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  • Report:  #525587



  • Reported By:
    Jeff — Warren Michigan United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 19, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 04, 2018
    40 N. Main Street
    Mt. Clemens, Michigan
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

It seems after reading all the complaints about Macomb County FOC, we all have something in common.  If your a man, and have to visit there better be prepared to take some KY jelly with you ...cause you're certainly going to need it when you're done! My story is basically the same as all the rest.  It started in May of 2003, when my ex decided to take me to court for child support.  At that time, I didn't even know if the child was mine.  She was running around with anyone who would go with her.  FOC ordered me to pay $435.00 a month, and I was only making $7.50/hour.  I guess they figured I should work, to just pay child support.  I sold everything I could to get money to hire an attorney.  He got a court ordered DNA test that I and her and the child were to go to.  I went on the scheduled day and time, but of course she never showed up usual.  The next day, I received a phone call from Concentra (the facility where the DNA test was to be done) that she was there and throwing a fit and threatening them.  I told them there was nothing I could do about it, and to call the police.  She finally left there, without the DNA test being done.  I notified the court that she refused to take the DNA test that WAS court ordered.  The court called her and told her she had to call and make another appointment.  I originally paid $525.00 and after she didn't show for the first one, I had to pay another $525.00 because she didn't show the first time.  To make a long story short, the results came back that he is my son. Now is where the nightmare begins.  I have never had an address to where my son resides, nor a phone number to get in touch with him.  I had to give my address and phone number to the court, but I guess because she is a woman ...she didn't have to.  I got my court ordered parenting time, but had to pick him up and drop him off at a sleazy greasy hambuger place on the corner of 9 Mile & Dequinder.  Most of the time I waited any where from an hour to two hours for her to show.  There were even times that she NEVER showed.  I filed motions with the court, but nothing was ever done to her.  On Christmas of 2006, I was to have my parenting time for the holiday.  I went to pick him up, and again no show.  After waiting for 2 hours I left.  I called her Father, to find out if he knew where she was, and he told me she went to TN!  I went to the court and told them she had left the state with my son and I was due my holiday parenting time.  I filed a motion to have my son brought back to Michigan.  She returned ...but after the holidays were over, and the court basically did nothing to her about leaving, or frustrating my parenting time.  I have complained continuously to FOC about her behavior ...but again, they did nothing.  She even went as far as telling my son I was not his father and to call me MR. XXXXX. There is much more, and I could go on and on, but I won't.  This is the final thing she has done, and I know the court will grant this to her.  I found out in the beginning of October of this year, she took my son out of school here and enrolled him in a school in TN.  I immediately contacted FOC (Molly Bucci) and filed another motion to have my son brought back.  Looking on the Macomb County Court site (because I never get paperwork pertaining to anything regarding court proceedings) I found out that my motion was never filed or just pushed under the carpet, and she had hired an attorney and filed for a change of Domicile.  How can she file a motion after the fact?  She's already gone, and has been for almost 2 months!!  I know the court will grant her the change ....after all, she's a woman and they've always given her and let her do what she wants. In conclusion, I think that all of us men who are getting rear ended, should stick together and try and change this.  If we sit back and do nothing ...nothing will change.  That is why I am willing to start some sort of group to try and make the changes in this corrupt court system.  If anyone is interested in helping out, or doing anything you can, please contact me at (((ROR redacted))).  I will welcome any suggestions any one has. Thanks and I'm waiting to hear.....     CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Sterling Heights,
United States

To all the fathers screwed FOTC

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, August 04, 2018

 I too have been continuously screwed by FOTC and I feel it is time to fight back. I am going to start a petition to reform certain things they do. One thing for sure is child support. For example say the father is in the child’s life and provides for said child and the mother is perfectly capable of working but refuses to do so she gets no money. Also fathers should have some sort of fighting chance in custody battles. My sons mother was kicked out of her parents multiple times in 2016 & 2017 and when I filed for temp. custody I was denied because her mother had a change of heart and told she had never been kicked out and never would be. His mother called me crying that she had no place to go expecting my fiancé and I to take her in after she had cheated on me several times and screwed me in court on many things.


United States of America

Not Always "Friend of Women"

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, June 29, 2010

I've been dealing with friend of the court for 15 years now and as a single mom with total custody of my son they have done NOTHING for me. If anything they kiss the ground my sons father walks on. He's a liar and he always gets away with his garbage in court. When he decides he wants to work he makes $30.00 an hour under the table. He's only ordered to pay $60.00 a week (do the math that isn't even $10.00 a day). When he was a new born they ordered him to pay $9.00 a week... wow, that's enough for half a can of formula or half a bag of diapers... oh' wait, they don't sell them in halves.

He is $15,000.00 behind in support - so imagine that only having to pay $60.00 a week how long he has not been paying. I take care of my son who is also special needs and he does nothing. He doesn't care about him, he's just a selfish P.O.S. And personally I am totally tired of men thinking that they are getting it put to them... they don't know the first thing about want a woman in my shoes has been going threw.

He has threatened my life many times, falsely filed court paperwork on me saying that I refused to let him see his son (when infact he never would show up when he was ordered too).  Here's the facts, he's a lazy loser who doesn't care about my son - he has told me to my face that he shouldn't have to pay child support because he doesn't see him. Does this sound fair to my son?

I've sold everything and anything - including my house to take of my son. It's fun not having anything anymore and while he sits in his warm house surrounded by his collections of antiques, guitars, and other expensive objects. Why doesn't FOTC order him to sell his stuff? It took me two months to get a court date and when I got there they dismissed it because he was already in jail for being drunk in public.

So, you tell me what is fair? Men are not the only ones having pepper put in their KY... so before you think you have it so bad think of the other side of the coin.

Macomb County Father


Molly Bucci is a lazy B*****h!!!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 19, 2009

Hi Jeff,

I filled out a rebuttal earlier today but it never got posted.  I am familiar with Macomb County.  Molly Bucci is an idiot.  I can't believe that woman gets a paycheck.  If you go to their website and make a complaint, she'll take about 6-8 weeks, then send you a stupid letter that doesn't even really address your original complaint.  She is useless.  Part of the problem with child custody or divorces is that every thing written in there is so vague.  And when I used the word vague, it's just another word for 'they can't do anything about it'.  Something as simple as 'you and your child's mother are supposed to have alternating weekends' they can't enforce because it doesn't specifically state who has which weekend.

The bottom line, they want you to spend some more money.  That's all they care about.  You are going to have to file a motion.  Granted, it might be only 5-10 minutes of a referees time for $100 but you have to do it.  Now since your child's mother has decided to leave the state and violate your custody arrangement, you might be able to get something done about it but I wouldn't wait on it if I were you. I'm not so sure that they are going to grant her Change of Domicile.  If she is in Tennessee, then she won't be at court.  And if she's not at court, then you might win simply on default.  Surely she wouldn't have been dumb enough to call the courts and change her address to Tennessee and blatantly admit what she has done.

My other advice is don't bother with an attorney.  They are all a waste of money.  For all the times I have had to go to court, I went twice without an attorney and those times I actually fared the best.  They don't get into the He Said/She Said stuff but rather just FACTS so the attorneys are a waste of time.  I haven't seem one that has a clue of what he is doing in a court room.

I would be more than happy to give you advice in dealing with Macomb County.  The sad part about it, is that these FOC workers, judges and referees don't care about even the children.  And that, I think is a shame.  I love my kid but between Molly Bucci, the FOC, Jacokes and my ex; I've already accepted the fact that my kid will probably even up in prison one day.  And, at that point, I will be blaming all of them-not me. 

But yeah, Molly Bucci is an idiot.  I wrote the idiot a letter to 'beg' her that I was not getting to see my son.  EIGHT WEEKS later, I get a letter that says that the day in question was a weekday and that I was not entitled to visitation on a weekday.  I WROTE THE LETTER ON A WEEKDAY YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it took her eight weeks to accomplish this.  I could go to the nearest McDonalds, grab the Fry cook and they could do what Molly Bucci does; except probably a better job.  There's absolutely no sense of pride with the Macomb County FOC.

Have you noticed how many reports there are on here about Macomb County Michigan?  This website is national but Macomb County must have 20% of the reports.  What does that tell you?  Let me know if you need to get anything started.  You have my support.


Macomb County Father


Molly Bucci is a lazy B*****h!!!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 19, 2009

Hey Jeff,

I've just gone through Macomb County myself back in 2007.  Molly Bucci is a complete b***h.  She doesn't know her a*s from a whole in the ground.  You might as well talk to a wall as opposed to talking to her.   By contacting her, it will take about 6-8 weeks to get back some stupid letter in the mail.  And when you get that letter, you will wonder if she even read your initial complaint to begin with.  It is almost comical the stupid response you will get back. 

That whole court is so screwed up.  I will give you a few helpful pointers though.  Writing letters to Molly Bucci is useless, as I already stated.  Even though I know it sucks, they want money.  So you have to file a motion for everything.  Granted, they'll give you about 5-10 minutes of their time and want $100 but it's the way you've got to go. It's a ripoff and a scam but it's just  the way it is.   

Right now, since she is violating the court order, you need to get out there and file your motion.  When she doesn't show up OR informs them that she is in Tennessee then she could be in some trouble.  I wouldn't be so sure about her getting granted change of domicile.  They are very particular about what the divorce decree or custody papers say.  The interpret them WORD FOR WORD.  Anything in there that is VAGUE is just a waste of your time.  But I'm telling you, you need to get this rolling and stick it too this ex of yours.

My second piece of advice to you, don't waste a dime on an attorney.  They are all stupid and they also want your money.  I went into the FOC on two occasions without an attorney and I fared 10 times better than I did with one.  Don't let an attorney tell you that you are hurting yourself by not having one.  I have been through three of them and they were all s**t.  I would be more than happy to meet you for a drink and I could direct you much better than any attorney could.

They don't give a s**t how much money you are paying.  I'm going to get myself through Christmas, then I'm going to take a 1099 job.  I don't know about you and your ex but with mine, all the money she gets from me just goes into her hiring an attorney and screwing me over.  My ex-wife has paid an attorney more money that I will ever even OWE for child support from the time my divorce began until the time my child turns 18.  LOL.  And that is what is so stupid about SOME of these women.  TAKE NO OFFENSE LADIES, that comment is only directed at a select few of you.  But in my case, my ex-wife hasn't figured out that she has ALREADY paid more to her attorney than what I will actually have to pay in Child Support for at least the next 7 years. 

The sad thing is, Macomb County doesn't care one bit about these children.  They are so numb to everything that goes on around them every day that they just don't care.  It sounds like your child's mother is a real piece of work.  The sad truth is, the kids without daddies will end up in prison one day.  And, providing you have done everything you can, it will be your child's mother and Macomb County Friend of the Court that will really be to blame.  I hope it doesn't happen with your child but if it does one day, don't feel as if it is your fault.  Macomb FOC treats fathers like we are still back in the 1940's. It's criminal what they are doing.  Yet they wonder why they have Stephen Grants out there.

I don't know what you mean by ROR redacted to get a hold of you but I would love to chat with you some and see what I might be able to advise you on.  Plus, I would love to take on Macomb County with you and maybe we can get together and see what can be done.  I haven't seen any county in the country that has as many complaints against the FOC than MACOMB COUNTY MICHIGAN.


San Jacinto,

They Don't give A d**n

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 19, 2009

I know what you are going through. I live in california and have the same problem with  the Riverside County DA's. My story is a little different though I was the non-custodial parent for about 3 years and it was regilous that my child support was paid. It was automatic garnished out of my pay check. But 2 years ago I got my children back because my ex is so stupid that her new husband lost them for her. But I have a child support order for her to be paying me child support. Guess what I have only got about 3 payments from her. Everytime that I call the DA I get a run around about well we are doing all we can. But if the shoe was on the other foot I would be in jail, not have a drivers lic. or a bank acct. but they don't give a d**n if us men get screwed at all we just need to take it.


Bullhead City,
United States of America

Only have moral support to add here, I'm female and live nowhere near either state you mention

#7General Comment

Thu, November 19, 2009

I only read this because I was drawn in by the message I thought this might be, not yet certain what all it might be about other than "some kind of complaint regarding a particular court's practices, in a jurisdiction I've never even heard of.  That said, I have nothing helpful to add, but sympathize with what you're dealing with enough to say so.  It sounds very much like what's happening to my own daughter in a different state who is doing everything right and not supported by the court she's pleading her case to, and the reasoning all involves "money talks" type problems.

A little more about that, as her mother, facing this same court against her father 3 times re our divorce, knowing as right as I was, and even if the court agreed, he would never comply, knowing I could never afford to "make" him because I would never have the kind of money that would result in enforcing anything.  I wont bore further with that detail, other than to assure you it's true, and I'd share if it mattered at this point anyway.

My daughter's situation involves trying to collect over $7000 in child support due to her, court ordered for payment twice, ignored by her ex husband, etc.  The $7000 figure was as of about a year ago.  Over the last year, he's also remarried to a teenager with a very wealthy family.  Together they finally hired an attorney (on her mommy and daddy's dime) asking for leniency on the original $7000 because they could not afford to pay it etc (not even considering she's now owed well over the $7000, it's truly signifantcly more than that.  She has complied with all visitation when HE didn't show, and he's the only one who knew where she lived, because he refused to tell her his and new wife's address change info.  It wasn't until they went to court regarding his getting leniency that he was made to provide her his contact information  if he expected to continue visitation with THEIR child, leaving her not knowing where to get her son if she needed to.  That was all straightened out.

The $7000 owed was granted leniency to the tune of $1 per month on his amount of support as set that day - now also lower based on difference in income he made between the accumulation of his past due and the time his new job that paid less began.  He made this job change deliberately because daddy in laws lawyer was being paid an amount larger than life compared to what my daughter could ever pay, even if I, my parents, and my sister all chipped in to help her try.  In that state, I know for sure that the person who can afford to lag, hang back, do as they please, then hire that kind of attorney, vs the other they know who can barely afford any atty will always win in a civil court. That's how that works.  This man was a friend of the family from the time he was a child, and we all adored him.  While married, he turned into an alcoholic and a compulsive gambler within a year.  She tried putting up with it hoping the old "T" we had all known and loved for most of his entire life was now also one of the worst drunks there are.  He would be home with his infant son while she was working (due to different hours, at this time he at least still had a very good job).  One night while at work, my daughter got a call from hubby's best friend, similar relationship with our family, still same kid - he thought T was home that night, yes...he's supposed to be.  My daughter is scared now.

The friend lets her go, assures he will figure it out and get back to her.  He knows how upset she already is now, and intends to make her feel fine when he calls back, so he starts looking into windows.  He starts where he sees the TV is on and sees that dad had not only drank at least 12 beers by his count from outside, he was passed out cold and lying in a position where his own son was trapped beneath him!  This is only 1 example of several while still married. The friend broke a window to get in, took my grandson (i think maybe 7mo old this time, possibly younger, because the actual date doesn't matter.  Son-in-law never even woke up, not from the breaking window, or the friend's struggle to rescue (as opposed to steal, if it were that sort of situation, my grandson! 

He next had to break into son-in-law's truck to "steal" the car seat, because he was not leaving baby alone with dad even if he could wake him.  He took baby to mom at work and explained what happened a little, but enough to get her out of work for "the rest of the story".  She and baby slept at my parents' home that night (over mine due to proximity, not preference), but my parents are outstanding grandparents either way.

Only because I mentioned it, here's a little on how bad of a gambler he became.  He was finally at the casinos several times a week by this point, had lost all of their savings, and most of his son's that was over $11,000 last time he proudly told me how much it was up to.  By this time my grandson is around a year old. He was actually a young father, my daughter was 19 and he was 22 when they married, against my better judgement due to their youth, but not opposed entirely because they'd already known each other over a decade by this time.  I thought maybe this could work out, they were sure of it, and so was her always responsible older sister, who's judgement I trust even more than my own.

Sorry for the here's my story getting so long, but I hope you can also understand how sex matters none in states where the side with the money does how they please.  Based just on your side of the story (I agree there are always 2), I already tend to feel you have been truly wronged in your situation, and already assume many other men have as well, because those kinds of advantages should never be "advantages" where the outcome affects lives of everyone involved, especially minor children that need things to be fair and right no matter what.  There are too many other ways that courts cant always help this type of injustice all the time, but in their own courtrooms, they should set the example, not create and propagate such blatant displays of unfairness.

This is not the country we are browbeaten to death sometimes into believe we live in.  These judges make such decisions in a position to not only know, but expertly know and are daily baring witness to the affects their decisions create. In both situations shown here, 3 if you even sorta agree mine might have been too based onw the little I would say.  For the worse by their own hands, these judges do harm to these children and the party who isn't really getting justice at all - the one who never did enouigh wrong to deserve the hurt, let alone having the place you go to for some form of amending any portion of it, instead chooses to make that person's situation even more difficult, more painful, and left feeling even more hopeless that justice even exists for some of us. 

I have no issue with lawyers who are in it for the money if they earn what they get by being great lawyers who uphold or defend the laws as they were intended, or set precedence when it's unclear, or work on the side that legally fights laws they oppose.  If money motivates them to that, so be it.  They paid a lot to get where they are too, few can accomplish that much. Final decisions from the bench should not make unfair decisions because this lawyer makes his money supporting and going for the throat against someone only because he can, his client has more money for him too if he draws it out and drags his feet too.  One advantage her lawyer thought of, that you may not be privvy to.  His motion filed after his was hand delivered and on the docket before yours was looked at, because he found out yours hadn't made it out of the gate yet.  He could have even known how to keep yours buried long enough for him to line up his ducks and file her motion.  When a lawyer is good in that regard and wins for it, is another example I despise.

I started, but for health reasons never got to finish, or even get that far in law school (I got my pre-law requirements and passed the LSAT, was accepted, and then got too sick for awhile).  I would have probably been one of the "poorer" lawyers, because I was interested in specilizing in civil law, human and civil rights.  Not big bucks for ones who don't hope to grow up and be hired by a corporation or somebody who could use me to enforce laws to protect what is written and make lives worse and change unfair laws.  lol

You and your child will be affected by this forever, she probably never will for her part in the cause to either of you. How he accepts and moves on depends a lot on you making sure he at least is always aware that he can count on you, even if you see him less often.  Knowing is planted, you help that grow, and it will continue on it's own if you become unable once that's inside in his heart and mind to stay. Gestures can do this too if that's all the choice you have at the moment. Never forget that your place for him will be his choice some day. 

I'm sorry for your struggles, and wish you some sort of peace with knowing you've done all that was expected of you, and more in some situations you've shared here.


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