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  • Report:  #910645

Complaint Review: Marie Haspil / James Ehler / Corrupt Texas Bar

Marie Haspil / James Ehler / Corrupt Texas Bar Lanette Joubert / William Dudley / William Kelly James Ehler Thinks Lying is Funny Austin, Texas

  • Reported By:
    David — Gregory Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 12, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 12, 2012
  • Marie Haspil / James Ehler / Corrupt Texas Bar
    Congress Ave,
    Austin, Texas
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Around 2003, there was a corrupt hearing in the Stanley Rains case involving William Dudley and Judge Schuble. The details will be discussed later. There are real similarities to the corrupt Judge Adams hearing also involving William Dudley in the Jennifer Flores-Lamb case in 2010.

There were false orders signed (withdrawn later) and I was accused falsely among other things by William Dudley and Judge Schuble in concert of a crime. An order disappeared from the court file. I produced a certified copy from my file. They started claiming in unison that my certified copy was forged which was a total lie. This didn't stop until a district clerk representative, a retired Marine "Gunnie" straight as an arrow, appeared and stopped the fraud. This was not the only time I was threatened. Of course, Stanley Rains was threatened repeatedly. 

William Dudley and the others were claiming at the 2010 Jennifer Flores-Lamb hearing that it was absurd to believe that they would do something like the restaurant meeting (which involved according to the child an attempt to create false criminal charges). It was not absurd. These lawyers do this kind of thing. They have done it to me more than once and they have done it to my clients many times. Stanley Rains was repeatedly false accused of being a pedophile. His child was asked to lie about him in that way (she didn't). Discovery which would have proven that was denied (there were videotapes of the relevant interviews). There  are lots of similarities between the Stanley Rains case and the Jennifer Flores Lamb case, and only some are discussed right now.

In any event, as part of that sequence of events, William Dudley and Judge Schuble involved the bar similar to what happened in the Jennifer Flores-Lamb case also involving William Dudley but instead of Judge Schuble Judge William Adams.  Judge Schuble smirked at a hearing stating "we won't have court this afternoon because I know you have an appointment this afternoon" referencing a grievance hearing.

At the grievance hearing, Dr. Barbara Beckham a child psychologist testified about how the Court system had been abusing the child. Also, she had personally witnessed the mother of the child abusing the child. Dr. Beckham testified how the mother denigrated the father of the child in an extreme manner right in front of her. Of course, the mother could assume this was OK because she had witnessed the Court system do this for years. There was never any evidence this man did anything wrong. The supposed evidence was either absurd or fabricated mostly there was just insinuation. Again, this is very similar to the Jennifer Flores-Lamb case where these same lawyers insinuated a sexual relationship between the mother of the child and me based on completely innocent facts, made absurd inferences of mental illness of the mother, etc.  Dr. Beckham testified that William Dudley admitted to personally abusing the child.

I was present when William Dudley made this admission. There was supposed to be a deposition of Dr. Beckham in the jury room. Before the deposition started, William Dudley asked her questions informally. After hearing her answers, he obviously elected not to take the deposition. She explained to him how damaging denigration of a parent to a child is to the child. She called it child abuse. He said "well, then I abused the child."

Dr. Beckham also testified that the mother denigrated the father's lawyer to the child. She told the child that the father's lawyer was "evil." Of course, years later in the Jennifer Flores-Lamb case, the child told his mother that he was told that her lawyer was "evil." Again, there are huge similarities.

After Dr. Beckham's testimony, there was a break. I sat next to Dr. Beckham and talked to her during the break. I know everything she seaid during the break.  Dudley did come by and have some kind of discussion with her. I don't remember  what was said. I do remember what was not said. After the break. Dudley told the grievance panel that Dr. Beckham had withdrawn her testimony during the break. I said that wasn't true. The panel chair was straight. He asked her back into the room. She fortunately had not left. She was asked if she had withdrawn her testimony, She said she had not. Dudley flat out lied in a way designed to corrupt the proceeding. Now, James Ehler was there. He was just a few feet away from me on the other side of the conference table. He was operating a video camera. I distinctly saw him smirk and possibly even chuckle.

He was amused by Dudley's lie. I was not amused. The lying behaviors by Dudley and his affiliates Lanette Joubert and William Kelly had cost me countless hours and virtually stopped my life and driven me broke. The Stanley Rains case consumed virtually all my time. I was working almost completely pro bono. Stanley Rains was literally eating crackers. They had driven him broke.  They were abusing him, and they thought it was funny.  The hearings generally had a circus atmosphere. It was horrid. The poor man was arrested for trying to see his child in a completely legal manner. I personally heard the cop rousting him over the cell phone.  I wasn't going to let it stand. The criminal prosecution of Stanley Rains was bizarre. There was no crime. The jury literally laughed at times at the prosecution. The jury fore person gave Stanley Rains a hug after the trial.

When Judge Schuble learned that Stanley Rains had been acquitted, his face was red as an apple. His face was the same color as Judge Adams' when he saw me talking to the MHMR ladies in the hall. I am pretty darn sure Judge Adams knew what the MHMR records would say before I told him. he had tried to conceal the extreme mental health issues of the child care provider used by the father. After I presented the records, incredibly, he said they were irrelevant. I wonder if he would want his child watched by a homicidal psychotic, etc.

The whole thing was bizarre beyond words. After the hearing, he sent his ex wife a text message stating that she should call the police if she saw me and to not let the child walk home from school alone because I was a risk. There was no basis for that. He was being malicious. He was trying to set me up for arrest at the hands of his ex wife (she calls the police on me when she sees me at the grocery store or whatever). This is similar possibly to how they got Stanley Rains arrested (lies told behind the scenes). Judge Adams is a very dishonest and abusive man. There was no basis for that whatsoever. It was later learned that he had hired William Dudley around this time to represent him against his ex wife in a child custody matter. He had a huge conflict of interest.

I digressed. I am apologize. In any event, after I saw James Ehler smirk when Dudley lied obviously enjoying the lie, I knew James Ehler is evil. They call me evil repeatedly for no reason yet I cannot call them evil? That is another double standard. They verbally abuse people without end but oh no if someone tells the truth about them it is unethical? No it isn't. The truth is the truth. They are evil. I filed a grievance against Dudley for lying to the tribunal. It was ignored. I then filed a grievance against Ehler because he has an ethical duty when he personally witnesses ethical misconduct. It was ignored. I learned that Ehler would ignore anything and everything filed by Rains including allegations of ex parte hearings (there were many), fabrication of evidence, etc. Ehler protected the corruption. The same occurred in the Stanley Rains case. According to Ehler, it is OK for a lawyer to physically assault an opposing litigant (among many other things). Lanette Joubert threw a deed at Jennifer Flores-Lamb's face.

Judge Schuble was removed from the Stanley Rains case. I have a copy of the letter from Chief Justice Wallace. I don't think I am supposed to have it. I don't remember how I got it. I do remember generally that courthouse staff was appalled at how Stanley Rains was abused and they warned him of ex parte hearings and what not. I think someone gave it to Stanley. He claims Courthouse staff told him Judge Schuble was removed from the bench for two years (except for municipal courts and child support master and possibly a few other exceptions). I don't know about that personally but I know I didn't see Schuble again for several years. I know he had been a regular at the courthouse almost continuously for years.

That's another pattern. Judges who do the bidding of the corrupt William Dudley, Lanette Joubert, and William Kelly tend to get hurt. Of course, Judge Adams has been hurt. I protect judges, but he dishonestly went for my throat. He attacked me for believing my child. My client was according to the child being set up for a crime (possibly myself also). The child was being told I was evil. The child was being told to lie in ways not only designed to get my client in trouble but me also. The child was told to lie that he saw his mother and me in bed together (a total lie).

This was obvously designed to buttress a lie they had been telling for monts (including several totally corrupt motions of which Ehler approves). In one, the corrupt Lanette Joubert actually said I admitted to having a romantic relationship with my client, and yes I know she was playing word games but any reasonable person would read the motion that way.  The motions were frivolous both factually and legally. Ehler loves this kind of thing. When one judge denied the motion, she filed it with another. Kind of curious because she got an attorney sanctioned over $10,000 for forum shopping (using a judge who happens to be the mother in law of Larry Adams).

I guess I digressed again. The point of this was supposed to be that James Ehler has a history of supporting dishonesty and corruption with these particular lawyers. He did it for years. Rains filed countless grievances all ignored (except one). Joubert had consulted with Rains extensively before representing Rains ex wife. Joubert appeared formally on behalf of Rains's ex wife several times but she was informally representing her continuously (these lawyers operate as a corruption team). They finally sanctioned her for that. I believe James Ehler was more involved than just handling the grievance after it was filed, and Judge Adams' text message clearly suggests this. Judge Adams was having communication with the bar according to his text message before he signed his corrupt orders.

This case was unusual in that the bar was harassing me throughout the litigation. They essentially became co counsel with Lanette Joubert mimicking her frivolous arguments and asking questions on her behalf. This went on for months. Admittedly, I was not anywhere near at my best at trial because I was hounded for months, and I was very, very angry. Further, at the time of trial, Judge Adams was still assumed honorable, and I was operating under the shadow of his orders which unjustly denigrated me. Ofr course, later the beating video came out, and later it was learned that Judge Adams was operating under extreme conflict of interest (William Dudley was his lawyer at the time to get him custody of his child).

These things are the reason I blame James Ehler more than Marie Haspil although I certainly blame her also. She was the point man (or woman), but Ehler was the boss and he has a history.  Ehler's name did appear on one document (I don't remember exactly the document). I complained. His name never appeared again openly, but again I mostly blame him whether right or wrong. I know he has ethical issues, and he is the boss.

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