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  • Report:  #353060

Complaint Review: Louis DePauli JR


  • Reported By:
    Gallup New Mexico
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 19, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 21, 2008
  • Louis DePauli JR
    402 W.Mesa
    Gallup, New Mexico
  • Phone:
  • Category:


My Name is Crystal Lynn Malone-Murphy. I can not find help anywhere. My baby has been ripped away from all she knows and everyone she knows. She has been placed in the hands of the man who raped me and the man who sexually abused my children. This Judge gave no regards to my baby's physical, medical and emotional wellbeing just to punish me, (which he states in court by the way). She was breastfeeding and potty training and needed medical care and counseling for the abuse she and my son suffered by Mr. Nanez, his wife and his girlfriend. My baby never lived with this man nor did he pay child support.

(I never had any relationship with this man before the rape and only a very limited one for the baby and court afterward). This was done to me by a Judge as a personal vendetta. This Judge, on record violated his Oath of Office and the United States Constitution numerous times. This judge went so far as to step out of his office of Judge and say he was having me arrested for civil contempt of court, stepping outside of his jurisdiction and immunity. When I said you are violating my civil rights he said SO SUE ME. I told him he was hurting my baby and I know she is scared.

There is so, so much more and so much worse, it just keeps getting worse. First I want to say I have over 500 pages of evidence carefully collected and in chronological order, and everything is on record from the court tapes to personal tapes to 3 front page articles in our newspaper. He still sits on his bench and laughs while my baby, my grandmother, my son, and I suffer. I said she is just a baby and she will be scared with out me, (she has not been without me and was breastfeeding) and she needs to be at her appointments. He said that is your fault.

I am going to give you a brief history on me and my creditability. A list of who I have tried to contact for help, NO ONE will help me NO ONE. And in an attachment I will include just a few pieces of the most important evidence out of my almost 500 hundred pages and include the first newspaper article (I have not scanned the others yet). Also a shortened (as much as possible) chronological order of events. I am going to give you a brief (as much as possible) summary, and the most recent occurrences first to show you where I am in this, and what was done to me and my baby, then I will start at number one with the beginning of these events. This is also the third time the McKinley County Sheriffs Department has failed to obtain a service of court order on me before taking action, or has tried to serve it the night before for court 800+ miles away.


1. I started college when I was 16. 2. From the time I was 17 until now I have been in some type of law enforcement. I went to the police academy at 17 with the understanding that I would start as an officer when I was 18. 3. I have been in the Military as Army National Guard for 9 years, most of the time, active Guard. 4. I worked in Arizona and New Mexico State prisons. 5. I worked in Holbrook, AZ jail and Gallup, NM jail. 6. I started in the Military as a JAG Paralegal, then Administrative Specialist, next the State of New Mexico Security Clearance Manager where I have a current Secret Security Clearance, a military PLS driver, Combat Lifesaver, and last a Military Police Officer. I have received many letters and awards. 7. I have 62 credit hours in college with most of those toward criminal justice. 8. I have a certificate of graduation for all of these and for the academy's I attended. 9. I was the first female military C4I Computer Command Control Communications Intelligence Specialist, 10. I was married to the State of New Mexico District Attorneys Medical and Criminal Investigator. I went with him on most of his calls and received an enormous amount of knowledge and training by accompanying him on these calls. 11. I have never been in jail or arrested for anything until this Judge did this to me for trying to desperately protect my baby and son, not only from the abuser but the Judge who wanted to take this little baby every single month for 7 days a month and turn her world upside down, ripping her from her family, her doctor, breastfeeding, potty training, and her home visits only to name a few. 12. I am currently a stay at home mother because I was hurt during my time as a corrections officer, I am fighting endometriosis and ovarian cysts, I am caring for my baby, home schooling my son, and providing care for my elderly grandmother.


On August 13 2007 I filed a restraining order on Mr.Nanez after documented, harassment, stalking, threats to steal my baby and kill me, by the abuser, his wife and his girlfriend most documented by police. The latest of all of these had occurred the day before, August 12, 2007 when the three of them went to Child Protective Services (CYFD) 12 times in one day and told them to take my baby away from me because of drug and alcohol abuse, giving the baby drugs and alcohol, excessive discipline, and physical abuse.

CYFD investigated and found Mr. Nanez, his wife and his girlfriend had sexually abused and exploited both the baby and my son. CYFD ordered counseling for my son and home visits for my baby. CYFD also said abuse on my part or drug and alcohol abuse were unfounded. My protection order was denied by Judge Aragon, after the statement of rape, abuse, stalking and harassment, backed by police reports Judge Aragon was the first one to fail to protect my baby and my family, and Mr. Nanez had filed court papers to take the baby from me in his town (Las Cruces) and the baby did not even live there, wrong jurisdiction) so the police came and got her, and without a return of service on the order.

The Judge in his town saw the mistakes and ordered Mr. Nanez to give her back after she had been away for four days; I almost lost my milk (breastfeeding) her. I gave the District Attorneys Office (Investigator Reyes) here in my town all my evidence and asked for charges. They could not do it themselves because of my ex-husband so they assured me it would be forwarded to another agency. They NEVER did. I also made police reports in his town where some of the crimes occurred (Detective Garcia) and mine (Detective Tsosie).

I reported it to Mr. Nanez's District Attorney and State Police, both in Las Cruces with Mr. Nanez lying to them each time, but none of the agencies contacted us, interviewed us or investigated, just accepted his word or what ever he offered them. My city police gave my evidence back to me (Detective Tsosie) and said, we dont know what to do. I reported the checks he forged in my name to my state police and they assured me they would do something, I have not heard from them. I reported it to my sheriffs department when the abuser, his wife and girlfriend broke into my house and stole and destroyed my stuff and my antique cars, I have not heard from them (but I did see it in the newspaper tonight). His city police (Las Cruces) went to investigate and Mr. Nanez stated to them that my son got into his collection of pornography and it was a mistake, however, in court he admitted to lying to the police in his town. And he ended up admitting to showing a pornographic movie to the children which is a felony. When I pointed it out to the police and offered them the evidence they said the case was closed. And Mr. Nanez mentioned that yes, they were his friends.

I was ordered to give my baby (Nova) to this abuser in a March 13th 2008 hearing by Judge DePauli. I disagreed to this decision not just because he wanted to give this abuser my baby unsupervised, but because the Judge himself was planning to abuse Nova every month, for 7 days a month, with no regard to her health, breastfeeding, potty training, CYFD home visits or her emotional health. The Judge planned to turn her world upside down every month, this is emotional abuse and trauma. And Mr. Nanez has her in daycare everyday for most of the day, she was with me every day when she was here. He doesn't have her, to spend time with her, or because he loves her, only for revenge and so he will not have to pay child support. He has proven this.

The Judge also planned on my baby's initial visit to just send her with strangers and rip her away from all she knows, with no regards to her wellbeing by ordering a slow introduction to a new environment and new people. In this trial Mr. Nanez admitted to having weird sexual practices, having a polygamous relationship, showing the children pornography and having sex in front of the children, the perjury committed blatantly in court, on record is too numerous to list here. The lies were so great and obvious that there were only 2 to 3 sentences between a lie and the contradiction to that lie.

In court Mr. Nanez stated too the Judge that as you know your honor money is no object and that his family owns a business and they are wealthy; however he never paid child support and has been fighting for the lowest amount possible after being pursued by the State. I told the Judge time and time again if Mr. Nanez gets a hold of the baby he will not bring her back and will harm her to spite me. (He has not brought her home and did not show up for court when the Judge ordered him too, at the most recent court hearing, he cut all contact and moved with his girlfriend who is a convicted drug addict.)

This proves the Judges prejudice because he did not order Mr. Nanez to show cause, he did not issue a warrant or conduct a manhunt for him, only me, I only heard my baby once in this whole month, when Mr. Nanez and his girlfriend Tanya Abeyta called on my birthday and said tell your mother happy birthday and ha ha I'm with daddy she started screaming for me. (The Judge gave this abuser my baby out of his own hate for me. He is still holding my baby from me and from her from her family and medical care, and he broke the bond of breastfeeding that both of us can never regain, after assisting in her kidnapping.) I asked at the end of the hearing if I could enact the Kelsey Briggs Law.

The Judge asked me what it was and I told him it allows anyone to ask a different Judge to look over the evidence again if anyone feels a child is being placed back in the hands of an abuser. (I recently found out this law is only in Oklahoma, I believe we need this everywhere.) He became furious and said, you do what ever you think you need to, but if you come before me again it will not be pleasant and my order stands and you will obey them. The Judge ordered Mr. Nanez (the abuser) to pay me for gas to bring her to an exchange point. We live 800 miles apart and to have a baby ride back and forth each month for that long and both me and her being sick, with no good vehicle, this is also abuse by the Judge and shows lack of any empathy for the baby or any common sense.

Mr. Nanez refused to pay this court ordered gas money which did not even begin to cover the cost of the gas. In good faith I brought Nova to the court appointed place and prayed he would not be there and he was not, he was at my house stalking me and had also been visiting his girlfriend Tanya Abeyta, who's mother Rosa Armstrong lives here for which I have witnesses. Mr. Nanez got scared because I had taken her to the right place and right time, he expected to trap me here and cause a violation of custody, and be able to see his girlfriend at the same time.

(Mr. Nanez only wants my baby to avoid paying child support and for revenge, for which I have almost 500 pages of evidence.) Mr. Nanez has shown NO care for my baby, no empathy for her feelings or wellbeing, only revenge and hate. So Mr. Nanez filed a frivolous custody violation charge which is what he and the Judge were waiting for, as Mr. DePauli stated, that it would not be very pleasant if I came before him again. When I appeared the Judge heard Mr. Nanez go on for an hour and a half. Then he made his decision.

I had to ask him if I could respond and present my evidence. He said oh, I was just talking to myself. I told him I was at the appointed place and time, I presented pictures, and I presented a set of e-mails that showed Mr. Nanez had no care or feelings for Nova, that I was at the right time and place and that he was refusing to pay the court ordered 40 dollars. He did not allow me to read the e-mails and he refused to do so himself. He took my pictures but said I was lying. And only after a few minutes of my (trying) to present evidence on my effort to take Nova, and Mr. Nanez refusal to pay or even show some kind of care for the baby, the Judge stated I was taking up the courts time and I should be made to pay for it, he ordered me to pay the abuser for his time and gas, even though Mr. Nanez refused to pay child support or the court ordered 40 dollars and then threatened to charge me for the court and his time.
He then charged me with contempt of court and 10 days in jail to be suspended if I go get the baby and give her to Mr. Nanez that day. I got Nova and my son and went to a battered family shelter. The Judge issued a bench warrant with instructions to call him immediately upon my arrest with no bail. I had filed for an appeal and had 20 days for a response but because the Judge was angry about my decision to appeal, he created this opportunity to block and hinder my appeal. The Judge had every officer, detective, and his friends out looking for me and Officer Gerald Tholand told me the Judge had my wanted picture up everywhere and especially all over the Gallup Police Department.

As I am my grandmother's only care taker, I was out one night trying to clean our vehicle so she could use it. One of the Judge's friends, my aunt Rosa, who hates me, because she was charged with battery on me, who is also Mr. Nanez girlfriend's mother, stalked me and called the police to go get me for the Judge, and to take away the baby. (I did ask for the Judge to recuse himself because of this relationship with my aunt and that of my ex-husband, and he refused). Me and Rosa's mother remembered taking her to see Mr. DePauli often. Rosa and Mr. Depauli are both friends with the Menapace's. When the police came they arrested me and tried desperately to get a hold of Judge DePauli. They finally got a hold of him and he said to take the baby to CYFD and he will call Mr. Nanez to come and get her. (The conversations being recorded on police radio transmissions, I heard them all from the back of the police cruiser.) While in jail he placed me in a solitary cell with NOTHING, it was full of blood and I was not allowed to shower for 3 days. And although I new and worked with the staff they were told not to have anything to do with me.

I was not allowed bail and to this day he has never arraigned me on that charge. I called the National Clearing House for the Defense of Battered Women and they let the Judge know I can not be held over 72 hours without an arraignment, (this is common practice here for district court and so far they have gotten away with it), he then set bail. When I posted bail I asked a reporter from our local newspaper to attend court with me. When I got to court the Judge did not expect me to have made bail or to bring all my witnesses, evidence or the press so he decided he would not hear court, or let me present my evidence, witnesses or allow me the right to record. He violated my right to a speedy trial and right to record. He proceeded to tell me that Fridays were the days he reserves for people in orange (inmates). He said, I would have had you brought to court in orange last Friday, but I was out of town.

(The truth is he was compelled to set bail and had no intention of an arraignment.) He also tried to ask me, what day I was arrested, as if he didn't know, but he knew. I overheard when the police called him in the middle of the night, the night they arrested me (police radio transmissions) and he gave them instructions about the baby. He went on to say that he was thinking about whether or not to keep me in jail until today, to teach me a lesson for the integrity of the system. He said he had been mulling over the case all weekend during his vacation and didn't want to embarrass me and he had decided to be lenient. still never arraigning me for this arrest. (I don't know of a case of contempt of court, where a Judge can't stop thinking about it during his vacation, or wants to be personally contacted.)

He was shocked to see that my best friend for years, the brother of Lynn Menapace, the Judges friend, with whom the Judge frequents her house, had posted bail. So now he did not want to look bad in front of my friend, my witnesses and the reporter. Before court he had his secretary come out and count the people and ask what they were here for. I had prepared a statement for the court and brought my witnesses. Then the Judge interrupted me and said I am not going to allow you to offer any evidence at this time, denying me the right to record, still giving no arraignment, and violating my right to speedy trial.

His excuse was that Mr. Nanez needed to be here, I didn't understand why for a contempt hearing, this had nothing to do with him. I believed the Judge wanted to hide behind his unlawful orders and lies using Mr. Nanez as a cover and possibly (hopefully) out of some empathy, let the baby come back, because Mr. Nanez would already be here as ordered by him. Well, Mr. Nanez proved me right and ran with the baby like I said he would. The Judge thought he was such a good and innocent person and as he said in court not the pervert you make him out to be that he wasnt there to back up the Judge after the Judge helped him.
(I didnt not make Mr. Nanez out to be a pervert, I did not have too, he was investigated by Child Protective Services and THEY conducted their investigation and came to that conclusion and sent everyone the results that state Mr. Nanez and his wife and girlfriend had sexually abused and exploited my children, and the most damaging of all he testified to his sexual problems himself on record.) The Judge never once for the safety and wellbeing of the baby requested the CYFD records, which only he could do, or take a small amount of time to make sure the baby's needs, care, or transition would be in her best interest. He reset the hearing for 30 June 2008 and said the bail still stands.

On June 30th 2008 the Judge had the court stenographer come out and tell me that this hearing would not be recorded. (But the news reporter did record it on tape) I asked her if this was unusual and she replied that the Judge had hired her to do this special. I asked her why and she said this is the way it was suppose to be, but equipment had been broken so they had just been recording it. It did not make sense to me either.

The first 20 minutes, just like the last time I was before Judge DePauli, was spent by him trying to explain himself and justify his actions for violating of his Oath of Office, the Constitution of the United States and my civil rights, he was going to allow me my right to record this time but not after he presented a fake discovery in which he caused defamation of character and slander upon me. He started by saying that because I was married to Richard Malone at the time of Novas birth that I had lied and Mr. Nanez would have never known he had a baby. '

However in the affidavit presented time and time again, each time I filed my papers and requested protection orders (that were never granted) I stated that when I went to the hospital for the rape I was given medicine so I would not become pregnant, and me and my husband had been trying to have a baby for 12 years so I believed she was his, but in the military rape investigation I told them it was possible and informed them of everything that happened and was told that Mr. Nanez's commander, told Mr. Nanez my allegations and that I was pregnant, where he promptly confessed and he was discharged from the army. '

Which brings up another lie by Mr. DePauli he also added to the first lie saying he was never informed that this was a rape. Mr. DePauli was given my case because his claim, is that he is the Domestic Violence Commissioner and my case involved domestic violence and rape. From the first papers filed in this case until the last, all include the affidavit of domestic violence and rape. So I say he CLAIMS, to be a Domestic Violence Commissioner because a Domestic Violence Commissioner is trained in that area and does not victimize the victim all over again or victimize and traumatize (breastfeeding) babies, they are trained to know who and what an abuser is. This description does not fit Mr. DePauli. He defends the abuser in light of clear evidence and obvious perjury, defends showing children pornography, makes light of investigations conducted by Protective Services on sexual abuse of children and says their conclusions of abuse are frivolous or unfounded.

(So why do we even have protective services if this Judge says they are bogus), he victimizes the victim, does not take the very little time and effort to make sure babies and children will not be abused and that they are safe and comfortable, not rip them away from mothers who are breastfeeding and potty training. No, Mr. DePauli does not fit the Description of a Domestic Violence Commissioner or even a Judge, what kind of Judge does these things.

Next Mr. DePauli states for the record that I am a convicted felon out of Arizona and I find that funny because the only one who has said that before Mr. DePauli is Rosa Byerly Armstrong, the woman Mr. DePauli denies knowing. Because anyone else would have, if they were doing a real court discovery, looked up the case and notice that it was dismissed because my identity was stolen by Rosa's daughter Tanya Abeyta, and then Rosa tried to call and report this as a crime I committed, for revenge on me, (she was charged with battery on me). I also find it funny and most criminal that I have been in law enforcement for more than half my life, that I hold a current military Secret Security Clearance for which I submitted to a through background check, lie detector test, and a battery of other tests and things, to obtain my clearance, and that I am currently a Military Police Officer, and for each law enforcement job they did the same things and Mr. DePauli slanders my name by calling me a convicted felon to try and discredit me without checking his facts, which obviously came from Rosa Byerly-Armstrong, who he claims, was only his barber years ago.

Until I pulled out my records and evidence that show Mr. DePauli was Rosa's attorney. And also had my Grandmother, Rosa's mother, there as a witness among others. Mr. DePauli became very interested in my book of over 500 pages of evidence and wanted it, until I told him it was all scanned and on disk with several copies in different locations. Then suddenly his excuse for the previous lie was that he didn't mention his relationship with Rosa because he didn't think it was important and was a long time ago. He LIED. And is still lying. He did these things to cover up the fact that the appeals court pointed out his error by giving joint custody and visitation. This error on Mr. DePaul's part, that he was trying so desperately to cover up, was clear in the first statement he made by saying that I had already agreed on joint custody and he was only there to decide on timesharing.

NO, I filed for sole custody and supervised visitation at the least, or none at all. The appeals court advised me to reapply for sole custody and state my reason because of Mr. DePaul's error. Every single statement I have made, I have evidence for in the form of documentation, court records or witnesses. He also said he did not have to recuse himself, because I sought out his jurisdiction, this was because of Judge Robert Aragon's failure to issue a protection order even after knowing of the rape, stalking, harassing etc.. and by failing to protect us, Mr. Nanez was aloud to steal my daughter without even a DNA test or his name on the birth certificate. So what choice did I have? Time after time during this hearing he would tell me to talk and that he was giving me my right to record and then tell me woe woe or wait a minute and not let me finish.

My baby had been gone more than a month now and I asked Mr. DePauli over and over to order her back and to recuse himself, because his impartiality now more than ever, was clear to everyone, way beyond a reasonable doubt. He would do neither. Nor did he issue a contempt of court or bench warrant for Mr. Nanez for not showing up for court or paying the money Mr. DePauli himself issued. These actions show clear prejudice against women and against me. I asked to present my witnesses. Mr. DePauli asks for the record what each one will testify too. Most of them were there to testify to the fact, that on the day Mr. DePauli charged me with contempt of court the first time (and wanted me to pay him and the abuser) May 9th, I was where I was suppose to be and Mr. Nanez was here stalking me.

And that on the second contempt charge, which the Judge put me in jail for, and conducted his private manhunt for me, which was, May 19, (is false arrest because I was never charged or arraigned), I was desperately trying to protect my baby from an abuser and the Judge. He said no to calling my witnesses. My grandmother has only lived to spend each day with Nova and Mr. DePauli is slowly killing her. My son prayed for another little sister after my first daughter died at the age of two. Mr. DePauli is slowly killing him not only by helping an abuser kidnap his baby sister but an abuser who was also HIS abuser. He now hates the very justice system that I taught him would protect him. My precious baby girl that I prayed for, for many years after I buried her sister, kidnapped by the Judge and given to the man who abused her, me , my son, his wife, his girlfriend, and numerous other people.

What kind of Judge or Man like that even exists? I was upset when after asking and asking the judge to give me my baby back, he told me to go file real papers for that, like a real attorney would. He had the power and opportunity to order her back, he is purposely holding her hostage. He got tired of my asking and pleading for my baby and told them to arrest me. While arresting me I asked him what he was arresting me for and he said contempt of court (for the third time this month) I said, is that criminal or civil and he said, civil, (now stepping outside of his jurisdiction and immunity) I said, you and I have no contract and you are violating my civil rights. He said, SO SUE ME. I was placed in the court holding cell in handcuffs and was told they were awaiting transport to the jail and orders from the Judge.

After 30 minutes and after my family and friends were told I would be put in jail, I was walked back through the courtroom, down the hall, back through the metal detector, and to the waiting sheriff. He unlocked my handcuffs and took off my belly chain, he handed me my orders and told me I was free to go

As I read the orders they said for the May 9th charge (the one where the Judge called me a liar, said that I did not take the baby as ordered, and where he ordered me to pay Mr. Nanez, and threatened me with having to pay the court, and the Judge) it stated that I will not be held in contempt of court because of the courts inability to completely hear the matter, the one I had already been given a sentence of 10 days for and a fine to pay Mr. Nanez.

Now the May 19 contempt of court, the one where he sent a manhunt for me, issued a bench warrant, then arrested me and kept me in jail, then kept my bail, and NEVER arraigned me or charged me, now becomes false arrest and kidnapping by Mr. DePauli of me and my children, this one, was his best personal vendetta against me and he completely skipped this issue, charge, lies, false arrest, and kidnapping, to cover himself on the record. The third one where he arrested me in court for asking him to give me my baby back, was so I could forget about the second one, where he issued a bench warrant, sent a manhunt for me, arrested me, kept me in jail with no arraignment and kidnapped me and my children, but also the third one of course, says release her at noon and the court will not issue any more contempt violations, because the court believes more sanctions of the Petitioner for contempt will not result in the Petitioner being further inclined to obey court orders.

Did anybody notice that I am the PETITIONER? I asked for the courts protection for me and my children and look what this JUDGE did, what this so called DOMESTIC VIOLANCE COMMISSIONER did, to the petitioner and her children. On 8 Jul 08 the Judge still held my bond on his false arrest and kidnapping, I had to ask that it be released. Now this Judge and Mr. Nanez are trying to have the custody and support hearings combined to fulfill Mr. Nanez wish of not paying child support or back support. This was Mr. Nanez intention all along with Mr. DePauli's help. They have almost accomplished there mission to kidnap my child and allow Mr. Nanez to get away with not paying child support. This is also Mr. Nanez 5th attempt to file court papers and not send the copy to me as he is required and sworn to do. Neither one caring about the baby or her family. And that is only a summary. I have not yet started with the list of evidence and events numbered and in chronological order.

Crystal lynn
Gallup, New Mexico

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