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  • Report:  #1450812

Complaint Review: Matthew Currie

Matthew Currie FRAUD and CON ARTIST Calgary Alberta

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Canada
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 09, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, October 09, 2018

"Astrologer" Matthew Currie is nothing but a fraud, con artist, and very skeevy individual.  In an article posted in Elite Daily, he advised somebody to get into an orgy.  His specialty is "sexual astrology."  Meanwhile, he can't get laid for his life.  In another reading he did for Sarah McKrell, he was completely drunk and started slurring his words.  His reading did not resonate with her whatsoever.  

When I finally got a reading to see if any of this was true, sure as hell it was!  The reading was entirely inaccurate, his speech was slurred as if drunk or high, and he had my wrong birth information!  What's with this guy?  His website and blog posts on BeliefNet get hardly any traffic, and he bullies other astrologers to make himself look good.  For one thing, he constantly annoys GianPaolo DiCocco, who is a GREAT astrologer by the way.  Currie is highly jealous of GianPaolo and is attracted to him on the creepiest of levels.  He was hoping to gain success by riding on GianPaolo's coattails, but he failed miserably.

Stay FAR away from Matthew Currie!  He is nothing but a skeevy fraud, pervert, con artist, and scam!!!

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Riding on Gian Paolo Dicocco Coattails? Priceless!

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2018

I'm sorry but I just had to comment on this one. Who would possibly ride the coattails of an internet troll that is like 40 years old and still lives with his mom? How sad! It seems all he does is comment on other people's YouTube accounts or post to Facebook or Twitter all day. He also clearly makes up other accounts and comments on people's pages or videos (i.e Matthew Currie, The Peace Dealer, Joni Party, The Leo King, and many others). It's also obvious that he creates other accounts with different names and continues to make disparaging comments. I don't want him to stop because its' so hilarious! Everytime I read one of his comments I picture his mom callingh him from that pathetic little room he films in and asking if he has brushed his teeth! He even has a account where he tried to raise $20,000.00 to get back on Youtube and he has only raised 92.00 in the last 6 months and still got back on Youtube! It's so pathetic. If we're lucky he'll respond to this also or at least under another account he creates!



Well, You're Consistent, Paul

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 18, 2018

I just got off the phone with Divison R, Adams County court. Your "legal prowess" has you on unsupervised probation. But given "The guy is a menace and needs to be removed by any means necessary, seriously" -- and given what's now on your record, I suspect the "unsupervised" part will be changing soon.

God you're dumb .

GianPaolo DiCocco

United States

Matthew Currie Needs to be Institutionalized

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2018

There's no question here that Matthew Currie needs institutionalization.  He is going so far as to actually call the court system and find out exactly what went down.  If this isn't a case of OBSESSION-COMPULSION, I don't know what is!  This guy needs to be locked up, or at the very least, on psychiatric medication.  Fortunately, this "unsupervised probation" is diddly squat. The whole thing is dismissed. The best thing is that I have to do a low amount of public service hours for a non-profit organization.  And you know what the judge said?  Do some free astrological analysis for mental health patients.  Hah!  The hours have already put in.

And to think that calling you a menace who needs to be removed by any means necessary qualifies for a supervised probation, think again.  Number one, I am out of the state of jurisdiction.  The only way it can get supervised is if I am extradited to Colorado, which is a lengthy process.  Even if they were to seek supervision in California, which is exceptionally unlikely, that would take extreme difficulty, would be unwarranted, and an extreme waste of court resources.  Also, you are OUT OF THE UNITED STATES LIVING IN CANADA

GOD, you're dumb.  Stupid fool.  Get a life, or better yet, just die. The world doesn't need you, and let me tell ya...neither does SUSAN GRACE!  Stop infesting her with gonorrhea, will ya?

GianPaolo DiCocco

United States

Need to Respond to Matthew Currie

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2018

This is GianPaolo DiCocco.  I have no idea why I was brought into this but i did not make the initial complaint above.  I thank whoever made this post about matthew currie because every bit of it is true.  Make no mistake about that.  You can see the complete paranoia and delusion evident in currie's response.  The guy is a menace and needs to be removed by any means necessary, seriously.  the guy has issues beyond belief, and there is a reason why his astrology business and clientele is a complete failure.  just a major disgrace to astrology.  I mean c'mon...I have 10,000 youtube subscribers, and he has what?  300?  let's get real here.  The proof is in the pudding.

Now he brings up my case history.  Of course I had two court cases in colorado made by a very disgusting, revolting, sue-happy individual against me who harbored extreme jealousy because I am so d**n good at what I do.  Both cases were entirely dismissed with my judicial prowess.  You don't mess with a libra when it comes to legal cases, and I made that abundantly clear in front of the judge(s).  Even though the individual (plaintiff) was not present in the fraudulent harassment case, he was completely embarrassed in front of the judge.  I certainly made sure of that.  So now the person is logged as a complete embarrassment to the justice system in that state.  And Matthew Currie knows jack-sh** about this because he obviously was not there, and he has no knowledge of what these cases are about.  The only knowledge he can have about them is if he colluded with the individual who brought me to court in the first place, which he DID speak to him (I have this on record) and collude with him because that individual released his astrology reading that I did for him to matthew currie.  This in itself was a total breach of privacy and confidence, which is one of a few legal causes of action that I legitimately have and will make.

That individual first filed a protection order against me, thinking that I was in a relationship with him when I clearly was not.  You want to talk about clearly insane and delusional mental thought processes?  That person needs to seek therapy and be hospitalized.  Out of fear of legal action, he even took preliminary action by signing over rights of his own astrology company to someone else, out of fear that I will be going after his assets with legal action, which I still can by the way.  When somebody does this stuff to me, I ensure that justice is served royally and expediently.  Matthew Currie is another one where Karma will rain down justice on his pathetic soul.

So there's the clarification on my "history," which due to dismissal, is now history, wiped away clean.



Gianpaolo DiCocco: He Has A History

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 18, 2018

First of all, anyone who's sat through Gianpaolo's videos knows that, by tone and word choice, the original complaint was in fact written by him.

Gianpaolo is a jealous little creature. If you have the time and the stomach for it, have a look at his YouTube channel, which is virtually one long diss track about other astrologers... myself included.


Here's a link to the actual blog entry Little Man Nostradamus is jealous about:


And yes, it's mostly about sex, but that's what the writer was looking for. So that doesn't make my specialty "sexual astrology" any more than THIS makes my specialty "dog astrology":


I consult with a lot of writers. You jelly, Paulie?

Meanwhile, here's my main blog. Have a look for yourself to see if I'm a skeevy, sex-obsessed pervert... or if perhaps the problem lies with Mr.


Finally, if you want to have some real fun with Gianpaolo DiCocco? Have a look at his Facebook


...quick, while his latest 30 suspension from Facebook for posting hate speech is in effect! Now scroll down to where he talks about a court case being dismissed against him (HINT: it was, surprise surprise, related to threatening someone). Now look up the actual case and see what the REAL outcome was.

Adams County Colorado, 6/25/2018, case # C12018M1604, defendent Paul DiCocco.

PS: It's unethical as hell to throw around a client's name without their express permission, even if you're being a damned liar about it, Paul. Now leave me alone before I find more places to associate your actual name with your actual record (criminal and otherwise). Your next career could be a clean start. Don't screw that up for yourself.

Celestial Forces

United States

Such a lack of adult sophistication!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 18, 2018


             Hello. My name is Sarah McKrell. To the individual " Anonymous" from Canada who created this report:


             1. I do not know who you are obviously and the fact that you used my FULL name is very creepy. This has got to be illegal and if

              not, still constitutes as slander. I do not appreciate your apparent stalker like behavior and I will take steps to quell this if deemed 

              necessary. You could have described me simply as a "Female Client" . Which brings me to the fact that....

             2. I was never a "Client" of Mr. Currie. I met him through Astrology groups on social media. Being as that 

             we are both astrologers who are quite knowledgable ,( I have been studying 15+ years)  exchanging 

             information/opinions is quite interesting to partake in. He has taught me alot in the few chats that we did have. I appreciated 

             his time and input, specifically about a Saturn and Pluto transit that is coming up on my Mars soon. He talked with me because he 

             truly cares about people and does not require money to chat. I do not need to get a reading from anyone and I let him know that                         immediately. I do not need to pay for a reading from anyone. LOL. I know more than a lot of the so called astrologers out there. I do not require a reading because I either figure it out myself or consult an individual like Matt who enjoys teaching and speading

             the word about Astrology due to his passion for it. He never mentioned money to me, why would he?

             3. You mentioned a Paul DiCocco in your report as well who I happen to know. What does he have to do with this? I met him in

             Astrology groups about 3 or 4 years ago after I commented on one of his posts. I am assuming you know him as you defend him 

             rather aggressively. How adorable.

             4. I do not know where you get your information from. It does not matter because it is fraudulent. Matt " slurring his words"  

             a reading that never happened is quite ludricous. What a truly gifted liar you are...... "Anonymous". You get an A for effort.

             5. I advise you to stop using my name or attempting to get me involved in this "spat". If you continue to do so, at least reveal

             yourself like an adult and if You have something to say directly to me, then I encourage you do so. 




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