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  • Report:  #139828



  • Reported By:
    Van Nuys California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, April 22, 2005
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 21, 2006
    Den Haag, Netherlands
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have recently been courted by the Lucky Day International Lottery.

On April 5th, I received an eMail telling me that my Lucky five numbers had come up in the Lucky Day Lotto for $500,000.00 euro dollars.

The original notice was signed by a Ms. A. Hendrix. I first responded to their primary email address: and got no reply. I sent two replies and no response was forthcoming. I next emailed their alternate email address and received a reply from a Mr. Manfred Taylor who had told me they had tried to respond back with a reply email.

This was not true for I had never received an email response from my first two email responses.

Anyway, in my third email attempt I had indicated that I had tried to resond three different times, with this current email being my third time. I also told them that I had tried to call their international number and got some voice mail machine with a message left by a woman whose language sounded Dutch or Swedish.

I did leave a message in English ascertaining someone would know English if I left a message.

I then recieved a return response to my third eMail, which I must add in, did challenge their sincerety of their offer of $500,000 euro dollars.

I was informed by Mr. Taylor and I quote: "Be informed that we are not playing in this office rather we are serious with the duties that have been assigned to us to do by the lottery organizers" and this man told me how honorable he was. He then instructed me to fill out a form that came with the notice to start the processing of my lottery winnings.

I informed him that I had received no such form. They had also provided no real location from which there offices were nor what part of the world they were operating in.

I next received a "Lucky Day Appraisal Form to be filled out by me. Now normally I would not have gone this far, but I had remembered fooling around with a lottery entry a few months back, but could not remember if it was this Lucky Day business or not.

So I filled out the form giving my name and address and phone number as well as the ticket number, batch and reference number and faxed it back to them. Unfortuately they have my signature on the form.

By this time I was on the phone with a paralegal who is handling a group suit I'm involved with from an investment I made with a company called Pantheon HOldings Inc, in Florida in connection to their EZlink kiosk advertisements.

I was advised and instructed that as long as they don't ask me for any money, that the solicitation seemed harmless enough, but to make sure not to give out my bank account information.

I gave the matter further thought and decided to proceed further.

The next morning, after I had sent back the Appraisal form, I got a new email from Mr. Taylor telling me that they had received my form and attached was another form that needed to be signed. This form was entitled "Payment Scheme Form(P4)". This form requested how I wanted the winnings paid and they wanted me to pay $662.00 euro dollars for a notary public and I quote from his email:

"After verification of your winning notification and documentation, we are required to get Notarization and Stamp duty on your winning to enable the SECURITY and FINANCE BANK carry out the transfer of your winning and also make or leave you as the true beneficiary of the DRAW under the LUCKYDAY INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY BOARD, Den Haag- Netherlands".

Well, there you have it...their location!

There are no typos in that quote by the way. I typed it exactly the way it is worded on the email I got dated April 20th, 2005. I think this guy needs to work on in english. (LOL)

Well, here was my reply dated April 20, 2005 at 12:25 PST:

Mr. Manfred Taylor,

I'm in receipt of your email.

Mr. Taylor, please be advised that here in the United States, it is against both Federal and State law to ask for any money when awarding winnings from either a lottery or sweepstakes. I have passed your email to Cyndee Winkler, who is the main paralegal working with the law firm of Frank B. Perry & Associates in Tennesee to look over your lottery offer for advisement.

Also, I explained to you that I was just ripped off for the sum of $20,000 last September from a company in Florida that did not deliver on their promise concerning a kiosk business opportunity I tried to invest into, since I can't work due to a continuing disability I suffer from and I am not about to give up another $1,000 in American dollars simply because you folks can not afford a darn notary public. That does not even make good business sense.

But to see if you are as honorable as you claim to be from your earlier email, I'll tell you what, I'll sign an agreement if you wish, that you may deduct the needed $662.00 euro dollars from the $500,000 winnings upon completion of the claim.

I'm sorry, but I know the attorneys I'm working with will instruct me not to pay a dime, given the amount of scams that exist in the world. I'm working on limited savings as it is and off the equity of in my home these days, plus some rent money I get from my cousin who lives with me.

While I need the $500,000, I should not have to pay someone money who is offering money. Even common sense tells me not to do this and I'm 50 years old! You must think I'm a fool!

If you want to continue this further, that is the best I can do under the circumstances. The ball is now back in your court. Let's see what you decide to do.


Here is the response I got from Mr. Manfred Taylor with Lucky Day:


This is to confirm the receipt of the filled payment scheme and the required id. Be informed that this office has no legal power to deduct any CENTS from your winning sums for stamp duty and the notorization fees. You are obliged to pay this charges before you winning certificate can be legalize and send to the paying authority who will contact you on how to send you the fund on your choosing mode.

Be further inform that,your country police is a different one to this place.Therefore,you are advise to send the legal charge fee to enable this office complete your claim processing.

Await your urgent response.

M.S. Taylor


By the way, those were not typos I made when typing from the original document. Like I said before, this fellow really needs to take a few lessons on the King's English! (LOL)

Well, you can imagine what my response was.

I reiterated that I would not pay a dime to receive such winnngs and that if the man was truly honorable, he would find a way to take care of it on his end (I presume this person is a him) and get the winnings to me.

the worst I have at risk is that I've already given my name and addres and signatures, but no banking information. This is one of the reasons I'm writing this to Ripoff, in caes these people try using my name in some form of Identity Theft, I'll have documented the whole thing before it hapens.

But here is the main reason why I'm posting this today. We found a website called and when we typed "Lucky Day" into their search engine, guess what we found??!!!

Yup, a whole lot of people being ripped off by Lucky Day and given the dates, this looks like a new scam in the works! When I didn't originally find "Lucky Day" in the Ripoff search engine, I thought I'd take the time to post this so others who might be checking on this company and didn't know about Fraud Watch, would have a chance to be spared any grief from this con coming out of the Netherlands, if that is their true location.

I'm presently waiting to see what this guy is going to say next. Should be fun. God knows I'm not sending this clown any money, but whatever I learn, I'll add into the rebuttle section of this post so others might be forwarned of this new scam.

By the way, if this had been real, the exchange rate on the euro for April 19th, was about $1.30 exchange rate on the American dollar. So $500,000 in euro dollars would have been $650,000 USD, in case some of you who read this don't know about the Euro dollar.

Hope I saved someone a whole lot of grief ahead of time.

Van Nuys, California

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Van Nuys,

God is also in the details; not just the Devil

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, August 21, 2006

Hello Lisa;

It's been some time since I posted my information on Lucky Day with Rip-Off and I'm glad to see the time I took to post helped keep someone else, like yourself, from traveling into dangerous waters. There are many good people in the world, but there are also those who are not so good.

In a world of 6 billion people, all at different levels of learning and experience, everyone with their own troubles and hopes for redemtion out of their difficulties, it's only all too easy to get caught up by the moment and get caught in the trappings of spiders who take on human form. When I noticed nothing had been posted on Lucky Day with Rip-off, it seemed only sensible to take a little time and share what I knew, just in case someone else needed a kind and guiding hand to steer them clear from trouble.

If you were the only person my post helped, then it was well worth the time it took to write it all, but maybe there were others who read too prior to your post, but simply did not take the time to say thanks. Thanks for taking the time.


Blue Springs,

thanks for your post

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, August 21, 2006

Kevin, Its nice to know that there are people out there who think of others.

You did not fall for a scam, but was willing to take your time to post your experience so no one would be ripped off . Had you not posted my husband may have also fallen victim to this lotto. I stopped him immediately and told him I had to check out the rip-off report first and luckly I found your report.

That Guy who wrote you had nothing intellegent to add nor did he help anyone with his comments. He seems to have a lot of time on his hands.

I rely on the rip-off report and consumers like you who post, to keep me informed of crooks and cons.

thank you


Van Nuys,

Are you connected to Law Enforcement?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 23, 2005

Thank you for your response.

You mention 409. You talk like a law enforcement agent. Is this correct?

Also, as you can see, I didn't fall for the scam, but knew there might be people that might fall for it and since so many come to Ripoff, I thought I'd post the information so others might find it.

As for the other deal I invested into. we did check the company in advance, like so many others had done and the company had done its due diligence to properly register with the government agencies. A lot of professional business people, including attorneys and government people had invested into this company's product. So our you saying that we all are idiots.

Frankly, in all my years of living and dealing with the business world, I've never seen anything this sophisticated an operation that scammed so many people.

I presently suffer from a disability that keeps me from being able to work and held my hand out for help with the kiosk venture simply because I was looking for a way to make some kind of income. I've yet to receive any help from SSI or SDI which we are pursuing at this time.

So I was not being an "idiot" as you put it. Many bright, good people got deceived by this one and I thought I had seen them all by this time in my life.

Anyway, thank for responding. For the more innocent ones, I'm hoping this post will help them out. I never had any intention of sending these people in the Netherlands any money, but others might have, as seen in the Fraud Watch website.

If you are interested, look under "Pantheon" in the Ripoff Search Engine and you'll see what's going on nationally with the other deal I got into.


Van Nuys,

Are you connected to Law Enforcement?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 23, 2005

Thank you for your response.

You mention 409. You talk like a law enforcement agent. Is this correct?

Also, as you can see, I didn't fall for the scam, but knew there might be people that might fall for it and since so many come to Ripoff, I thought I'd post the information so others might find it.

As for the other deal I invested into. we did check the company in advance, like so many others had done and the company had done its due diligence to properly register with the government agencies. A lot of professional business people, including attorneys and government people had invested into this company's product. So our you saying that we all are idiots.

Frankly, in all my years of living and dealing with the business world, I've never seen anything this sophisticated an operation that scammed so many people.

I presently suffer from a disability that keeps me from being able to work and held my hand out for help with the kiosk venture simply because I was looking for a way to make some kind of income. I've yet to receive any help from SSI or SDI which we are pursuing at this time.

So I was not being an "idiot" as you put it. Many bright, good people got deceived by this one and I thought I had seen them all by this time in my life.

Anyway, thank for responding. For the more innocent ones, I'm hoping this post will help them out. I never had any intention of sending these people in the Netherlands any money, but others might have, as seen in the Fraud Watch website.

If you are interested, look under "Pantheon" in the Ripoff Search Engine and you'll see what's going on nationally with the other deal I got into.


Van Nuys,

Are you connected to Law Enforcement?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 23, 2005

Thank you for your response.

You mention 409. You talk like a law enforcement agent. Is this correct?

Also, as you can see, I didn't fall for the scam, but knew there might be people that might fall for it and since so many come to Ripoff, I thought I'd post the information so others might find it.

As for the other deal I invested into. we did check the company in advance, like so many others had done and the company had done its due diligence to properly register with the government agencies. A lot of professional business people, including attorneys and government people had invested into this company's product. So our you saying that we all are idiots.

Frankly, in all my years of living and dealing with the business world, I've never seen anything this sophisticated an operation that scammed so many people.

I presently suffer from a disability that keeps me from being able to work and held my hand out for help with the kiosk venture simply because I was looking for a way to make some kind of income. I've yet to receive any help from SSI or SDI which we are pursuing at this time.

So I was not being an "idiot" as you put it. Many bright, good people got deceived by this one and I thought I had seen them all by this time in my life.

Anyway, thank for responding. For the more innocent ones, I'm hoping this post will help them out. I never had any intention of sending these people in the Netherlands any money, but others might have, as seen in the Fraud Watch website.

If you are interested, look under "Pantheon" in the Ripoff Search Engine and you'll see what's going on nationally with the other deal I got into.


Van Nuys,

Are you connected to Law Enforcement?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 23, 2005

Thank you for your response.

You mention 409. You talk like a law enforcement agent. Is this correct?

Also, as you can see, I didn't fall for the scam, but knew there might be people that might fall for it and since so many come to Ripoff, I thought I'd post the information so others might find it.

As for the other deal I invested into. we did check the company in advance, like so many others had done and the company had done its due diligence to properly register with the government agencies. A lot of professional business people, including attorneys and government people had invested into this company's product. So our you saying that we all are idiots.

Frankly, in all my years of living and dealing with the business world, I've never seen anything this sophisticated an operation that scammed so many people.

I presently suffer from a disability that keeps me from being able to work and held my hand out for help with the kiosk venture simply because I was looking for a way to make some kind of income. I've yet to receive any help from SSI or SDI which we are pursuing at this time.

So I was not being an "idiot" as you put it. Many bright, good people got deceived by this one and I thought I had seen them all by this time in my life.

Anyway, thank for responding. For the more innocent ones, I'm hoping this post will help them out. I never had any intention of sending these people in the Netherlands any money, but others might have, as seen in the Fraud Watch website.

If you are interested, look under "Pantheon" in the Ripoff Search Engine and you'll see what's going on nationally with the other deal I got into.


South Carolina,

No contact

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2005

I haven't been contacted by Lucky Day so far as I know. I came across the report by viewing all new reports and it caught my attention. Same way that I see your reply back.

Were Lucky Day or anyone else running a 419 or Nigerian scam to attempt to contact me via e-mail, I would never see it because it would be automatically /dev/nulled by spam filtration.


Van Nuys,


#10Author of original report

Sat, April 23, 2005

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the rebuttle.

I'm curious, how did you happen to find this post on Lucky Day?

Were you contacted by them recently?

Were you trying to see if they had been reported on Ripoff?

Your views are well appreciated.


South Carolina,

This isn't new at all

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 22, 2005

This isn't any kind of new scheme... It's been around for years, it's the old Nigerian scam aka

Had you proceeded and sent the money to them, you would have found that within a few weeks they would need some more money for something else, then again, then again... You would have finally recieved your prize at approximately the same time that pigs learned to fly.

The real problem here is not with the Nigerians or whoever it may be, but with you. You seem to fall for every get-rich-quick scheme out there. They're all scams.

Whoever this paralegal that said it was harmless so long as they didn't ask for money is none too bright. They should have known immediately that this was a scam and told you, although thankfully they did have the good sense to tell you not to send them any money.

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