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  • Report:  #378483

Complaint Review: Walmart

McCain unqualified - The winner of this election will have a chance to take America into the 21st century. I can only see our country leading the way if we elect the young man who worked for everything to get to where he is today. Washington DC, Phoenix, Sedona Arizona Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Altamonte Springs Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 05, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, November 05, 2008
*Consumer Comment: Thanx god *Consumer Comment: How did McCain rip you off? *Consumer Comment: d**n Right! *Consumer Suggestion: it will be different truue, *Consumer Comment: More info please! *Consumer Comment: 'Good Person'. You just made a series of false assertions. *Consumer Comment: TIME TO BE RID OF BOTH PARTIES *Consumer Comment: You broke the rules of RipOffReport by using profanity. *Consumer Comment: Mccain voters are nothing but bullies *Consumer Comment: Mccain voters are nothing but bullies *Consumer Comment: Mccain voters are nothing but bullies *Consumer Comment: Mccain voters are nothing but bullies *Consumer Comment: How did Senator McCain rip you off? *Consumer Comment: Just imagine how worse mccain would be then bush *Consumer Comment: I just don't trust mccain *Consumer Comment: Response to Charles... *Consumer Comment: To Edgeman *Consumer Comment: You mean $50,000? *Consumer Comment: Who cares what your political leanings are? *Consumer Comment: The republicans are worthless *Consumer Comment: Just one question *Consumer Suggestion: It's easy to attack McCain but what do I really know about Obama *Consumer Suggestion: It's easy to attack McCain but what do I really know about Obama *Consumer Suggestion: It's easy to attack McCain but what do I really know about Obama *Consumer Comment: To mike *Consumer Comment: Obama will receive my vote *Consumer Suggestion: Charles, don't look to the President for help! *Consumer Comment: My vote is for obama *Consumer Suggestion: Think before you share! *Consumer Comment: To mike they are no jobs *Consumer Comment: Hmmmm.... *Consumer Comment: Mccain Is the one who Is acting to cocky *Consumer Comment: For once I actually agree with Charles! Things must be bad!! *Consumer Comment: Mccain cannot deny he voted with bush 90% of the time *Consumer Comment: Tell the whole story *Consumer Comment: The entire Political System is RIPPING us OFF by making us believe that WE HAD A CHOICE!

McCain unqualified

I believe most will agree that this national election is the most important to our country in recent history. It most certainly is for me, and I am 81 years old. I personally see this as a contest between the two men running for president, (although the vice presidential candidates do effect the way I see the country going.)

One of the presidential candidates has worked his way to a great education. The other candidate was put in a special high school in order to get a high school diploma.

He did poorly. Because of family influence, he was given an appointment to Annapolis ahead of much more deserving young men. He finished fifth from the bottom in his class and showed a minimum of leadership skills. Because of family influence, he got into the pilot training program ahead of more deserving young men. He did poorly, crashed one plane, and still graduated. He crashed two more planes (probably pilot error) and still got promoted ahead of others in his Annapolis class.

One of the candidates has been married and faithful to the same women since they first walked down the aisle, while the other admits to many affairs and divorced an ailing wife to marry another women.

The winner of this election will have a chance to take America into the 21st century. I can only see our country leading the way if we elect the young man who worked for everything to get to where he is today.


The above letter was posted in the Mesa Tribune - I had to repost it here.

Good Person
Gilbert, Arizona

36 Updates & Rebuttals



The entire Political System is RIPPING us OFF by making us believe that WE HAD A CHOICE!

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, November 05, 2008





BUT SENATOR OBAMA WAS NOT SOME POOR STREET BLACK STRAIGHT FROM THE GHETTO! GO TO THE The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) web page and see for yourself.

And his father was no food stamp recipient either.


He is handsome, charismatic, absolutely brilliant, charming and ambitious and just AMAZING. I wanted to vote for him and was getting ready to vote for him because the LIES, CORRUPTION, DIRTY ECONOMIC TRICKS and CRONYISM that started with George H.W. Bush and increased through George W.Bush's Presidency and the same bunch of elites passing around political office nomination like they would pass around plates of hors o dourves at a country club or exclusive, private club was starting to CONCERN me.

Obama was PERFECT!

Then there was the flack about Joe Biden who swaggers and struts and pops off his mouth like a racketeering wiseguy.


And there was the former SDS member who has never relinquished his allegiance to COMMUNISM and the complete and total destruction of OUR WAY OF LIFE THAT MADE THIS COUNTRY A WORLD LEADER! Bill Ayers, himself an elite, limousine liberal and former student radical,not unlike Che Guevara -Ernesto was not poor kid from the barrio either, folks, he was a MEDICAL DOCTOR!

SDS had a splinter faction called Progressive Labor Movement and their avowed purpose was to infiltrate the most respected corporations and financial institutions and industries of the USA, and bankrupt them and destroy them "by any means necessary" so that their Communist allies could then come in and take over the USA and we would have the joys of totalitarian leadership because Lenin's ideas didn't work but Hitler's did and a n**i bullet kills as well as a Communist bullet.

I REMEMBER PROGRESSIVE LABOR MOVEMENT BECAUSE I REMEMBER THE STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (SDS) and the Weathermen radicals who came later,the ones who thought it was fun to kill police officer "just because" and a lot of them paid hardly any consequences because their parents were rich and could afford to keep the little brats out of trouble.

I wasn't out there attending love ins and smoking dope and dropping LSD and ruining my mind because I had not rich parents to give me a job or a trust fund where I didn't haev to worry about where my next dollar was coming from.

Mr Obama was NOT in this misguided elite group who were championing social justice by creating a New World Order but BILL AYERS WAS!

And while you don't have to agree with everything your friends say, your choice of friends and associates says a lot about you.

I also have to admit that the bloated spectral presence of a leering BILL CLINTON lurking in the background and having an opportunistic photo op moment with OBAMA didn't make me feel any better.

Senator McCain served honorably but dumping his wife after she got old and started looking her age after she was injured in an accident to go and get a trophy wife who was heiress to a fortune and has the money to look beautiful and chic forever said more about him unfortunately overshadowing his service to his country which was honorable. He was no poor kid either, he was the son of a full Admiral and those guys are no food stamp recipients either.

His running mate Sarah Palin won a beauty contest but she didn't come from just plainfolks either. he might have chosen a more viable candidate but it reminded me of the Clinton-Bush I Presidential
race Part TWO and the continuation of RICHARD NIXON's schemes to sell us out to the New World Order as well but he was almost impeached (And Clinton WAS impeached) and shamed into leaving office not only by the pretext of Watergate but because of all the other things he did that the American Public did not know about.

The fact that Palin was picked showed me that McCain knew he was a throwaway candidate who was hired to campaign out in the heartland ( THE ONLY TIME MOST OF THESE POLITICIANS CONCERN THEMSELVES WITH ORDINARY CITIZENS!) and put up a good showing so the American People would think they had a choice instead of the same old same old stuff inside the same two bottles with the DIFFERENT LABELS OUTSIDE but when you check it out, you will find that it is basically just the SAME OLD STUFF inside!


There is noplace left to run or I am afraid I would have been there.

When the USA as we know it is GONE, there is NO PLACE LEFT TO GO!
No refuge from oppression!

Guess Who?


Tell the whole story

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

You're not telling the whole common in politics, to take the worst half of a statement and create an entire purpose. It's equally deceptive on either side.

Here's a more accurate representation of the whole "McCain Voted WITH Bush 90+ percent of the time!" chestnut.

From FactCheck:

"...Obama's votes were in line with the president's position 40 percent of the time in 2007. That shouldn't be terribly surprising. Even the Senate's Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, voted with Bush 39 percent of the time last year, according to the way Congressional Quarterly rates the votes.

"The McCain campaign points out that Obama told a local TV interviewer recently that "the only bills that I voted for, for the most part, since I've been in the Senate were introduced by Republicans with George Bush." Obama was actually wrong about that. In 2006 he voted alongside the president 49 percent of the time, and in 2005, the year before Democrats took control of the Senate, Obama voted with the president only 33 percent of the time.

"Also, Obama voted in line with fellow Senate Democrats 97 percent of the time in 2007 and 2005, and 96 percent of the time in 2006, according to CQ.

"So to sum up, McCain has indeed voted to support the unpopular Bush 95 percent of the time most recently, but less so in earlier years. And Obama has voted pretty close to 100 percent in line with fellow Democrats during his brief Senate career."

Got that? The short form is, McCain's current voting cycle agrees with Bush THIS YEAR. In Earlier years, it was as low as 67 percent.

In the meantime, the man who has only been politically active for FOUR years (Just on the note of that whole "inexperienced" rhetoric)---or Obama, so as not to confuse some of our little friends with their hands out waiting for more---voted consistently over his political "career" over 90+ percent in line with the Democraps.

You need to investigate your soundbytes better.


Phenix City,

Mccain cannot deny he voted with bush 90% of the time

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, October 25, 2008

Mccain will harm the middle class people, mccain Is talking out of his a*s as usually.

Bush and the republicans have already screwed us. Mccains policys will cause the great depression In the 21st century.

People need to quit voting stupid people to ruin this country like bush/cheny these people are blind & they choose to be blind to the republican lies.

Mccain has voted with bush 90% of the time, & he says he Is not president bush what a smart mouth. Mccain cannot deny he voted with bush 90% of the time.

Many people are voting for mccain because he was taken prisioner which Is stupid. I am tired of the republicans taken away everything from us & making the rich richer & us poorer.

They are no opportunities for us while republicans are inpower, republicans want to destroy this country they do not care for america has they claim they do.

Republicans hate the middle class people they try to destroy us but It will never work, mccain Is saying anything to get elected.

Mccain/palin will destroy america.



For once I actually agree with Charles! Things must be bad!!

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

Charles is correct on the job situation. I got laid off 3 weeks ago from a good job, as my position was eliminated due to the Oct 1st budget cuts. Although I got a week severance pay and a good recommendation from that employer, it means nothing as there are no jobs in this area at all.

Unless...your primary language is not English and you live 12 in a house!!

I have literally seen ads that require a long list of requirements for an $8/hr job!
I was making more than $8/hr in 1985!! I left a job in 1984 that paid $7.23/hr with full benefits!

Now, nearly 25 years later when the cost of living has increased 4 fold, they are still offering $7/hr!

We have to get this illegal immigration thing handled, or none of us will have jobs, and English will be the 2nd language!

Although I do have my eye on a good income opportunity. I'm gonna start knocking off drug dealers! Easy money! And what can they do? Call the cops?

That's where I'm at.


Phenix City,

Mccain Is the one who Is acting to cocky

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

Mccain Is the one who Is acting to cocky. I dare for any mcbush voter to say anything about me voting for obama In my church or try to start road rage with me.

Mccain voters are nothing but bullies.

Mccain has never addressed the real issues concerning america all mccain & palin has done Is attack & smear obama.

The republicans had 8 years to help get things taken care of before these financial crisis they didn't they need to understand we do not want them In the white house anymore.




#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Wow you just gotta love it when opinions start getting thrown around like darts at a dartboard. And we all know what they say about opinions. But in reading everyone's opinions I have to say that there have been valid points made on both sides. There have been false accusations made aswell. But when you break things down does it really matter who we elect? I mean sure our votes count but not as much as a super delegates does. Whomever gets elected isn't going to change the fact, and yes it is a fact, that our country gives out more money to foreign countries every year that as a country we cannot afford. And I don't mean giving them money in exchange for goods and services, they just give it to them to help with whatever tragedy might be going on there. Just so our country can have a hand in their cookie jar. Meanwhile here US citizens, legitimate US citizens, can't get a loan for a home. Are turned down on a regular basis for state and federal aide because it is monopolized by the numerous illegal immagrants sucking every last drop from this country that they can. Our tired, poor and huddled masses are ineffect still tired, poor and huddled masses because it's more important to have good standing foreign relations than to take care of the people in your own country. I mean the rich and overly wealthy celebrities in our country are too good to adopt a poor unfortunate child in this country, they have to adopt a child from a poor foreign country. And yes it is sad that any child no matter what country they are in should be made to suffer for the mistakes and the greed of the adults that are supposed to protect them. But honestly when is it going to be time to let these other countries fend for themselves and focus on taking care of this country and it's people. Because of the inept dealings and greed of our state and government officials this country is slowly on the decline and headed for the realm of becoming a third world country itself. There is only so many tired, poor and huddled masses that can be taken care of at one time, and I for one feel that it's time to take care of our own and let these other countries stand up and take accountability for themselves and take care of themselves for a change and give us hard working American citizens a chance to breathe and take care of our own. Only the men with their names on the ballod will be the winners while our country will continue to be a loser. Not a sermon, just a thought.


Phenix City,

To mike they are no jobs

#37Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2008

To mike they are no jobs. The republicans have done away with them & the government sent them over seas. I have tried looking for a job but with all the workplace harassment & bullying & discrinmantion, its hard to find or hold a job.

Employers can terminate good employees even If you haven't done nothing wrong! that Is the problem today.

People are even committing suicide because of not being able to find a job & because of employee abuse.

But I am not going to commit suicide but to some people they think that Is the only way out. I do blame the republicans for all this mess.

No matter what bad times I am going threw I am not going to commit suicide or even if I can't find a job.

I am just thankful for what I have.


Fountain Inn,
South Carolina,

Think before you share!

#37Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

Charles, I think we should clarify a few things.

Things that I know you don't know about me:
1. I am not a fan of Fox News.
2. I am not a fan of McCain or Bush
3. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans, based on who I thought was better suited.
4. I make my voting decisions based on reality and good old fashioned research.

Things I think that I know about you:
1. You are a relatively young adult
2. You spend more time thinking about who should do something for you, than what you should do for you.
3. You probably blame somebody else for every misfortune in your life.
4. You will be at the mercy of the government for the rest of your life because you feel that the government owes you a life and how dare anyone put that free ride at risk.

Now that we have that out of the way, there is no reason why you have to keep heading down this path. No matter your situation, the past is the past. Take a look at your life and decide of you want to be at the mercy of some ruthless politician for the rest of your life. If so, keep it up young man, keep it up.

If not, decide right now to stop complaining, stop blaming and start working on your own future because nobody else is working on your future for you.

Mike's 5 rules to live by:

1. I am responsible for me and nobody will share in the Blame for my failures or the Glory for my successes. No Democrat or Republican has taken that from you.

2. Success is not an automatic right of every American but we are given the chance to succeed or Fail based on our own efforts. No Republican or Democrat has taken that right from you.

3. If I want to be given the chance to hit a home run in life I must be willing to strike out. Many people live their entire life unwilling to strike out so they blame others for not being given the chance to hit a home run.

4. Think of your career like a fireplace. If you want to get something out of it, you must first put something into it. Your fireplace does not owe you heat. You do not deserve heat.

5. In all of life, if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Look at your postings here. You spend your time complaining about Republicans for complaining about Democrats.

I'm no longer sure why I'm involved in this dialogue but it's been fun. Post what you want to post, that is your right but be careful what you spend your time thinking about because, in the words of a very wise man, We become what we think about and you have some stinking thinking going on


Phenix City,

My vote is for obama

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

To mike did I strike a nerve. The republicans are the cause of the poverty In america people did have jobs but with all the employer abuses going on people get fired for no reason.

I don't care what people say If you want to believe that garbage on fox news then go ahead Its because of what you and others say Is the reason why I am voting for obama.

The republicans are the cause why we fight among each other, they just love It. The republicans had there chance to change things but instead all they have done for the last 8 years was fight & bicker about democrats.

People don't like It If I say well that Is there problem.

I just don't trust mccain It Is just frightening to think of mccain & palin incharge of this country.

Every attack mccain & palin do Is backfiring on them obama Is leading In the polls & he Is the projected winner In the electorial vote.

Republicans have to realize we do not want them In control of this country anymore, they are not fair to the middle class people they like to take things away from us.


Fountain Inn,
South Carolina,

Charles, don't look to the President for help!

#37Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

You spend a whole lot of time on this site, bashing McCain and seemingly all Republicans about your poverty.


That is what we as Americans, do for ourselves. I am not interested in making your house payment or car payment. I do not want the government to make me pay your payments. I do what I need to do to cover my financial needs even if it means working two or three jobs.

Why would you blame McCain for your laziness.


Phenix City,

Obama will receive my vote

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

I don't care what other people say. They have been brainwashed buy fox news & mccian don't vote for obama.

It just frightens what mccain & palin will do to this country. I have seen the people In my area with mccain/palin signs In there yards & how nice there house Is.

The people who vote for obama don't have has nice because of the middle class people are being treated today we will have nothing If mccain Is elected. Employers will continue abusing employees.

Mccain/palin are no good for this country. They will take everything away from the middle class people & there will be more poverty In this country thanks to the republicans.

Obama has my vote.


Phenix City,

To mike

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

I see fox news & mccain have fooled you well they have not fooled me. I will vote for obama no matter what anyone says. Republicans just do not want a democrat in the white house again period.

Republicans are going after obama hot & heavy but nothing they say will change my mind.

Its just frightening & scary to think of mccain & palin incharge of the money of economy.

Mccain will do more harm to this country, then what bush has already done to it. The republicans are not going to get another 12 years.

The republicans had there chance to change things, but they have failed. There is more americans in poverty then they where 8 years ago. The republicans had there chance to fix the poverty In america they have failed.

Its time for a change mccain/palin is not the answer I don't care what people think. I am not even watching the news coverage my mind Is already made up to vote for obama no matter what the tv networks says!.

This Is a time to help the americans who are In poverty & give everybody opportunities to get ahead In life, besides employers abuses & wrongfully terminanting employees who has done nothing wrong.

It seems bad employees get to keep there jobs because they are good liars!.

It just scares me to death about mccain being incharge.


Fountain Inn,
South Carolina,

It's easy to attack McCain but what do I really know about Obama

#37Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 14, 2008

We, as Americans, need to take a really careful look at Barack Obama. I am just an Electrician from SC and my opinion is just that but I have become disturbed by what I have learned over the last few weeks about Barack Obama.

I will try not to appear to lash out, attack or otherwise spew hateful things here. This is just one American's thought.

I was involved in a long debate with some friends of mine and was sent some things to look at. Some of them were not able to be fully verified by me so I won't include them. Others were found by me to be credible and so I will share them. I intended to vote for Obama and have clearly changed my mind. Here is my information.

1. Barack Obama has had a long and personal relationship with domestic terrorists and has no way of hiding it. His associations are too complete to deny. That does not make him a domestic terrorist but it calls his Character into question for me. If it is not a bad thing then why did he deny it until the other side proved it.

2. Barack Obama has misrepresented his involvement with the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac issue and more completely the national mortgage crisis as a whole. I was sent a PowerPoint Presentation that gave someone's version of the facts that led to the mortgage mess that we are in. I took a look at the file and was convinced that it was wrong so I decided to verify every detail. I did and was very surprised to find that it was dead accurate. If you want a copy of it, send me a message at: I will send it to you.

3. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that Barack Obama will not participate in the Pledge of allegiance. I thought that was another Republican smoke screen. IT IS TRUE, HE WILL NOT DO IT! I am an American and I will defend this country against any threat, domestic or foreign. Each of us owe a debt of gratitude to each and every American soldier for their service. In my opinion, if you cannot pledge your allegiance to this country, you need to leave it. Maybe there is more to this situation and if so I would love to hear it but as of this moment, I can't find any logical explanation.

All I can say is that John McCain will receive my vote, even though I don't like everything about him, I know that he will look out for my son, in the US Army and that is more important to me than anything in this election.


Fountain Inn,
South Carolina,

It's easy to attack McCain but what do I really know about Obama

#37Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 14, 2008

We, as Americans, need to take a really careful look at Barack Obama. I am just an Electrician from SC and my opinion is just that but I have become disturbed by what I have learned over the last few weeks about Barack Obama.

I will try not to appear to lash out, attack or otherwise spew hateful things here. This is just one American's thought.

I was involved in a long debate with some friends of mine and was sent some things to look at. Some of them were not able to be fully verified by me so I won't include them. Others were found by me to be credible and so I will share them. I intended to vote for Obama and have clearly changed my mind. Here is my information.

1. Barack Obama has had a long and personal relationship with domestic terrorists and has no way of hiding it. His associations are too complete to deny. That does not make him a domestic terrorist but it calls his Character into question for me. If it is not a bad thing then why did he deny it until the other side proved it.

2. Barack Obama has misrepresented his involvement with the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac issue and more completely the national mortgage crisis as a whole. I was sent a PowerPoint Presentation that gave someone's version of the facts that led to the mortgage mess that we are in. I took a look at the file and was convinced that it was wrong so I decided to verify every detail. I did and was very surprised to find that it was dead accurate. If you want a copy of it, send me a message at: I will send it to you.

3. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that Barack Obama will not participate in the Pledge of allegiance. I thought that was another Republican smoke screen. IT IS TRUE, HE WILL NOT DO IT! I am an American and I will defend this country against any threat, domestic or foreign. Each of us owe a debt of gratitude to each and every American soldier for their service. In my opinion, if you cannot pledge your allegiance to this country, you need to leave it. Maybe there is more to this situation and if so I would love to hear it but as of this moment, I can't find any logical explanation.

All I can say is that John McCain will receive my vote, even though I don't like everything about him, I know that he will look out for my son, in the US Army and that is more important to me than anything in this election.


Fountain Inn,
South Carolina,

It's easy to attack McCain but what do I really know about Obama

#37Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 14, 2008

We, as Americans, need to take a really careful look at Barack Obama. I am just an Electrician from SC and my opinion is just that but I have become disturbed by what I have learned over the last few weeks about Barack Obama.

I will try not to appear to lash out, attack or otherwise spew hateful things here. This is just one American's thought.

I was involved in a long debate with some friends of mine and was sent some things to look at. Some of them were not able to be fully verified by me so I won't include them. Others were found by me to be credible and so I will share them. I intended to vote for Obama and have clearly changed my mind. Here is my information.

1. Barack Obama has had a long and personal relationship with domestic terrorists and has no way of hiding it. His associations are too complete to deny. That does not make him a domestic terrorist but it calls his Character into question for me. If it is not a bad thing then why did he deny it until the other side proved it.

2. Barack Obama has misrepresented his involvement with the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac issue and more completely the national mortgage crisis as a whole. I was sent a PowerPoint Presentation that gave someone's version of the facts that led to the mortgage mess that we are in. I took a look at the file and was convinced that it was wrong so I decided to verify every detail. I did and was very surprised to find that it was dead accurate. If you want a copy of it, send me a message at: I will send it to you.

3. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that Barack Obama will not participate in the Pledge of allegiance. I thought that was another Republican smoke screen. IT IS TRUE, HE WILL NOT DO IT! I am an American and I will defend this country against any threat, domestic or foreign. Each of us owe a debt of gratitude to each and every American soldier for their service. In my opinion, if you cannot pledge your allegiance to this country, you need to leave it. Maybe there is more to this situation and if so I would love to hear it but as of this moment, I can't find any logical explanation.

All I can say is that John McCain will receive my vote, even though I don't like everything about him, I know that he will look out for my son, in the US Army and that is more important to me than anything in this election.


Phenix City,

Just one question

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Just one question If this report is about mccain, why did they make It about walmart. Doesn't make sense.


Phenix City,

The republicans are worthless

#37Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

The republicans are the worthless party. The democrats give the middle class people a break they are for the people, & creating jobs not taking them from people.

Also sense the republicans are In power In the state of georgia employees have not been treated fairly or the people of alabama who work In georgia. The unemployment office Is not being fair to the employees.

Its a waste of time for employees to file appeals because the hearing office always Is in favor of the employer & the board of review Is not for the employee.

So basically employees are screwed. The employer has to provide proof that you done something wrong to be fired & they haven't & the unemployment cannot see the employers lies they do not want to see It.

It has been horrible for the last 5 years, & there Is nothing we can do about It.



Who cares what your political leanings are?

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

I would love to know how this relates to this website as all it appears to be is a bunch of political bashing under the pretense of warning others about wally world.

Both parties lie, both parties make promises they never follow up on, both parties are basically worthless.

But the biggest joke of all is Joe "the joke" Biden, who has represented Delaware for well over 20 years, has run for the presidency a couple times already but then withdrew earlier this year & is still running for not only a veep seat but also his Senate seat as a Rep of ***Delaware***!!!
But yet the press & his own campaign laud him as being **Pennsylviana's*** boy.

Uh huh, go post your political wanderings on a personal blog or some poly site but not here, okay??

A bystander who is neither democrat nor republican but independent who is forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils but there doesnt seem to be anyone this time around.



You mean $50,000?

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

I think you meant the Republicans got $50,000 more, not half a million more. Even then, that doesn't amount to all that much when divided among a number of House and Senate members.

As you can see, large companies like WalMart pay both parties lots of money. They are covering their bases that way.


Phenix City,

To Edgeman

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

And you can see edgeman walmart gave more money to republicans almost $500,000. Walmart almost gave bush a half of million dollars.

It Is no wonder they think they can abuse there employees & abuse there custormers!.

My opinion walmart should fire any employee If they give any custormer a hardtime over nothing!, but they don't. These days employees @ walmart or any business get away with abusing the custormer.

This should be a policy @ any business If the employee doesn't do there job or gives the custormer a hardtime or abuses them they should be first right then not let It get so out of control where the police have to be called!.



Response to Charles...

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

Actually, WalMart gave big money to both parties. The Democrats received $439,000 this cycle and the Republicans got $492,000.

The Republicans got a few percantage points more, but both parties got the so called "big money".

Can somebody explain why people post political rants on Why not post on a recipe website while you're at it?


Phenix City,

I just don't trust mccain

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

Big deal If mccain was capture & held hostage they where alot of veterans have suffered more then he has they deserve to be president just like him.

I have heard on t.v. that mccain plans to cut of money If elected president to cut of money to all verterans, why would he do his own veterans that way so mccain could have everything for himself!.

If mccain would treat the veterans that way mccain don't deserve to be president. Mccain will cut of money to all V8 offices & just leave the verterans out In the cold.

The same man asking parents to send there kids to iraq & when they get back they would be homeless cause mccain would not give a crap about them!.

They would just have to fight to get there benefits that they deserve already & mcshame will take that from them.

They are lots of verterans who will not vote for mccain because of this!. Why vote for someone who will take everything away from you.

Mccain will not be a good president, he will be a good president to the rich pricks & people who has money but mccain will not be good to us!.

I will be voting for obama. I am sick of being left behind & not getting ahead In life!. And being treated like garbage.


Phenix City,

Just imagine how worse mccain would be then bush

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

Ya'll think we have had It worse under bush It would be 1000 times worse If mccain Is president.

The republicans are trying to scare us voters into voting fot them buy saying there Is another great depression coming.

Well I am not voting for republicans, I hope walmart suffers for giving big money to the republicans Its no wonder there custormer service sucks & they treat employees bad!.



How did Senator McCain rip you off?

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

Did he sell you a car and the car turned out to be a lemon?
Did he promise to fix your roof, took money and never came back?
Did he steal your microwave while promising to fix it?
Did he pose as a lawyer and try to make you pay an old debt through intimidation tactics??
I say NO
This is one stupid post - No rip off here - If you want to debate politics then go to a chat room or one of your local venues that deals with politics
Rip Off Report is for REAL rip offs not political debates - you don't like the man don't vote for the man


Phenix City,

Mccain voters are nothing but bullies

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Mccain voters arent nothing but bullies. I have read the bush fans In other bush reports that they have cursed @ people but do they get anything said to them no they do not!.

Mccain has never said a thing how he would help the middle class people, I don't care what fox news says or what hannity says or what palin says. I will vote for obama.

The mccain supporters will not get there chance to turn another 4 years into a dictatorship country like they have done for the last 8 years!.

Mccain picked the wrong woman to be his vice president the republicans are using her to attack obama.

The republicans are the cause of this mess we need to get rid of republicans once & for all!.


Phenix City,

Mccain voters are nothing but bullies

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Mccain voters arent nothing but bullies. I have read the bush fans In other bush reports that they have cursed @ people but do they get anything said to them no they do not!.

Mccain has never said a thing how he would help the middle class people, I don't care what fox news says or what hannity says or what palin says. I will vote for obama.

The mccain supporters will not get there chance to turn another 4 years into a dictatorship country like they have done for the last 8 years!.

Mccain picked the wrong woman to be his vice president the republicans are using her to attack obama.

The republicans are the cause of this mess we need to get rid of republicans once & for all!.


Phenix City,

Mccain voters are nothing but bullies

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Mccain voters arent nothing but bullies. I have read the bush fans In other bush reports that they have cursed @ people but do they get anything said to them no they do not!.

Mccain has never said a thing how he would help the middle class people, I don't care what fox news says or what hannity says or what palin says. I will vote for obama.

The mccain supporters will not get there chance to turn another 4 years into a dictatorship country like they have done for the last 8 years!.

Mccain picked the wrong woman to be his vice president the republicans are using her to attack obama.

The republicans are the cause of this mess we need to get rid of republicans once & for all!.


Phenix City,

Mccain voters are nothing but bullies

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Mccain voters arent nothing but bullies. I have read the bush fans In other bush reports that they have cursed @ people but do they get anything said to them no they do not!.

Mccain has never said a thing how he would help the middle class people, I don't care what fox news says or what hannity says or what palin says. I will vote for obama.

The mccain supporters will not get there chance to turn another 4 years into a dictatorship country like they have done for the last 8 years!.

Mccain picked the wrong woman to be his vice president the republicans are using her to attack obama.

The republicans are the cause of this mess we need to get rid of republicans once & for all!.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

You broke the rules of RipOffReport by using profanity.

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Phoenix, Arizona
D..n Right!

You broke the rules of RipOffReport by using profanity. Read the words right next to the 'Submit' button BEFORE you push it.

'John McCain never spent a day in Arizona until the Republican Party moved him here to run for a vacant Senate seat. They used call guys like that 'carpetbaggers.' He is nothing but an opportunist.'

This is false until YOU prove it true. Where is your brain?

'He is not a 'war hero.' He screwed up and got captured by the enemy. I do not mean to belittle the hell he went through as a POW, but there was nothing heroic about being captured.'

This is false until YOU prove it true. Where is your brain?

'John McCain is really George McBush III. If you think you are better off today than you were 8 years ago, then you ought to just love this guy. The rest of us are voting for Obama.'

This is false until YOU prove it true. You misspelled 'Bush'. Who are 'us'? What does Mcdonalds have to do with anything here? Where is your brain?

Assertions cannot be both false and true. Therefore if you cannot prove them true, they are false. Can you even deal with that? It is YOUR burden to prove!

'Good Person'

While you are spending all week trying to make your assertions come true, answer the following questions for all of us:

1. Which store ripped you off?
2. Have you talked to the store manager or area supervisor yet?
3. Do you have the receipts showing what you purchased as proof of your rip-off?
4. How much money did the store rip you off for?
5. Have you tried the 'Better' Business Bureau Yet?
6. What was the final outcome?

Until you do these things we cannot tell if the store ripped you off or not.

'Good Person' and 'Larry':

Go find yourself a chat room. That is where you belong.

The above is my opinion and my opinion only.




#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Both the Democrats and Republicans have proven time and again they cannot be trusted to run this country! Regardless of which party has the presidency.


Elect as many 3rd parties as we can and send a loud clear message - WE ARE NOT TAKING THE BS FROM EITHER SIDE ANYMORE!


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

'Good Person'. You just made a series of false assertions.

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Biloxi, Mississippi

Very articulate post 'David'.

I would like to see 'Good Person prove his allegations also. Of course he cannot even begin to do that. Some people just forget to 'think or cannot 'think'. But through the WHOLE post? Unbelievable!

According to the laws of Philosophy-Logic, an assertion cannot be both true AND false at the SAME time and if the assertion cannot be proved true, it is, by the same law, COMPLETELY FALSE! Of course 'Good person' does not understand elementary logic.

Therefore, 'Good Person'. You just made a series of FALSE assertions. They will REMAIN FALSE until YOU, or someone else, successfuly prove each and every one of them TRUE separately!

So get some help and get started proving your assertions now. On your next post, show that they are all TRUE. I DARE YOU. DO IT NOW!

The above is my opinion and my opinion only.



More info please!

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

I find the McCain posting to be very interesting and would like more info. Are your comments first-hand info or just rumors you have heard? The following info would go a long way to verifying your comments and giving voters some hard facts to make their decisions with!

(1) What "special high school" did he have to get a diploma from?

(2) You said, "He did poorly". Do you have a copy of his report card?

(3) You said, "family influence got him into Annapolis ahead of more deserving men". What family influence? Is he connected to the DuPonts? The Kennedys? And who were these more deserving men that he went ahead of? What were their qualifications compared to his? Do you have any documentation or is this all rumor? You are 81 years old. So you are (hopefully) enjoying a well-deserved retirement and have had the time to research/obtain some facts to back up your statements. Plus, you obviously have a computer to do some of the research with. Please post some documentation/facts for us so we can make an informed decision.

(4) "He finished fifth from the bottom in his class and showed a minimum of leadership skills" Please provide transcript, documentation, or whatever...
I've been to several military schools and know that leadership skills ARE evaluated. So this should also be a matter of record that can be verified.

(5) "crashed one plane, and still graduated. He crashed two more planes (probably pilot error) and still got promoted ahead of others in his Annapolis class."
Fascinating! All crashes are investigated and reports are filed when complete. This should be easy for you to provide documentation on. And "promoted ahead of others in his class." Promotion lists are generated for each promotion group...and the names of each person in a graduating class is published and handed out (as any high school graduate knows) for each graduation. I look forward to seeing the copies of these that you will provide.

I know we all hear lots of rumors about people. The dirtier, the better! I hope this is not the case this time.

I truly hope you can provide (at least) some documentation for the statements you have made. As an former officer in the Air Force, you surely know that documentation is the key to any successful report. Anything else is just hearsay, rumor, and innuendo and should be treated as such.



it will be different truue,

#37Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 06, 2008

If you want you taxes raised and all the money you made taken away by the government fine. go for it,

If you want to see everthing YOU worked for taken away go for it,

If you want to see people NEVER taking personal responsiblity for their own welfare and for their children and waiting for the GOVERNMENT to take care of them, go for it,

If you want to see your 4yr old into FORCED pre-school government run pre-schools instead of their MOMMY teaching these things then go for it,

It is bad enough they want to take money out of MY pocket, but when they start messing with my child, now that is ENOUGH!That is not taking us into the 21st Century!

Your'e right it is a Rip-ff, but only on Obama's side.

Sad if you ask me.

For the record I am not for McCain, but I am thrilled about Obama LESS and I for one am not buying what they are saying! I am not Going for it!



d**n Right!

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

John McCain never spent a day in Arizona until the Republican Party moved him here to run for a vacant Senate seat. They used call guys like that "carpetbaggers." He is nothing but an opportunist.

He is not a "war hero." He screwed up and got captured by the enemy. I do not mean to belittle the hell he went through as a POW, but there was nothing heroic about being captured.

John McCain is really George McBush III. If you think you are better off today than you were 8 years ago, then you ought to just love this guy. The rest of us are voting for Obama.

I'm the 60-year-old white guy in Arizona voting for Obama.



How did McCain rip you off?

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

This is an odd site to post political rhetoric, isn't it?

NOTE: I am not a McCain supporter, nor will I vote for Obama. I just don't see why you would post this here.


Phenix City,

Thanx god

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Thank god that they are smart voters out there who can see threw mccains lies. They are no opportunities for the middle class people.

Most of us are still thankful to have a rook over our head, everyone has lost something during the last 8 years due to employers cutting jobs abusing there power & terminating people for no reason.

Some people are already on the streets due to the republicans but I refuse to let the republicans take anything from me or my life away. There has been alot of abuses towards the middle class people during these last 8 years.

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