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  • Report:  #602771

Complaint Review: maui mastermind

maui mastermind Business Owner's Success Conference This seminar ripped me off not only my $30,000 but my investments as well! carson city, Nevada

  • Reported By:
    linda perry — phoenix Arizona USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 12, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 07, 2014

This absurd seminar run by David Finkel is a total scam. You spend $30,000 to go to Maui Hawaii to listen to this knucklehead. Not only will you lose your $30,000 entrance fee, you will lose any investment money you invest with them!  It is a a seminar for people who WANT to become rich. They sell you "Maui Magic" that will transform you. David Finkel is the slimiest of the slime. He comes off smooth and polished, but is a wolf in sheep's clothing. BEWARE of ANYTHING HE SAYS! 

Many of the people who have attended this seminar have lost all of their money. When you go there, you see all these smiling faces. What you don't realize is all the people who are NOT there anymore. They're not smiling. Alot of the people attending are cohorts of David, getting a cut to be there. Alot are trying to bank on YOU being there.

There have been numerous leaders running these seminars who are not there anymore. Would be very interesting to see what happened to them. It's hush hush about all that, and I caught them in many lies about it.

Be wise and keep your money and just go on a vacation with ALL the money I'm going to save you. Don't get caught up in this cult that takes all your money.

Tip of the day - Listen to your soul whispering to you... don't trust someone with your money, only trust yourself. You are wiser than you think.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Tobias Preston


$191K is how much maui mastermind will make me in 2014

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 07, 2014

I"m a successful businessperson, having survived and prospered SINCE 1989

Furthermore, BASED on systems and training by Emyth in the late 1990's and now today in 2014, IT IS BECAUSE OF EDUCATION FR Mr Finkel and Maui Mastermind that i can further see my business grow.

$30,000USD is a LOT OF MONEY.

However, after i leave this  year's conference, and it appears will make an other $221,000USD fr this investment, i can tell you this-- 30K is NOTHING when you are smart, educated, skilled and willing to learn fr a great company like Maui Mastermind.

The person who believes it is a "total scam" is NOT ONLY incorrect, but worse, ignorant by living in the fear of what he or she has seen through very limited view.  I bet you that this person ALSO thinks many many other things are a "scam" since blindness and denial are relatively universal perspectives.


For me, Information is power and Maui Mastermind for both personal and business growth is the BEST OUT THERE and i've seen almost all of them since my journey into education begain in 1985 at a Salem OR library.

This is my professional and personal "rebuttal".


Tobias J Preston





Closing out this false report

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 03, 2011

I just wanted to let public know that the supposed rip off complaint filer not only never responded to my rebuttal which if they had I had agreed to donate $5000 to any mutally agreed upon charity, but upon further search of our database it is clear that it is likely that this complaint comes from someone who NEVER attended the actual WEalth Summit event.


David FInkel 



Setting the Record Straight with Simple Facts

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 21, 2011

Earlier today an applicant for one of two positions we are hiring report shared with me that there was in fact a negative report about our company on this website.  While he shared it as a positive (wow, you've been in business for close to a decade on only have one negative posting that I could find on your company, that says something very positive about the way you do business) I wanted to find out what someone said about our business.

You see I take our reputation very seriously.  We've worked very hard over the past decade to create a lot of value for clients and deepen those relationships.

When I read the "report" I had two initial reactions.  First, I was upset by what felt like a very personal and defamatory attack by an "anonymous" person.  My second reaction was that this person may or may not even have ever attended our "Maui Mastermind" annual wealth summit event.  

The more I read the report, the more it appeared to me to be someone who had some kind of personal issue with me using this forum to attack. 

To date we've held 10 Maui Mastermind wealth summit events in HI and had over 200 hundred participants.  A quick investigation into our client records shows that out of these 200+ participants, not one lives in Carson City NV.

This calls into question whether this really was a participant who attended the event, or someone with a more personal agenda.

Further, since well over 60% (in some years up to 80%) of ALL participants had such a good experience at this event the first time, that they invested the money to come back a second time, this further narrows the potential number of legitimate "one time" participants to the event.  

A little math shows that roughly 50 people attended Maui Mastermind only one time.  ALl the other participants attended, and had such a positive experience that they enrolled to come back the following year (many people have been back 3 or more times.)

I'm making the assumption that if this complaint was a legitimate one (which to means seems less than certain) then it would have to have come from one of those approximately 50 "one time only" attendees.  A quick scan through this list again not only shows no one from Carson CIty, NV, but I still have a personal connection with many of those people, and over 90% of those one time attendees are still clients of our company.  (The wealth summit event is just one of the many workshops and services we provide for business owners looking for ideas on how to improve their businesses.)

Leaving that aside, I wanted to set the record straight by sharing some specific facts that directly bear on this situation.

First, for the past 5 years, after each Maui Mastermind event we ask each participant to fill out a detailed evaluation form about their experience of the event.   I personally read every single evaluation form.  We've gotten a huge amount of valuable ideas from those forms.  Ideas to improve the event, places where people felt we could do better, and most commonly, compliments and testimonials about how deeply the event impacted their lives for the better.

After all this time, NONE of these forms had any participant sharing anything even 1/10th as emotionally loaded or negative as in the reported posting.

We keep scans of most years of these forms and can prove that this is accurate.

Next, we have over 50 very powerful thank you letters and testimonials from thrilled participants who not only shared their experiences at the event, but they did so on the record (i.e. with their name and not anonymously.)

Here are excerpts from just 10 of them:

"I had been a real estate investor which is how I met David Finkel. I went to a seminar of his. His approach to investing was not only about real estate but it was a holistic or value based approach that was more about the person and the opportunity and the technical knowledge as well...It will change your life. Your eyes will never have the same vantage point after Maui. It opens your mind. It changes your perspective. We all come in with our own paradigms but by the time you leave you all understand just what is possible for you.We are taught and trained to go to school, get a good job, work for someone else, and hopefully by the age of 65 you will have saved enough to retire. But no one talked about dreaming anymore. No one talked about following your passions. At Maui you'll learn the mindset which allows you to dream and follow your passions. Plus you'll learn how to work with other people who have different passions that you can utilize to create synergy so that together you can take on bigger challenges not just for yourself, but for others.Since Maui I have started up a successful new business and built relationships with some of the best people I've ever met. You can do the same thing."
-- Harold Fox, business owner and 3-Time event participant

"I still come back for the breakthroughs and paradigm shifts but also I have come to value the relationships I have developed and the new ones I will form."
-- Graham Peake, business owner and 4-time event participant

"I continue to return to Maui because at each event I learn so much. My financial habits changed. Maui helped me and my husband chart our future together. We learned to measure our progress in a bigger picture than we previously understood. During each of the Maui sessions, we experience a shift in our attitude about wealth and prosperity in life. When you grow this way, and meet others who are similarly growing and giving, who wouldn't return?"
--Madeliene Nichols, attorney and 5-time event participant

"Besides the people I've grown to care about so deeply, the biggest surprise for me was how drawn I was to the charity aspect of it. To be frank I first went to Maui to learn how to make more money. But when I was there something happened to me that opened me up to the Maui giving. In my past I'd written the checks, but after Maui I really got involved and put my time and energy into my giving. It's had a huge impact on my life."
-- Kara Baker, business owner and 3-time event participant

"Roger [another 6-time Maui Grad] described the experience as something that I would benefit from. In the past we had invested in single family homes together. I saw what a tangible difference Maui made for Roger as he made a tremendous leap from managing his portfolio of 45-50 single family houses to doing large, multi-million dollar, commercial real estate transactions... I am still coming back for the same reasons: to meet people who are doing unique things, to acquire new tools as an investor, and to improve myself in all aspects of my life."
-- Lamont Hull, sales person/investor and 3-time event participant

"After I graduated from college my grandmother begged me to go on to get my masters degree, but I said I was too burnt out on school and didn't want that. Instead, I went into sales for 2 different Fortune 500 companies for 3 years. I became the top salesperson within 11 months out of college. After a few years in Corporate America, I grew extremely bored and decided to start my own technology company because I saw many ways to increase efficiencies. For the next 8+ years I did very well as the President of ACI. I built it to a multi-million business with several employees and was able to travel the world. Basically I had a Level Three Business with passive residual income but I didn't know the right way to build it so that I could sell it. When I got married and had kids, I tried to sell it for a short while but then just let it go. If I had gone to Maui Mastermind 10 years ago and knew then what I've learned since from David about creating a Level Three Business, I could have sold it for millions. Over the next 7 years I was mostly a stay at home mom except for dabbling in the stock market and real estate. Then I found out about Maui Mastermind through friends. I knew I had some important business skills to learn before starting another company. I've always enjoyed building businesses and knew that I was a natural entrepreneur. Over the years I learned to follow my passions and dreams but didn't know how to turn these into a thriving business. This is why I was motivated to go to Maui Mastermind the first year in 2006... Thank you, David and Maui Mastermind for teaching us how to build long lasting businesses around our passions, gifts and talents, while investing in real estate along the way."
-- Dina Beauvais

"I had been a subscriber to Diane Kennedy's e-letter on tax advice for some time and chose to attend the Mini Maui in Tempe, Arizona since all the proceeds went to charity. It took me more than a week to process and to get my head around all of the content, but it had a real impact on my thoughts and plans going forward.One of the outgrowths of this was going on a trip to Juarez Mexico to help out at some orphanages there. I joined up with and worked alongside several other Maui Grads, and they just felt like long lost family. I had an instant rapport and connection with them that I had not experienced before, but had been seeking for a long time--true peers! I thought if I could meet just two or three more of these people that it would be worth every penny of the Maui Mastermind event.The money was a big hurdle to get over initially, but the whole point of Maui is to really stretch yourself and get outside of your normal boundaries so you can get to the next level. That $30,000 is just one of the first stretches for me.The bottom line is that we met at Maui, not just 3 or 4, but 80 people who were instant peers that had already achieved a certain level of success. It was such an amazing experience that we signed up for the next year and the following year, and probably every year from here out.If you suddenly found people that could assist you in your successes, who would be your coaches, mentors, resources, and seemed to you like long lost family, not just peers, but people who actually encouraged you to believe in your dreams that helped you to succeed. If you found 50 to 100 people like that, what wouldn't you pay to go back and associate with them on an on-going basis? It's priceless!"  D
--David Gimbal, business owner and 3-time event participant

"So far it's been three months since attending Maui and just by changing my mind set, it has literary opened up a huge conduit of opportunity for me. This has literally translated into hard dollars in my pocket. But more than this have been the intangible benefits and new friends. It's helped me transform my life in a way that has real meaning, where I create real value in the world and at the same time don't have to feel bad for making all this money. The money is a means to support relationships and causes I believe in and to be able to pay those things forward."
--Jody Mcnamer, business owner and 2-time event participant

"Thank you.  I wanted to all to know you do touch peoples lives and you do make a difference with your support of Maui."
Jennifer Lyle, business owner and 3-time participant

"Last year gave me the opportunity to network with like minded indvidauls, and remove myself from the daily grind running a business can be, to focus and get clarity on the direction I needed to take my business and I look forward to doing the same this. Plus I am bring my CFO with me, and
can't wait to see him grow."
-- Derek Jarr, business owner and 5-time participant

Third, the "report" claimed (or at least strongly suggested/implied) that participants were somehow compensated for helping us promote the event.  THis is flat out false and inaccurate.  WHile over 40% of participants first learned about Maui through a direct referral from a past client, NONE of our referring clients receive any compensation from us for the referral.  They do it because they had a great experience and as such wanted to recommend that a friend or professional contact explore to learn more.  In fact, I can't think of a greater compliment than this very high referral rate from our clients.  (And as the CEO I'm very proud of our team and grateful to our clients that this is the case.)

Finally, in closing, I simply ask the reader of this "ripoff report" to go closely through what was said.  If you feel that the report was balanced and factual, so be it.  I respect your right to make this decision.

I am hoping that you take the report with a grain of salt and keep a balanced perspective in mind.


David FInkel
Maui Mastermind(R)

P.S.   To the anonymous person who posted the report.  I am very open to discussing with you directly about your complaint and taking steps to work out a solution.  I need you to take that first step and contact me through our website since you have currently chosen to remain anonymous.

Furthermore, if you are a bonafide wealth summit graduate and contact me and my office in the next 60 days, regardless of the outcome of our conversation, I will have our company personally make a $5,000 donation to any charity that we mutually agree on as doing great work in the world.  I believe in taking responsiblity for our actions so if I or my company has done wrong by you, and if in fact you are/were a past graduate of our wealth summit event, then we'll make this donation.  

P.P.S. TOday's date is June 21, 2011 so you have 60 days from today to contact me via our website to do this.  After that date I will assume that your report wasn't really bonafide.

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