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  • Report:  #776394

Complaint Review: Lowe's Home Centers Inc.

Lowe's Home Centers, Inc. Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse, Inc. Lowe's Is Truly Sorry For Your Injury or Loss, but Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • Reported By:
    DisVet — Albuquerque New Mexico United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 13, 2011
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 31, 2012
  • Lowe's Home Centers, Inc.
    1605 Curtis Bridge Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    (336) 658-4000
  • Web:
  • Category:
I  should explain there is no appropriate category and sub-topic provided in which to categorize this report.   It concerns an  injury sustained while shopping at Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse, Store No. 1543,  Albuquerque, NM,  the store's handling of it, and treatment given to me  by the store's claim agent,  Sean D. Goss,  of  Sedgwick CMS, Inc. aka  Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. aka  SRS ,  SRS Specialty Risk Services, Inc.

On August 15, 2011, at or about 9:40 a.m. while shopping at the store,  my shirt-sleeve, which was rolled up over my elbow, became snagged on a heavy metal rack which had been placed very close to the edge of a cluttered desk in the kitchen appliance section of the store.  The rack came down on my left foot, causing a gash on the big toe by the nail and contusions.  The person who took "the report",  John Driscoll, Asst. Mgr., displayed all the courtesy and tact of a police officer stopping a motorist for a traffic infraction.  My license was demanded.  A series of questions followed, to include whether my address was current or not, etc.  I was refused a copy of the report citing store policy.  After I asked for some sort of documentation of what had happened, I  was provided with a  piece of copy paper on which a few facts were scribbled by hand in block letters.   I  was told to take that to "any health care provider" and they would render medical treatment.   At no time was I asked if I was OK to drive, whether my foot was broken, was I experiencing pain, etc.   A  good-hearted cashier named Karen came over and offered,  of her own initiative, some bandaids and antibacterial ointment.  I was not provided a private place in which to give myself first-aid and was forced to do it in sight of many store employees and store customers.

I was laughed out of the first few health-care providers I  presented the piece of copy paper to, both demanding that I pay for the care out of my own pocket and then attempt to collect from Lowe's.  It took me roughly 2 hours and 20 minutes, during one of the hottest days of the year to finally find a hospital which was willing to provide emergency medical treatment and bill Lowe's.  This was some 8 miles away one way.  I also had to walk 2 blocks each way to the Emergency Room due to the full to capacity condition of the hospital's parking lots.   I spent a total of 5 1/2 hours in the hospital's emergency room getting X-rayed, tetanus shot, inspected, detected, and disinfected,  given a coat of Dermabond Skin Adhesive, provided with a post-surgical shoe, and given a Rx for Vicodin and Motrin 800 mg.   Lowe's was billed for the $1,800+ in costs, but the Rx medications I was left to pay for out of my own pocket.

I felt so strongly about  being badly treated by Lowe's after being a customer for about  8 1/2 years and spending THOUSANDS of dollars at that store, that I contacted Robert Niblock, CEO and Chairman at Lowe's Home Centers, Inc. in Wilkesboro, NC.  This I did by fax.  I sent him a 3-page narrative of what had transpired.   One week after the accident,  I received a short letter from a Sean D. Goss, Claims Representative for SRS Specialty Risk Services, also known as Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.  He had misspelled the street name on which I live on, which delayed the letter.  He asked me to contact him and provided me with fax number at Lexington, KY.   At this point,  I  will tell you the company has an office in Albuquerque, with a fax number at which I could have faxed the info free of charge to me.  Instead, the company chose the long-distance number and  I have spent in excess of $27.00 in fax fees to date.   I  faxed Mr. Goss a 3-page narrative of what had transpired.  A week later,  Goss wrote again, and again misspelled the street name on which I live, which delayed the letter again.  This time he treatened to close the claim if he did not hear from me within 15 days.  He did not specify from what date.  I faxed   Robert Niblock and Sean D. Goss again, complaining about Goss's attitude and the fact he was not acknowledging the receipt of the faxes.    The next day I heard from Mr. Niblock's office through his administrative assistant who allegedly took down the same information I had faxed twice before.   I also faxed the Albuquerque office and provided them with all the info I had sent Niblock and Goss to date.

A week  later, I received another short letter from Sean D. Goss.   This time, they not only misspelled the name of the street I live on, but the name of the city as well, again delaying the mail and letting me know they had taken note of my complaint about misspelling the street name causing delays, and letting me know they didn't have to care.  Goss wrote that  Lowe's "was truly sorry for  your  loss" but that Lowe's  "does not have med pay insurance";  that they felt they were not at fault or negligent, and so they weren't paying.  I don't know if that includes reneging on paying for my medical expenses due to the accident or not.  I was pretty much floored.

Robert Niblock is a man who laid off some 1,700 Lowe's employees not too long ago and then gave himself an 11% pay raise.   His company claims to reach out to the disabled, but when it came to making things right with this report writer, an honorably-discharged, US Army Disabled Veteran with service-connected disabilities,  both Lowe's Companies,  aka  Lowe's Home Centers, Inc., aka  Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouses, Inc. and SRS, aka SRS Specialty Risk Services aka Sedgwick CMS, Inc. aka  Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. basically told this disabled veteran to p__ss  off, implying what happened to him (me) was my own fault and that they were not going to pay one cent to make right for the pain, suffering, inconvenience and 5 1/2 hour ordeal at the emergency room.   I say to people with disabilities, especially disabled veterans,  to pregnant women,  to the elderly and seniors, and parents of children who shop with them DO NOT SHOP AT LOWE'S!   If you are injured the company could care less and will play games with you, ask you to spend money, and  not lose a minute's worry over it.  Lowe's is No. 2 in the Home Improvement business.  If you are injured in one of their stores, they will No. 2 all over you.   Go somewhere else where they have proper insurance and they give a d**n about their customers!     Disabled American Veterans Life Member No. 30003L008038 since 1985.  Sign me  "DisVet".

18 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Next time do THIS!

#19Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 31, 2012

It is preferable you carry a small cell phone, but if you do not, then if you are injured in any commercial store, please ask for medical assistance immediately.  In other words, have them call 911.  You will be taken to the hospital by ambulance and since you are an emergency admittance, you will be seen right away and if you are without funds, free.  Yes, the hospital may try to bill you, but hospital emergencies are required to be treated and are free.  Any bills you are given take with you.  Immediately, and I mean immediately, see a lawyer.  The first hour is usually free.  Write down all the facts you have about the accident, the people involved, witnesses, the hospital, your injuries, costs, etc.

The lawyer will take it from there.  And will do it on a contingency basis, meaning he does not get paid unless you do.  It is usually 25-30% of the amount awarded or recovered.  The lawyer will get your costs and such items as travel, pain & suffering, ambulance costs, hospital, medical, pharmacy, etc., so you should have extra money left over after all expenses are paid.  Usually the company will pay without going to court. 

The store does not care about you.  The Supreme Court may think they are "individuals," but they have no feelings.  The employees only mitigate the employer's loss by documenting the accident in case you sue.  Guess which side they will be on if called into court.


New Mexico,
United States of America


#19Consumer Comment

Fri, October 21, 2011

The 5 1/2 hour wait in Presbyterian Hospital's Emergency Room is not an indication of how "low priority" I was considered but merely a reflection of how busy they were on August 15, 2011, to include a medevac helicopter bringing in patients; several elderly patients being brought in by ambulance from nursing home, and other walk-ins with way more severe wounds and injuries.  All hospitals have a triage system of some sort where they prioritize patients.  While I was seen MINUTES after being brought in to the ER, the entire examination,  from  cleaning the wound, to X-ray, to Tetanus shot,  to giving me a post-surgical shoe for my injured foot, to reading me the diagnoses and providing me with a copy of the paperwork, Rx's, etc. did take 5  1/2 hours because of how busy they were and because the limited staff was taking care of other individuals with way more severe and life-threatening conditions.    The issue is one of being mishandled by Lowe's, of Lowe's not paying for Rx drugs prescribed to me, of Lowe's not taking responsibility for unsafe conditions in their store- which they have since rectified according to a report to O.S.H.A.  by bolting down all racks such as fell and caused soft tissue damage and a large cut to my right foot.  I only have their word for it since I have not returned to the store.   I  NEVER asked Lowe's for any sum of money, but did make it known I thought I deserved some sort of compensation for my injuries.  I would have accepted any sum of money offered in the spirit in which it was offered:  As a good faith
token of Lowe's good will and their desire to keep me as a good customer, which I had been up to the accident.   I did not have a figure in mind, but I thought given the nature of the accident, the injuries, etc. anywhere between $750-$2,000 would have been appropriate and appreciated.

Remember that MY SLEEVES WERE ROLLED UP so that Lowe's can not argue that my long, loose/floppy, etc. sleeves were responsible for getting tangled up in their rack, which had been sitting VERY CLOSE to the edge of a very cluttered desk/counter and unsecured and came tumbling down on my foot,  which again, suffered soft tissue damage and a large cut.   It's a free country, and anyone is  free to  assess anything the way he/she may want to behind the safety, comfort and anonymity of their keyboard, but warnings to pregnant women,  to the elderly, to other disabled persons are VALID.   They need to know how Lowe's behaves especially since they have extra things to be concerned about should they get into an accident at Lowe's.  It's pretty much what the government has in mind when they are  mandating graphic photos of medical conditions on packages of cigarettes in addition to the warning labels.    If  someone was not present at Lowe's or at the Emergency Room that day, they should not be jumping to conclusions or assumptions as to what went on and why.   The bottom line is that an accident was caused by the positioning of a piece of  equipment by a merchant.  The merchant treated the injured party badly, failing to provide needed information which would have mitigated the injury to the extent that the injured party would have been able to go to someone who DID accept direct billing to Lowe's in an informal basis.   That someone was able to drive to the Emergency Room, and then walk is also no measure of the seriousness of an injury, and every day we read about or see on TV of someone with a horrifyingly serious injury who miraculously survives it, after cutting their own arm off, having some large metal tool imbedded in their brain, etc.  When adrenaline is at work, the human body can accomplish some pretty impressive things as I stated on an earlier narrative that was somehow CENSORED by  On that day I experienced problems logging in.  This time, I did not even have to log in to again attempt to answer concerns/questions some had.

Thanks to all for their feedback, questions and suggestions.


New Mexico,
United States of America

In re: Lowe's Home Centers Inc.

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, October 20, 2011

To Editor- I had to create a new account in able to be able to post as the web site refused my email addy and password consistently.  Even after getting a new password I was unable to log on.
Even the email I sent to  was returned as undeliverable because "it sat on queue for 3 hours".   I  attempted to get assistance before  I opened a new account.

Thank you for all comments and suggestions.  Any further info can be found at 

To clarify a few things.   The  5 1/2 hours I speak of is the total amount of time spent in the Presbyterian Hospital  Emergency Room getting treatment and waiting for the Rx.   I  was seen within MINUTES of arriving and was taken to the back in spite of the fact a HELICOPTER medevac'd in some patients, and  ambulances brought in others.    It was a very busy day at Presbyterian Hospital's Emergency Room, especially at around the noon hour, when I was getting there.   No, Lowe's did not offer to pay for the prescriptions, and these ultimately were made available to me by the VA Medical Center at taxpayer cost.    An inconvenience is being delayed in traffic, or at the grocery store, etc.  Having a heavy metal rack fall, bruise and cut your foot is an INJURY not an inconvenience.   Yes, I was able to drive to medical care.  In one of the instances I was wounded and injured in the Army, in the line of duty, I was able to climb out of a ditch on my elbows, though I had two wounds on my back and several on my head.  The fact I was able to climb out doesn't indicate lack of severity of wounds, only one's determination  to get something done and survive/get medical treatment.    I   NEVER gave Lowe's a dollar figure nor did I hint at one.  I would have been happy had they made ANY offer as I would have taken it as a token of good will and genuine regret that I was injured at their store.   They apologized in their "kiss-off" letter, and they told O.S.H.A. in Albuquerque they have now bolted down the racks like the one that fell on and cut my foot.  My narrative is no more "fluffy" than warnings contained on prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.  I  worked for YEARS as a probation and parole officer and ultimately regional manager of probation.  I know  FIRST HAND  how effective emotions are in everyday life and even in Courtrooms.  I have ABSOLUTELY NO EXPECTATION that an unemotional, Dr. Spock-like narrative will assist me in redress from Lowe's, or even an emotional one.   I  do expect emotions MAY ultimately sway some of the persons in the groups I address, such as pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled, disabled veterans, etc. NOT TO DO BUSINESS WITH LOWE'S  for fear of sustaining injury and being treated in the same way I was.

 Since my injury, I am happy to say I have purchased a fridge,  a  Maytag M1BXXGMYM stainless,  a  Ridgid 6.5 hp/16 gallon shop vac, plumbing supplies including a new deluxe kitchen faucet, stone/masonry cutting blades for my MK770 tile saw, etc. FROM HOME DEPOT.   I will NEVER buy anything from Lowe's ever again, and will endeavor to redirect their business traffic to Home Depot, the Number 1 retailer in the Home Improvement industry- and for good reason.   "Thanks" to all, for your suggestions/feedback.  I did buy your Rip-Off Revenge, but as far as enlisting the aid of the newsmedia in Albuquerque, it's pretty much useless.   News media, business and government have a pretty darned cozy relationship here.  Even the  very limited local Occupy Albuquerque movement has been trivialized, ridiculed and used by the local police as a means to crank out horrendous overtime hours for outrageous numbers of officers.   Albuquerque is one staunch, conservative some would say reactionary town.   The traditional motto here is  "Llora pero no te quejes".   ("Cry, But Don't Complain")




#19Consumer Comment

Tue, October 18, 2011

Getting rid of all of the "fluff" about Pregnant Women, looks like it comes down to them not paying a claim.  But based on what you wrote it does appear that Lowe's did pick up the ER bill.  Is that the case and did they ever pay(or offer to pay) for your prescriptions?

Then I noticed in your original post you said

implying what happened to him (me) was my own fault and that they were not going to pay one cent to make right for the pain, suffering, inconvenience and 5 1/2 hour ordeal at the emergency room. 
-  This seems to indicate that your issue is not really with them not paying your medical costs(if they did), but they are not giving you additional money.  So exactly how much were you asking for your "pain and suffering".

Because while you were inconvenienced, you were apparently able to walk, drive, and because of how long you had to wait even the ER considered you low priority.  I am not saying that you are or are not entitled to some additional compensation.  But posting how much you are seeking could show if you are being reasonable or unreasonable in your request.

I am the law


Far be it for me to start us a ruckus...

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, October 18, 2011

Far be it for me to start us a ruckus, but you should've gone to the first ER available to you. If your condition allowed you to have the ability to go all around town seeking medical treatment, then right there, that makes it a non-emergency. That's probably what turned the whole thing against you.

Personally, I would persue legal action.



It's Not That They Don't Carry Liability Insurance...

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, September 19, 2011

The insurance agent's job is to deny the claim - bottom line.  Lowe's management pays the agent to be as strict as possible and limit payouts on the policy.  Don't let that stop you.

As VOR said, it's time to find a PI lawyer who should be able to take the case on contingency.  Stop typing and do that now.

BTW, all those faxes won't reach anyone who cares about you.  Find someone who will get a settlement for you for your bills.

I also like Lowe's better than Home Depot.  However, if this accident happened at Home Depot, I guarantee you the same thing would have happened as it did at Lowe's.  Best of luck to you.  


North Carolina,
United States of America

Please keep us updated

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, September 18, 2011

I find it unbelievable that mighty Lowe's Corporation doesn't carry liability insurance to cover accidents inside their stores. That's less believable than the Walmart TV warranty that supposedly didn't cover the screen (and that poster later found out it did and got it covered).

You got to find a lawyer, any lawyer, who'll file a civil suit against Lowe's, at that store address.

This is just plain crazy. If you haven't yet and hit a brick wall everywhere else, contact law schools close to you and see if they have programs where students help folks through things like this, or look into filing suit without a lawyer.

H**l, just to give them more headaches, widen the field. If another company owns the building or ground upon which the Lowe's stands, sue them too.


New Mexico,
United States of America

Re- Request for More Info From Mr.?/Ms. Awais, Pakistan

#19Author of original report

Sat, September 17, 2011

Thank you for asking.  For more information, please go to:  

For a  forensic psychiatric evaulation of the original poster, or anyone else posting, please see Dr. Tobyhanna, M.D. Psychiatry, on this thread, LOL.   Namaste'.



I was not being cruel nor trying to insult you.

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

I was merely pointing out the obvious and stating facts.  I don't label people or think I am better than anyone.  I do believe that you could use a little self improvement, as do we all, and normally we get that from those that point out our flaws.

Get help and good luck to you.

p.s. Tobyhanna is a place not a name or moniker, it is located in the Poconos of Pa.



Thanks, can i have more info

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

Thanks, can i have more info



Thanks, can i have more info

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

Thnaks, can i have More Info


North Carolina,
United States of America

To the OP, who the H@5L is Toby Hanna?

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

Are you seeing posts that we don't? No Toby Hanna posted anything here. Is that someone you dealt with at Lowes?
For the umpteenth time, nobody posting here is from Lowes. Go read a bunch of other posts on this site and you'll see all our user names show up in rebuttals. If any of us had a dime from every company we supposedly worked for, we'd all be rich.

Make sure all your documentation is in order, all hospital/doctor bills, EOBs, prescriptions, conversations, dialog with Lowes, whatever.

Keep hunting down law firms to take it. Maybe one will do it pro bono. Contact nearest law schools. Maybe a student will do it. Doesn't have to be the brightest bulb if your records testify to the injury. Just initiating the case will probably result in a settlement offer you can live with, that will at least pay the bills and the lawyer.



Now I get it.

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

"Pregnant women, disabled veterans, seniors, the elderly, children are more at risk from injuries in such a place than healthier, more robust, non-pregnant individuals. "

Maybe they should not go to a lumber/hardware store, it is not a china shop.

Did they know you were a veteran and that's why they were mistreating you? I have not been injured in the store but I have shopped there many times and often viewed it as a dangerous place if you are not careful. Often I have seen people walk around baracaded aisles to shop.

I agree that if you were injured and were not negligent, they should compensate you and also pay for any medical treatment you incurred.


New Mexico,
United States of America

What "sympathy factor"?

#19Author of original report

Thu, September 15, 2011

There is no sympathy factor in my post.  I think you are jaded in smearing everyone that may make reference to their status as fishing for sympathy.  For me, AGAIN, 1)  it is a way of demonstrating the rampant hypocrisy of Lowe's, which passes itself off as a friend of the active duty service-member and disabled veteran.  The fact is, they insinuated that it was my disabilities that were responsible for the accident.  2)  By mentioning my status, and Lowe's treatment of me, I am trying to convey to fellow veterans, disabled veterans, active duty service members, that Lowe's publicity vis `a vis veterans is all for show.  That when the chips are down, Lowe's will use your disability against you to attempt to escape liability.  3)  Pregnant women, because pregnancy is considered legally  a temporary disability,  the elderly and seniors are included because:   women have not only their own health to worry about, but that of their unborn child(ren) as well; the elderly and seniors are not in the prime of their life, and as such more vulnerable to injuries,  such injuries further complicating any existing health problems and taking longer to heal than with younger individuals.   A few local Albuquerque attorneys have been contacted, but they felt it "would not be worth their while" due to the relatively light injury.  There is a way to criticize someone's post and even be brutally honest  without calling the person names, which tobyhanna did, and attempting to smear his/her integrity.  I'm sorry, but I don't care what one's position is, if one acts like a troll, speaks or writes like a troll, then one is dealing with a troll.   People that know me know who I am and what I am.  A stranger hurls insults at you without having a clue as to how and what you are is a TROLL.   BTW, one of my disabilities is traumatic brain injury, which I  daily try to rise above.  Add to that the fact that English is not my native language so that I am a bit sensitive to being savaged as to my character and integrity the way that Tobyhanna did.   Highly recommend "How To Win Friends And Influence People".   There's this  zeitgeist in the USA today that  "It's kewl to be cruel".
It is probably the crown of stupidity in our national consciousness and one of the reasons we are so widely hated throughout the world:  the arrogance, contempt, dismissiveness we Americans display towards people we consider inferior to us/our country.  Tobyhanna seems to suffer from that affliction.  Without having even the faintest notion of what one has been through in one's life, what is in their heart and mind, she lets go of  her  verbal darts thinking she is performing a service.  Perfunctorily and obsequiously thanking for someone for their service (don't need it, don't ask for it.  that's not why I volunteered when so many were being drafted) on one hand  then insulting them in the next breath is not conducive to mutual goodwill.   But then, we do have lots of "heroes" who demonstrate a tremendous amount of bravery from behind their screens and keyboards.  This is the last I will write on the subject.  The only reason I have is because I know that others MAY ONE DAY READ THIS POST  and  I don't want the calumnies and slanders of Tobyhanna to remain unaddressed.   I will leave you with this:  "Walk a mile in MY shoes", "If you don't like the peaches, don't shake the tree".


North Carolina,
United States of America

To the OP - Inspector is not a troll from Lowes

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

Please don't join the nut brigade that think everyone who posts anything remotely critical of them or their situation is a troll working for the company the complaint is against.
Personally I think you have a valid complaint against Lowe's and believe they probably looked to screw you over big time. Why they would do this I can't fathom. It's not like your case was going to cost them hundreds of thousands. But big corporations are no stranger to irrationality. They're basically forcing you to take them to court, figuring you'll be a sheepel like 99% of such victims, and not fight them any further. Truth be told, you should have gone to an attorney the moment they started playing games. 
I agree with Inspector about the point he was making where you injected your history and situation outside of the bare case against Lowes. Too many people do this in posts, either emphasizing their health, religious observance, Veteran status, economic situation, etc. Important as those things may be outside of the case at hand, they are not part of the facts of the case in hand. Instead of raising the sympathy factor, it invites skepticism and doubt as to how much water your case really holds. 
Just stick to the facts, as though you were in a court of law.
That may sound cold, but cold is exactly how you need to approach Lowe's now. Fact them to death. Find a lawyer who'll salivate over sticking it to them for this.
And when all is said and done, and the facts presented, you want to stick it to them a little more by pointing out your service history, then go for it. But the facts have to take center stage first.



Hey Inspector!

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

    If you choose to reply to this post, I insist that you repeatedly refer to the OP as Albu.


New Mexico,
United States of America

Troll walking

#19Author of original report

Wed, September 14, 2011

I did not expect Toby,  a troll or Lowe's agent, representative, employee, friend, servant, etc.  to post so soon.  Like you said:  You  don't get it.   1) Lowe's is constantly spinning news releases of how it is friendly to  active duty military and veterans, the disabled, etc.   One cannot make a case on behalf to said category of individual with any sort of  credibility unless one identifies himself/herself as such.   What was especially stinging about dealing with this organization was the fact they insinuated the accident was due to my disabilities and not their negligence.  2)  Pregnant women, disabled veterans, seniors, the elderly, children are more at risk from injuries in such a place than healthier, more robust, non-pregnant individuals.   I  don't need Toby to tell me what I meant  to say when he doesn't get it.  It's not a means to garner sympathy, it's a means to show the sheer hypocrisy of an organization that prides itself with being a friend to active duty military and veterans.   Toby,  I don't need to get thanks for my service from a troll.   The decade in which I served was not noted for being grateful to veterans.  We don't expect it, and we don't need it, especially from trolls who "don't get it".   You may also want to try  and  you will find lots of fellow trolls there and can develop a camaraderie among yourselves.  My purpose is to make people aware of Lowe's hypocrisy and callous indifference to the very people they attempt to identify with.  Your purpose is to try to lessen the effect of the post by posting without thinking.  Worse, posting without "getting it".   My purpose is also to let fellow Disabled Veterans know what they can expect from Lowe's if they are injured at their store, and how their disability will be used against them and blamed for the injury(ies).  Have a pleasant day,  troll.



I don't get it.

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2011

Are you saying they treat veterans, disabled people, pregnant women, elderly and seniors differently?  I do not understand the relevance. 
Many thanks for your service but, please don't use that to gain sympathy from strangers.  It's embarrasing and lacks dignity.  To serve is a duty and an honor, not something to throw in everyones face when you feel you have been treated badly.

Respond to this Report!