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  • Report:  #1216057

Complaint Review: Long Island Modular Homes

Long Island Modular Homes Associated with Signature Building Systems Unprofessional and rude owner, company sued multiple times Jerico New York

  • Reported By:
    David — New York New York U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 16, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 26, 2017


I just had the Weirdest conversation with one of the partners of Long Island Modular Homes, which is associated with this Signature Building Systems. I believe his name was John. Not sure. I did speak to Evan afterwards. 

Nevertheless, this owner was so rude and his behavior was very strange. He was clearly unprofessional. I would ask him questions and he would just get upset for no good reason. I then asked him if I could speak with someone else in his office instead of him because it appeared the conversation was NOT going well. He then got upset again and said "You know what, we don't want to do business with you." Talk about unprofessional behavior. What makes his conduct worse is that it can be reported on the Internet for all to see like on Yelp but he did not care. 

I would NEVER do business with these people. This is the biggest RED FLAG you could ever get. If you were to move forward with these people after a first encounter like that, you are looking for BIG TROUBLE down the road. Because if they treat you like that the first time, they can treat you worse during the project. They could cause your project to fail and lose money. I am sure they have treated other people worse.  

I would rather spend the extra money to ship a modular from out of State then to work with this company. 





4  Nassau     015094/2011   Disposed  BORENSTEIN, DAVID   CHRISTIAN BROWNE, P.C.   LONG ISLAND MODULAR      01/17/2012  JEFFREY S. BROWN

5  Nassau County District Court - 1st District    SC-002491-13/NA   Disposed  Grace Kan    Long Island Modular Homes Inc  Joseph & Terracciano   04/30/2014  Honorable Scott H. Siller Night Small Claims   

6  Nassau County District Court - 4th District    CC-001157-09/OB   Disposed  LONG ISLAND CRANE & RIGGING    LONG ISLAND MODULAR HOMES     12/15/2009 
4th District Small Claim


7. Nassau County District Court - 4th District    SC-002451-12/OB   Disposed  Mila Livshitz    Jonathan Davidson     01/09/2013  Honorable Terence P. Murphy 
4th District Small Claims

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Long Beach,
New York,

Conversation With Owner

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 26, 2017

I was surprised by the complaint.  I called the owner out of the blue today and within 3 hours was sitting in his office going through my Sandy related project.  I found him to be very nice, very personable, very patient and very responsive to my questions.  Now I have no idea as to the workmanship etc, and I'm still in the planning stage and have not made a decision as to which way to go but based on my meeting with the same individual you spoke to, I am looking forward to my next meeting with him.  My experience was the exact opposite of what was described in this complaint.

NY Penal Code 240.26

#7Author of original report

Fri, May 01, 2015

Here is the correct section of the NY Penal Code that this fool John and his so-called employee are violating. It seems John can't take people posting the truth about his outrageous conduct that he has to continue submitting lies. The only people I spoke to in his office is John and his partner. I caution EVERYONE from dealing with this nutbag John. You are personally witnessing this John's crazy behavior. There has to be something mentally wrong with John to continue violating criminal and civil laws by posting false statements that alarm, harass and annoy.

The fact that John and his so-called employee are continuously making internet posts that contain multiple false statements constitutes a criminal act under Penal Code 240.26 as it has NO ligitimate purpose but to "alarm or seriously annoy". There is further claims here for civil defamation. This has now subjected John, his employee and company to civil and criminal charges. In other words, all that has to be proven to find John, his company and employee guiltly is to take the emails and phone records in my possession that prove John has been posting muliple false statements. A false statement, as in this case, conclusively proves that they had NO ligitiate purpose but to alarm, harass and annoy. And thus, constitute a violation of Penal Code 240.26. 

240.26 Harassment in the second degree.
  A person is guilty of harassment in the second degree when, with
intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person:
  1. He or she strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects such other
person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or
  2. He or she follows a person in or about a public place or places; or
  3. He or she engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts
which alarm or seriously annoy such other person and which serve no
legitimate purpose.
  Subdivisions two and three of this section shall not apply to
activities regulated by the national labor relations act, as amended,
the railway labor act, as amended, or the federal employment labor
management act, as amended.
  Harassment in the second degree is a violation.


#7Author of original report

Fri, May 01, 2015


I am about to sue John and his company for defamation and criminal cyber harassment Pursuant to New York Penal Code Section 240.30. John and his so-called employee who left the recent REBUTTAL here are very foolish people who are about to get sued. Their posts that are trying to turn the tables on their victim by degrading and insulting me via false statements has now entered into defamation and criminal cyber harassment. And it is criminal because it falls under a cyber crime of Internet bullying on the grounds that their statemebts are false and continuously made for NO other purpose but to harass and annoy. 

I had been employed with New York city Civil Court for three (3) years as a GAL. I have also been a senior litigation paralegal for the last 20 years and I have NEVER in my life seen such outrageous and reckless behavior from a company claiming to be ligitimate and professional.  Their writing is immature, unprofessional and it has now crossed onto tortious and criminal legal grounds. 

Notice how they lie about being sued and falsely claim those lawsuits where their actions against others. As a person who worked with the Court for many years, I can tell you that they have been sued many times. And John has been sued. This confirms that they are liars. And they are also lying. I never ran after them. They ran after me after they foundout I owned a valuable building in Manhattan. They kept sending me emails and calling me. I have the emails and phone records, which I will present to the Judge in Court when I sue them.  

*I believe the above person entitled as "employee" who subitted the recent rebuttal is actually John, which tells you have out of control that guy is. Also, read one of the prior feedbacks about John. The poster states NOT to believe anything John posts because that guy is a liar.

WARNING: If this fool John or one of their employees posts one more false or harassing post against me, I will be filing a lawsuit within the New York Supreme Court against Johhn and his company and I will post that lawsuit here, which includes posting John's depsoiton transcripts. Everyone will see how much of a nut and out of control John is and that he is a liar. He has been warned. If he thinks I am joking. Then let him or his employee post another defamatory and criminal post about me again and I will see him in Court.  

New York Penal Code

240.30 Aggravated harassment in the second degree.
  A person is guilty of aggravated harassment in the second degree when,
with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person, he or
  1. Either (a) communicates with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by
telephone, or by telegraph, mail or any other form of written
communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or
  (b) causes a communication to be initiated by mechanical or electronic
means or otherwise with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by
telephone, or by telegraph, mail or any other form of written
communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or
  2. Makes a telephone call, whether or not a conversation ensues, with
no purpose of legitimate communication; or
  3. Strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another person to
physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same because of a
belief or perception regarding such person`s race, color, national
origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability
or sexual orientation, regardless of whether the belief or perception is
correct; or
  4. Commits the crime of harassment in the first degree and has
previously been convicted of the crime of harassment in the first degree
as defined by section 240.25 of this article within the preceding ten
  5. For the purposes of subdivision  one  of  this  section,  "form  of
written communication" shall include, but not be limited to, a recording
as defined in subdivision six of section 275.00 of this part.
  Aggravated harassment in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.

New York,

What a nutbag

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 01, 2015

This guy harrassed our office staff many times.  We told him repeatedly that we are not interested in the work he wanted done.  He is crazy, as what he wanted to do has NEVER been done and is impossible.  After several attempts at rying to convince us why we should be able to do his work, we finally told him to never call here again, please leave us alone.  Is that not our prerogative?

Then he posts lawsuits WE filed against non paying customers (and WON) as some kind of proof that we are disreputable. For someone who was never a customer, he is quite upset at us for NOT taking his business.





John is an Nutbag and a Liar

#7Author of original report

Sun, April 05, 2015


John is an Nutbag and a Liar



John further LIED by claiming I screamed at him over the telephone. I NEVER screamed at John. John had an attitude from the moment I started to speak with him over the phone. When I was communicating with his partner, Evan Lewitas, via the telephone and email about spending $300,000.00 to add a new floor to my brownstone in Manhattan not only did his company want to work with me but his partner personally and repeatedly emailed me about working with his company. When I called his office to speak to his partner, John answered the telephone and REFUSED to hand over the telephone to his partner and stated "I'm one of the partners, you can speak to me". A very weird conversation with John ensued thereafter that made me very uncomfortable and caused me to request to speak to someone else because John was getting angry when I was asking him ordinary questions about the requirements to add a new floor to my brownstone and whether the NYC Building Code would allowed it. I think John did NOT know the answer to that question and that made him react with anger. John also had an arrogant and dismissive attitude like - I don't have time for your ignorance - After my conversation with John, his partner contacted me to attempt to do business with me but after my conversation with John and my subsequent research, I refused. I thanked God that John's attitude put me on notice that something was just NOT right about this company to cause me to further investigate and to uncover the horrible reputation of John and his company with his prior clients. It is laughable how John tries to insult me when he and his company have such a verified bad reputation. Thank God for the Internet, Ripoffreport and posters like myself or people like John and his company could hide their bad conduct and continuing to harm innocent people (NOTICE how John does NOT deny all the lawsuits against him and his company posted above).

Here are some email communications with his partner before and after speaking with John: 


Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 3:52 AM
Subject: Long Island Modular Homes: David - Here is the Information You Requested!

Hi David,

I've received your request to schedule a conversation. I'll check my schedule and send you a confirmation email to confirm the date/time or suggest a different time that better fits my schedule.


Evan Lewitasʉ۬Vice President


Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 10:19 AM
Subject: Long Island Modular Homes

Can I call you today?

Thank you,

Evan Lewitas

Vice President


on Mar 16, 2015 12:13 PM,

"David" <> wrote: 

 Please do NOT call me. I am NOT interested in doing business with your company.


Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 12:22 PM

Subject: Re: Long Island Modular Homes: David - Did You Get my Last Email?

Didn't you just call me and ask me to call you back?

Evan Lewitas



Here is what some of his past clients have to say about this nutbag John and his company:


"If I could give this company 0 stars I would!   They not only hurt my family financially but John is one of the most unprofessional individuals!   Their business is a scam even look them up on BBB and ripoffreport they have tons of bad press about them.  DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!  The house was defective and worst experience of my life!!!....If I could give negative stars I would!  This was the worst experience for my family.  Not only did John lie about the price, the house was defective and he didn't apologize for it!   Costed us thousands and really hurt us financially!  Horrible company I wrote a letter to the BBB, they should be SHUT DOWN!!"

Christina M.



I completely agree.  LI Modular is simply the most incompetent, dishonest, inexperienced, dishonorable builder out there.  It is hard to even call Jonathan, the principal, a "builder."  He is really just a salesman peddling a product (modular homes).  You would think that after peddling so much product he would learn how to build a house properly and without delay.  He relies on Doc, his sidekick, to do the heavy lifting, however, Doc (as nice as he comes across) is just a "yes man" for Jon and his specialty is HVAC work, not construction generally, so he too is useless.  Everything with Jon is a bait and switch, followed by an argument.  It is amazing that he stays in business and more people don't write reviews online.  I wish I would have done more research about this goof -- I would have never hired him.  Signature Custom Homes is a good solid company and they aren't responsible for his actions, however, they shouldn't tout him as an authorized builder and deceive the public in that regard.  Stay away from this guy (and Pinecrest) and don't believe any rebuttals posted by Jon.

Sour G.


"I did not receive the house I agreed to.  Plans were redrawn with a different factory and design changes were made without consulting me.  Lower quality materials were used than I agreed to.  I have been very disappointed with the quality of work,  the time this project has taken and the unprofessional behavior of the proprietor.  It took 4 months to finalize the design, 5 months for permit approval (partially their responsibility due to errors in submissions and slow turnaround for corrections), and now 4 months after permit approval I have what I would describe as half of a house.  At this point I hope to move home 15 months after beginning the design process with this contractor.  I have two mortgages on this house post Irene and Sandy and nowhere to live.
 â€¨I did not receive a payment schedule.  7 months after signing the contract I was given 2 business days notice that over $100k would be required to complete delivery and set of the house or I would face thousands in fees to reschedule delivery.  Contractor was aware of my dependency on insurance funds in escrow and did not give me reasonable notice to seek alternate funding.
 â€¨Months after signing the contract the contractor claimed certain items would now be additional charges.  â€¨$832.50 for a 3 month rental of a 6 foot construction fence, which is required by the town building code for new construction.  The fence would also likely be required for more than 3 months.
$6000 for additional truck to deliver modular units even though I did not change the design of the house since the contract was signed.
$5298 for increase in foundation height and reinforced crawlspace slab.  Foundation height was discussed in detail prior to contract and did not change.  Slab reinforcement was an addition, but invoice did not itemize these charges.  Slab was invoiced but never poured.  Contractor did not inform me of the additional cost until after the foundation was already poured, at which point they requested I sign a backdated work authorization for that amount."



United States of America

Not even a customer

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 05, 2015

First of all how are this crazy internet poster post arivals picture of my daughter on this forum. 

This habitually internet slammer called about a NYC addition. After screaming at me and demanding he know all the NYC codes I told him I was not interested in working with him or quoting him. He gto in raged and starting posting lies on the internet. I appreciate him posting our accounts receivable settlements as well as other fabricated lies.

Its sad this individual has nothing better to do.i wish him well in his recovery.

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