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  • Report:  #1434852

Complaint Review: MARCO COSTANZINI


  • Reported By: — Emilia-Romagna / Province of Modena Italy
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 18, 2018
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 22, 2018

Nei Guai il pseudo giornalista Pubblicista collaboratore della Gazzetta di Modena classe 1985, lo stesso si è reso protagonista di una “Vendetta Privata”, che non è la trama di un film di 007, bensì una serie di articoli pubblicati sulla Gazzetta di Modena a sua firma , riguardanti la chiusura di una palestra di Modena dove lo stesso in virtù della suo ruolo aveva ottenuto l’iscrizione ad un prezzo simbolico.

Il Costanzini fra il 28 Febbraio 2018 ed il 4 Marzo 2018  attraverso una ricostruzione del tutto fantasiosa e destituita di ogni fondamento, ricostruiva un presunto giro di palestre chiuse, ascrivendo senza alcun riscontro precise e puntuali responsabilità a diversi soggetti quali persone fisiche e società.

Ma non solo il suo disegno criminoso si è limitato a diffondere notizie diffamatorie attraverso la Gazzetta di Modena, egli infatti in modo attivo ha diffuso ai  suoi colleghi di Verona, Padova, Cremona e Mantova le stesse notizie venendo meno all’obbligo di verifica cui un giornalista è soggetto.

L’ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti portato a conoscenza della vicenda ha disconosciuto l’iscrizione o l’appartenenza del Marco Costanzini , circostanza questa che se confermata integrerebbe il reato di esercizio abusivo della professione.

Lo stesso in più occasioni chiedeva informazioni a fronte di precise garanzie a diversi soggetti, ed in due casi addirittura chiedendo denaro.

Ventidue le denuncie a suo carico per capi di imputazione quali Estorsione, Diffamazione Aggravata ed esercizio abusivo della professione, e Quattro le procure presso le quali è stato aperto un fascicolo d’indagine a suo carico, oltre ad essere stato segnalato al consiglio di disciplina dell’ordine che ne ha disconosciuto la sua appartenenza.

*In Guai, the pseudo-journalist collaborator of the Gazzetta di Modena class 1985, the same has become the protagonist of a "Private Revenge", which is not the plot of a movie of 007, but a series of articles published in the Gazzetta di Modena to his signature, concerning the closure of a gym in Modena where the latter by virtue of his role had obtained registration at a symbolic price. The Costanzini between February 28, 2018 and March 4, 2018 through a completely imaginative and completely reconstructed reconstruction of every foundation, reconstructed a presumed tour of closed gyms, ascribing without any confirmation precise and precise responsibility to different subjects such as physical persons and society.   

But not only was his criminal design limited to spreading defamatory news through the Gazzetta di Modena, he in fact actively disseminated the same news to his colleagues in Verona, Padua, Cremona and Mantua, failing to comply with the verification obligation which journalist is subject. The National Order of Journalists brought to the attention of the story has disregarded the registration or membership of Marco Costanzini, a circumstance that if confirmed would integrate the offense of illegal practice of the profession.    

The same on several occasions asked for information in the face of specific guarantees to various parties, and in two cases even asking for money. Twenty-two reports against him for indictments such as extortion, defamation Aggravated and abusive exercise of the profession, and four prosecutors in which he opened an investigation file against him, as well as being reported to the governing board of the order that has disregarded its membership.*


1 Updates & Rebuttals



Riccardo Manara in an attempt to diminish the truth revealed by some italian media

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 22, 2018

The "article" posted on ROR was actually written by the real scammer Mr. Riccardo Manara that was found guilty to open gyms and then close with no notice period, without informing the gym's users nor the employees or the landlord. This fact happened in different gyms in the north of Italy and different italian media investigated on this scam.

Mr. manara in the article published here on ROR picked one of the journalist that started the investigation against him, most likely in an attempt to diminish the real facts described by freelancer Marco C., but also by other more popular media such as the TV show le iene. Below some references of the facts described in the media:

Similar scams are not new in Italy, back to 2013, a very popular TV program described the scam scheme and was able to interview the scammer, full video at:

Hopefully ROR will remove the original article as it is clearly a fake news, and probably won't bring a good reputation to the website affecting the all the other legitimate reports published on this website.

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