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  • Report:  #1468653

Complaint Review: Mas Sajady INC

Mas Sajady INC, Masood Sajady, Mas Sajady Exponential Intelligence Pure Source Final Warning; Sick of Mas. You are on your own. Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Mario — North Hollywood United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, December 02, 2018
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 03, 2018

Ok this is my final warning to those who have or will participate in the Mas Program.

If you lose your life don't bother comming crying to us. Because I'm done with Mas already and am already making improvements.

At first I was going to create a website/blog to speak out against Mas but I realized that it isn't worth my time.
I don't want continue this war. I have a life and a future to live. I want to be happy. I deserve it.

Plus I also run the risk of getting it deleted by Mas Sajady c*** riders when really I am exclaiming the truth.

So Speaking out is my healing. Agaisnt the damage Mas Sajady caused.

I was pumped full of fear for 2 years straight.

I was hooked on because of his nonstop promotion of his "abundance". The way he advertises himself was the one all stop to all my problems.

Sure he states that he doesn't heal you but helps you awaken or not to overuse his recordings. But that isn't what he admits at first glance.

360 Degrees of Abundance is what he admits.

I admit I was hooked, and gotten a little lazy. It's just that when bad things keep happening and you are doing your best to let go of the "detox". You lose commitment. I mean really. Not seeing improvements that go over the span of 1 year...

But if I look at my life things only got worse, so bad that I had to break away from his program, and had to find my own inner light or else I will
end up homeless.

Might seem a blessing in disguise but getting treasured friends taken away from you, unhealthy, damaged body. I really see it as unessary suffering.

While I used to be broken and have nightmares about Mas Sajady, worshipers laugh at me that I was considered the "few" while everyone else gets

I get labled as crazy, stupid, I am not strong minded.

I didn't get offended but pulling through all this torment took a strong mind and comming out strong.

Situations like these make you hopeless and vunerable. I felt I needed to take action or else I will be homeless. No control whatsoever of your

I get considered dull and a liar because it wasn't up to my expectations? Nice excuse, but some what true yeah I didn't EXPECT Mas to trash my life,
and left me to rot.

Maybe there is a God. Because there are people out there that resonate with me. So I don't feel alone.

What he offers is Nothing more than a tainted form of his own spirituality. All his regular followers are nothing more than dog thirsty after his advertisement of "abundance". Just bow down and follow what he saids or else you will get extended detox.

If you like butter on your toast. It is a disortion. Follow this or follow that for abundance. Murder your boss for abundance.

What next?
Interacial marriages are a distortion?

Really think. Let your mind be your guide and reason your teacher.

He offers abundance but does he have it himself?

He has divorced his wife.

Handful of promoters stopped him.

He is Very sloppy with his life.

What kind of consequences what you have if you let this Man "edit" your spirit - Disasterous and once you realize its time to quit his program its too late.

Mas Sajady didn't just have "just a very few" people quiting his program. But A handful of promoters and the rest hasn't just decided to take the
time and write what is really going on. Much more than a "very few". That "very few" statement comes from his advertisers and damage control.

So if any if you promoters out there that are considering having him. You are claiming full responisbility for the damage. So don't come to me and
cry that it will take 6 years to get your "abundance" while you are doing the program, suffering continously for 5 years by losing
friends and fatigue.

Some can claim that his teachings aligns with the highest sources.

Sure some but isn't so for alot of sources out there?

All true teachers that I've came across are consistent. Repatative but consisetent. Mas on the other hand in order to keep things fresh is introduce
new "distortions" with his own bias of what is a perfect world. Not God, Not Pure Source but a simple man from Alfganistan. He mixes truth with lies and the gateways to power he keeps a secret.

He even lists "Dominant women" as a distortion. Keeping them in their place and even recomended that they should wear a hjab.

lol and such a "family" man gives special breaks for detox.

If you are a porn star. If he thinks your "sexy" and; even will admit outloud, take 6 months off your detox process.

This dude is a wannable pimp and you can tell there is something off with him right off the bat.

He even targeted the "All about women show" Its obvious that he knows the damage he is doing but is continuing to do it. I'm an idiot for giving him
too many chances but left in early 2018. He even wanted to work with Teal to gain even more publicity and followers while trying to keep damage control on check.

I'm a Male but just took concern. I'm sorry if you hate feminism out of your insecurity but we need eachother. I appreciate some themes of Feminism. But it's just like people like Mas Sajady and Joe Rogan make it look bad. What has this Gender War come to?  Just the misogyny we see today and severe seperation.

I have noticed that some indivuduals He can't really harm you with detox or attack you unless you let it. Fear makes you vunerable. Conquer Fear.
Align with your true spirit and do not let Mas screw it up for you.

Don't hate or fear him. It only makes him stronger. Instead Belittle. Belittle how he uses his "abilities" to shut people off and unable to maintain
his own life (marriage) with his super magical "abilities"

i once said screw mas and immedietly my forhead started to hurt. Such petty and only hurts him even more because it proves the truth - He was deep
subconcious insecurities.

To Rip Off Report staff. Please listen. I know that Mas or his followers will be clever in trying to convince you because with their "abundance". I
know this because they scavange the internet, as provided with the Reddit proof. They just registered an account to convince a person to stay
on the program even tho he hasn't seen results for 4 years.

Do you think I really made this all up to get attention and because I hate Mas? Well he screwed up my life.

Do you expect me to bow down and promote him like his followers?
Get a Psychogist that isn't affilated with Mas Sajady and doesn't know him and validate this.
You will know the truth.

Don't let this get removed. While he is out dancing having fun. Sure some damage has occured to him.
But A lot of people take advantage of spirituality and the consquences it could have on your Spirit is severe.

I know his advertisments and promotions say other wise. But you don't need him. There are many powerful healers out there. Love and the light do exist.

Trust me.

I personally don't think Mas is purely evil. He is still a Human. Not perfect. But far from it. A fool.

So you Mas Sajady fool worshipers have to respect that fact. Not all of us have outdated views of Men and Woman, not everyone wants to follow a tainted form of spirituality. Not everyone has low knowledge of existence or spirituality.

He even states himself that he is not the only way and there are many routes to take. Do yourself a favor and avoid him and take the alternative routes that feel best to you.

To conclude I will sumarize his program but a quote from the "very few" people who dislike his program.

"I went to one of his events. When he does his work on people their bodies bend and contort this way and that. I had him work on me. I was waiting for the natural, involuntary bending that he and others claim is happening but he was literally pushing me. He offers nothing new in anything he offers but parrots and makes up new conglomerations of old stuff and his own awkward ideas."

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