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  • Report:  #1509303

Complaint Review: Lorena Zully Bullon Coz

Lorena Zully Bullon Coz Chini Coz Lorena Bullon Coz Es egoísta y chismoso SJL Lima

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 23, 2021
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 23, 2021

Lorena Zully Bullon Coz

regañaron a un hombre inocente, yo vi esto con mis propios ojos y Ellas dije muy malas palabras sobre la ex-familia del hombre. Su trabajo es producir chismes y humillar a la gente porque creo que esta mujer sea una mala y io persona, La vi victimizar mucho a su padre y está haciendo un trabajo sucio con su jefe porque hay demandas presentadas en su contra.

Gracias a su padre devoto, trabajó en su trabajo, pero no sacrificó a su padre. Para dar un pequeño ejemplo, en los últimos días del hombre, su hijo rompió el plato en el que estaba tomando sopa, y le echaron la culpa al hombre y le gritaron.

Una persona irrespetuosa que se burla de su propio hermanas.

Muy Chismosa y Egoista.

Trabaja en Rustica


Lorena Zully Bullon Coz

They scolded an innocent man, I saw this with my own eyes and They said very bad words about the man's ex-family. Her job is to gossip and humiliate people because I think this woman is a bad person and I saw her victimize her father a lot and she is doing a dirty job with her boss because there are lawsuits filed in against her.

Thanks to her devoted father, she worked at her job, but did not sacrifice her father. To give a small example, in the last days of the man, his son broke the plate in which he was having soup, and they blamed the man and yelled at him.

A disrespectful person who makes fun of his own sisters of his.

Very Gossipy and Selfish.

Work in Rustica

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