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  • Report:  #330348

Complaint Review: Maxum Gold Bnk

Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer Thieves San Francisco California

  • Reported By:
    Miami Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 03, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 26, 2008
  • Maxum Gold Bnk
    San Francisco, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Maxum Gold Bnk, led by a gentleman called Christopher Pedras and Sylvester Gray, duped me into thinking they had a "Clearinghouse Bank". This "Clearinghouse Bank" is actually their partner, Premier Mortgage Capital, from Florida. They claimed they were the REAL DEAL in the REO business and were closing deals left and right. They signed me up to be a broker for them and made me go through all this paperwork to get my buyers signed up.

After forwarding more than six buyers to them I found out what they were really about. They are not a clearinghouse, they are not even direct to the seller, they are an intermediary. Christopher Pedras is a very good talker. He will convince you that they are a legitimate company but they are not. Brokers beware, their clearinghouse is Premier Mortgage Capital led by some crony called Eric Beans. He has no connections to banks, all he does is hire telemarketers to call other brokers like me trying to find REO's to sell. Brokers beware, after they "Fired" me they contacted all my buyers and even kept relationships with them. They are thieves and liars and one day they will step on the wrong toes. Remember, Eric Beans will work with you directly if you call him and you can easily find him on the internet. You dont need Maxum but I wouldnt work with Eric either, he is very gullible and sells illusions not REO

Miami, Florida

10 Updates & Rebuttals



Depends on the branch managers of Premier mortgage in different states

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 26, 2008

My daughter has been a loan officer for 17 years and has recently picked Premier Mortgage as a company to become a branch manager for. It has been months and she has had no complaints about them at all-except they are located in FL and she in CA for time is different. My daughter is an ethical, honest mortgage loan officer and advised her clients during the "sub-prime" how bad these loans were and if people wanted to go ahead she went into detail of the future repercussions of these loans. She was formerly branch manager of Santa Cruz Mortgage and most of her business is old clients (happy clients) and referrals. Don't judge premier mortgage as their are branch managers with offices all over the states and it is the branch managers and the loan officers they oversee who are the real culprits when things are not on the up and up.

My daughter researched this company thorougly and has, so far, found it to be ethical and fair.

Her mom,


Eric Beans


We now have a pretty good idea of who wrote this

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 21, 2008

MikeG is more than likely a guy named "Bryan" (99.9% certainty). Bryan is out of New York and was fired by Novelty Financial. Bryan then wrote a scathing write up on Novelty on this same site under the same name.

Now that we know who is writing this, here is the backstory: Bryan as a broker was well below average. None of the clients he sent over had any real money (not uncommon) and we did no business together. After a blowup with Chris Pedras, Bryan hit Chris and me with a Cease and Desist...the only one I've ever had in my career for fear we would continue talks with "his buyers". We both complied with the cease and desist and went on with our lives, apparently Bryan did not as this was close to 7 months ago.

Although I've had limited dealings with Bryan apparently this blowup with Chris and subsequent termination from Novelty caused Bryan to retaliate (against what I have no idea).

Rather than dealing with any of his concerns straight up or doing research to validate his fears- he started a smear campaign which has already proved to be damaging by people who check me and my company out online. My reputation is very valuable and prior to this childish campaign was impeccable.

Unfortunately for Bryan, we now know who he is. We are in the process of trying to locate Bryan to handle this the way it should be handled- man to man and through the proper channels.

He broke his own Cease and Desist and has caused irreperable damage to reputations with completely unfounded accusations. I look forward to showing Bryan the proper way to handle grievances in the very near future.

Eric Beans

Christopher A.t. Pedras


Michaelg on MAXUM GOLD BNK LTD. / Christoper A.T. Pedras

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 15, 2008

Michaelg Miami, Florida;

Wow! you are truly an undeliverable character Michaelg of Miami, Florida. I have to admit, I have never been bounced around a subject so much in one writing, as this one. I actually got lost in trying to figure out who is CHRISSY and who is Christopher and then Eric and all the other names in the email.

But let me give you all the dirt on Christopher A. T. Pedras . It will save you some time. It will be more accurate as well.

You ready here it is (see links below). That's it, that's all there is.






Now then Michaelg, what about you, what dirt is there true or false about you I guess we will never know . You do not use your real name, in fact you do not use a name at all . But you continue to slam and deface me and everyone that is connected to me, in your mind. What terrible thing is it that, I have done to you or that you think I have done to you.

Did I steal your money, because it sounds like you did not have any??? Did I take your girl away from you, doubt it you have never mentioned one, only other peoples women? I know I took away your ability to sound like you have brain in your head, yep that's it, a brain that is what you lost.

Well then I am sorry for your loss, no body reads this site except fools and idiots. It was created by an escaped convict from the Florida State Department of Corrections, you fool . Get it . This web site is designed for making money off of people who are as ignorant as you appear to be.

If you have something me on me the take it to the cops or whom ever.

You're a domestic terrorist trying to use words to destroy; you are not that good, give it up. Go back and sit at the table, drink your Root Beer, Son, it's ok now, I promise, all that bad guys are gone now .. except for you and your dreams.

Eric Beans


Glad to be able to correct another error

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 15, 2008

I am one of the owners of the company. Alex Fink, Stephen Bennett and I own the company. Alex can't fire me...neither can Stephen. Don't get too caught up on titles, we each manage our departments.

I have been with the company since July of 2005 (not last year as you report). FYI- the company opened it's doors as "Premier Mortgage Capital, Inc." on November 7th, 2005.

Whoever you are, it appears as if your motive is that you don't like Chris. Any issues you have with Maxum can be taken up with Chris Pedras who is a very honest and blunt guy. If you do have issues with me (which does not seem to be the case) they can be taken up with me directly. Don't be afraid or scared...everything can be worked out the right way (ie- not on a site that's a cesspool for slander). If I did do anything specifically to you which was dishonest, please document it here so I can clear this up.

In the meantime, if anyone reading this wants proof that these allegations are false and that I do in fact own a mortgage banking company (and never did anything dishonest to anyone), email at anytime to or to my business partner at

To "Mike"- best of luck in your future endeavors.



Response to Eric Beans-- Premier Mortgage Capital

#11Author of original report

Sat, May 31, 2008

Okay Mr. Eric Beans. I do not have to make this long. Once again you are caught in another lie. In your rebuttal to me you stated that you are the OWNER of a national mortgage bank. This is a LIE. And you caught in your own words. You are merely a Vice President of Premier mortgage's Orlando office and your boss's name is ALEX FINK. He can fire you if he chooses. You've only been with the company since last February in their Florida office. I'm sure Chrissy is going to give me that one.

As for Christopher Pedras, I laughed when he wrote that I must respond in 72 hours. He has this fascination with the number 72. Maybe thats the age difference between him and his wife?? I dont know but this I do know, I am writing a thorough report for my rebuttal to his laughter of a response. Do you know I recently found an article on him where he sent $135,000 to some scammer in Kenya because he recieved a letter stating if he does this he will recieve millions in return. I can't believe he fell for that. I guess he's not as smart as he thinks he is. Here's a good question for both you and Chrissy.

Both of you asked me to name specific examples of how Maxum Gold Bnk and Premier Mortgage Capital is both a liar and thief. Well, I can. BUT.... do you really want me to start naming names of broker's, associates, buyer's, and seller's, whom both of your companies do business with. Don't you know that their names will come up on the first page of Google and Yahoo?? Do you really think they want to have their names smeared next to yours on ripoff I don't think Chrissy wants to have twenty ex-business associates calling him, ripping into him for forcing me to bring their names into this. It's best for me not to open this can of worms because I will drag them into this and they will read this warning I am writing, and know you forced me. Please answer this warning!!!

Now Chrissy, I do want to answer one thing you said. You asked me to prove how you stole money from me. here's my answer, I DONT KNOW!!! You still work with my buyer's. I dont know if you closed on any of them you thief. My next report will bring your entire scam to light and then you will have some real answering to do. Oh yeah, as for that anonymous writer who wrote about your racist remarks towards African Americans. I never knew you to be racist and dont recall any remarks in that nature from you. You stated that was you must think I'm the only person who you scammed....LOL

Finally, this call goes out to any brokers who have dealt with this Maxum Gold Bnk or Premier Mortgage Capital. Put your reports right on Rip Off and let he world know how they scammed you. I have three other associates who will be placing their own reports covering the next three months. Let's start a national campaign against all the REO scamming companies and bring them to justice. Trust me we know a lot more about Chrissy then he thinks. Mikeg san fransicso, California U.S.A.

PS; If you have any complaints about Eric direct them to Michaelg Miami, Florida

Christopher A.t. Pedras


Responce To: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 06, 2008

In Response to: Michaelg, Miami, Florida

Topic: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer
Thieves San Francisco California.

Dated: May 03, 2008

Body of Response to your comments and accusations:

My name is Christopher A. T. Pedras; I am the CEO for Maxum Gold Bnk Ltd. My direct phone number is 415-513-5330, my direct fax number is 415-513-5343 and my direct email is
Maxum Gold Bnk, Premier Mortgage Capital, Eric Beans, nor I have anything to hide in the operation of our business. So please feel free to contact me directly over your issues and here is why. I do not know you and to the best of my knowledge, we have never done business with you (michaelg).

1. You have made accusations and comments that are very serious, you have not offered, but only alluded to having some kind of documentation that shows a truthful, legally established business relationship with Maxum Gold Bnk and me.

2. Your claim of wrongdoing is very unclear; Maxum did not fire you, because we did not hire you.

3. You stated that Maxum has miss-represent itself to you. Maxum has a very clear disclaimer on its web site that tells you, as we do when we speak to anyone, as to whom and what we are, and how we operate. It is again followed by all of that terrible paperwork, that is once again designed to make our role within the system, very clear to avoid such things as this poorly and contradictory writing of yours (re-read it .. it makes no real sense).

4. For the record, let me see if this sound familiar to you: MGB does not, own, buy, sell or maintain, inventory of REO's. We operate in concert with our sourcing bank (Premier Mortgage Capital), in the capacity only to pre-screen the actual buyer, period.

5. You have stated RIP OFF, and that Maxum is a thief. What is your loss? Does Maxum owe you money? If so, for what do we owe, what transaction did we do with you that netted some compensation?

Produce the paperwork to me directly, the CEO of the company, that you stated owes you and has RIPPED YOU OFF. Prove your position to me, directly. Because Maxum Gold Bnk, does not do business, nor will we ever do business, without all the paperwork in place first. Once you have presented your case to me directly and we have had the opportunity to speak with each other directly we will resolve your issues.

If in fact you feel that Maxum Gold Bnk has taken something from you and owes you money for something, please make your claim to me directly. I will work to fix that very quickly. To the best of my knowledge there are no claims made by anyone against MGB for lack of completion. Consequently, if your issues have nothing to do with Maxum Gold Bnk owing you money, we will insist that you write a retraction and an apology for your statements and actions taken thus far.
Now Maxum Gold Bnk has publicly stated our position and what it is willing to do to clear this up honestly, fairly, and with good business practice.

Respond within 72 hours of this posting, if not then most everyone reading this trash will pretty much understand the truth by the way use your real name and contact data, just like me; after all I have nothing to hide from anyone.

Thank you
Christopher A. T. Pedras
Phone: 415-513-5330 email:

Christopher A.t. Pedras


Responce To: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 06, 2008

In Response to: Michaelg, Miami, Florida

Topic: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer
Thieves San Francisco California.

Dated: May 03, 2008

Body of Response to your comments and accusations:

My name is Christopher A. T. Pedras; I am the CEO for Maxum Gold Bnk Ltd. My direct phone number is 415-513-5330, my direct fax number is 415-513-5343 and my direct email is
Maxum Gold Bnk, Premier Mortgage Capital, Eric Beans, nor I have anything to hide in the operation of our business. So please feel free to contact me directly over your issues and here is why. I do not know you and to the best of my knowledge, we have never done business with you (michaelg).

1. You have made accusations and comments that are very serious, you have not offered, but only alluded to having some kind of documentation that shows a truthful, legally established business relationship with Maxum Gold Bnk and me.

2. Your claim of wrongdoing is very unclear; Maxum did not fire you, because we did not hire you.

3. You stated that Maxum has miss-represent itself to you. Maxum has a very clear disclaimer on its web site that tells you, as we do when we speak to anyone, as to whom and what we are, and how we operate. It is again followed by all of that terrible paperwork, that is once again designed to make our role within the system, very clear to avoid such things as this poorly and contradictory writing of yours (re-read it .. it makes no real sense).

4. For the record, let me see if this sound familiar to you: MGB does not, own, buy, sell or maintain, inventory of REO's. We operate in concert with our sourcing bank (Premier Mortgage Capital), in the capacity only to pre-screen the actual buyer, period.

5. You have stated RIP OFF, and that Maxum is a thief. What is your loss? Does Maxum owe you money? If so, for what do we owe, what transaction did we do with you that netted some compensation?

Produce the paperwork to me directly, the CEO of the company, that you stated owes you and has RIPPED YOU OFF. Prove your position to me, directly. Because Maxum Gold Bnk, does not do business, nor will we ever do business, without all the paperwork in place first. Once you have presented your case to me directly and we have had the opportunity to speak with each other directly we will resolve your issues.

If in fact you feel that Maxum Gold Bnk has taken something from you and owes you money for something, please make your claim to me directly. I will work to fix that very quickly. To the best of my knowledge there are no claims made by anyone against MGB for lack of completion. Consequently, if your issues have nothing to do with Maxum Gold Bnk owing you money, we will insist that you write a retraction and an apology for your statements and actions taken thus far.
Now Maxum Gold Bnk has publicly stated our position and what it is willing to do to clear this up honestly, fairly, and with good business practice.

Respond within 72 hours of this posting, if not then most everyone reading this trash will pretty much understand the truth by the way use your real name and contact data, just like me; after all I have nothing to hide from anyone.

Thank you
Christopher A. T. Pedras
Phone: 415-513-5330 email:

Christopher A.t. Pedras


Responce To: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 06, 2008

In Response to: Michaelg, Miami, Florida

Topic: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer
Thieves San Francisco California.

Dated: May 03, 2008

Body of Response to your comments and accusations:

My name is Christopher A. T. Pedras; I am the CEO for Maxum Gold Bnk Ltd. My direct phone number is 415-513-5330, my direct fax number is 415-513-5343 and my direct email is
Maxum Gold Bnk, Premier Mortgage Capital, Eric Beans, nor I have anything to hide in the operation of our business. So please feel free to contact me directly over your issues and here is why. I do not know you and to the best of my knowledge, we have never done business with you (michaelg).

1. You have made accusations and comments that are very serious, you have not offered, but only alluded to having some kind of documentation that shows a truthful, legally established business relationship with Maxum Gold Bnk and me.

2. Your claim of wrongdoing is very unclear; Maxum did not fire you, because we did not hire you.

3. You stated that Maxum has miss-represent itself to you. Maxum has a very clear disclaimer on its web site that tells you, as we do when we speak to anyone, as to whom and what we are, and how we operate. It is again followed by all of that terrible paperwork, that is once again designed to make our role within the system, very clear to avoid such things as this poorly and contradictory writing of yours (re-read it .. it makes no real sense).

4. For the record, let me see if this sound familiar to you: MGB does not, own, buy, sell or maintain, inventory of REO's. We operate in concert with our sourcing bank (Premier Mortgage Capital), in the capacity only to pre-screen the actual buyer, period.

5. You have stated RIP OFF, and that Maxum is a thief. What is your loss? Does Maxum owe you money? If so, for what do we owe, what transaction did we do with you that netted some compensation?

Produce the paperwork to me directly, the CEO of the company, that you stated owes you and has RIPPED YOU OFF. Prove your position to me, directly. Because Maxum Gold Bnk, does not do business, nor will we ever do business, without all the paperwork in place first. Once you have presented your case to me directly and we have had the opportunity to speak with each other directly we will resolve your issues.

If in fact you feel that Maxum Gold Bnk has taken something from you and owes you money for something, please make your claim to me directly. I will work to fix that very quickly. To the best of my knowledge there are no claims made by anyone against MGB for lack of completion. Consequently, if your issues have nothing to do with Maxum Gold Bnk owing you money, we will insist that you write a retraction and an apology for your statements and actions taken thus far.
Now Maxum Gold Bnk has publicly stated our position and what it is willing to do to clear this up honestly, fairly, and with good business practice.

Respond within 72 hours of this posting, if not then most everyone reading this trash will pretty much understand the truth by the way use your real name and contact data, just like me; after all I have nothing to hide from anyone.

Thank you
Christopher A. T. Pedras
Phone: 415-513-5330 email:

Christopher A.t. Pedras


Responce To: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 06, 2008

In Response to: Michaelg, Miami, Florida

Topic: Maxum Gold Bnk & Premier Mortgage Capital Fake REO Sellers and Buyer
Thieves San Francisco California.

Dated: May 03, 2008

Body of Response to your comments and accusations:

My name is Christopher A. T. Pedras; I am the CEO for Maxum Gold Bnk Ltd. My direct phone number is 415-513-5330, my direct fax number is 415-513-5343 and my direct email is
Maxum Gold Bnk, Premier Mortgage Capital, Eric Beans, nor I have anything to hide in the operation of our business. So please feel free to contact me directly over your issues and here is why. I do not know you and to the best of my knowledge, we have never done business with you (michaelg).

1. You have made accusations and comments that are very serious, you have not offered, but only alluded to having some kind of documentation that shows a truthful, legally established business relationship with Maxum Gold Bnk and me.

2. Your claim of wrongdoing is very unclear; Maxum did not fire you, because we did not hire you.

3. You stated that Maxum has miss-represent itself to you. Maxum has a very clear disclaimer on its web site that tells you, as we do when we speak to anyone, as to whom and what we are, and how we operate. It is again followed by all of that terrible paperwork, that is once again designed to make our role within the system, very clear to avoid such things as this poorly and contradictory writing of yours (re-read it .. it makes no real sense).

4. For the record, let me see if this sound familiar to you: MGB does not, own, buy, sell or maintain, inventory of REO's. We operate in concert with our sourcing bank (Premier Mortgage Capital), in the capacity only to pre-screen the actual buyer, period.

5. You have stated RIP OFF, and that Maxum is a thief. What is your loss? Does Maxum owe you money? If so, for what do we owe, what transaction did we do with you that netted some compensation?

Produce the paperwork to me directly, the CEO of the company, that you stated owes you and has RIPPED YOU OFF. Prove your position to me, directly. Because Maxum Gold Bnk, does not do business, nor will we ever do business, without all the paperwork in place first. Once you have presented your case to me directly and we have had the opportunity to speak with each other directly we will resolve your issues.

If in fact you feel that Maxum Gold Bnk has taken something from you and owes you money for something, please make your claim to me directly. I will work to fix that very quickly. To the best of my knowledge there are no claims made by anyone against MGB for lack of completion. Consequently, if your issues have nothing to do with Maxum Gold Bnk owing you money, we will insist that you write a retraction and an apology for your statements and actions taken thus far.
Now Maxum Gold Bnk has publicly stated our position and what it is willing to do to clear this up honestly, fairly, and with good business practice.

Respond within 72 hours of this posting, if not then most everyone reading this trash will pretty much understand the truth by the way use your real name and contact data, just like me; after all I have nothing to hide from anyone.

Thank you
Christopher A. T. Pedras
Phone: 415-513-5330 email:

Eric Beans



#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 06, 2008

I was forwarded this report by an associate of mine.

The REO business is not an exact science. I am a mortgage banker. We do have access to some bulk assets- some REO's, builder surplus, notes and commercial properties.

It is not a "Clearing House". We do not take orders and fill them. We find out what people want, and if it's available or comes available we send them over.

To slander Chris Pedras- an ex Department or Treasury agent and me, an owner of a nationwide mortgage company without a single specific example is upsetting.

No one at Maxum or at Premier knows a common "Mike". I would challenge "Mike" to reveal his real name and specifics of how this is a scam. I would guess it's a competitor of Maxum's or another broker whom we chose not to deal with.

We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and have a great reputation among professionals in the business. This report filed is a cowardly cheap shot with the only reality being the names and companies affilliated.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns...and that includes "Mike" (whoever that is).

Respond to this Report!