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  • Report:  #1199088

Complaint Review: Market Place Mortgage TRUSTED Business | Verified Safe™ …businesses consumers can trust. Market Place Mortgage an independent mortgage bank founded in 2008 dedicated to client’s goals of homeownership with low or no closing costs at very low interest rates. Market Place Mortgage’s ethical business model requires the company to internally cap its revenue from the secondary market in order to rebate back to the borrower extra profit to reduce their costs.

Market Place Mortgage Verified TRUSTED Business REVIEW: An innovative mortgage bank providing very low rates, no closing cost options, excellent customer service and the full spectrum of loan options. Trusted by thousands of satisfied customers.

*UPDATE: Market Place Mortgage pledges commitment to Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits consumers, ensuring complete satisfaction, confidence when doing business with a member business. Market Place Mortgage recognized by Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    AJ — Virginia Beach Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 03, 2015
  • Updated:
    Tue, October 09, 2018
  • Market Place Mortgage TRUSTED Business | Verified Safe™ …businesses consumers can trust. Market Place Mortgage an independent mortgage bank founded in 2008, dedicated to client’s goals of homeownership with low or no closing costs at very low interest rates. Market Place Mortgage’s ethical business model requires the company to internally cap its revenue from the secondary market in order to rebate back to the borrower extra profit to reduce their costs.
    246 E JANATA BLVD STE 200
    LOMBARD , Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer, so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses, so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. The author of the Ripoff Report below never responded to our offer to help them.


Let me start by saying this COMPLAINT IS FASLE AND DEFAMATION. It was written by a disgruntled competitor with too much time on their hands. As we are a company that is not following the norms of the industry and paying closing costs and helping people with lower rates by making less profit it is natural that we will upset the competition when we take business from them. I always say that Jesus upset a lot of people when he started out that even wanted to kill him and he started with only 12 disciples. It is not easy to change the status quo for the better but we are trying and you can see this with the hundreds of good online reviews written by real customers about us.

I will examine the complaint on the facts. So confident were we that this was a false complaint we invested in lawyers to file suit in 2015 in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court of DuPage County, IL case number 2015 MR 000680. Our goal was to obtain the IP address of the computer and identity of the individual in order to sue for that person for libel. The internet is a great thing but it should not be abused by individuals with poison in the hearts. Rip Off Report reached out to us during this process and offered to help with this information and to set the record straight for us which has helped tremendously. Our shared goal is to help consumers and to make sure they know there are good companies out there like Market Place Mortgage that literally sacrifice profit to make the world a better place.

I am not thrilled to dignify a false complaint with an answer based on real facts but here is the truth. We have closed thousands of loans with very few complaints. In this case we literally had just became licensed in the State of Virginia and had only completed a few loans at the time. We knew each client very well and not one client had the initials AJ and not one was a Staff Sargant in the USMC. Not one of the customers lived in or near Virginia Beach. Never in our history has a customer sent someone from another state as we are located near Chicago, IL. to sniff around and check us out. In fact the reception area is an enclosed area with a full time receptionist under 24 hour video surveillance so there is no way a customer could just wander around. We are not transitory and have been in this building for nine out of the last ten years in business. There is no clutter or files laying around our office. The majority of loan officers and operations staff have their own private offices that are locked and this is not an open plan office suite. Files are not kept at loan officer desks as this is not permitted by State regulations and files are stored in a totally physically separate processing suite under video surveillance. Flies are immediately shredded upon closing a loan. Recently we have even converted to a paperless environment with no physical files through Encompass software to further reduce our expenses. The alleged customer did not name any loan officer and the CEO who is a professional and a trained lawyer does not recall having any such conversation with such a person. We have closed thousands of loans with satisfied customers and pay closing costs every day giving away millions of dollars every year so to pay closing cost is not something that we are reluctant to do. We are proud of it and encourage it. Nobody keeps a mortgage for 30 years so why pay for it. A mortgage application is an analysis of risk and if a client’s credit score drops terms will change but in the vast majority of cases it is not difficult to do the math upfront accurately so there are no surprises for anyone at close. It is not in our interest to change terms because the customer can always rescind and then we will have lost the thousands of dollars in man hours put into a loan to process the application. You can only be successful by being straightforward. In addition we do not charge application fees unlike our competitors because we do not believe you should pay anything out of pocket if your loan is not approved. We bear the risk and cost on an application not being approved and do not want to burden the customer with expenses if it is not approved. This is why we have excellent loan officers who can evaluate accurately the chances of success upfront.

Market Place Mortgage is doing everything it can to raise the standards in the mortgage industry. We have helped thousands of customers over the years and without your support we cannot continue to save people thousands of dollars at close and tens of thousands in interest on there loans. We do it because as people we enjoy helping people. There is no greater joy than to help someone who has been denied by others or doesn’t have the funds that others want to overcharge them and turn that person tear of anguish into tears of joy. Our conscious is very clear. We know real the difference we have made to thousands of satisfied customers lives and truthfully this is what really matters to us and motivates us. We are blessed by happy and loyal customers and we hope to continue growing our corporate family and fulfill the American Dream for hard working people.

Thank you for taking the time and consideration today in reviewing our response. We appreciate you.



I would like to start by saying if you are considering doing business with Market Place Mortgage Corporation...Think Twice  and then RUN. 

This company has taken my money and passed me around to several loan officers... aka Mgrs LOL! in the company to handel my VA loan refinance.  At first conversation with the loan officer everything seemed to be going fine...even though the process seemed to be taken much longer than promised!

I started off dealing with my loan officer who promissed a NO COST LOAN, he didnt seem to sure of himself about questions I had... probably new! I was told I would have a package emailed to me by the end of business. didnt happen... It started off with them taking a 4 days to email a loan package to me. I was anxious to secure a rate, so I called and left several VM's for my loan officer to let him know I didnt recieve the package. Well... Unreturned phone calls and emails. I asked a friend of mine stop in the office to make sure it was real.  Needless to say...the report was not good... should have pulled the plug right there!  Very unprofessional and cluttered with Files laying all over the office. Looked like thay could leave tommorow!that is the day the package was in my inbox.  I signed and returned same day by scanning all the requested information to process my loan!

1 week later.. I get a request from the processor assistant Apryl who requested the same docs that I had Faxed an emailed to the loan officer that she said she never recieved. So I resent them directley to her again!

Here is where things get interesting... 6 weeks in I receive more diclosures emailed to me stating that the costs have changed. When I had questions about the $6,760 in closing costs I was being charged... I was promissed a 0.00 Closing Cost loanI was passed around to different managers stating they would look into it and get back to me ASAP.  Never happened! Then finally, I request to speak to someone in charge I get to speak to someone who claims he is the CEO totally unprofessional! Tring to explain why my costs have changed in the middle of the process, and really did not have a good explaination as to why, other than the rate isnt paying enough for them to pay the closing cost as promised. Sorry... Take it leave it!

When promises are made do something to help payfor your errors take the cost out of your commision and call it a day to keep client happy! Didnt Happen!

I am a staff sargent with the USMC and when I am told one thing and then things change...NOT Good! Needless to say I didnt close and wasted numerous days of my time!!!  Everything posted on their website is total BS...

I cant believe this company is still in Business.

Do yourself a favor and time is money! RUN!!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

FirmEquity/Law Offices of Thomas V. Leverso



#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 08, 2015

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Market Place Mortgage Corporation (“Market Place”) and Gavin Beal (“Mr. Beal”) (collectively “Plaintiffs”) have initiated an action in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court of DuPage County, Illinois, cause number 2015 MR 000680 (“the Action”), due to allegedly false statements made by “AJ” of “Virginia Beach, Virginia”, the author of original Report “MARKET PLACE MORTGAGE CORPORATION GAVIN BEAL TRACY GALLO JACQLYN TRAMPIS APRYL CAIN DESEPTIVE UNSCUPULOUS LOMBARD Illinois”.  In the Action, Plaintiff seeks to subpoena the records of Xcentric Ventures, LLC for your identifying contact information to be sent to their law firm, which is FirmEquity located at: 858 West Armitage Avenue, Suite 101, Chicago, IL 60614.  Plaintiff has served a subpoena on Xcentric Ventures, LLC, the company that owns and operates this website, to reveal your identities.  You may have a right to file and serve a response to the subpoena anonymously.  If you intend to file and serve a response, please do so, or notify us of your intent to do so, on or before October 6, 2015, approximately one week prior to deadline for Ripoff Report to provide production of your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, your Computer’s MAC number, your Internet Service Provider, and any and all such other applicable identifying information, to Benjamin P. Kailin of FirmEquity, via email or facsimile (312-479-8611).

Market Place



#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 03, 2015


This complaint is the equivalent of TOILET GRAFFITI . It is written byan unscrupulous known competitor with industry knowledge and most likely attempting to identify us with their own problematic issues. I have known many Staff Sergeants as clients and know they have too much self respect than to use such poor grammar and childish innuendo in their daily speach. We intend on suing for libel to discover the identity of this “anonymous” entity. In the meantime we will be paying Rip Off Report $2000 to arbitrate on this libelous allegation as this is their business model and apparently the only cost effective mechanism they offer to resolve and hopefully understand the truth of the matter. Normal libel laws do not apply to teh internet and Rip Off Report as they claim not to be the source of the allegation but just a posting board so the traditional method of having libelous allegations quickly removed seems to not matter in the age of the Internet.     


Market Place Mortgage was founded in 2008 by Tracy who si a working mother with over twenty years experience. Tracy was determined to work for the interest of the consumer in an industry that was plagued by bad practices and figured she had to create her own ethical business model from scratch. Tracy’s goal was to get away from these practices and help customer as they should be helped by understanding their goals and with honest and full disclosure and clear explanation. She has grown this company to over 40 employees that support their families through her business efforts. For the thousands of clients we have served there have been no complaints to Rip off report. The best compliments are when customers return to us and tell their friends and we appreciate these many occasions. The repeat and referal business has far exceeded the this one false complaint that is designed to hurt the many families that rely on us daily as clients and employees. 

 While this matter is being addressed through more formal channels we will address the allegations in this post here. 

We are only recently licensed in the State of Virginia and have only done a handful of loans there . We only have a few loan officers that work in Virginia. There is not one client with the initials AJ for a first or last name combined for this state nor have we had any clients located in Virginia Beach. If the basic information is inaccurate in their posting then clearly this person has no problem providing false information. 

The only marketing campaign we have done is a VA IRRL refinance which does not require an appraisal. We do not take upfront application fees on any type of loan. On a streamline refinance process there is no money collected for the refinance as it is not required by the VA guidelines. The allegation that we took money was completely false. 

The idea that someone in Virginia sent someone in Illinois to walk into our only office to check us out is ridiculous.  We do not have strangers wandering around our office. Everyone physically working in our office has a background check and the state requires fingerprinting on top of the usual background checking for loan officers. Customers are limited to the reception area where they cannot physically view any offices and then they are then escorted to a conference room. The layout of the office does not reveal any cubicles on the way to the conference room. They do not have physical access to the operations part of the building. Files are maintained in a processing room that is locked up with a key code lock and behind these locked doors each individual processor who have their own offices that are locked. Loan officers do not keep scattered files on their desk as it is not permitted and the majority of loan officers here are in offices that are kept locked not cubicles . We have been in this building since 2009 which is mostly occupied by Doctors offices and video surveillance is in place. Nobody can casullay wander around.

We offer a no closing cost refinance option where the customer has the option to take a slightly adjusted rate to gain more credits at the time of closing. This is often practical as rates have been dropping for over 30 years and most people do not keep their mortgages that long. It does not make sense for clients to pay money to buy down a rate on a loan they often do not keep to full maturity and often they do not have the funds even if they wished too. For us paying their costs and seeing them again ensures future volume and is simply good for future business.

Our goal is to honor the original promises made at the time of application. Not only does it lead to repeat business and referrals which the majority of our business is based on but it also ensures that the thousands of dollars we invest in advance of closing in costs to process a loan is recouped at the time of closing. A customer has a three day recission period by law to review terms. If they terms are not to their satisfaction they are not required to close and we are without recourse. We are only paid if they are happy and they close and prior to this all the expense and all the risk is upon us. We go unpaid if it doesn’t close so it is unwise for us to disappoint a customer. 

It is not unheard of for an investor to make a counter offer if during the course of processing the customers credit has deteriorated or it is determined that the customers scenario is deemed a higher level of risk than was originally disclosed by them, however, any change to terms requires a statutory re-disclosure process and notification to the borrower before the closing of the loan. Under Federal Qualative Mortgage rules we are paid a fixed percentage of the loan amount that must by law be less than 3%. Our contracts with our investors are pre-negotiated at the same level in advance of doing any loan. We are paid the identical amount by the lender no matter what the rate may be. There is no incentive for us to raise the rate for the borrower other than to negotiate more closing costs credits for the borrower. The additional revenue based on a higher rate goes to the borrower not our pocket. We do not profit under this investor paid mechanism that we have in place by raising the rate.      

 It is also not unheard of for clients to misconstrue escrows for taxes and insurance and VA mortgage insurance as closing cost or to not clearly see the credits on the estimate. It can be confusing reviewing an estimate which is why the Federal government is once again changing the Good Faith Estimate in August 2015 to attempt to make it easier to understand. We have very experienced and mature loan officers who are available from 9am to 9pm during the week and Saturday 9am to 3pm to address any questions people may have. We always advise customer to take a few minutes at the close to review the Note and HUD Settlement statements where the final numbers are. These are the most important few pages out of a large package. We want our customers to be informed because only then do they realize that they are getting great terms on a loan.                        

It is unfortunate that a jealous unscrupulous competitor would write such a mean spirited thing to hurt us but it is not unheard of. The internet is a wonderful forum for people to become informed consumers and knowledgeable that we support but not everything posted is always accurate. We ask that you keep an open mind and not to be hasty to judge or be deterred by this mean spirited blog. We have confidence that our customers will understand the process and have faith in us. If you would like to talk to us further please contact us anythime from 9am to 9pm Monday through Friday and Saturday 9am to 3pm at 630 405 6070 so that we may clarify any questions you may have.

Thank you for taking the time to read this rebutal. We appreciate you and your business.    


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