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  • Report:  #1405280

Complaint Review: Mark Selker Fine Art

Mark Selker Fine Art Creepy landlord that doesn't return deposits without threat of legal action Cielo Estates Internet

  • Reported By:
    boba — encinitas California USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, October 10, 2017
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 03, 2022

Mark Selker rents a rooms in a large home in Cielo Estates in Rancho Santa Fe, California and I was his landlord. He operates an art business called Mark Selker Fine Art and also is an aspiring movie maker. While in my home he caused a lot of problems with the other tenants making up stories about the home and causining genral unharmony in the household. Since he paid his rent on time I overlooked the problems but he was given notice immediately upon revealing that he had been accused of improper filming of a child during a recent relationship. This was information that he offered on his own and immediately regretted backtracking his story. 

18 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Stand-up guy.

#19General Comment

Mon, September 10, 2018

 Mark is a honorable guy. I’ve known him for years. This complaint is b-s.


San Diego,
United States

This is outrageous and false he is the complete opposite. Trying to ruin a good reputation

#19General Comment

Sat, September 08, 2018

Mark has been like father that I didn’t have. He is very nice and respectful. I have never been in a situation where I felt uncomfortable. This is outrageous that this man said this stuff about him. He’s just trying to ruin his reputation. I have known Mark for years and never felt this way. He always makes you feel welcome and he is very generous. Overall I know mark is not what this man says about him he is the total opposite.


San Diego,
United States

Mark is about as opposite a person as this report describes!!!

#19General Comment

Fri, September 07, 2018

Wow, this is a very bad person writing a false and incoherent report!     I have known Mark and his family for over 10 years, and he has not only been around me quite often, but my daughter as well.     I am rebutting this outrageous complaint as it is truly as far from the truth as it could be in regard to Mark, both personally and professionally!  He is truly one of the most trustworthy, generous and honest people I know.  In fact, he is such a giver and not a taker, that I used to tell him that he should look out for himself sometimes instead of everybody else. His integrity, knowledge and professionalism, in addition to the care and time he gives to each client makes him an excellent person to buy art from.    As a Mother, I am always concerned about my daughter's safety and well being. I have absolute confidence in Mark and will always trust him around my daughter, as well as with any of her friends or other children.  In regard to the disgusting comments about taking photos of a child, I know personally he would never do or even think of doing this.   The person who wrote this report obviously has some serious mental issues and clearly does not know Mark! This "report” has blatantly been written to hurt Mark and harm his reputation.     It is a very scary thing to know that someone could and would do this to somebody so easily.   I know Mark well and he would never harm anyone. I highly recommend Mark for both purchasing Artwork, and anything else.  He is a good person, an excellent friend and again, as truly honest and caring as they come.    I think this should be removed from the site, and the man who wrote it should get in trouble!!



Moreland Hills,
United States

Mark Selker Fine Art Slander

#19General Comment

Tue, September 04, 2018

I am an artist and a collector of fine art in Cleveland Ohio and I have known Mark Selker since the early 1980’s. I have always felt complete satisfaction with any of my art dealings with Mr Selker and I feel continued confidence in his art expertise and trustworthiness. When I saw what was written about him I was shocked and angry. How is it possible for someone to be permitted to lie and slander him? Again, Mark Selker is someone who I have respect for and would never hesitate doing business with.. Sincerely, Jo Cowan Cleveland Ohio Phone access upon request


San Diego,
United States

This is a libelous and false accusation!

#19General Comment

Fri, August 31, 2018

I have known Mark Selker for almost two decades both personally and professionally. And when I read this shockingly false "claim" by some anonymous ex-roommate I felt like I had to respond to it. 

In all my years of knowing Mark like I do, not once have I ever seen nor heard of him ever being in the least bit questionable around children. He is one of the most caring and kind people I have ever met, and fully trust him around my children without a shred of doubt. I know many people that know Mark feel the same as I do.

Ultimately, two things are frustrating to me. One, that some lying cretin can "anonymously" file a claim against another person without proof (affidavits, etc.). This false and libelous claim clearly was done with malice of intent, to do serious damage to a good and decent man's reputation. This claimant didn't have the testicular fortitude to put his name on the claim. So, what does that tell you right from the start? 100% FALSE.

Secondly, the fact that there are sites like this that allow totally anonymous claims to be filed, under the guise of the 1st Amendment, and to leave a bogus claim to remain posted is utter crap. I implore whomever the powers that be are at Ripoff Report to remove this claim, knowing full well that this was a fraudulent claim.

Mark Selker is a man of principals, integrity and great heart. He would NEVER do anything that would endanger or jeopardize a child's well being and would NEVER do anything that could be construed as inappropriate with a child. Ever.

Please. Do NOT believe a single word of the claimant. It is a complete lie, and that individual should be held accountable.


United States

Absolute untruths

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, August 30, 2018

I have known both Mark and "BOBA" for approximately the same amount of time. I can assure you, the latter, who filed this original complaint against Mark, is an absolute slime ball whose false narrative should be given absolutely no weight. Mark is a kind and intelligent man, who has an absolute strong sense of right vs. wrong and an outstanding moral character. The accuser in this bogus report is nothing but a fraud looking to cause maximum damage to someone simply because he did not want to follow the rules of an agreement. It should be clear to all that someone that would delve to these depths in an attempt to cause so much harm to ones reputation, is of low moral character and certainly not to be taken seriously. 


Solana Beach,
United States

Complete fabrication

#19UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, August 27, 2018

I have known Mark for more than four years. Both as a roomate and a personal friend. This guy was never our landlord. All of those that roomed with him felt he was a great presence in the house; calm and rational.

My many personal visits and time spent with him have shown me that he is of a very high moral charater. The allegations characterized here attempt to destroy his character, business and nothing else.

His business is highly reliant on reputation and this liar has decided that he can destroy it with this website. Obviosly jealous, the writer cannot compete and has resorted to these "first amendment" tactics.



United States


#19General Comment

Sun, August 26, 2018

I have known Mark professionally for 20+ years. His character, integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of life can not be questioned! The no-name coward who wrote the above garbage clearly did so in attempt to harm Mark’s outstanding reputation and good name. Such a shame that this happened to one of the "good guys!” This should also be a wake-up call for us all to be aware that there are Cretans out there who can harm any one of us in the same way. Our Founding Fathers never intended for the 1st Amendment to be a shield for the malicious acts of scumbags like "boba."


New york,
New York,
United States

Untruths: What is this World Coming To?

#19General Comment

Sun, August 12, 2018

I have been friends with Mark for approximately 10 years. 

We initially became aquainted via some art world business dealings.

I can assure anyone that Mark is a person of great character and that the statements made in this report are untruths.

If anyone reading this is having second thoughts about doing any business with Mark I would be happy to alleviate any of these concerns via the phone. My work number is (((REDACTED))), ask for Glenn.

It's a shame that an anonymous party can make such false claims without any sort of proof and a website exists that freely posts such information. It can and has ruined lives. 

Thankfully, because Mark is such a GOOD MAN, he has turned this negative to a positive. The people who really know Mark have rallied in support.

Mark can put his head on the pillow at night and sleep well, the anonymous source should not.


United States

Mark is an individual of the highest moral character and integrity, period!!!

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, August 11, 2018

My wife and I have known Mark for over seven years, first as buyers and sellers of art, and soon thereafer as social friends. We have spent numerous hours with him at various social functions, often at his home and gallery. When we became aware of this spurios and libelous allegation, we were totally shocked. And to find out that any web site would allow (and seemingly invite) such anonymous, baseless, and false allegations with absolutely no evidence was a shock. It doesn't take an attorney (although I am one) to to see that any disgruntled individual (in this case a tenant who did not want to abide by the terms of his lease) can turn our democratic "presumption of innocence" to a "presumption of guilt." And with not one shred of evidence. We can assure anyone reading Boba's (gee, I wonder why he did not use a real name) false accusation is just that---totally false. As a result of our lenghy and in-depth dealings, both in business and socially, with Mark, we find the allegations beyond absurd.


Laguna Beach,
United States


#19General Comment

Tue, August 07, 2018

I have known Mark and his family for years. i have never known Mark to ever be disrespectful to children nor ever inappropriate with children . Children are taken with his kindness and good heart. Never would Mark cross any line with a child. There has never been any indiscretion or complaints of this nature since I have known Mark  . This statement is against Mark's nature. This is solely a fictitious statement crafted to tug at your heartstrings and cause the most vicious type of damage  and to top that without full disclosure of who the complaint was filed by.

Mark may be addicted to ART. but  Mark has no drinking problen or drug problems whatsoever,  It apprars to me that the accuser may have a substance abuse problem , or some sortt of rage that causes him to lash out at mark because of his ability to get along so well with people or clients. 

I have worked closely over 25 years or more with Mark and respect Mark's ability in the Art Business. I trust his judgement and respect his oppinion. Never has there been an issue with myself or my clients. 

It is a shame that this person has directly and purposefully intended to do harm with Mallce.

I am hoping this helps in some way because every word this man wrote is a lie. 


United States

Absurd lies

#19General Comment

Sat, August 04, 2018

These are the most absurd lies I have ever heard.  I have known Mark most of my life and he has always been honest, upstanding, and beyond reproach.  It is disgraceful that this site allows someone to post such unsubstantiated lies in a blatent attempt to destroy someone's reputation.  The initial report should be removed from this site immediately.


Santa Monica,
United States

Pure Lies

#19General Comment

Thu, August 02, 2018

I've known Mark for decades on both a personal and business basis and I'm convinced that whoever wrote this libelous garbage should be sought out and prosecuted. The original poster is obviously not in his/her right mind yet still this site accepts the post as if it were true. How is that possible? In this day and age it seems anyone make up a pack of lies without being held accountable. This is a sad commentary on how we've devolved as a nation in the name of free speech. That a mentally ill person can smear the name and reputation of the most upstanding person I know, who has more integrity in his right toe than most have in their entire being.


San Diego,
United States

This is an attempt to destroy a good reputation by a complete shyster

#19General Comment

Wed, August 01, 2018

I lived with both Mark and the person who wrote this “rip off report” and it is a complete lie. It is an attempt to assassinate Mark’s character by using the power of the internet and hurt his business by using the lowest, most disgusting form of slander a person of low moral character could possibly dream up. Mark was the stabilizing presence in the two different houses we had all rented in Rancho Santa Fe and is a still close friend who I trust completely. The person who wrote this was a friend as well, but turned out to be one of those fly by night, self-promoting types who leaves others holding the bag (and his share of the rent and other bills) when living up to his commitments is no longer convenient for him. We’ve all had to deal with these types of people in our lives, so just imagine how you would feel if a person like that launched this type of attack on YOU. Any one of us could be victims of this kind of trash and we should remember that when we read this type of repulsive hearsay on the internet - and reject it out of hand.

Mr coffee

United States

Totally false

#19General Comment

Sat, July 28, 2018

Have know Mark Selker for as long as I remember- this all so totally false .

 He is always honest and above board with everything and everybody . His integrity is outstanding.

This is without a doubt a attempt and attack by a by very sick person to try to damage and harm the reputation and well being of  a honest hard working person .  The writer clearly is making these claims because of some jealoust or deep rooted mental problems. 

 This is all false - believe none of it .


San Diego,
United States

This is complete and utter non-sense and totally false!

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, July 17, 2018

I know Mark and have even lived with him as a housemate and none of what was stated is true.  NONE of it!  Mark is cut from the cloth of great and admirable character.  This is a poorly written fairy tale with nconsistent details that is clearly fabricated by a sick individual.  Do not belive any of this rubbish!  It is all false!   


Rancho Santa Fe,
United States

Outrageous & False Accusations - So sorry that this has happened!

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, July 13, 2018

My husband and I have known Mark Selker since he became our neighbor in Cielo over 6 years ago.

His character and integrity are beyond reproach.

The accusations above, to the degree they even make sense, are blatantly false with their clear and only purpose to cause harm and embarrassment. The despicable author of these defamatory claims should crawl back under the rock from which he came.

Posts like the above should remind us all that real creeps, under the guise of The First Amendment, can turn us into unknowing victims of scurrilous lies that can damage our reputation and livelihood


United States


#19General Comment

Fri, July 13, 2018

I have known and worked with Mark Selker for years, he is a stand up guy.

This is a crock. I can't believe it's still up. It doesn't even make sense, the headline says Mark is the landlord and the body of the thing says the writer is the landlord.

Though incoherent, it is a prank or a deliberate slur that is doing damage. The mention of inappropriateness with children is made up, as sad attempt to discredit Mark.

The use of Mark's company name, which has nothing to do with the content of the post, is an obvious attempt to cause financial harm.

Take it down.

Respond to this Report!