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  • Report:  #840672

Complaint Review: Matthew Cooke - SEO Reputation Management - Hack

Matthew Cooke ,,,, Handlebargains, LLC., Lijit Networks, Team Exergy, Tim Reynolds, Mike Hughes. SEO hacks created by Matthew Cooke destroy free speech by censorship creating injustice for greedy online SEO and reputation management companies, some now owned by They bill themselves as 'Internet Bounty Hunters' all working to take away anonymity on the internet and promote censorship and injustice world-wide. Boulder, Colorado Internet

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Internet United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 17, 2012
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 12, 2014

Boulder, CO Matthew G. Cooke has been selling hacking technology to shady / greedy venture capital financed online SEO and reputation management companies designed to take, anonomity on the internet and promote censorship and injustice world-wide.

  • Matthew Cooke of 10 and 2 Studios refines his 'Cool Technique' to remove and alter search results on Google, Bing and Yahoo to blind content on consumer advocacy websites, personal blogs and to suppress the truth for anyone able to pay his price.
  • Matthew Cooke sells the hack on 10-11-2010 to Michael Roberts of Rexxfield. A plan is devised to falsely manufacture a class action lawsuit against Google's property based on the hacks ability to censor content at will and on what Rexxfield terms the 'Google Humility Algorithm'.

  • Matthew Cooke in November of 2010 sells the hack and his web property to Reputation Defender, Inc. Reputation Defender, Inc., changed it's name to on January 27, 2011.

Matthew Cooke, offering to sell the hack to Michael Roberts of Rexxfield and Bruce Anderson of ( it takes 90 seconds for this audio to begin to play, please be patient )

A few highlights with time markers to listen for :

  • 90% of Matthew Cooke's revenue is from removing anonymous consumer advocacy report on Ripoff report - time marker 1:25

  • Matthew Cooke has been removing contents and altering search results for over 4 years and it started with It takes only half-an-hour to destroy someone's free speech. - time markers 5:28-7:05

  • Rexxfield asks Matthew Cooke for an exclusive on the hack, Cooke explains the price for Reputation Defender is $60,000 but a non-exclusive price is cheaper. - time marker 13:08

  • Cooke says the $60,000 price to Reputation Defender is because they had $100 million in venture capital. - time marker 14:39

  • Cooke states: "If Rep Defender puts $60 grand in our hands we can take that." - time marker 14:39

Matthew Cooke sells to in November 2010.

Matthew Cooke is contacted by Rexxfield about a doctor whom killed a patient while performing plastic surgery without proper training.

The doctor is written about on Ripoff Report and on people's personal blogs warning others, this causes a 50% drop in revenue. Cooke assures Rexxfield via SEO tactics they can reverse the 'spin' and remove all the negative content for $18,000. The content is removed and two years later the doctor is found guilty of killing her patient. During the time the content was removed, the clicnic was able to return to maximum profitability.

Matthew Cooke because of the large sums of money he was making through s****.>

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Cliff Stein Ripped Me Off $22,500


Reputation Management Became Black Mail For Doctor

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2014

Cliff Stein, the Chief Executive Officer for Reputation Changer, promised to de-index the bad reviews that had been posted to the Internet, turning them into non-issues as online review sites, aimed at the medical profession, are all the rage—they were ruining my medical practices.

Anonymously, via an this site, my patients to sounded off on the quality of medical care they have received, cloaked in the privacy that the Internet allows.

Stein, promised this new injection code would delete patients’ online reviews. Stein said the $7,500 fee to delete content was far less that seeking legal action which is seldom effective against Ripoff Report, due to the prickly nature of free-speech lawsuits, and besides, it can be very expensive and very time-consuming.

He told me longer these negative reviews are online, the more damage they can do, and the more patients will turn to other physicians.

Stein provided a list of Fortune 500 brands and even elected officials, whom have used their deletion code and even introduced me to a hacker named Matthew Cooke who wrote the SQL code.

I paid the $7,500 and waited to have the negative reviews removed. As we continued to lose patients because reports remained, I was forced to pay another $7,500 retainer, for a total of $22,500. After not having my reputation restored, I asked for a refund and was told that was unreasonable. I then disputed the charges on my credit card and were utterly savaged by bad reviews it was brutal.

Stein, is not offering to de-index our complaints if we sign a non-disparagement and pay an additional $15,000 poor reviews.

All about the money

New York,

Reputation Management Partners dba Authorized Statement

#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 06, 2013

In 2008 -  I was extorted to pay $10,000 to these guys who were charging $10,000 to remove false stories written by them about me.

Tought to get a job in banking during the economic collapse of 2008 with such slander.

5 years later I get a call from Auhtorized Statement and the voice on the end of the phone -- the same person that extorted once before, Australian Michael Roberts formerly of Rexxfield.

Fox News Scam

United States of America

Hacking Code, Lijit Networks, Federated Media Publishing, Reputation.Com using illicit hacking code Matthew Cooke's Mistress Tells All

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 24, 2012

Matthew Cooke was my Sugar Daddy.He once had me dance and entertain a business partner of his who have had an english accent, Matty told me his friend loves strippers.

The tape on this report sounds like the same person -

Matthew promised me that once his wife was arrested for fraud, he would be free and marry me. Matthew and his UK business partner had been making allow of money by writing horrible things about people on the Internet and then forcing them to pay to have the content they had created deleted.

Then Matty hit it big by selling the computer code to Lijit Networks and Reputation.Com.  That is when Matty's friend offered to pay me $15,000 to tell his Google contacts Matthew was the one who created the code.

His friend was getting allot of money from Google for a reward.


New York,

A Predatory site born every minute to prey on populations that suit their need for greed, not truth.Attack on Arrested population.This is not about.Freedom OF SPEECH/Interviewer has Brit/UK accent

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 15, 2012

RE:  Matthew Cooke, offering to sell the hack to Michael Roberts of Rexxfield and Bruce Anderson of

Mugshot Websites Hiding Behind Freedom of Information Act-

Posted on July 10, 2012 by dcg1259

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law that gives the public the right to make requests for federal agency records. All federal agencies, including EPA, are required to make requested records available unless the records are protected from disclosure by certain FOIA exemptions.
So the disclosures you see on mugshot websites example from states: The following Official Record of (We have removed the persons name to protect their privacy) is being redistributed by under the Freedom of Information Act. This Official Record was collected from a Law Enforcement agency on 6/27/2012. Address herein
provided within Official Records, visualization provided by Google Maps.
So unless your mugshot and information was obtained from the FBIs Most Wanted List their redistribution disclosure is worthless.
Does not apply to records taken from state courts or local law enforcement agencies.  These agencies are governed by state law. Now get to work and check your county and your state laws closely. Help us find statues that will assist us in getting the laws changed. And get these sites shut down!

A Predatory site born every minute to prey on populations that suit their need for greed, not truth....

Posted in Opinions

 1- This site is a predatory site.; Just like the mugshot websites are. Both preying a population of people that do not need to be preyed upon.
2-There is a difference between censorship and journalism.
3-This report is trying to discredit the fact that people are being pushed to take matters into their own hands, as the Hosting websites and platforms are not protecting the public. With printing "the facts and truth" comes responsibility and accountability of the content of the reporting. The internet does NOT function as a printed news paper. What should be taken away from this report is that the posting of mugshot site serves no general public interest and the development of business to remove such  information is developing out of a need that is being induced in the public.
4- The Public Defenders are suppose the be our  court systems and laws that curtail the miss use and the abuse of  "the average" general public. Where are the law makers and why are they overlooking wired fraud, extortion, profiling of populations, why is transparency going one way, why are these sites afforded privacy,
6- If this blogger feels so strongly about the truth and it's "protecting the public" ability, then why haven't they provided their names. When one feels right and can stand by the "truth", they have no problems being honest and revealing themselves.  The fact that bloggers will hide behind "first amendment", but not be honest about who they are remains a curious fact

Tagged Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, extortion, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, mugshot, Texas, website, Florida. mugshot websites

The person that is doing the interview has an "English/UK accent"


United States of America

Sahar Sarid owns -

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, June 08, 2012

Sahar Sarid owns -

Sahar Sarid converts public records to his use (18 USC 641), criminally infringes name and likeness copyrights (18 USC 2319 and 17 USC 506), stalks (18 USC 2261A), blackmails (18 USC 873) and extorts (18 USC 880) money from people.

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

Sahar Sarid - 3213 Dover Rd, Pompano Beach, FL 33062 - (954) 782-9292


United States of America

Matthew Cooke and Rexxfield used Fox 5 & Fox 11 News pawned to legitimize their hacking technology

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, February 18, 2012

Im going to share the sh*t out of this report. LOVE this. As someone who paid money to have Ripoff Reports and personal blogs removed ( I am a single Mom and while the reports were true it was ruining my business) I did fix things with my customers. I KNOW Im doing something right by warning people that these companies steal your money as the blogs and reports eventually return. I admit, when they told me they were 'special investigators' for Fox (LA and Las Vegas) and then had me watch the videos on their websites, I was impressed. I paid over $10,000 to remove what I felt were customers whom were being unfair to me. Dont dare ask for your money back, they will threaten and intimidate you.. Thank you so much explaining this was all a scam, the players involved and being so eloquent about it.

John Galt

United States of America

Reputation Management companies bill themselves as 'Internet Bounty Hunters' with the ability to identify anonymous bloggers; posters and close the free flow of information, if you pay their fee$

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, February 18, 2012

Wow - the companies in the above article are the enemies of the Internet. The desire is clear, to stop information from being free and flowing on the Internet.

There is a reason that the right to free speech is in the First Amendment, and not the Second, Third, Fourth, etc. It is the most important constituational right we have.

Tracking the identify of anonymous posters and deleting information to whomever has the deepest pockets is disgusting. Matthew Cooke and any companies he is associated with should be boycotted.

To all my blogger friends, I urge you to share the above report ASAP.

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