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MD247 They sometimes show up as "Health" or "Medical" on the credit card bill. Med discount scam Largo, Florida
We signed up for this service eight months ago because no doctors or dentists in Florida accepted the plan. Worse, they tagged on a free Legal referral service with details to come in the mail that also never materialized. They took $19/mo till I cancelled out of frustration three months later.
Then three months went by and they mysteriously started charging me 49.90 again! I some how missed this stealth charge the first and second months because they use different names and numbers like Pharma, Health and Medical. But this month I put a stop charge on it and my banks fraud dept is looking into it. A quick search on the internet shows these guys are grade 1 hustlers who have swindled many more in the past. They even bought a domain name called because they knew 1000's would be typing that into the search engine ...
Best to never give these guys your bank or credit card data. You will get ripped off and then you never know when they will try to misuse your card details again!