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Max Acai Boost HEATH-CLEANSE (866-829-7198) Max Acai Berry SCAM!! Internet
i am NOT the village idiot by NO stretch of the imagination and i'm pretty cautious with any online purchases and securing my banking information just for background. sooo, i order the FREE TRIAL Max Acai Berry (HEATH CLEANSE is the merchant) AFTER having read the terms about the automatic enrollment for about $87/mth. the trial is for 14 days from the day you actually ORDER the product (regardless of when/if you ever RECEIVE the product). after the 14 days, $87 will AUTOMATICALLY be deducted from your account. AND they enroll you for other madness and call you a million and nine times to "confirm" your order and authorize drafting your account for other "random" offers.
the order w/a shipping charge of .99 was made on 8/4, scheduled to arrive on or by 8/8. by the 10th, there was no product, and according to the automated phone system, there had been no shipment. of course i immediately attempt to cancel and there is NO ONE available for customer service to cancel. i called the number THEY gave several different times to no avail.
i found out via my bank that the merchant is OUTSIDE of the US, and attempted AGAIN to cancel via the merchant contact number associated with the draft (.99) made to my account. again, i was unable to reach a LIVE person, was disconnected a couple of times and was eventually connected to an automated cancellation option. it asked for my information and said that there would be no additional shipments (the ORIGINAL shipment was never made) and that there would be no additional charges (that remains to be seen). i received NO cancellation confirmation and still have yet to speak with a live representative, so who knows.
in order to secure my account from unauthorized drafts, as i CLEARLY understand that that's what's likely to occur, i call the bank for instructions. they informed me that unless i cancelled my card and got a new one that all i could do was to WAIT for them to make an unauthorized draft and then dispute it.
to date, my account has drafted for the .99, a negligible .03 associated with the non-US merchant transaction, and i have NOT received a product. i am HOPING that there will be NO additional charges made, but i'm watching in WAIT to SHUT IT DOWN if there are any!