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  • Report:  #983078

Complaint Review: Luna phey

Luna phey Beware of this girl she a pathological/compulsive liar. Lying about attending college. She is not worth you're time and money! Savannah, Georgia

  • Reported By:
    david Seagle — Ridgeland South Carolina USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 17, 2012
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 19, 2013
  • Luna phey
    201 West Montgomery Cross Road
    Savannah, Georgia
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

 I wish to file a complaint against  Luna Phey she also goes by the name chemgirl also the name Lunafay this girl had scamming me approximately over 3000 dollars the past two and a half  years! I had thought Luna was attending college! I thought the money was going to school it was wrong it was all a lie and scam to get money from me. Luna has been scamming people for like four years now also she had misled me and others to believe that she attending college The truth is Luna is not attending college at all there is no proof of it that she is in school I know this girl has a blog up saying also have some books to show she is in school. Still every won can have book and a blog saying they are attending college! But we can't take there word for it not in today's world where people have to look out for scams! The blog Luna friend made for her the blog is call lunafund.blogspot. she wants people to donate money or give her gift cards to her what I can see this is a scam and still is not proof she is attending college! Truth is if she was attending college she is not going to be a stripper and a webcam model knowing  that  school  she attending can find out  how she makes her living!  

This is my point why I feel Luna is not attending college because she always keep changing her story why been attending college and  why she need money for school! Also  Luna keep saying she has no won to cosign loans for her that is a lie she can ask her family to cosign for her think about it! My other point is if someone is attending college they going to have a lot of homework to do also they need to study for tests. So why she is focusing on  working on cam not on her homework or study for test? Luna is working on five other adult webcam sites when can Luna find the time for school and homework too the truth she cannot! Also I have her on cam when she post to be in school and I'am not the only one that had seen this too! also she had said she has a scholarship  go to college now a scholarship will for pay her to go college so why she keep asking people for money for school? Also she can get free grants to go to college like I said  Luna just a scam-artists!   How do we know that Luna had gradate from college years ago. And  she just saying she attending college now to make money to pay off her college loans off? We don't know Luna has a record or she can be marry or has boyfriend? What about this one Luna may not work at a club this summer but was going to school just look the why she acted this past summer? 

 Luna had said she cannot go to work on cam this fall semester because she says going to be to busy with school work and moving to a new apartment   plus a new cite! This was her excuse she did not got much done over the past summer! So it more important to work at a club all summer long then getting ready to move and for school plus looking for new apartments! Will Luna is not that busy this semester because I had seen her working on cam all the time! I have other friends on other sites I talk to one of the site I have seen her at is call mygirlfund  she is on this site for like 12 hours and also a other site as well for like hours to yeah right she is not busy with school because she is not attending college how I see it Luna just a pathological and compulsive liar also a hypocrite plus she is still working at that club!  Luna is 25 years old and still a sophomore in college well she just give a excuse why she is a sophomore! What Luna said she did not had the money for school and she took some time of from school! Plus this one time had said she was going a other college Luna had said she look up chemical engineer now that what she want to be and going to college for I just see scam here!
Here is some more facts on Luna now she wants to be a chemical engineer and work for companies that works with chemicals like N.A.S.A and work in the fields like Pharmaceuticals' Environmental Engineer,Food Industries! So they are not going to higher her because of work record? So why companies likes that want to higher her if she is going to quit or get fired I tell you this they don't! think of this they have there reputation they need to keep as well! So that is why they are not going to higher Luna because she is a stripper and a webcam model or used to be a stripper and a webcam model!  Now you think people that want to be teachers or doctors even lawyers going to be a stripper or a webcam model no they not going to because it will risk there reputation and career now think about it! Will we all know that companies like that will do a background check on her and they will find out what she did for a living! Also think of this she need to go to a university to be a chemical engineer going to a university it going to cost a lot of money she  is not making enough money to go university like MIT or GA tech that she want to go!
The companies that  Luna wants to work for can find out what she did for a living that because Luna needs to show her gave a I.D and also her social security number to be a stripper and a webcam model all of that be on a file that how places can find out what she did for a living! Luna don't realize the videos and photos she had made will be on the internet for ever or someone can record her shows with out her knowing it and put it on the internet for ever! And that how the schools and the companies she wants to work for can find out!I Luna just don't care the videos and photos of her is on the web! That is the vary reason why I believe she is not going to college no person in the right mind is not going to a stripper and a webcam model and have sex videos plus naked photos of them then put it on the web! Knowing it can risk there reputation and career! Also being a stripper and a webcam model Luna going to have over 1000 of people going to watch her on cam and see her in a club someone can recognize her also that how the school or the  companies the Luna want to work for can find out!

 Luna use to working 40 hours a week but will she gave some lame excuse why she not working this is what Luna had said she  just made a enough money for bills not school that why she quit job and why she became a webcam model and a stripper! Who in the right mind quit there job where then have a reliable income and become a webcam model and a  stripper!  what I can see  that all B.S! his girl is lazy and she don't want to go work  it is more easy for Luna to scam and lie to people and to get there money then go to work for her self t she just wants sugar daddy's to pay her bills for her! Luna is not go to college she just saying that to promote sexual services and play fantasies for horny men to make money off them! Just look at the jobs she is doing being a adult entertainer such as  stripper  and a webcam model! This is why Luna dresses up like a school girl most and will puts makeup on also dresses up sexy and getting naked on cam just to entertain horny men! Being a adult entertainer such as  stripper  and a webcam model  taking her clothes off plus showing her private parts in font of people doing sexual acts for people plus having sex with guys/girls on cam for people is not job period!!!! This girl is completely delusional Luna thinks being a webcam model and a stripper is job! 

 Do we see or hear a porn stars attending college no we don't that because over 1000 of people can recognize them and they will get kick out of college! Plus the girls in porn also play school girls all the time now they are not attending college the girls just playing a fantasy it the some thing for a webcam model to! I had fond two old profiles of this girl she did not mention a word about she was attending college at all! like I said Luna just play fantasy games for horny men that all!! What I can see she is using  those sites for her schemes it is easy for Luna to scam people on sites like us!
Luna his been says she not making a enough money for school or pay her bills! So why she had bought three of the most  expensive new gadgets that just came out this year? If she doesn't have that much money so why did bought three gadgets that she don't needs now you're will think that her rent and bills will go first not some gadgets that came out there what I what I can see Luna has no priorities at all? Plus she lives in a three bedroom apartment something is not right here what I can see she is not making enough money for an three bed apartment also pay her bills! Now she going to have car insurance and health insurance car payment rent food and other bills like I said be for Luna is not making a enough money to pay her bills and go to college too! Now if she don't have health insurance each time to the doctors it will cost money or if she have to go to the hospital and  get prescriptions they will cost a lot of money! Now there going to be a new health care law be out soon so where Luna going to get money for that?

 Luna  has been using amazon to scam people as well now this is were the scam came's in she wants people to buy her something on her amazon wishlist now there is no address to sip it to now she wants people to by her amazon gift card. She said don't have anywhere to get them sent currently.Here is my point now if she has anywhere to sent things to so why she is using amazon plus if someone send her money to get a gift card how do we know the money is going to that card not a other place? What I can see just a other scam to get money from people! Also Luna is defrauding the government of welfare benefits it wrong what Luna is doing! 

 Luna has been discriminate against other people that has a disability! people that have developmental disability or a mental disability and learning disabilities! I have seen this girl ban a guy from her room just because that guy had dyslexia and a other person that had (PTSD) This is what Luna says she only likes smart people and someone is normal not someone that has a disability only smart and normal people can be her friend and can hing out in her room! Also this had showed prejudice to people that has no money or vary little money to gave Seriously Luna has a big problem with people that has a disability or has vary little money! also she is a racist!  Truth  is that wrong it is wrong for her discriminate against a person that has a disability also Luna will show favoritism to her people! Specially the ones that tip her the most or buy something on this wish list or send her money! 

Also  Luna don't like females but she will have sex with them or she doesn't like males but she will sex with them that sounds prejudice and using to me! Plus Luna just don't love no other person then her self! Like the past three big storms that hit the east coast she did not care for the ones that live there and they're safely or worry about them! This is how Luna treats her friends! So Luna  cares about is the money not the people that goes to her room they are vary easy to replace! This is what type of person Luna is vary selfish insensitive cold hearted person!! She just don't care for the well being of others! What I can see Luna just mean spirited uncaring to the people around her!

 Here some facts on Luna like this passed summer Luna keep saying she was sick all summer long and one time this girl had said she had bronchitis and laryngitis also a pelvic infection now you're will think if Luna was that sick you're think  she wont be drive five hours every week to go work at club or work on cam at all she be home in bed resting? Luna  been saying she sick some months back be for she went to work at the club! Many times  Luna said she cannot get on cam because she was sick or have too much homework so why some people saw working on cam I also had seen this for my self too? There were many times Luna went on cam when she was sick! One time Luna said she had hypoglycemia there were many times she said need to go because Luna had said she was getting light headed she need food I mind you now this girl did not tested by a doctor to see that she has hypoglycemia it just a other lie to get people feel sorry for her do you see a pattern here! Also Luna is abusing prescriptions drugs! 

 Fact Luna was bring guys from the club to her hotel room to have sex them to make some more money! Plus Luna has been having her guys friends that come to her room gave money on one site for a show on a other site what she is doing is wrong it is breaking the rules and guidelines of that site! Plus this girl has been having sex with some of her clientele that comes to her room Also this pass summer this girl was infected with STD'S such as chlamydia and gonorrhea or she has PID! Well Luna will have sex with every person that she meets and that wants to have sex with her! Plus Luna had Sex in a department store dressing room and this girl also did shows in public like a restaurant what she did was she had no underwear on you know showing her private parts Luna has no morals! Luna had over 58 Sexual partners and sexual relation with people  in a ten year span! I  believe  Luna sleeps with her landlord to keep her rent  down plus if she is  attending college  most likely she having sex with her professors to get good grades also so she can past her tests/exams! Also Luna just wants just guys to be her roommates that because so she can have sex with them and that is the truth!  

The reports that came out on this girl this past year she want into hiding now you're think if the reports on Luna are false she will put a rebuttal and tell her side of the story no this girl runs and hides like a coward then face the truth! Or she just don't care what people thinks of her and what reports says about her but still if she doesn't care or she is in hiding even this is just Ignoring the reports on her that only says the reports on her are true!  

 I cannot stop writing reports on this girl and finding out the truth about her because the people have the rights to know the truth That because this girl is a coward she can't face the truth! Can Luna prove she attending college and can she prove the reports on her are false? I believe she can't because she just don't want know one knowing her business! Why she don't want know one knowing that she a  scam-artist that why she so secretive! Luna is extremely good at what she does and need to be stop also she need to be investigated as well!!! 

 Luna don't want others to know how she makes her living even she doesn't want her family to know how she makes her living too what I can see this girl is so ashamed being stripper and a webcam model if she  ashamed for how she has been making her living and she afraid of her family and someone finding out that she is a stripper and a webcam model so why she doing it? Plus this is vary secretive about her live again why she is a stripper and a webcam model where all her secrets can come out this is why Luna is scam-artist because she so secretive about her live! 

Here is some facts when I did some digging around on  Luna and this is what I fond ! Luna used to live in southern new england where she was born and raised plus that where her family is living as well! Now Luna is living in Savannah Georgia if she is going to college that school be call Georgia Tech Savannah/ Savannah Technical College! But now she be moving to Atlanta and going to school Georgia Institute of Technology! The club that she was working at this past summer was call the cheetah club/clermont lounge Luna also use to live in Pooler  GA  as well! Plus some of Luna clientele that goes to her room has been sleeping with her there are videos of that acts! Also some more facts I had fond on  Luna has bipolar plus paranoia and munchausen syndrome by proxy!also Luna is in  Satanism and neopaganism!                                                         

2 Updates & Rebuttals

kenneth t Shepherd

Rick Morris, Ken Whiteley, David Hasty, Greg Lammer, Anthony Knapp, Jack Wegener are covering up for Luna crimes plus they're her conspirators to her scams.

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 19, 2013

Some of Luna friends has been helping her in her schemes; and lying for her plus covering up for her crimes as well. They are her conspirators in her white collar crime schemes/scams; plus Luna had sex with some of them as well there proof of that as too. There names are Rick Morris, Ken Whiteley, David Hasty, Greg Lammer, Anthony Knapp, Jack Wegener.              .
Anthony Knapp is a photographer from Rincon, and Savannah, GA he one of Luna lovers and conspirators also he plus covering up for her crimes. I do believe he is using that model site to meet and have sex with young models he need to be investigated. He knows more about this girl then he wants to say and Luna does't want people to know; this guy needs to be question what he knows about her.

 Rick Morris from Savannah, GA also an other conspirator to her schemes/scams; plus he an drug dealer, Ken Whiteley from Midway, an conspirator and lying for her;and maybe an other Luna lovers. 

David Hasty from Arlington ,TX is an child predator preys on young girls and boys also one of conspirator he needs to be investigated!
Greg Lammer from Windsor, Ontario, Canada is an conspirator that is help Luna in her scams/schemes. He scamming american's at of there money he needs to be stop.
Jack Wegener from Savannah, GA also knows an lot about Luna she does't want know about he needs to be question to see what he knows as well.

Also she use to scamming people on an site call where she wanted donations for college. And she drives an white 5spd honda civic.

Do you know she wants to work in nutrition and agriculture and holistic therapies;in the summer of 2010 she took an class in microbiology program and study on comparative genomics & primates.
Luna says she is a professional dancer "yeah right" an stripper is not I call an "professional dancer" take off her clothes; and dancing around does not make her "professional" that just makes her an w***e.
Do you know her parents are divorced that is why she is craving for attention all the time.
Luna just is self-centered and narcissistic; she just wants the world revolve around her. She just don't care who she hurts and who she uses; she only cares about herself only her self; she just don't care what happens to other people she just feels it be all there fault; she will not feel sorry for what happen to them she just laugh at them. She likes to stir up stuff between other people just to be the center of attention.
Luna dose dresses up like an w***e all the time; the same way she dresses up on cam and the club that how she goes in college and walking around town. She one of those girls that shake butt around and show her breast just to get her own way and get what she wants. I know why her professors and others want to have sex with her.
Also it true so she wants just an sugar daddy's to pay her bills and pay her rent plus pay her way through college so she don't have to go to work. Also it was true she just wants just guys to be her roommates; so she can have sex with them and that is the truth. And it true she a call girl/escort.              
 Why she sleeps with her professors to get good grades; and she can past her tests and her exams. She also had slept with her high school teachers as well. She thinks she can solve  most of her problems by showing her butt off and breast or open her legs even go down on knees every thing be okay for her that wrong. I'll will not lit this happen any more she need to learn she can't use people like that.
Will it is true she had a way over 70 Sexual partners over an ten year span; she just opens her lags for any guy or girl who wants it that the truth. It was true she did solicited men from the club and brought them to her hotel room to have sex just to make more money.
She use to gave guys B.J's on the school bus and in class; just think about it she did had sex in an department store dressing room now she has no morals.      
What I can see some of the Guys that solicited Luna for sex need to be charge with Mann Act even Luna her self need to charge with it too and prostitution. 
It true she has STD'S of some kind. Just think about the guys that goes to the club has all kinds of diseases and just about all strippers and some webcam models has an sexually transmitted diseases of some kind. Plus she did had an lot of Sexual partners.  
she thinks all american's are greedy really really now; who are the ones are paying her bills; and paying her way through college that right american's; and this girl is an american she was born here she has family here and her family was born here as well. Luna just being so selfish about she thinks all american's are greedy!
Will it true she was going to Savannah,Technical College; also it true now she living in Atlanta, and be going  to Georgia, Institute of Technology. she had been lying to everyone when she was saying she had lived in Central Time Zone; and their is proof of it. Also she had Georgia, block. Some of my friends had seen her in Savannah, Georgia.
Will it is true she may had broke the law for being a webcam model; and it true when she sells her videos and photos it is call distribution pornography it can be illegal? 
 I am just so up set about that me tax money went to an girl that fraud the scholarship program. I just feel there are people deserve to have that scholarship to go to an college then her! she just fraud the scholarship program! 
I believe she lied on her tax return to get more money or she don't pad her taxes at all. Plus I am up set she is defrauding the food stamps and welfare benefits program for what she lazy she just don't want to go to work; I'll will report her in for food stamps and welfare fraud.
This is why I am so up set because my tax money has to pay for her health care next year To a girl that doesn't have an job and being a webcam model and an stripper is not enough money for health care. I just don't want mine money going to an person that is a stripper and a prosecute that going to get STD'S like she got last summer.  
 It true she only deleting her accounts so know one can investigate her and finding what she did for a living. She jut an coward and can't can't face the truth about her. 
Will only a guilty person deleting there accounts and runs and hides. Only people that is so secretive about them self's or there life are doing  some illegal activities.
 Luna hates drama so why she is the one is cause all of her drama in her life. All that happen to her in her life was all her fault.  
Luna such an drama queen; she just blows everything out of proportion what happens in her life like what happen last year! 
 The only reason why Luna is into BDSM and an stripper and webcam model first she was sexual abuse when she was younger and just want to please people; the other her father wasn't around that much and she shy and have no real friends when she was in school and now; the only friends she has is friends with benefits that it they are not her real friends. Also why she is craving for attention all the time.
Luna thinks I not going to know what club she working at; or what site she working at I will know.  
 I'll will find out what other adult web sites she is on; and I'll will report her in and get her ban; plus I will find out what club she will be working at and get her fired. she may have her own web site where she sells her stuff; I'll will find out and report it in as an scam. I have some of my friends are keeping an eye out for her if they see her on an site they will report her in or she her working at an club they' will get her fired. 
I will also will know if she work on the site she on for two years even she working with an other model; I just turn them both in and got them ban.   
The only reason Luna likes men half her age just for there money; I am not going to lit that happen any more; I'll do what ever I have to do to stop her from using people. 
 I'll will do what it takes to make she get what coming to her! I'll will do whatever it takes to make sure she don't get away with what she had done to others; I'll will make sure she get kick out of college I know some people that works in colleges. What comes around goes around she deserve every thing that is coming to her.
 Luna can't not hide from other people; they can find what ever they need on the internet and just asking around too; well every thing she puts on the internet stay on the internet for ever; even she had deleted all of them even she had deleted her accounts it still there.
If Luna has a boyfriend or a girlfriend even she marry I'll make sure they will pay for her crimes; how I see it they are just her conspirators so they need to be investigated. Plus I'll look to see her family had broke the law then I'll report it in.   
Someone can find out where she lives and her name on the internet. Luna did know the authority's or even some body can find what her real name is and where she live just by trace her photos there are program that can do that; even she dye and cuts her hair. 
 The truth is "Luna actually believe she did nothing wrong"; and everything she is doing is right so in "her mind it okay for her to scam people"; and it "okay for her to lie to people"; plus it okay she involved herself inappropriate sexual relations with underage minors; also it okay how she lives her live. Some thing is vary wrong with "this girl she needs an reality check".  
It true when Luna decided to become a webcam model and a stripper. She had sealed her fate finding a job in the fields she going to college for. Because it was true she has to put her security number to sign in to be a webcam model and stripper that how job will know and why they not going to hire her.
If she gets kick out of college or can't find a job oh well it was her fault; she only can can blame is her self no one tell her to quit her job and become a webcam model did they and no one tell her to be a stripper; she did all that on her own so she has to deal with the consequences of her actions by herself.
Maybe I should look for her family and where they just tell them how Luna is making her living and tell them how she treats other people. Well she don't want her family to know what she did for an living.  
I'll going to have my friends write an report on Luna as well; I know some guys wasn't to happy with her for what happen last year. It not going to be hard to find them 
I'll promise one thing I am not going to stop investigating her until someone stop her; also  I'll going to make sure everyone will know what she did to other people how she scam them; also I'll will lit others know what she does for an living.
If I have to I'll go to Savannah, and Atlanta, Georgia or were ever where she is living now just to gather information on her; and what ever I find on Luna so I can turn it in to the authority's and report it here. 
I'll had to report her to the government and to the authority's; Someone needs to investigate her for what she had done to other people. 
She may be from around Baltimore, MD and Hanover, PA and have her family also live there because I have some family living around there and they saw there one time.

william davis


Luna Phey Involving her self inappropriate sexual relation with underage minors!

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 17, 2013

I have to report Luna Phey she had been involved herself inappropriate sexual relations with underage minors on cam; I have proof of that acts. Luna may have intercourse with a underage minor in person but someone needs to investigate to find out!

It only shows if Luna will have sex in a department store dressing room; and soliciting guys from a club and bring them to her hotel room to have sex them to make some more money;she will do anything for money even have sex with a underage minor on cam; Luna just a other sex offender.

What Luna is a exhibitionist/exhibitionism being a webcam model and a stripper. Also she had broke law being a webcam model well it still sex exchange for money that still call soliciting and a prostitute.

The real reason Luna is a webcam model and a stripper it for all for the attention from people. Because she shy and no one will pad attention to her if she doesn't take her  clothes off or when she doesn't have sex with guys. 

 When Luna dresses up like a school girl even she acts like one;it only playing fantasies for sick minded people; just looking for a girl that looks and acts young and innocent that the truth! What Luna is doing it will make it easy for guys to go and rape young girls. Luna just don't care at all it just money in her pocket.

Luna is in to BDSM; and there were times Luna had said she wishes someone can rape her on cam; what I can see this girl just sick if she wants someone rape her; or she loves to be rape by someone! She just going to make it okay for guys to go out and rape someone and that is wrong what she is doing.  

Luna loves to be humiliated and Disgrace by other people; and she love someone treat her like a dog. How I see it she sick and she has no respect for herself at all; if she lit people do that to her.

It completely obvious Luna is hiding something plus she is doing illegal;just being so secretive about and all. I know Luna was soliciting her self for sex exchange for money.

How much I know Luna may making meth selling it;well she is taking chemistry in college;or even selling prescriptions too; she did go to a college that has a Medical study programs; she may have doing some other kind of illegal activities; I do believe she is using shroom and speed; that is why she being so secretive she needs to be investigated.

Also just look what happen when the reports that come out on her; she just deleted all of her accounts so know one can investigate her; when she did that it only says she was guilty and the reports on her are true!

Luna is also a call girl/escort; I also believe she has some kind a clientele that she has sex with for money; that is call soliciting and a prostitute. She had been soliciting guys from that club where she had work at last summer;and brought them to her hotel room to have sex them with for more money and that truth.

What far I can tell Luna just soliciting her self on that modeling site more like Luna just soliciting her self in general what I can see she just a prostitute.

I like to know what mother in the right mind; to lit there daughter be a webcam model and a stripper? Her mother knows what she is doing for a living;I gust not or she just doesn't care her daughter is a w***e; maybe her mother is a same as her.

What parents in the right mind lit their daughter have sex with a guy was in his 30s;when their daughter was only 14 years old also she had sex with a guy was in his 40s when she was 16 years old; that sick I know why she is the way she is and acts like the why she dose. I like to know where was her farther when all that happen? 

When Luna sleeps with guys that is 25 years and older than her that sick; and it is sick on her part if she thinks is normal. That tells me she was sexual abuse when she was younger or looking for a father figure.

Luna was raised in poverty;that is why she dresses up like a s**t all time and looking for attention; plus that is why she looking for hand outs; also why her apartment always look a mess. Look at it this way that is why she became a stripper and why she a w***e too.

 I do believe Luna was sexual abuse when she was younger; it just the way she has been acting. I knew some people that was sexual abuse;they had acted the same way she is acting now. 

Also it true Luna is in neo-paganism and satanism; just look at the necklaces she is wearing at times; and look at the tattoo on the left arm of the guy she made a sex video with. Also she is part of the 99% ers; and she is part of the terror group anonymous.

Luna may had sexual relations with her family members; what I can see this girl is sick. That what neo-paganism and satanism dose they sacrifice animals even they sacrifice      baby's and they have sex with family members.

Luna wants to move to Nevada, that because it is legal to be a prostitute also she wants to live in New Zealand, so she can ran from the government.
Luna: Host and her IP 

If anyone has any information on Luna please share it if need to report her to the authorities do so. Any information you have can help out!  

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