PRETEND REALITY and she was forced to face the nasty reality of her life---a string of failures, lies, and misery.

That being said............ in your situation, then, please, answer the question......."Why you?" I gave my situation as an example of "why me". She lost the love of a good man and could not bear the fact that it was HER lies and HER actions that caused this----so I was to blame. A person with this type of narcissistic personality disorder CANNOT under ANY circumstances take responsibility for their OWN lies, actions and the result of the same. Therefore, any one nearby will do. In this case, it was me. IN your case----then, why you? Back up and tell me why you? I don't mean YOU did anything wrong---I mean in HER mind, WHY YOU? Does that make sense?

This topic is so incredibly huge------as I mentioned I wrote an entire thesis on it. But first you need to understand WHY YOU............then you can figure out how best to put a stop to it.

And, with regard to your comments about libel, and how they aren't libelous because they are truth... the problem with that is simply, that they CAN sue you, drag you into court and MAKE you prove the truth of your claims. You MAY very well be able to do that but why bother? Using their name is a two fold problem: 1. it does NOT add anything to your posting and 2. it actually detracts from any legitimacy of YOUR claim because, to the casual reader, it APPEARS as though you are doing the same thing---using their name, and saying negative things about them (true or not). Using their name COULD cause you a lot of trouble---why go there? It doesn't HELP your position............STAY on the high road in all of this. It WILL put you in good stead in the long run.

Another question--what reason specifically are you being given for refusal to take the case?

Also this statement makes no sense---"She lied so extensively to the court and refused to cooperate, so we were sent to a criminal court judge who spent 3 hours trying to get the truth out of her"

I will tell you why it makes no sense.......if you sue me in small claims court, I do not even have to APPPEAR. If I fail to appear, the judge can rule against me."refusal to cooperate" when she didn't even have show up makes no sense AND a civil court judge cannot MORPH a civil proceeding into a CRIMINAL one and hold her until she 'tells the truth".

You need to be specific and clear about that entire exchange. What specifically were the grounds of that civil suit? What was the outcome of the trial? Did the judge rule against you or in your favor? What did he order? Was a no contact order issued? Was LIBEL the only grounds? You say you won a libel case---how so without the judge ordering her to stop? If he DID order her to stop and she continues, notify the court she is in contempt.

In my situation, the nutcase was slapped with an RO against her (which she violated BEFORE the day was out ), which resulted in the court being notified and HER going BACK to court for a contempt of court hearing in which she coughed, gagged, choked, etc........all these theatrics, none of which the judge was interested in. What was the outcome of your civil case and what were the grounds, and most importantly, how did this start? In other words, WHY YOU?

I will offer this by way of encouragement............. Im not sure if you are a religious person but I grew up the daughter of a preacher, hearing stories from the Bible from the time I was old enough to read. One story about Joseph was when his brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him. Great hardship and sadness resulted in his life from their actions and many years later when he was promoted to second in command in the entire kingdom, he was able to say to his brothers , "You meant it unto me for evil, but God meant it for good."

My stalkers intent was to destroy me. The reality is I owe her a debt of gratitude I could NEVER begin to repay. Because of her, I began to study law and decided to go to law school. Also, my life has remained blessed by the magnificent people I met along this path, people who were also hurt by her lies and evil. My life is better today because of the love and friendship I found there that remains to this very day. Be angry at her? How could I be? She is a sick, piteous human being. I owe her so much more than I could ever begin to repay. SHE meant it for evil, but a bigger plan was at work. The 'reward' of her "efforts" remains one of the greatest blessings in my life, even now.

My point is..........sometimes we cannot see beyond the hurt and frustration. But, in time, you will most assuredly come to see the good. I hope you will get to that point as well.
Last edited by GentleGrace; 08-13-2009 at 09:28 PM..

08-14-2009, 10:51 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 5

I will send you my name privately and you may type that into any search engine. What happened to you sounds horrible but I can relate. This is going to be long, but I will try to address all your concerns. Yes she feels wronged, I breed and show persians and himalayans and in March of 2001 she contacted me about kitten on my website, everyday for weeks saying she really wanted it but could not afford it. She began to annoy me which should have been my first clue, but I thought she was retarded so I reached out to her. There are reasons behind that as well, my daughter worked for many years for ARC. I finally made an arrangement for her to have the cat, with her owing something in return, which I never received.

When I challenged her, I received something entirely different, she promised a kitten that was show quality, instead I received a 6 year old pet quality cat that was not socialized and had a very bad case of ringworm that cost me a lot to clear up, and exposed my whole colony. I decided to let it go but started receiving emails from those that had worked with her. They were advising me to go get my cat as it would be dead within a year, and I just did not know who I was dealing with, that I would be very sorry. I chose to think they were just unhappy customers. Silly me. But before all those letters she came back and actually bought a cat from me promising payments, which she had no intention of making.

When I finally called about the rest of the money I was subjected to abuse and had my first glimpse into what had been described to me. She screamed at me and the next day animal control showed up at my door with a complaint of "sick and dying cats and wall to wall feces". I was shocked and had no idea who could have done that since in all of the 20 years of breeding I had never had any complaints. Five months later I came home to a message on my answering machine from her, threatening police action, complaints to The Cat Fanciers Association, our registering body, the Better Business Bureau AND animal control "again" so then I knew.

She wanted the papers which I had withheld pending final payment. She sent the final payment, and I sent the papers, and advised her not to ever contact me again. Five months later she sent me an email stating the cat had died and and she wanted a replacement of something entirely different. My contractual agreement with her states that if there are other cats present I will not be responsible for diseases that they may carry. I also provide a health guarantee of 6 months, 5 and half months more than required by law, this was a year later. BUT, you must provide me with a necropsy report as to cause of death, proof that that particular cat is dead and access to speak with your vet and possibly access to the cat.

All of that was ignored as she advised she had thrown out the contract. She said the vet thought the cat had cancer then it became FIP which is a virus that mutates from a benign virus into a virulent strain that attacks the immune system, all cats carry the virus but not all cats get sick. She was a breeder that presented herself as a "newbie" when in fact she had been at it for over 30 years. She has always had poor quality cats until mine, always had sick cats that she dumped at the shelters, and had deplorable living conditions, in a travel trailer with 15 other cats and numerous kittens. All of this unknown to me until I heard from others.

Of course it had to be the cat she had actually paid for and not the almost free one. Yes she felt wronged. When I asked for the necropsy report is when she turned on me and thus a 7 year attack. She never provided me with a necropsy report, refused to let me talk to her vet, and then started demanding the return of her money or she would ruin me "around the world" that I did not have the power to fight her, she had the power of ten thousand and she would bring me to my knees. I am a very stubborn person when I believe wrongs have been committed and instead of giving in to her tyranny I chose to fight.

I told her I would honor my contractual agreement with her despite the fact that the lapse of time was greater than stated and that she had other cats, but I demanded that necropsy report, which I am still waiting for. I did not feel that I owed her any monetary compensation since she had the cat for a year and had other cats. (My contract offers replacement of equal value, my choice) Thus began the constant calls to animal control to inspect my home, (they are like the gestapo and can claim anything they want, seize your animals and put you in jail if they want). I know you may think that is not true, but it is and John Stossel even did a report on it years ago for 20/20. So it is very scary to deal with them.

She called code enforcement on me, they could really get me since they impose the limits of how many animals you can have. Fortunately for me things worked out in my favor because his woman made them very angry by posting a copy of their findings on her website before the supervisor had even received it and only two days after they were here. The supervisor at the county was furious and wanted to know how that could happen. Well it was her office and her employees. So she let me off completely....but told the crazy that I had been notified to comply or move. The crazy thought I moved so all of that stopped. But her complaints to CFA (The Cat Fancy) continued, eventually I got her suspended for life for her treatment of me and animal welfare issues for dumping her cats. She continued to file with the BBB and the California State Attorney Generals office and to make threatening posts online.

08-14-2009, 10:52 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 5

She got my website of 8 years taken down and I could not get it restored, she hacked my email and sent disparaging letters to all my friends and customers, she wrote letters to my neighbors telling them to complain to animal control that I was a kitten mill, she wrote to all the local vets and told them to let her know when a person with a kitten from me came that was sick, came in. She constantly posted her defamation with links to her website on my friends Christian e-card site guestbook. My friend would remove them but then started changing them to say good thinks about me, so the crazy had the guestbook suspended. She would take out adds on the then free classifieds provided by YXXXX AND axx, AND ON lXXXXXX she would post hateful lies on their feedback and the ad would have to come down.

She harassed anyone running an ad for kittens trying to find out if they had cats out of my line. Then they were told they had to kill the cat or be ruined on her site. My 20 years of working with this line had just started to pay off and I had most of the best chocolate and lilac cats in the world and lots of catteries were coming to me. Well that all stopped. She harassed my cat breeder friends, on their website guestbooks, and by calling animal control on them, making complaints to the BBB and CFA. Posting numerous slanderous complaints on forums and chat rooms, complaint boards etc. She so harassed these websites and the people using them that they all changed their format, or removed them entirely.

I got many emails every day threatening me with ruination if I did not pay her. She fabricated more complaints and put them everywhere. She never sent those emails directly tho, always from one of my ads so they could not be chased. Some of those claimed she was best friends with Henry Hills brother "Mikey" with a link to the movie review of "Good Fellas" which I was not familiar with. But they were mobsters in New York where she is from and they killed a lot of people.Then she hunted down every breeder that had a website with pedigrees up with my cats in them and demanded that they kill the cat or she would destroy them by claiming that they had FIP infected catteries. All this time she also demanded to be paid to stop her harassment.

When she started destroying others because of me I decided something had to done so I looked for a lawyer. I called everywhere, contacted the bar, looked up attorneys online. When I could find one to listen, they would look up what she was doing online and decline to help, citing that she was mental and they wanted nothing to do with her and thus me. That was always the answer I got, or they would review the material and get back to me. Most never did, and a few returned everything stating they did not have time or they did not want to deal with a crazy. Finally an attorney who was a friend of a friend in another state, told me to take her to small claims court myself. That it would probably be my only option. So I did. San Diego court case.

I sued for harassment, copyright infringement for the websites she made using my cattery name, defamation, libel, and I cannot remember all the rest. It took 2 years to get her to finally show up. All the lies and harassment to the court (they actually new my name and case number out of 4 million because of all her harassment) She gave 22 false addresses. Claimed she was to sick to show up. I won a default judgment which she challenged and appealed. Then she challenged the venue, appealed that decision. Claimed she was not served properly, returned the certified letter cards unsigned which the judge challenged because I got the post office to provide the orange slip she had to sign in order to get the letter. Then she went to the post office and caused a problem and had to be removed by the police.

She wrote exparte letters to the judge slandering me, he recused himself. When the judge saw the amount of of paperwork he was stunned. He said because it was small claims and monetary only he could not tell her to stop, but he advised her to, he could not give me a restraining order either. I tried to get one on my own but they would not even give me the paperwork. When she ignored the debt for a year I filled for debtors examination and brought her back to court. She hid and I had to contact her thru and ad for one of her kittens, the process server set her up for a kitten buy and served her. When she showed up she was dirty and claimed homelessness.

The judge sent us out in the hall to work out payment, she claimed she was homeless and had no money and no computer, etc. When I told the judge she was not cooperating he advised her she need to do that and she agreed, so back out to the hall, same thing. So once again I advised him she was refusing so we were sent down the hall to a criminal judge who grilled her for 3 hours. She kept telling him she lived in abandoned cars in parking lots. Where was her license, she left it at home, well where was that since she claimed she slept in abandoned cars???? Which car did she feel it safe enough to leave her purse. No response.

He had the bailiff try to find her drivers license in the system, no luck. He asked her what name it was under, she didn't know. Had she transferred any assets lately if she did she was in trouble. No. I provided him with her car license but it came up in a different name. She refused to give her SS number til he threatened her with jail. Sadly instead of throwing her in jail like I had hoped he gave her 90 more days to comply, if she did not return with all the requested documents she would be incarcerated, did she understand? Yes. He told he he did not believe anything she said did she want to change her story so she would not be perjuring her self. NO she did not.

I received a check from her mother in NYC a week later for the full amount of $7500.00. She did not pay the court costs or the interest and when I went back to the judge to request that and to tell him she had not stopped her harassment, he refused to come out and talk saying well you did get paid. That is where it was left as of Aug of last year until she started up again about 3 months ago. And when I went to the police numerous times they would not even listen but showed me the door and told me to "work it out". Until the 6th time when I was threatened with an investigation. Well, in this county you cannot be legal with a cattery, they won't let you get any of the permits they require....sooooo he said if there was one thing out of line he would arrest me. I of course gave up

Now to the recent emails posted by the complaint forum owner. She posted that same complaint several years ago and I tried to get it down like I do all of hers. Most all of the boards will take it down if you prove your case. Not him he forwarded all my emails to her which she posted everywhere and some are still up. Then out of the blue a year later he advised he had taken it down because of fraud on her part. Now of course he has done the same thing again and refuses to acknowledge any of the court info, or anything else I have forwarded him, claiming he is not responsible for what others post. I know that he is and I would like to go after him.

He did not have my permission to send those emails on, in fact I asked him not to, reminding him what she had done before. I also pointed out on the court judgment document that the judge wrote in that he found that I had been harassed by this person. He ignored all of that claiming no responsibility. Isn't he ultimately responsible especially once he has been notified? This is the third time she has destroyed my name and my life and my reputation. My business has dropped off 100% in the last three months, I know some is due to the economy but not all because I was doing ok before. I do not feel that all of this is worth a cat that she did not even take care of. Do I regret selling her a cat, absolutely. I m horrified that my sweet little kitten ended up where she did.

A News reporter was even going to do a story on this whole thing, but they could not find her and after three weeks her boss made her give it up. HELP, I want my life back please. It has been 8 horrible years, I thought I had got it stopped and yet here I am again. Have I stated all this clearly enough for you? I sometimes worry that I forget things that would clarify. If you have any more questions please let me know. Everyone keeps giving up on me, or clearly backing out because they think she is crazy.

Reference: (((link redacted)))

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