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  • Report:  #472888

Complaint Review: Maricopa County Superior Court / IV-D Court Phoenix Arizona

Maricopa County Superior Court / IV-D Court Phoenix, Arizona IV-D Court enforcing void orders of the Superior Court Void Vacated orders are Non enforceable according to Law Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Fairfield Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 24, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 14, 2017
  • Maricopa County Superior Court / IV-D Court Phoenix, Arizona
    201 W Jefferson Ave
    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have been dealing with The Superior Court of Arizona since August of 2000. My x & I settled out of court with a settlement agreement which was accepted by a Superior court Judge Rayes, a civil matter, which according to ARS 25-317 G the court can not change or even get involved, the respondent agreed to pay $36,000.00 into the petitioners bank account, which proof was provided, The State Attorney's office involved themselves with A settlement agreement moving words around to put the matter under child support, ilegally according to Civil Law, The State Attorney's Office assisted the petitioner in these false claims of "Alimony Arrears" . The Superior Court of Arizona Judge Buttrick made the agreement Void which contained matters concerning Custody, child support, and Alimony, because my x - wife committed fraud upon the court. The Judge stated on the record the respondents obligation to pay alimony is terminated as of Sept. 1st 2006. The IV-D Commissioner Steven Kupiszewski, Asst. Attorney's for the State Cynthia Balwin, and Katherine Hoole, have added over $23,000.00 to a new Atlas number which was developed after the court date Of October 16th 2006. The State Attorney's Office has added these totals of so called "Alimony Arrears" which is a Civil matter / Settlement agreement to a child support matter, calling the whole matter child support arrears. The child in question was not attending school, the amancipation was Sept. 8th 2008 and the State Attorney's office continues to add child supportt monthly, including arrears and alimony.

The point is the matter is not under IV-D Court jurisdiction since it was a civil matter, the matter can not be added to child support to enforce the matter under Domestic Relations matters. I live in Ohio and have filed countless motions as can be clearly seen at the Superior Court case information section "Case number DR2000-014500" The matter is also in the Appeals court under 1- AC CV 08-0251 The respondent has a right to file this case to the US Supreme Court because of violations of civil rights according to the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 14th amendments and the court violating matters under color of State Law which also allows a federal Tort claim under 1983. Several violations of federal rights and violations under color of state law by State Officials and State Employees, which according to Federal law the violaters are not protected against lawsuit if they are violating matters under color of State Law, these violations / matters are clearly not judicial acts the state officials can be protected by these acts, and are treasonist acts according to The Constitution of the United States of America, and Federal Law. All matters subitted is true and proof can be provided according to Minute entries of the court, and documents submitted as exhibits, Motions made to the court, proof provided , and ignored by the court system of Arizona.

Fairfield, Ohio

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Cave creek ,

Family court

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, April 14, 2017

 I am experiencing the same thing right now I have been incarcerated for 4 months



Maricopa County Superior Court Judges & Attorney Zubair Aslamy Commit Conspiracy

#4Author of original report

Tue, March 16, 2010

The Division One Court of Appeals on March 11, 2010 verified my charges of theft, fraud, extortion by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Buttrick, Family Court Commissioner Kupeszewski & the Attorney who mis-represented me, Zubair Aslamy of Aslamy & Associates 555 W. Chandler Blvd, Chandler Arizona, were all part of a conspiracy to extort money from me by forcing me to enter a contract which was written illegally by my Attorney & accepted illegally by a Superior Court Judge Buttrick of Maricopa County Superior Court. The Division One Court of Appeals case # CA-CV 09-0014 has affirmed the orders of Judge Micheal McVey of the Superior Court that Judge Buttrick, & Judge Pro Tem Kupeszewski illegally forced the respondent to enter an additional contract which was clearly a civil matter under the original agreement of which the petitioner was no to collect any additional funds other than that outlined in the original civil settlement agreement dated 09/01/2000, accepted on the merits by Judge Rayes on 02/13/2002 and clearly stated the petitioner (x-wife) was entitled to a one time settlement of $36,000.00. The honorable Judge Buttrick clearly, on October 16th 2006 made that order void, vacated the order due to the petitioner & her boyfriend Steven F O'Connell commiting fraud, " a void order, is void even before reversal, by federal law." The Family Court Judge Pro Tem Kupeszewski ignored the void order & entered the void contract amount titled "Child Support Arrears". Clearly a conspiracy to move a civil settlement agreement to a family court & illegally call the matter Child support arrears, The court of appeals has, as of March 11, 2010 state that the order of Judge McVey is affirmed, making the judgement & order by Kupeszewski not only illegal, Kupeszewski entered the void contract that was vacated & satisfied according to the orders of Judge Buttrick on 10/16/2006 stating it is now called child support arrears to allow the State to collect the illegal funds under federal child support laws, which clearly mkes this matter a conspiracy to commit fraud, extort funds from a father who never entered into such an illegal non-binding & now officially callled "a non-enforcable contract written by Attorney Zubair Aslamy of Aslamy & Asscociates, a non-enforcable contract accepted & illegally ordered by Judge Buttrick, & Judge Pro Tem Kupeszeski & currently being enforced by these individuals. The court of appeals has clearly stated the order of Judge McVey of the superior court ordering the contract between the parties as well as any fines, fees, interest is non-enforcable according to State law. The respondent father was cheated, lied to, the officials of the court clearly along with my attorney committed fraud, extortion, & enforced void , vacated orders which is also illegal according to federal law. The respondent father is at this time filing a federal lawsuit for mis-representation, extortion, conspiracy with arizona judges & Commissioners to collect the $17,000.00, plus 10% interest he paid to his attorney Zubair Aslamy, also all funds stolen from the respondent father according to th eillegal contract that the respondent was forced to enter against his own will, by arizona superior court judges, & commissioners, which now the appeals court clearly stated was illegal, & unenforcable according to arizona & federal law. The respondent will also collect all funds stolen by the child support enforcment agency & the State Attorneys involved who collected the stolen funds according to the fraudulant , nonenforcable agreement. The State of Arizona now owes the respondent father in excess of $350,000.00 plus 10% interest to date, due to the superior court judge assisted theft, fraud, extortion & acceptance of a non-enforcable contract agreements, & the forced fines, fees, interest against the agreement, the respondent lost this money due to the incompetance of the Superior court of Arizona, & the Family Court system, which continually forced the respondent father to pay fines, fees, interest toward a nonenforcable settlement agreement, the respondent maintained his innosence, & refused to continue to pay toward these illegal orders, illegal fees, fines, interest of a matter regarding a civil settlement agreement. The respondent maintains he will file a lawsuit / Tort, with the federal US Distrct Court, to collect money on this matter as well as take the matter to the US Supreme Court if nessesary requesting a jury to hear the matter of Conspiracy of my attorney along with State & County officials of the State of Arizona stealing funds from a father, under fraudulant means, against a fraudulant contract & against void ,vacated orders. I swear all to be true to the best of my knowledge & swear I will not stop this lawsuit till a jury forces these thieves to return all of my losses of money, life & Liberty, according to the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 13th, & 14th ammendments which the above named individuals violated my rights according to these ammendments & knowingly committed theft of my income, income tax refunds, extortion, conspiracy to commit theft of my rights, & enforcement of a nonenforcable settlement agreement which was clearly made void. Tis clearly also shows the respondent father has a very good case to sue these individuals in federal court, I hereby promise I will file suit to collect the monies I have comming to me 100%. I have a right according to the 1St Ammenedment to expose all those of Arizona State Government, as well as Law Firms that commit Conspiracy against consumers, Dads, x-husbands. Beware of theft & enforcement of illegal judgements, void orders, vacated orders, fines, fees, interst, or fraudulent activities by the above named individuals & representatives of the State of Arizona.



Arizona State Government, Conspiracy involving Judges, Commissioners, & Attorney

#4Author of original report

Sun, March 14, 2010

The Arizona Division One Court of Appeals Case # CV-CA 09-0014 has proven beyond any dought that the Judge Buttrick of the Superior Court ordered the respondent, fathers original civil settlement agreement between me & my wife, Satisfied & my responcibility to pay the $36,00.00 agreement was terminated on 10/16/2006 matter of record DR 2000-014500. A judge pro temp of the Family court overturned the order of the Superior court a void, vacated judgment, which he was not legally allowed to do added the civil settlement agreement to "child support arrears" and now has it listed with the federal government as non payment of child support. This is not only illegal buy this so called judge Kupeszewski, but is also called a conspiracy when enforcing void vacated orders of a civil settlement agreement & falsely ordering the matter to be called "Child Support Arrears, so as to collect the funds from my income tax checks, etc, using federal laws by lieing, and fraudulantly stealing funds from the respondent father. The Court of appeals has affirmed the Judge McVey order stating that Commissioner Kupeszewski had no legal right to force unwarranted, fines, fees, interest against a settlement agreement which the family court has no legal grounds. I have filed countless pleadings with the court stating the family court had no legal right over the civil settlement agreement written word for word stating no money interst fines, fees , etc will be added now or at any future date.

The Arizona court system clearly has conspiracy charges against them, I have timely filed my charges against the Judges Buttrick & Kupeszewski enforcing fines, fees, interest to a non-legal binging contract, as the court of appeals has clearly stated the judges had violated the contract, and enforced void , vacated orders which the family court nor the Attorney's for the State have no legal right to interfear or change to the contract to better benefit the Judges retirement account's. I have no intention of paying into fraud, theft, or a conspiracy to steal funds from fathers & x husbands of Arizona, this matter has been proven time and time again by me, only to go on ignored by the Arizona Court system. I swear that I will not pay into the continued corruption of the Arizona court system another dime, & swear I will fight this matter all the way to the US Supreme court, just the conspiracy to call a settlement agreement "child support arrears is a matter of theft, & fraud. The State of Arizona needs to investigate the case DR2000-014500 & CA-CV 09-0014 proving that the judges are violating their own laws & enforcing thetf upon the fathers, & x husbands of the State of Arizona, to inforce void vacated orders is a crime in it self, for Judge Kupeszewski to get away with theft, Fraud, and illegal charges is clearly a conspiracy among the Judges of Arizona. I will not stop this matter until all of my income, income tax refunds etc are returned to me 100% & all charges are dropped, The Attorney I used helped the matter along & did not look out for my best interest, & helped the judges to enforce a contract that was illegal to enforce according to the court of appeals CA-CV 09-0014 illegal enforcment of a contract that takes, fines, fees, interest, against the heart of the original settlement agreement dated 1/2001 accepted 2/2002 and now being changed to benefit the court & the x-wife which the agreement clearly stated she could not hae any future funds now or at any future date. This is clearly a State funded conspiracy, and under the first ammendment I have a right and the duty to report to the Fathers who continue to be cheated by these thieves, & corrupt individules, including the Attorney's for the State who with the help of my attorney filed illegal documents, that are not inline with the settlement agreement nor do they have a right, to violate my 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, & 14th ammendments which clearly with the help of the Cour tof appeals proves their is a conspiracy.

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