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  • Report:  #52660

Complaint Review: Lowe's Home Improvement Store

Lowe's Home Improvement Store Lowe's Bait & Switch Pricing ripoff the business that doesnt give a dam Acworth Kennesaw Georgia

  • Reported By:
    atlanta Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 12, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 06, 2003
  • Lowe's Home Improvement Store
    Cobb Parkway
    Acworth, Georgia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Their Garden Department had Blue Point Juniper evergreens and 2 price signs, one for $11 the other for $16.97. Both signs were in the midst of a moderate size display of these trees.

I selected one, assuming it would be the higher priced one, and took it and a half dozen other items to the register.

Instead of being charged $16.97 for the tree it rang up as $25.68. After putting the items in the car I took my receipt and tag from the tree back to the display. Sure enough both signs were still there, no signs or indication that the price was $25.68, a price at which I would NOT have purchased the tree.

I complainted to 2 employees and a third came (w/m/40 w/beard) up who I assumed to be the supervisor. All had the same story, that the correct price was $25 but they had just forgotten to put the price up, the $11 & $16 prices were actually other items.

I told them that this was not my problem, as a consumer I expected that they would accurately price their items and that I was not at all pleased to get to the register and find that I was paying $9 more for a tree than I had expected.

The fellow with the beard admitted that it was 'misleading' and finally said that I should take the receipt to the returns desk so that the difference could be credited.

I went to the returns desk and got nowhere. A snotty individual named "Richard, Zone Manager" (ie: Asst Mgr) over ruled his employee and said that while I could return the item they would not honor the lower price on the signs.

I told him that his employee had said the sinage was misleading and the difference would be returned. He refused. I told him that I would be bringing the matter to the attention of their CEO.

His reply was a good summary of what Lowe's thinks of their customers: He said, "I hear that all the time!"

I went to the car and got the tree and returned it.

You have to watch this store very carefully with their pricing, if you don't you will get ripped off. I'm sure a lot of people bought those trees thinking that they were getting them for the $16 price and they never noticed they were being charged the $25.68 price.

This complaint is being printed out and being sent to their CEO whose name/address I will have soon.

This store is a new one built just 3/4 of a mile from a Home Depot. You know where I will be shopping in the future and it isn't at this Rip-Off Lowe's store!

atlanta, Georgia

8 Updates & Rebuttals



Lonely man that has nothing to do but complain.

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, May 06, 2003

I think it is really sad that some individual has enough time on his hands to sit down and send an e-mail, over a nine dollar problem. Maybe Richard did not give you the answer you were looking for, but you are a pretty sad individual to sit down and send an e-mail to the C.E.O. of a company to degrade a person for a single situation. Maybe you should get out a little more, so you don't have so much time on your hands. I also hope you can sleep at night knowing you played a roll in getting someone fired from his job because you didn't get what you wanted. Children get sent to there room for throwing a fit when they don't get what they want. GET A LIFE.... GROW UP. Lowe's is better off without a cheap, penny pinching low life like yourself shopping there. Thank you for making Lowe's a better place.



Customers of Lowe's Are Better Off Without Richard Hunter!

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 03, 2003

Clearly ONE complaint from a customer is NOT going to have a 7 year employee terminated.

From my dealings with your friend (Richard The Zone Manager) Hunter I can tell you that from a customers standpoint he was condecending and had a nose in the air attitude, take it or leave it attitude. In his 'rebuttal' to my complaint he left out important information, perhaps thinking that I would not check back on the post and see what he had written.

I am sure that Gerald J. Coone, your store manager, had ample reason to fire Richard Hunter and again, it would NOT be simply because of ONE complaint.

I might suggest that if you post again you might pay attention to your grammer and spelling, both need work.




#9Consumer Comment

Fri, May 02, 2003




Richard, Zone Manager Is No Longer Employeed at Lowe's

#9Author of original report

Thu, May 01, 2003

May 1, 2003
Richard is no longer employeed by Lowe's.



Richard, Zone Manager is correct

#9Author of original report

Tue, April 22, 2003

Updated Copy of Reply: Richard, Zone Manager is correct in that I didn't include the entire story. This was due to what he referenced not being part of the main complaint and it would be a distraction to the main problem of 'bait and switch' but since he brought it up I am going to reply to it. 1) He refers to a 'year old' receipt. The date of purchase was August 9, 2002 15:26:25 hrs, (8 months ago) at their Woodstock store (770 592-5055)Sale #S0543EL1 241294 for a total sale of $70.27, $43.32 of this being for the 3 dead trees later returned. 2) He refers to the 'sold as-is' logo uner this 3 tree line. This is correct it does read that way. I noticed this when I got home and reviewed their receipt. At 6:20 PM I phoned the store to ask about this as the tag on the 3 trees clearly said they were guaranteed for ONE YEAR. I asked to speak to a "manager" and a Todd came on the line and I asked if he was a manager, he said he was. I told him about the receipt and that I was not interested in keeping the end of year trees unless they were guaranteed for the one year. He told me "Ignore this 'as is' on the receipt it is a mistake. They are guaranteed for 1 year." The reason I know what he said is that I notated their receipt and put down his comments on the bottom with my time of call etc. This info was/is on the receipt and I still have it. Zone Manager Richard forgets to mention that during our 2nd conversation (about the higher price being charged) that when he told me how he had gone out of his way to help by 'allowing me to return' the dead trees that I started to relate to him the above described circumstances of their purchase 8 months before, that he cut me off before I finished and told me that this was his store and if I didn't like it I should have returned it to Todd's store. Memory failing you there Richard, or are you just the snotty person that I have previously described? 3) He refers to the 'store policy' on root balls and how he generously let me return them without the root balls. The day before the actual return I went to the CS desk of this store with my paperwork showing the earlier purchase and asked the clerk how I could go about returning the trees as they had died. I specifically asked if I had to dig them up or could I just cut them off at ground level. We had some heavy rain and I was not looking forward to having to dig up muddy dead plants. The w/f/40's clerk did not know and turned to the office section to her right and asked some guy how to proceed. The information I was given was just to saw them off and not bother to dig them up. So that is just what I did. Good old kind hearted Richard the Zone Manager thinks I should be grateful for his making an 'exception'! That is baloney, I went out of my way to find out what to do and I followed what they said. 4) He mentions that they are often threatened with having customers 'contact the CEO', as I did. You may recall that in my original complaint I provided you with his reply to my contacting their CEO, he said: "I hear that all the time." I'm sure he does hear that all the time, with his take it or leave it attitude towards customers. 5) He knows this complaint was 'on the net' because I sent a courtesy copy to his store manager, along with a copy of my letter to CEO Tillman. 6) As to his 'having to laugh' about the complaint. I'm printing out a copy of the new updated Rip-Off Report and sending it on to Mr Robert L. Tillman, Chairman, Lowe's Companies, Inc., 1605 Curtis Bridge Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. So have a good laugh Richard, Zone Manager, maybe you can laugh all the way to the unemployment office. CC: store manager Kennesaw/Acworth store



The Whole Story

#9UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 19, 2003

When I was told this was on the net, I had to laugh and check out the complaint. After reading this it bothered me enough that I had to respond. This is a report of what actually took place.

First of all there has been a lot of information left out from this complaint. The return desk had called me and told me about a gentleman that wanted to return 5-6 dead branches with a receipt that was year old and were sold "AS IS".

Our normal return policy is to have the root ball attached to actually get your money back. These dead branches did not have any root ball. As an Assistant Manger/Zone Manager of Lowe's I could have stuck with the policy and not given a refund to the gentleman but I wanted to take care of him and give good customer service so I honored the return and told the Return Desk to go ahead and refund his money.

A few minutes later I got another call from the return desk about this same gentleman wanting to get a refund for some mispriced plants that he had just bought. I went and checked the plants and prices regarding this sitution. The gentleman is correct that there were alot of plants and different price signs. But none were out of place. I went and explained to the customer that I didn't think any signs were misleading and everything was in the correct place. I apologized and would be happy to refund his money for the incorrect plant and get the plant he wanted. I was very quiet and polite and stuck to what I beleive was the right thing to do. I went above and beyond good customer service with this gentleman since the time he came into the store. The customer on the other hand became louder and louder with his demands and threatened me with calling the "matter" to the CEO of Lowe's Co. As an employee of any company if we were threatened every time that the CEO would be contacted or else! What as employees are we suppose to do?

1. I have been working for Lowe's for seven years and it is a great company to work for. We run a good business and we are the only Home imporovement store that has gone after the Home Depot market and is successful. Just check out our stock and Home Depot stocks. We have exceeded our earnings for many quaters where as Home Depot has not.

2. Our company could not have been so successful if we actually did what we are accused of doing by "Bait & Switch" Pricing. I think our customers are smarter than that.

3. I have worked in different states and markets and have met many of our customers and become friends with them and I just want to say that most of the customers are very nice and loyal to Lowe's Co.

If I would have known that this situation would have hurt this man so much that he had to write about a company such as Lowe's for Nine dollars I would have given him the money back.

Lowe's of Acworth



Reply to Rebuttal from Ex Employee

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, April 17, 2003

The tags on all the items have descriptions of the plant plus the UPC code. As you know customers can NOT read the UPC code which has the price info, you take it to the register and when they scan it the price comes up.

The tags have NO price on them!

A customer (like me) who selects one plant from a group of 20+ similar plants has to rely on the price signs and if there are no signs for $25 and you take the plant up thinking your paying $16 then it is simply a 'bait and switch' operation. When you get to the register they ring your $16 plant up at the $25 price and most people won't notice this. I did because I pay attention to what I get charged.

I consider this a RIP OFF! I would NOT have paid $25 for the plant in question. I have since been to this store again and NOW there is a 3rd sign which reflects the higher price.

I sent copies of my Rip Off Report to CEO Tillman with a copy to the local store manager. I also printed out the 6 page Rip Off Report summary of headings for complaints about Lowe's, there are 25 other complaints on this site about this firm. I enclosed this six pages with my complaint to CEO Tillman.

I'm sure they will simply ignore my complaint but today I was at Home Depot, just 3/4 miles north of Lowe's and purchased 3 plants and other garden dept items. These items might have been purchased at Lowe's if they had been a reputable and decent store. They have lost my business for good.



Read the tags

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 16, 2003

I do not think they intended to rip you off. Working in the garden center area, I can tell you the plants are very tight. Sometimes customers move the plants and I have had to move signs back to orginal location.

Every plant has a upc and most have a discription on that tag. Most shrubs have a information tag including the name of the plant. The signs that are used have a full description including the price, name and sometimes extra information.

My question would be did the three different price tags actually say the plant name you were buying. The other thing is the table use are two sided, many times with different products back to back.

Some tables have a center shelve table that might have a different priced item. You could have read the sign and if it matched the plant name you bought you had a case and we use to fix that type of problem at the register.

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