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  • Report:  #300766

Complaint Review: Major Energy

Major Energy Energy supply scam Brooklyn New York

  • Reported By:
    brooklyn New York
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 17, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 20, 2014
  • Major Energy
    1801 86th Street
    Brooklyn, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Do not enroll with this energy company. They are liars, cheaters, and con artists. They promise their customers a discount on their energy bill, but customers never get the discount. Their rates aren't that low compared to Con Edison or Orange&Rockland. I worked there for a short period and I saw a lot and heard a lot. While I was there, there were a lot of customers who wanted to cancel their service because they didn't see any difference in their bill after they enrolled with Major Energy. And customers didn't see a discount on their bill, which is non-existent.

This company has a lot of customers canceling their accounts for reasons I stated above. Major Energy, like some of the ESCOs(Energy Service Companies) mislead customers and promise discounts and lower rates that these customers never get. They claim to be a big company with a lot of customers. It's all lies. They're a small company that supplies only gas. Most of their customers have canceled their accounts or want to cancel their accounts. The people in charge over there - Daniel Majors and Mary (Moran) Majors are money hungry Thieves. They'll say or do anything to get customers to enroll with their company. Also, Major Energy is very disorganized.

Their telemarketers are located in India. That's right, India. Their customer service representatives are more like Inside salespeople because they have to call customers who cancel or want to cancel their accounts and re-enroll them with the company. Their enrollment forms look like contracts even though they promise no contracts. Their sales representatives, who do the company's dirty work and go from resident to resident trying to get people to enroll, pass out these booklets that contain inaccurate and false information.

One of the booklets I saw stated that Major Energy can save customer's money on their electric and gas bill. This is odd because they do not supply electricity, only gas. They're very misleading. The company promises no enrollment fees, no monthly charges, no cancellation fees, and no hidden charges. This is not true. There are clearly hidden fees somewhere on the bill because customers are paying much more than they did before they enrolled with the company.

Again, do not enroll with Major Energy. If you already have, cancel immediately. You're better off with another ESCO or staying with Con Edison as your Energy deliverer and supplier. DO NOT ENROLL WITH MAJOR ENERGY! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

brooklyn, New York

12 Updates & Rebuttals



Asher Fried - I call foul.

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2014

"Major Energy does not mislead its customers in any way."

Oh really?  I was recently approached by one of your door-to-door sales people.  She knocked on my door to sell me your product, despite the very apparent "No Soliciting" sign on my door.  Does your company make it a habit to hire the illiterate, or, are they just taught to ignore such a sign?  Ignoring such a sign is a legal violation and I could have had her arrested.  In fact, by her just being in our building, without knowing a single resident, she was, under the law of my commonwealth, trespassing.  So, is law violation also an approved practice by your company?

Anyway, your sales reps are misleading and dishonest.  They, along with all other alternative energy providers I have encountered, give a dishonest spiel about how our local provider is no longer allowed under the law to directly supply to its consumers, that they are only allowed to service us should there be an emergency or power outage.  This is an outright lie!  Anyone can contact their local DPU and learn that the practice of telling people their current provider can not directly supply to them is a lie.  I am fortunate enough to also have a lawyer, and he also confirmed that the statement is a lie, in fact, I settled out of court with Just Energy for the very same fraudulent statements and actions on their behalf.  People should contact their local DPU and put a lock on their accounts if they do not want this company or any other company to take advantage of them and switch them without their knowledge.

Asher Fried, the people that come to people's doors, are polite and friendly and act like your best friend at first.  They trick you into getting your information saying they only want to look at your bill.  The moment they get their hands on your bill they begin to copy all your information, and call the company and get you set up so rapidly, you barely realize what is happening.  This plainly is a very appropriate tactic, right?  This is the action of a company that can be trusted?  I think not!  I'm sure the majority of your customers fall into a few categories..

The elderly - They are gullible and are apt to believe anything someone says to them, especially someone with an ID and a smiling friendly face.  But, sheep will walk among the wolf if he's dressed like them. 

The naive - People who will just believe anything someone tells them. Especially, if someone is trained in knowing just what trigger words work best for making sales.

The push-overs - People who don't know how to say no, especially when they feel pressured and someone is moving so fast with what they're doing. 

However, if you're strong willed, know the facts, and tell them you're not switching your provider (which often takes several times before they get the hint, because they're just so professional. Professionals are always extremely pushy..), their attitude completely changes, and they become rude and stuck up.  Even in some cases, verbally aggressive, or use language that blantantly tells you that you're stupid.  Even if you could run intellectual circles around them any day of the week. (The one that came to my door most recently, kept going on about my party I was having, after being told four times that there was no party, and the sign up on my door was from a previous event.  When she finally caught on, she made a snide comment about how I better take that sign off my door.) This has been my experience with every Major Energy door-to-door harasser I've come into contact with.  That's what they are, harassers.

Your door-to-door tactics are shady, and so are your employees.  You can claim proper training, but I doubt it, because they all act the same, they all act like your best friend, try to relate to you on a personal level, either it be through your child (because they have a child too), which is just low, or your dog (because they have a cute doggie at home too), or any other means.  When someone that has seen my face for a mere 30 seconds acts like they can relate to me so personally, I find it offensive, and lose all trust in that person.  People like that are shady, people like that should not be trusted.. People like that are people who put on a facade to get what they want from you.  Then when you tell them you're not interested or don't want what they're pitching, they become like a person you'd cross the street to avoid.. Rude, sarcastic, and the friendly pushiness becomes an almost threatening demeanor, that, if they got that way with the wrong person would get them punched out in self-defense. 

Me, from now on, I'm going to open my door, point at my "No Soliciting" sign, and shut the door.  If they continue, and do not leave, I'll just call the police and let them remove them from the property.

I am hiding my name and place of residence, because I do not want more of your bullies showing up at my door.  I am not from another company, like you insist other people who complain about your "perfect" company are.  Which tells me you can't admit the faults with your practices, nor accept that a lot of people have had the exact same bad experience with your sales reps when they decline joining your survice.  Those that do sign up naturally have a good experience.. The experience only becomes bad when you stand your ground and tell these vultures you want to stay with your current provider. 


New York,
United States of America

Satisfied Major Energy customer

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 09, 2012

Personally, I find it reassuring that a CEO takes the time to respond directly to a criticism of a company.  As it happens, I was checking my utility bill today and compared my present rate with Major Energy with alternatives where I live (Kingston, NY) and found that they did indeed have a lower rate than the alternatives.

I called their customer service number and I can tell you that I did not talk to someone in India.  They were quite helpful and polite and I got the answer to the question I had (whether I had a fixed or variable rate).

So far I'm happy with this company!   


Bethel Park,
United States of America

LOL why so legit lookin?

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, December 06, 2011

so why the hard hats strapped to the belt loop? you're salesmen lol not utility workers lol, these guys came up to the door n almost tricked my girl into there little scam, lol. i ran down the street n caught the guy n got all the paperwork back all 3 sheets with our info. i told them the were scam artists n i looked them up. no where on there paperwork does it say your variable rate percentage and on the back fine print they charge you for all the fees the utility company does and they SET there variable rate for you moth to month which would explain why home boy went from paying an average of 150-200 a month to d**n near 500 the month he switched lol, the paper says you have 3 business days to cancel...there was no answer lol, i called the police, filed a report and called the utility company n reported the scam. i was assured without the signature there was no legal way to bill us, sooooo don't sign up with these guys lol....i aint hatin tho lol get ya money lol theirs a sucka born every minute


New York,
United States of America

Major Energy Hiring process

#13General Comment

Mon, March 21, 2011

 I have just come from an interview with Major Energy in Brooklyn, NY.  I had received a phone call from Lisa a few days ago stating that my information had come up in their computer (how this came to be is puzzling). I had informed her that I was not looking for a telemarketing type of job. I was offered an interview for a clerical position which I have tons of experience.

I was told to bring my resume and to write a reservation number on that and the sign in sheet which I did.  When I arrived I had to wait about 15 minutes for someone to open to open the door since it was locked.  Someone had looked through the peep hole and just waked away.

When I knocked louder a young lady let me in. I was given an application to fill out which I did. A gentleman came into the room (there were four other people waiting) and two applicants plus myself were taken into a room. The two other applicants, one white male one black female were asked a few questions, in particular: In 3 word describe yourself.  The young man and woman did just that.  I was never asked anything.  The interviewer told us that the job paid $7.25 an hour,
and we had to work on commission, which I had stated I was not interested to begin with.

I was told that I could leave but the other two applicants were kept there. What in blazes was that?  I wasted carfare which I really didn't have, and was treated as if I wasn't even there.  Why was I lied to? Why was I told to come in for one thing when it wasn't even available?

I wouldn't recommend Major Energy on the basis that they most likely would have some sort of foul play with their services.  


United States of America

Such A Joke

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, February 04, 2011

It sure speaks volumes about your company when you have the CEO, VP of Marketing and Operations Manager all rushing to defend your little company and crying about a comment on some internet forum.

Operations Manager

United States of America

Response from Major Energy

#13UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 17, 2011

To the author of this post, thank you for bringing your concern to our attention. Our company contacts hundreds of thousands of customers each month. While almost all experiences prove to be beneficial there are some that may not go as planned. We work diligently to train our agents to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism in the field. In the event concerns such as yours arise we do conduct thorough investigations and take strong corrective action with our agents, as needed. To that end could you please e-mail us back directly @ or call us @ 267-884-9272. Please provide as much detail as possible including your full name, address, time and date of occurrence and any other details you can share. Best regards, The Major Energy Management Team.


United States of America

ignorant people

#13General Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

I live in Pennsylvania but have had these people show up at my house quite a few times in the last year. The first time was over the summer when some lady showed up, I told her I wasn't interested so she left and came back later on and bugged my husband until he finally signed up. I got right on the phone and canceled within a few hours of her leaving. Tonight I got a knock at my door and it was more of them. This guy just kept talking even after I told him I wasn't interested so I told him we just bought a house will all electric and no gas and he looked at my daughter and I and said "Oh I doubt it because you two look like you couldn't afford a house all by yourselves."

DO NOT open your door to these people! The guy is lucky he walked away instead of limping or crawling...or worse...being carried away in a body bag. Next person from this company who shows up here is thoroughly going to regret it.


New York,
United States of America

I'm A Major Energy Customer : )

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, October 08, 2010

I've been with Major Energy for a couple of years when they only supplied natural gas and I admit back then I was a bit skeptical about sales people knocking at our door.  Since then I have also signed up for dicounted electricity with Major Energy, because my personal experience has been positive with them. No regrets here.


New York,
United States of America

Beware of disgruntled employee reports

#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 10, 2010

I am writing today because it appears the truth needs to be told. I've held my tongue long enough, but it appears "Afeez" has caused some concern with customers.

So before "Afeez" scares you, perhaps you need to consider that not everything you read on the internet is true and perhaps you should do some due dillegence, shouldn't you?

The truth is that "Afeez" is an angry disgruntled employee who was unable to be successful at a job that requires one to set goals, work hard, and "write your own paycheck" because he lacked the skills to be successful. We give many people the opportunity to be independent contractors, we provide the tools, we provide the training, but it up to individuals to actually apply what they learn and work at this opportunity. But "Afeez" didn't want to put the effort in, didn't want to eductate himself about how the program actually works, and he felt he deserved to be paid for subpar work. I'm sure many of you out their know people like him who think they are entitled to something without actually working for it and then they get mad when they are told "no", don't you?

Then, like many in today's society who don't actually want to work for anything, he attempted to "shake down" the company by threatening to write a negative review UNLESS he was paid off. When he was told that the company would not give him what he wanted, he decided to try and destroy a good company by writing a bad review. He ultimately failed in his quest, as Major Energy is a rapidly growing company with over 40,000 customers in 3 states.

So before you believe everything "Afeez" wrote, perhaps you should take some time to find out the truth. Here are 10 FACTS. (Perhaps you should call Major Energy or the PSC if you don't believe me) Of course it is ultimately up to you - You can listen to someone like "Afeez" - a person who lacks personal integrity and a good work ethic, and let him make the choice for you - (if you do that then you'll never know if you can save money) OR you can be an educated consumer, do your due dillegance, and perhaps save some money. Like I said, the choice is up to you.

FACT #1 Major Energy is a LICENSED ESCO by the NYS Public Service Commission, The PA Public Utility Commission, and the Ohio Public Utilities Commission to offer customers the option of choosing an alternative for their gas and electricty supply. If Major Energy was a "Scam" they would QUICKLY be shut down. THINK ABOUT THAT

FACT #2 When customers CHOOSE an ALTERNATIVE SUPPLIER, they KEEP their local utility. Customers CAN NOT LEAVE their utility. This means their local utlity will continue to A. Deliver their energy, B. Read their meter, C. Bill them, and D. Provide all emergency services. The Utilities do this REGARDLESS if you choose a ESCO or not.

FACT #3 Depending on the utility, Major Energy can Reduce or Eliminate some fees. These may include: Merchant Function Charges, Delivery Sales Tax, Billing Charges, and the Basic Service Charge.

FACT #4 The Customer Service Department is located at 955 Coney Island Ave in Brooklyn, NY - NOT in India


FACT #6 Their are NO CANCELLATION FEE'S on the Variable rate plan


FACT #8 Historical Savings have been up to 5-10% off. You don't believe me, call 888-625-6760 and ask for the historical savings.

FACT #9 The price of energy fluctuates depending on supply and demand. (ie...have you noticed how gasoline is more expensive in the summer months? Why?...because there is higher demand. The same this happens with Natural Gas. There is more demand in the winter so the price goes up. If you are using more gas in the winter and the price of gas is higher, than naturally your bill will be higher in the winter. So IF you register with an ESCO in late Summer or during the Fall, your bills will go up once winter arrives. Makes sense, doesn't it? However, if you choose an ESCO, the price per unit of gas tends to be lower than it is if you stay with your utility)

FACT #10 YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Yes, the deregulation laws were passed to GIVE YOU A CHOICE. You can explore your options and choose to stay with the Utility if you want to, HOWEVER, the Utility does not care about saving you money. Their job is to get you your energy SAFELY and RELIABLY. They do a very good job at that. Major Energy is concerned with saving you money...that's what our job is.

So the choice is up to you. You can listen to "Afeez" and let him determine how much you pay for your energy, or you can research the facts and potentially save some money.

I hope this clears some things up. Thank you for reading

Mr. Fishman

New York,
United States of America

Response to Jo's report.

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 16, 2010


My name is Mr. Fishman and I am the VP of Sales & Marketing with Major Energy. First, I can't imagine how frustrated you may feel with your first impression of Major Energy. After all you signed up for savings and while you have saved money per each unit of natural gas you used, it appears  that getting off of your budget billing plan created a much bigger headache for you! We are truly sorry about this! For the record, our company is one of a few NYC based Energy Supply Companies that actually care very much about our customers. We take a lot of pride in our historical savings, which show how we've saved customers in your area up to 10% on their Gas and Electric supply. I believe that we may have a solution to your particular circumstance and would like work quickly and diligently to address your issue. Please call our Customer Service number @ 718-234-1262 and ask for a Manager named Jay. You can also reach me @ if your issues are not resolved promptly. We are here for you and would love to resolve this issue.

Best regards,

Shai Fishman


Floral Park,
New York,

A Very Unhappy Customer

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, March 30, 2010

I just got my bill from National Grid. I am on a balanced billing with National Grid for about $138.00 per month. I had to go down to their office and show hardship to add another $10.00 a month to take care of a previous bill. Now, on this bill, my minimum bill payment required is $477.00. Of that amount, almost $392.00 is Major Energy. So now you tell me where the savings are. You have just put me in Major debt, (no pun intended). I have had a wonderful agreement with National Grid and now you have spoiled that and put me in jeopardy of losing my gas service. You really are ripoff artists. I will call the Public Service Commission and file a complaint. You can't do this to people. I warn all consumers not to use your services. I am not a disgruntled employee. I am a hardworking consumer with real financial problems which you have added to. Thanks.


New York,
United States of America

Major Energy Rebuttal

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 14, 2010

A rebuttal presumes that there is merit in the claim. The report filed by what seems to be a disgruntled employee does not really merit a response because Major Energy never had such an employee. Thus, Major Energy does not know who filed this complaint to even begin to address it.


Major Energy was incorporated in 2007 and has been serving customers in New York State since 2008. Its prides itself on its honest reputation and almost consistent track record of savings over the utility month after month. Major Energy does not mislead its customers in any way. In fact, the mailings that we send out to our customers give them very accurate and timely market data enabling them to make smart decisions about which energy products to purchase for their home or business.


Major Energy is an ESCO (Energy Service Company) which currently serves tens of thousands of customers in New York State. There are currently over 100 other ESCOs in the State of New York. Compared to most other ESCOs in New York, Major is a large company. Until January 2010, Major offered only natural gas and has just opened up electric service to the entire State.


Major Energy was started by Dan and Mary Major who are no longer with the company. The companys customer service is based in New York and the telemarketers are all US companies. The sales team is highly trained and goes through rigorous training every morning before going out to the field.


We at Major Energy take great pride in our accomplishments and our company. We offer straightforward and honest products and services, employ local people, and have a great customer service and marketing staff. We look forward to many years of success serving our customers.


Whoever filed this complaint sounds quite bitter and as we dont know who you are, you might even be a jealous competitor. Unless you identify yourself, we will never know.




Asher Fried

Chief Operating Officer

Major Energy Services, LLC   

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